Title: Natural Remedies For Menstrual Disorders
1Natural Remedies For Menstrual Disorders
2Herbal Treatment To Cure Menstrual Disorders
- Menstrual disorders are considered as most common
and at some point of time every woman suffers
with these in her life.
- Beginning of menstrual cycle marks start of
fertility years in women which continue till
women reaches menopause.
- As far as healthy menstrual periods are concerned
there is no general criteria, what can be normal
to a woman - can be abnormal to another.
3Herbal Treatment To Cure Menstrual Disorders
- Doctors classify a problem related to periods as
menstrual disorder only after examining complete
medical history, previous treatments, genetics
and overall health of a woman.
- Medically, periods should arrive between 25th to
31st days from the first day of last menstrual
cycle and bleeding shall take place for straight
three days in a volume of around 8 to 10
4Herbal Treatment To Cure Menstrual Disorders
- A healthy period gets over in five days
completely. Unhealthy periods or presence of
menstrual disorders can be checked on the basis
of following symptoms.
- If periods arrive before 21st day, if periods do
not arrive for one to few months without
pregnancy, if blood clots are noticed in the
blood, if bleeding continues for more than 5 days
and if there is mid-cycle spotting.
5Herbal Treatment To Cure Menstrual Disorders
- Some of the commonly found menstrual disorders
are PMS or premenstrual syndrome.
- Women experience abnormal changes a week before
their date which worsen on arrival of period and
vanish completely after period is over.
- Nausea, bloating, constipation, tenderness in
breasts, fatigue and headache are few problems
which women suffering with PMS face.
6Herbal Treatment To Cure Menstrual Disorders
- Amenorrhea is another common menstrual disorder,
women suffering with these miss periods for 2 to
6 months or more in absence of pregnancy.
- This is categorized into two, primary and
secondary Amenorrhea, primary Amenorrhea is a
condition when young girl who have reached the
age 16 do not get her first period or menarche.
7Herbal Treatment To Cure Menstrual Disorders
- Secondary Amenorrhea is when a woman after
menstruating normally misses her periods for
straight three months without conceiving.
- Oligomenorrhea is menstrual disorder
- in which women have very light
- bleeding or for very less duration. Women
suffering with this disorder also complain about
mid-cycle spotting.
8Herbal Treatment To Cure Menstrual Disorders
- In lay terms, healthy woman bleeds one-third of a
cup during her periods, women suffering with
Menorrhagia may bleed 3 to 8 cups during one
- Presence of clots in the blood and bleeding
duration extending for more than 7 days are also
classified as symptoms of Menorrhagia.
9Herbal Treatment To Cure Menstrual Disorders
- Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder has similar
symptoms like PMS only that these are far more
- This is mood disorder which initiates anxiety,
depression, and irritability in a woman along
with mood swings before menstrual cycle. The
symptoms vanish after period on their own.
10Herbal Treatment To Cure Menstrual Disorders
- Dysmenorrhea is most common type of menstrual
disorder but rarely dangerous, uterine
contractions infused by hormonal secretion cause
pain before the start of bleeding.
- It is very common among young girls
- who have just started to menstruate, but it can
affect women at later ages too. Though it goes
away after two to three periods in most of the
cases and very seldom needs a treatment yet it
should not be ignored.
11Herbal Treatment To Cure Menstrual Disorders
- Gynex capsule is the best herbal supplement for
women to get out of menstrual disorders. It
nourishes female health immensely and supports
the female physiological functions.
- Gynex capsule has proved to very
- effective in balancing the psychological and
hormonal body fluctuations in women.
12Herbal Treatment To Cure Menstrual Disorders
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