Earthworms largely consume organic matter and give out their excreta called as casts. these casts along with other composted organic material is called as vermicompost. Vermicompost today is part of the organic farming package.
a simple way of setting hydroponics by children. assistance by teacher is desirable as the board needs to be cut with a sharp instrument and the aerator needs an electric connection.
To know the nature of the soil is very important for gardening. In water, particles settle more quickly the bigger they are. It is possible to use this property to determine the amount of each component of the soil.
The anecic (intermediates or subsurface dwellers) and the endogeic (burrowers) earthworms create burrows in the soils. These burrows called drilospheres are a haven for microorganisms and also facilitate soil air.
Dr. S K Chakravarti, Nano Technology Scientist and Dean, education committee, NIT Kurusshetra. ... Mr. G S Singh, General Manager, Tata Motors, Pune, India. ...