Title: bbbb
1Bucharest, 8 - 12 April 2008
B star seismology W.A. Dziembowski, Warsaw
University Obsevatory and Copernicus
Astronomical Center
BRITE WorkShop
Vienna, July 1-4, 2008
2B star seismology
To improve data on massive main sequence stars
To constrain parameters of stellar modeling
To determine interior rotation rate
Be and Bp stars
Distances and ages of young stellar systems.
Chemical evolution of galaxies
Interpretation of frequency and amplitude data
Construction of seismic stellar models
3Unsolved problems in modeling upper MS stars
Macroscopic mixing processes overshooting,
semiconvection , meridional cirulation, rotation
induced turbulence
4Unsolved problems in modeling upper MS stars
macroscopic mixing processes overshooting,
semiconveciton , meridional cirulation, rotation
induced turbulence size of the mixed
core element abundance in atmosphere
5Unsolved problems in modeling upper MS stars
macroscopic mixing processes overshooting,
semiconvection , meridional cirulation, rotation
induced turbulence size of the mixed
core element abundance in atmosphere
evolution of internal rotation merdional,
circulation, viscous and magnetic torque, (e.g.
Meynet 2008, Spruit 2006).
Active role of oscillations (Ando 1983, Lee
Saio 1993)
6Unsolved problems in modeling upper MS stars
macroscopic mixing processes overshooting,
semiconvection , meridional cirulation, rotation
induced turbulence size of the mixed
core element abundance in atmosphere
evolution of internal rotation merdional,
circulation, viscous and magnetic torque, (e.g.
Meynet 2008, Spruit 2006).
Active role of oscillations (Ando 1983, Lee
Saio 1993)
mass and angular momentum loss
7Estimate of internal rotation rate is the most
important task for B star seismology
8B-type pulsators progenitors of Cepheids, White
Dwarfs and SNe
from PamyatnykhZdravkov (2007)
9Two instability domains and single driving
two types of unstable modes ? two instability
low order g- and p-modes ? ? Cep
high order g-modes ? SPB
there are hybrid pulsators
10There are both very rapid and very slow rotators
among B-type pulsators
Rapid rotation does not change the essence of
the driving mechanism
Downward extention of the instability
domain Savonije, Townsend (2005) , Lee (2006)
Large extention of frequency range (in the
inertial frame)
11 ? Cephei stars excellent targets for BRITE
almost ignored by MOST
12- b Cep stars
- data after Stankov Handler (2005)
- 93 stars
- periods 0.05-0.32 d
- AVlt0.1 mag
- BRITE Catalogue
- Vlt4 29 stars
- Vlt6 68 stars
PamyatnykhZdravkov 2007
13Two encouraging examples
? Eridani V3.9 mag Handler et al. 2003 Aerts et
al. 2003 De Rider et al. 2004 Jerzykiewicz et
al. 2005
12 Lacertae V5.3 mag Handler et al. 2006
14Finding l s, and ms
mode amplitudes from multiband data
For slow rotators
f may be calculated, eliminated or determined and
used as a constraint (Jagoda D.-D. and Rafa G.
For rapid rotators
more complicated but doable (D.-D. et al.2007)
ms from fitting line profile changes
15Seismic models of n Eri and 12 Lac
DP (2008)
16 ? Eri Fitting frequencies of the l0 and two
l1 modes constraints on ?ov
Constraint on ?ov rests on accuracy of Teff
from Pamyatnykh et al.. 2004. also Ausselos et
al.. 2004
17Seismic models of ? Eri dependence on opacity
and the mixture
18Seismic models of n Eri with two overshooting
DP (2008)
19More modes more constraints
- ? Eri observed minus calculated frequencies
- prospects for learning more about overshooting
- the problem with fitting l1, p2 mode
DP (2008)
20Probing internal rotation
? Eri
?c/?egt5.5 , Vrot6 km/s
21A more difficult case 12 Lac faster rotation,
lack of complete multiplets
2212 Lac calculated frequencies of all l ?2
modes in seismic models based on four dominant
peaks. Measured peak frequencies shown as bars.
DP (2008)
23More work on the theory side is still needed.
Instability coefficient (normalized growth
rate) in models of n Eri and 12 Lac (OP, A04)
24A plea to the BRITE Consortium for more
frequencies in individual objects, especially
for missing components of multiplets.
25Detected modes do not saturate driving - there
must be more excited modes
Finite ampliude devlopement of radial mode
Nonlinear modeling of radial modes (Smolec
Moskalik, 2007)
26A plea to the BRITE Consortium for more
frequencies in individual objects, especially
for missing components of multiplets.
There must be more excited modes but we cannot be
sure that these are the ones we most need.
27A plea to the BRITE Consortium for more
frequencies in individual objects, especially
for missing components of multiplets.
There must be more excited modes but we cannot be
sure that these are the ones we most need.
In order to disentangle role of rotation in
element mixing it is important to have data on
slowly and rapidly rotating stars
28SPB stars
intriguing data from MOST
29- SPB stars
- Data after De Cat et al.. (2006-2007)
- gt90 known
- Periods 0.4-5.0 d
- AVlt0.03 mag
- BRITE Catalogue
- Vlt4 3 stars
- Vlt6 6 stars
PamyatnykhZdravkov 2007
30A slowly rotating SPB star (?rot0.035 d-1?)
B5II/III V9.3 mag
from Aerts et al.(2006)
nearly equidistant pattern
31A slowly rotating SPB star (?rot0.035 d-1?)
g-mode asymototics
?rot0.053 d-1?
from Aerts et al.(2006)
32No seismic model yet for HD 163830 nor for any
SPB star
33The most interesting result from MOST rich
oscillation spectra of five SPB stars
HD 163868 (B5 Ve, vsin i250 km/s)
B (l2, m2)
A (l1, m-1)
B (l1, m1)
from (Walker et al.. 2005)
m gt0 prograde
34Similar pattern in three SPBe stars, in ?CMi
only sequence B. in all the cases consistent
with the critical rotation rate
from (Cameron et al.. 2008)
35Do consecutive peaks within sequences correspond
to consecutive modes?
NO In the case of HD 127756 and 217543 (Cameron
et al.2008) BUT
36Peaks in the C sequence interpreted as l2 m2
unstable modes (n--29-15) frequencies from (D.
et al. 2007)
prospects for a fit ? differential rotation ?
37A plea to the BRITE Consortium for more
oscillation spectra of Be stars
Good frequency resolution important !