Title: K16Adult Career Development:
1Marylands CTE Educating Tomorrows Workforce
The Maryland Career Development Framework
- K-16/Adult Career Development
- A Systematic Process for Educating the
- Workforce of the 21st Century
Katharine M. Oliver Maryland State Department of
Education Division of Career Technology and Adult
Learning koliver_at_msde.state.md.us 410.767.0158
2Presentation Objectives
- Provide an update on the implementation of the
Maryland Career Development Framework. - Discuss strategies to achieve National and State
3Purpose for Development
- Provide systematic delivery of key career
development concepts for all learners. - Equip teachers, administrators, and counselors
with the knowledge and skills needed to assist
students and parents with career exploration,
educational opportunities, and education
financing. - Make available to students, parents, teachers,
administrators, and counselors information and
planning resources that relate educational
preparation to career goals and expectations.
4Purpose for Development
- Support career guidance and academic counseling
programs to promote improved career and education
decision-making by individuals. - Enhance employability skill development using
national career development standards. - Improve coordination and communications among
administrators and planners of WIA and Perkins
supported programs to ensure non-duplication of
efforts and the appropriate use of shared
information and data.
5Changing Workplace
6Purpose for Development
- 10 Career Cluster Frameworks
- Arts, Media and Communication
- Business Management Finance
- Consumer Services, Hospitality, and Tourism
- Construction Development
- Environmental, Agricultural, and Natural
Resources Systems - Health Biosciences
- Human Resource Services
- Information Technology
- Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology
- Transportation Technologies
7Implementation Goals
- Provide Support for
- Increased Student/Adult Achievement
- Improved Decision-making and Academic and Career
Planning - Focused Coordination of Workforce Development
8Maryland Career Development Framework
9Maryland Career Development Framework
10Maryland Career Development Framework
11 Maryland Career Development Framework
12Maryland Career Development Framework
13Maryland Career Development Framework
14 Maryland Career Development Framework
- Spans Pre-K to Adult
- Driven by standards
- Aligns with the Voluntary State Curriculum (VSC)
- Includes companion resources
- Activities and Curriculum (Grades 7-12)
- Adult Career Development Toolkit
- Provides a systemic approach for schools and
workforce community for career advisement - Stresses both academic and career planning
15Code of Maryland Regulations COMAR
- Proposed Changes (13A.
- A systematic instructional program in career
development and decision-making in accordance
with the Maryland Career Development Framework
and Maryland Career Clusters for all students in
grades Kindergarten 12. - Ensure that prior to grade 9 all students shall
develop an individual and academic career plan
and update it in subsequent years after its
development. - The comprehensive instructional program shall
provide for diversity of student needs,
abilities, and interests at the early, middle,
and high school learning years and shall include
the six career development content standards.
16Maryland Career Development Framework K-12
- Middle/High School Career Guidance and Advisory
Resources - Grade Specific (Grades 7-12)
- Every student has a faculty advisor
- Structured around monthly advisement calendars
- Includes 6 year academic and career plan
17Maryland Career Development Framework Adult
- Standards integrated with the National Institute
for Literacy Equipped For the Future Content
Standards/Work Readiness Credential - Learning activities build basic work essential
skills in the context of job search and
employment related tasks - Curriculum uses Video, Print and Web-Based
Resources - www.uschamber.com/icw/strategies/workreadinesscred
ential.htm - http//eff.cls.utk.edu
- http//workreadiness.com/credential.html
18Maryland Career Development Framework Adult
- Five Toolkits
- Helping Clients Assess and Improve Their Work
Readiness - Helping Clients Identify a Career Path
- Helping Clients Get the Job
- Helping Clients Keep the Job and Advance
- Helping Clients Transition to Higher Education
- www.marylandpublicschools.org
- docushare.msde.state.md.us
- Adult Literacy
- Public
19Equipped For the Future (EFF) Standards for Adult
20The Partners
The Maryland Career Development Council
- Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE)
- Career Technology and Adult Learning
- Student, Family and School Support
- Instruction
- Special Education
- Rehabilitation Services
- Maryland Higher Education System
- University System of Maryland
- Community Colleges
- Local School Systems
- Governors Workforce Investment Board
- Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and
Regulation - One Stop Centers
- Workforce Investment Areas
21Customers K-16/Adult and Correctional Education
- Elementary, Middle, High school students
- Post Secondary students
- High school dropouts
- Adults with disabilities
- Adult learners
- Family literacy seekers
- Unemployed/underemployed
- Career changers
- Immigrants 16 years and up
- Incarcerated
22Customers One-Stop Centers
Job-Seekers (Adults Youth)
- Unemployed and underemployed
- Ex-Offenders
- Incumbent Workers
- Adults with disabilities
- Public assistance customers
- Veterans
- Seniors
- Immigrants
- Migrant/Seasonal
- Low literacy
- Broader Implementation of the Maryland Career
Development Framework - Expanded Professional Development for staff at
all levels - Additional Considerations
24Contact Information
- Maryland State Department of Education
- 200 West Baltimore Street
- Baltimore, MD 21201-2595
- www.marylandpublicschools.org
- Susan Oskin
- 410-767-0635
- soskin_at_msde.state.md.us