Title: Travel and Tourism in Spain: JSBMarketResearch
1Travel and Tourism in Spain to 2019
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- The Spanish economy contracted during 2009-2014,
following the - economic crisis and high unemployment rates. Both
domestic and - outbound tourism recorded a decline, whereas
inbound tourism - registered growth There has been a strong rise in
tourists from the - UK in recent years due to the appreciation of the
pound. However, - trips from Russia declined due to the imposed
economic sanctions. - Travel and Tourism in Spain to 2019 - provides
detailed - information on the county's tourism sector,
analyzing market - data and providing insights. This report provides
a better - understanding of tourism flows, expenditure, and
the airline, hotel, - car rental, and travel intermediaries industries.
4Key Findings
- Due to economic slowdown, the countrys tourism
is struggling as it - posted a decline in the domestic and outbound
tourist numbers. - The total number of domestic trips fell from 155
million in 2009 to - 139.6 million in 2014 whereas the outbound trips
declined to11.8 - million in 2014. Lower disposable incomes of the
Spanish people - was one of the major reason for this decline. Due
to the ongoing - crisis, more demand was generated by lower ticket
prices of Low - Cost Carriers (LCCs) with their overall market
share increasing - from 44.2 in 2009 to 52.2 in 2014. However,
international - arrivals increased from 52.2 million in 2009 to
65 million in 2014. - Europe has been the key source market for the
Spanish tourism - industry. About 14.6 million Britons visited the
country in 2014, - making it the top market for the country,
followed by 10.6 million tourists from Germany.
- Make strategic business decisions using historic
and forecast market data related to Spains Travel
and Tourism sector - - Understand the demand-side dynamics within the
industry to identify key market trends and growth
opportunities - - Direct promotional efforts on the most
promising markets by identifying the key source
and destination countries
6Table Of Content
Executive SummaryIntroductionTravel and Tourism
Sector in ContextDomestic TourismMarket summary
and key developments in Spanish domestic tourism
marketHistorical and projected figures for
domestic trips and domestic expenditure in
SpainDomestic trips-trips by purpose of visit
and by season, average length of trip and
overnight staysInbound TourismMarket summary
and key developments in Spanish inbound tourism
marketHistorical and projected figures for
inbound trips and inbound expenditure in
SpainTourist arrivals from top 10 countries to
7Related Market Research Report
- Travel and Tourism in the UK to 2019
- Travel and Tourism in Canada to 2019
- Travel and Tourism in Brazil to 2019
- Source Market Insights Nordic Region
- Source Market Insights China
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