... half of the DNA ladder serves as a template for making the other. ... swf::535::535::/sites/dl/free/0072437316/120076/micro04.swf::DNA Replicat ion Fork ...
Base pairing allows each strand to serve as a pattern for a new strand (a template) ... http://www.johnkyrk.com/DNAreplication.html. Enzymes: Helicase ...
Using visualization tools to connect the macroscopic with microscopic and ... Cool Bio animations...could be used in Chem, too! http://www.johnkyrk.com ...
The Cell Cycle The Cell Cycle The life cycle of a cell Prokaryotic Cells Binary Fission: means splitting into 2 parts Binary Fission Eukaryotic Cells Have much ...
Cell Cycle & Mitosis Chapter 6 Growth Development Reproduction Tissue repair Cell Division Cell Cycle Duplication of each chromatid Cell contains twice as much DNA as ...
12 Weeks to TAKS Week 8 Objective 2: 6a,b,c Biology: DNA, RNA, Mutation The student knows the structures and functions of nucleic acids in the mechanisms of genetics.
PROTEIN SYNTHESIS THE DNA CODE The order of bases along the DNA strand codes for the order in which amino acids are chemically joined together to form a polypeptide ...
PROTEIN SYNTHESIS THE DNA ... occurs in the nucleus of the cell ... mRNA strand carries the code for the production of one polypeptide A SEQUENCE OF 3 BASES ...
Protein Synthesis in Detail The Central Dogma of Molecular Genetics DNA RNA Protein What is a Gene? a segment of DNA that carries the instructions for a ...
Meiosis The power of reduction Task Groups of 2. Time: 30 to 40 minutes. Examine the meiosis diagram on pages 48 and 49. Compare this diagram to the mitose diagram on ...
Cellular Respiration Cellular Respiration A process that uses energy extracted from macromolecules (glucose) to produce energy (ATP) carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O).
DNA & RNA Notes Unit 3 DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid Genetic material which also controls protein synthesis DNA is a very long, thin molecule made up of nucleotides ...
Biochemistry Part IV Nucleic Acids Nucleic Acids Largest organic molecule made by organisms Include 2 main types: DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid RNA Ribonucleic ...
Aerobic Respiration The Electron Transport Chain & Oxidative Phosphorylation The Electron Transport Chain the final stage of aerobic cellular respiration most of the ...
Cellular Respiration The process by which living things release energy stored in organic molecules Takes Place in 2 major stages Glycolysis Oxidative Respiration or ...
Cell Division Meiosis Definition Cell division by which eggs and sperm are produced. The production of sex cells, which are not genetically identical, through a ...
RNA Ribonucleic Acid Single-stranded Contains Uracil instead of thymine RNA RNA like DNA is composed of Nucleotides 5 carbon sugar (ribose) phosphate group ...
Chromosomes. You are all made of Chrome! After DNA is copied, strands begin to coil. Chromosome: tightly compacted and coiled DNA. Found in the cell's ...
Protein Synthesis The DNA Code The order of bases along the DNA strand codes for the order in which amino acids are chemically joined together to form a polypeptide ...
SOIL CHEMISTRY SOIL pH A measure of the degree to which the soil is Acidic or Basic; also known as . . . Soil Reaction SOIL pH Technically: expressed as the ...
Meiosis: Making haploid reproductive cells Goal of Meiosis The purpose is to make haploid cells so that when 2 haploid cells combine you have a new diploid offspring ...
Do Now Take out 10.2 vocabulary homework Complete handout Remember haploid = half Diploid = double So if 20 is the diploid number, then 10 is the haploid number.
Protein Synthesis The Molecule of Life: Transcription and Translation Mutations Frameshift Shift in reading frame Changes everything downstream Insertion Adding ...
Humans share most of the same protein families with worms, flies, and plants Hair grows by forming new cells at the base of the root. As they move upward through the ...
Title: N cleo e Divis o Celular Author: Magrao Last modified by: Aldrim Vargas Created Date: 5/9/2005 4:48:03 PM Document presentation format: Apresenta o na ...
Mitosis and Cytokinesis Section 6-3 In Mitosis, Chromatids are pulled by Microtubules During mitosis the nucleus divides to form two nuclei, each containing a ...
McLuhan s ideas on how technology ... (from Understanding Media) McLuhan argued that technology is an extension of the human nervous system and that ...
Do Now What is DNA? Why is it important? Who helped to discover DNA and it s structure? Draw a picture of what you think DNA looks like. * Protein synthesis DNA ...
POD Compare and contrast asexual and sexual reproduction. What do you think triggers cells to divide? Give reasoning for your predictions Normal Control of the Cell ...
Chromosomes Strands of DNA that contain all of the genes an organism needs to survive and reproduce Genes Segments of DNA that specify how to build a protein
DNA provides the instructions for how to build proteins Each gene dictates how to build a single protein in prokaryotes The sequence of nucleotides (AGCT) in DNA ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: LocalAdmin Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles
DNA Replication The reason why most of us don t have three eyes. The Three Requirements of Genetic Material Must be able to replicate. Must control the expression ...
Conservative replication an entirely new double stranded DNA molecule is produced ... Proteins Involved in DNA Replication. Presynthesis. Topoisomerase ...
Remember that 1 chromosome is made when 2 chromatids join at the centromere. ... during gamete formation each member of the allelic pair separates from the other ...
The Cell Cycle. Interphase and Mitosis. The Cell Cycle ... During the S phase of the cell cycle, DNA replicates. A short section of the DNA uncoils. ...
... Function of the Organelles II Energetics/Respiration. Topic 5 ... Houses the machinery for aerobic respiration. Mitochondrial Structure/Function. Topic 5 ...
... DNA's double helix. X-ray diffraction. Molecule is bombarded ... Rosalind Franklin & her X-ray diffraction image of DNA. Arrangement of DNA: Structure: ...
Meniscus caused by adhesiveness. Capillary action is. partially caused by. water's adhesiveness. Water is Cohesive. Water sticks to itself. Surface Tension ...
Watch an animation explaining comparative microarray ... Common ancestor. abiogenesis or design? Inheritance of traits via mutation of germ cells (cf. ...
Genes are viewed as 'ORFS' Open Reading Frames These are ... of extant humans and are therefore observed in all individuals in the human population. ...
While adaptation to the environment through natural selection does occur; for ... Figure 3.10x1 Pulp mill. Figure 3.10x2 Acid rain damage to statuary, 1908 & 1968 ...
The purpose is to make haploid cells so that when 2 haploid cells combine you ... Oogenesis - the formation of 1 egg cell (ova) with more cytoplasm than the other ...
Interphase (G1, S, G2) The time the cell is not dividing. The DNA is ... Astral rays form. Label: chromosome, chromatid, aster/pole, nuclear envelope. Metaphase ...