Travel and Tourism Intelligence Center's 'Travel Intermediaries in Germany to 2018: Market Databook' contains detailed historic and forecast data covering the travel intermediaries market in the travel and tourism industry in Germany. This databook provides data on Egypt, databook, travel and tourism industry, travel intermediaries, market value, market value by product, market value by channel & provider, market value by channel & tourist purpose, market value by provider destination & channel. Read more details of Report at:
This report provides an extensive analysis of the travel intermediaries market in Germany: It details historical values for the travel intermediaries market in Germany for 2009-2013, along with forecast figures for 2013-2018 It covers key trends and barriers in the travel and tourism industry in Germany It provides data on tourism demand factors and tourism market indicators for the travel and tourism industry in Germany It provides a detailed analysis on the key trends, market size and forecast and key performance indicators in the travel intermediaries market in Germany It outlines the competitive landscape along with the leading players operating in the travel intermediaries market in Germany Read more details aof report at:
"The Future of Travel Intermediaries in Germany to 2018: Market Profile" is the result of extensive research on the travel and tourism industry covering the travel intermediaries market in Germany. It provides detailed analysis on key trends and issues, market size and forecasts, key performance indicators and competitive landscape in the Ukrainian airlines market. For more information :
Germany is one of Europe's leading travel and tourism sectors. The country has built a reputation on being a leader in terms of both leisure and business travel. Germany emerged from the financial crisis and subsequent European debt crisis relatively unscathed and its travel and tourism sector recorded growth during the review period (2008?2012). Get a detailed report at . (You can place the order by fax also)
Big Market Research has announced a new Report Package "Travel and Tourism in Belgium-Size, Share, Trends, Forecast,Development, Situation, Future outlook, Potential" Get Complete Details At: Travel and Tourism in Belgium to 2019 provides detailed information on the Belgian tourism sector, analyzing market data and providing insights. This report provides a better understanding of tourism flows, tourist expenditure, and the airline, hotel, car rental, and travel intermediaries industries. Enquire About This Report at:
Germany is one of Europe’s leading travel and tourism sectors. The country has built a reputation on being a leader in terms of both leisure and business travel. Germany emerged from the financial crisis and subsequent European debt crisis relatively unscathed and its travel and tourism sector recorded growth during the review period (2008−2012).
The Future of Hotels in Germany to 2018: Market Profile is the result of extensive research on the travel and tourism industry covering the hotels market in Germany. It provides detailed analysis on key trends and issues, market size and forecasts, key performance indicators and competitive landscape in the Ukrainian airlines market. The report also includes an overview of the Ukrainian travel and tourism industry covering key trends, barriers to tourism and tourist attractions with a detailed SWOT analysis of the tourism industry in Germany. Review and forecast data for tourism demand factors and market indicators has also been included in the report. This report also provides an overview of the leading companies in the hotels market in Germany. Read more details at:
Big Market Research has announced a new Report Package "Travel and Tourism Market in the Netherlands- Size, Share, Trends, Forecast, Development, Situation, Future outlook, Potential 2019" Get Complete Report at: Travel andTourism in the Netherlands to 2019 provides detailed information on the Netherlands' tourism sector, analyzing market data and providing insights. This report provides a better understanding of tourism flows, tourist expenditure, airlines, hotels, car rental, and travel intermediaries industries. Enquire At:
The Future of Airlines in Germany to 2018: Market Profile is the result of extensive research on the travel and tourism industry covering the airlines market in Germany. It provides detailed analysis on key trends and issues, market size and forecasts, key performance indicators and competitive landscape in the Ukrainian airlines market. The report also includes an overview of the Ukrainian travel and tourism industry covering key trends, barriers to tourism and tourist attractions with a detailed SWOT analysis of the tourism industry in Germany. Review and forecast data for tourism demand factors and market indicators has also been included in the report. This report also provides an overview of the leading companies in the airlines market in Germany. Read more details at:
This report provides a better understanding of tourism flows, expenditure, and the airline, hotel, car rental, and travel intermediaries industries. See Full Report:
Online Travel Market 2020 – 2023: Global Leading Growth Drivers, COVID – 19 Analysis, Business Trends, Sales Revenue, Emerging Technologies, Industry Segments, Profits and Regional Study
Trawex is a web-based Travel Agency Booking Engine that helps travel agencies maximize their online bookings while reducing their administrative costs. You can sell your travel products via multiple channels(B2C, B2B and B2B2C) and efficiently manage your operations through our advanced back-office automation module. For more details, Pls visit our website:
The Future of Airlines in South Africa to 2018: Market Profile is the result of extensive research on the travel and tourism industry covering the airlines market in South Africa. It provides detailed analysis on key trends and issues, market size and forecasts, key performance indicators and competitive landscape in the South African airlines market. The report also includes an overview of the South African travel and tourism industry covering key trends, barriers to tourism and tourist attractions with a detailed SWOT analysis of the tourism industry in South Africa. Review and forecast data for tourism demand factors and market indicators has also been included in the report. This report also provides an overview of the leading companies in the airlines market in South Africa. Read more details of report at:
The Turkish travel and tourism sector performed well during the review period (2009–2013), with growth recorded in both domestic and international tourist volumes. Timetric expects the growth to continue over the forecast period (2014–2018), driven by government initiatives to promote Turkish tourism offerings in key European source markets and emerging markets such as India, growth in business-related tourism, and an increase in air traffic. • Take strategic business decisions using historic and forecast market data related to the Turkish travel and tourism sector. • Understand the demand-side dynamics within the Turkish travel and tourism sector, along with key market trends and growth opportunities. Get a detailed report at .
The travel and tourism sector witnessed strong growth in 2014, particularly in terms of inbound arrivals and inbound tourist expenditure. Inbound tourist arrivals grew by 7.1% in 2014, totalling 10.4 million while expenditure expanded by 7.5% reaching CZK130.3 billion (US$6.6 billion). Increase in arrivals from key source countries, particularly Germany and Italy, has been a key driver of this growth. With an improving economic scenario, arrivals from both, Germany and the Czech Republic increased by 8% in 2014 over the previous year. Read more details at:
The US is the largest global market in terms of inbound tourist expenditure, which increased from US$119.3 billion in 2009 to US$170.9 billion in 2013, at a CAGR of 9.39%. Growth has been due to various international campaigns such as the Brand USA campaign and the promotional initiatives undertaken by the US in other countries such as Germany and Canada. Read more details of report at:
The UAE’s travel and tourism sector performed significantly well during the review period (2009–2013) with overall growth in domestic, international and outbound tourism. The main factors for tourism growth were government initiatives and continuous efforts to promote country’s travel and tourism on both the domestic and international levels. Timetric expects the travel and tourism sector to continue to grow over the forecast period (2014–2018) supported by government’s significant efforts to promote tourism, develop tourism infrastructure, and participate in international events and promotional campaigns in key source countries such as the UK, the US, Russia and Germany, and emerging countries such as India and China.
Travel and Tourism in Spain to 2019 - provides detailed information on the countys tourism sector, analyzing market data and providing insights. See Full Report:
“This report is the result of Canadean's extensive market research covering Asia-Pacific packaging industry. It provides an analysis of changing packaging trends for ten key Consumer Packaged Goods segments, competitive landscape, and Asia-Pacific business environment. Consumption of primary, outer, and closure packaging is analyzed in detail. Read more details at:
According to the latest research report by IMARC Group, The global insurance fraud detection market is expected to exhibit a growth rate (CAGR) of 24.8% during 2023-2028. More Info:-
The global financial crisis in 2009 had a negative impact on the Mexican travel and tourism sector. Economic conditions improved and in 2010 the tourism sector showed signs of recovery, with growth recorded in domestic and international tourist volumes. During the historic period (2010-2014), Mexico’s domestic tourist volumes expanded at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.51%. The government has been making continuous efforts to develop and promote tourism through infrastructure development and campaigns. Read more details of report at:
The Icelandic travel and tourism sector’s review-period (2008?2012) performance was adversely affected by the country’s slip into recession in 2008. However, despite the volcanic eruption at Eyjafjallajökull in 2010, international and domestic tourism activity increased overall.
Despite a decline in 2009 due to the financial crisis, the Mexican travel and tourism sector performed well during the review period (2008–2012). Inbound trips to Mexico recovered to register a CAGR of 0.52%, and outbound tourist volumes posted a CAGR of 1.09% during the same period.
Technological Innovations in the Passenger Process of the Aviation Industry - a hypotheses generating explorative study - Patrick S. Merten
Bharat Book Bureau provides the report, on “ Market Insights on Source of USA – 2016 ”. The combination of an improving US economy, a strong US dollar, and higher GDP growth has created positive spending patterns in travel among US consumers.
... banking, airlines, haircuts, and hotels. And/ or. How Consumers ... luxuries, education, travel, etc. grows. Segmentation Often Based on Income ... Business ...
Vietnam's Travel and Tourism sector performed well during the historic period (2010-2014), driven by growth in both the domestic and inbound tourism markets. Government initiatives that focused on promoting tourism during the national holidays contributed to the growth in domestic tourism. For more information :
Looking forward, the peer to peer (P2P) lending market value is projected to reach a strong growth during the forecast period (2021-2026). More info:-
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Source Market Insights; GCC provides an overview of the Gulf Cooperation Council outbound market, analyzing market data and providing insights. This report provides a better understanding of the number of GCC tourists going abroad, their spending habits and main destination markets. For more information :
The travel and tourism sector witnessed strong growth in 2014, particularly in terms of inbound arrivals and inbound tourist expenditure. Inbound tourist arrivals grew by 7.1% in 2014, totalling 10.4 million while expenditure expanded by 7.5% reaching CZK130.3 billion (US$6.6 billion). Increase in arrivals from key source countries, particularly Germany and Italy, has been a key driver of this growth. For more information :