Menstrual Cramps is the Medical term used to depict painful periods during the Menstrual Cycle. Find here about Home Remedies for Dysmenorrhea, Its Causes, and Symptoms
The menstrual cycle is a regular natural change that occurs in woman’s body approximately in monthly cycles throughout her reproductive life. It occurs in the reproductive system of a female, specifically in the uterus and ovaries which are responsible to make pregnancy possible.
Menstual cups are new inventions in the world of feminine hygiene products. Those who used the menstrual cups at least once in their periods will definitely fall in love with this products
... can occur in women with eating disorders (anorexia or bulimia), or women whose ... Menstrual cycle irregularities and disorders are frequent (3-30%) and can be ...
Miracles Apollo Cradle is the best gynecology hospital in Gurgaon, having a team of experienced gynecologists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. Our experts carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue, and recommend the most appropriate treatment for irregular periods to enable you to lead an active life. If you have persistent irregular periods or experience significant changes in your menstrual patterns, consult the best gynecologist near you for diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Visit at -
... primary amenorrhea with no puberty. Turner's Syndrome. Resistant Ovary ... May occur expectedly in puberty & climacteric. Symptom of an endocrine disturbance ...
Ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus. Find out about symptoms, risks and what you need to know for early diagnosis. This condition is recognised as a medical emergency and needs to be treated as soon as possible as it simulates other complications. Learn more!
Menstrual Cycle The Cycle Strongly linked to the endocrine system (hormone based) Typically takes 28 days to cycle through 4 phases Follicular Ovulation Luteal ...
The menstrual cycle is a natural and integral part of a woman's reproductive health. It is a regular, monthly process that the female body undergoes in preparation for a potential pregnancy. On average, it lasts about 28 days, but it can vary from individual to individual, ranging anywhere from 21 to 35 days. If you are experiencing an issue with menstruation, it's never too late to consult the menstrual problem doctor near you at Miracles Apollo Cradle to make an informed decision about your well-being.
A menstrual cup works by collecting the blood rather than absorbing it. This makes it way healthier compared to its counterparts. In simple language there is no risk of getting toxic shock syndrome (TSS) – a rare bacterial infection caused by tampons.
GynoCup is the safest menstrual cup and innovative product for making your period days go easy. It is made with medical-grade silicone that offers the additional advantage of leak-proof protection for up to 12 hours. and how to choose menstrual cup size please visit gynocup
Once a girl hits puberty, menstruation becomes an important part of her life. Managing periods properly is crucial to maintaining good menstrual hygiene. Unfortunately, many girls still don’t have access to sanitary napkins and menstrual health products.
Menstruation is the periodic vaginal discharge of endometrial tissues and blood that are shed from the lining of a woman’s uterus. Also denoted as a period, menstruation is part of the menstrual cycle which prepares a woman’s body for fertility every month. It is a significant indicator of reproductive and general female infertility health, while other health issues may limit this capacity.
Menstruation is a natural process experienced by women that involves the shedding of the uterine lining. It is a vital part of the reproductive cycle and occurs approximately once every month.
Menstruation is a natural process experienced by women that involves the shedding of the uterine lining. It is a vital part of the reproductive cycle and occurs approximately once every month. While menstruation is a normal bodily function, it can sometimes bring about uncomfortable symptoms and hormonal fluctuations. So use period pads for sensitive skin for your comfortable.
Miracles Apollo Cradle is the best gynecology hospital in Gurgaon, having a team of experienced gynecologists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. Our experts carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue, and recommend the most appropriate treatment for irregular periods to enable you to lead an active life. If you have persistent irregular periods or experience significant changes in your menstrual patterns, consult the best gynecologist near you for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Why Is Early Diagnosis Important? The exact cause of polycystic ovary syndrome is unknown. Early diagnosis and treatment along with weight loss may reduce the risk of long-term complications, such as Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease.
Abdominal pain can happen between the chest and pelvic area. Pain in the abdomen could be crampy, throbbing, dull, intermittent, or sharp shooting which is also known as a stomachache. Inflammation or illnesses that influence the organs in the abdomen could cause stomach pain. Let's explore more:
The Menstrual Cycle What is the menstrual cycle? The process in which females ripen or release one mature egg. The average menstrual cycle will repeat itself about ...
The Hormonal Control of the Menstrual Cycle oestrogen 1 FSH increases 2 FSH causes an egg to develop inside a follicle 3 ovary secretes oestrogen progesterone FSH LH ...
Except for women during the menopausal transition, there's no "normal" increase in sweating with age. There are no sweat sprays that can help with moderate situations. If the doctor determines that your sweating is "idiopathic," and has no known cause, you can still treat the problem if you wish. Visit -
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that affects millions of women worldwide. It is a complex condition that can manifest in a variety of ways and cause a range of symptoms
Are you looking for the best infertility hospital for ICSI treatment in Indore that provides treatment at affordable cost, if your answer is yes then you are at the right place, Mohak Infertility Center is one of the best infertility hospitals in Indore and provides infertility treatment at affordable price. For appointment call now 78980-47572 and visit online -
Menstruation marks the beginning of physiological maturation in girls. Until menopause, this becomes an essential part of their lives. In addition to personal significance, this phenomenon also has social implications. Menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) are critical to the well-being and empowerment of women and adolescent girls. Menstruation in India is often associated with myths and restrictions that lead to a lack of menstrual health awareness among adolescent girls and women. Not practising enough menstrual hygiene is the leading cause of stress that comes with menstruation and reproductive tract infections.
Care Women’s Centre - IVF, Test Tube baby & Fertility Centre, Indore is one of the best fertility hospitals in Indore. Our centre provides you with one of the best IVF specialists in Indore- Dr. Shweta Kaul Jha. Our centre provides affordable IVF treatment costs, ICSI treatment in Indore, and is an eminent Test tube centre in Indore. Visit us for completre infertility treatment in Indore. visit our website and book an appointment and call us 88890 16663
Physiology of the menstrual cycle DR. AHMED ABDULWAHAB Assistant Professor, Consultant OBGYN Department Menstrual cycle represent a complex interaction between the ...
Ovulation occurs as increase in LH level causes the follicle to rupture and release mature ovum ... Takes 3-4 days for ovum to travel down tube to the uterus ...
Explore the ultimate guide to Swachh Sanitary Napkins for optimal period care. Learn about different types, benefits, and expert recommendations for better menstrual health and hygiene. Stay informed and comfortable with Swachh.
Now a days women are facing PCOS problems in their adult age. PCOS(Poly cystic ovary syndrome) is a disorder. It caused due to irregular menstrual, hormone imbalance. For cure total PCOS problems homeopathy is a best way. Homeocare International is a best homeopathy clinic. It provides PCOS treatment in homeopathy and cure without any side effects. It has qualified homeopathy doctors they prescribes the accurate homeopathy medicine. It will regulate menstrual and gives relief from all other PCOS occurrences.
The thyroid produces thyroid hormone that controls many activities in your body, including how fast you burn calories and how fast your heartbeats. The diseases of the thyroid cause it to make either too much or too little of the hormone. Depending on the amount of hormone(either high or low) your thyroid produces, you may often feel restless or tired, or you may lose or gain weight.
Discover effective tips and strategies for managing menstrual heavy flow and having a comfortable cycle. Learn about lifestyle changes, menstrual products, natural remedies, and more to alleviate symptoms and navigate through your period with ease. Take control of your menstrual health and find relief from heavy flow.
Discover the 12 causes behind late or missed periods in women. Explore missed period symptoms, early pregnancy termination, and factors contributing to late period. Uncover the reasons behind missed periods and learn about the potential causes. To know more visit
One of the major causes of infertility lies in the ‘irregular periods’ phenomenon and for the fertility treatment, it is one very necessary things to diagnose and treat. Thus, if you or someone you know is facing the issue of irregular periods then do not hesitate to consult a doctor soon and get yourself tested for better results.
Fibroids in your womb may develop certain problems in your baby’s development. Know more about the cause of fibroid, its symptoms and treatments. Also visit to get the overall idea about stem cells.
Hair loss is one of the body changes that most people fear of. Just like menopause, hair loss can easily divulge a person’s age. But unlike menopause, which can be kept from everyone but yourself, hair loss can be detected or seen by almost everybody. At about the age of 35, the effect of hair loss can already be seen in men — either their hair line recedes or a “dome” begins to appear at the back of their hair; some even experience both.
The menstrual cycle is a physiological event in the life of any woman of childbearing age and is intended to promote procreation. Composed of three phases, it is regulated by hormones, recurs every month and is often accompanied by a series of very specific symptoms and ailments. The menstrual cycle therefore begins on the first day of menstruation and ends on the first day of the following one.
PRE-MENSTRUAL SYNDROME WHAT IS PMS: It is a disorder characterized by a set of hormonal changes that trigger disruptive symptoms in women two weeks prior to menstruation.
Chemical or biochemical pregnancy is a type of early miscarriage in which hormones are detected early in the pregnancy but a gestational sac is not visible on the ultrasound yet. This type of early miscarriage happens before the fifth week of pregnancy. HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin levels, the pregnancy hormone, can be detected by a pregnancy test as early as 2 weeks but a gestational sac is not visible before the sixth week hence the name chemical pregnancy.
The polycystic ovarian syndrome is a hormonal issue that influences ladies in their reproductive age. PCOS is a typical well-being condition that influences young ladies, it is found in 1 out of 10 ladies in their childbearing age.
This power point presentation describes about natural remedies for menstrual disorders. You can find more details about Gynex capsule at
Anemia means to have less number of red blood cells or less hemoglobin then normal in each blood cells or lowered ability of the blood to carry oxygen around the body which vary by age, sex and pregnancy status. Anemia is caused by specific forms of anemia.
PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a disorder. Women are facing several hormonal disorders due to PCOS. It occurred due to lack of androgens and progesterone hormones. PCOS problems starts from irregular menstrual, menses. Homeocare International provides PCOS treatment in Homeopathy through qualified homeopathy doctors they will cure and gives long lasting relief from PCOS.
Familiarise new NICE guidelines. What is heavy menstrual bleeding? ... Coagulation only indicated if heavy bleeding since menarche, other symptoms or FH. ...
Early periods can once in a while overwhelm you yet the causes can regularly be made do with basic changes. We'll observe what can cause an early period and offer a few hints on the best way to get a general Normal Menstrual Cycle.
Uterine fibroids are a common type of noncancerous tumor that can grow in and on your uterus. Not all fibroids cause symptoms, but when they do, symptoms can include heavy menstrual bleeding, back pain, frequent urination and pain during sex. Small fibroids often don’t need treatment, but larger fibroids can be treated with medications or surgery.
In menstruation, sometimes it causes hormonal imbalance and lowers the iron level so as to avoid these problems, drink plenty of water daily and stay away from stressful situations. Visit our website for more information.
Most of the people don't have information about the HIV AIDS, so here we are describing on what is HIV and how it is caused, or what are the symptoms and appropriate prevention and treatment tips to you. For more details please visit-
What causes cystic fibrosis? A mutation in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulatory protein What does the CFTR protein do? It helps control the viscosity (or ...
In menstruation, sometimes it causes hormonal imbalance and lowers the iron level so as to avoid these problems, drink plenty of water daily and stay away from stressful situations. Visit our website for more information.
Endometrium and thin endometrium are two important terms in reproductive health. The endometrium is the tissue that lines the innermost part of the uterus, and thin endometrium is when this tissue is thinner than normal. While the first one is normal, the latter causes a lot of problems with fertility and pregnancy.