World consists of objects and predicates on objects. Get to keep ... {x/Hillary, y/Bill} S = Smarter(Hillary, Bill) What does Ask(KB, S) do in these terms? ...
Create success models based on evaluation. Deliver on promises VISION=ACTION ... becomes a dysfunctional mirage.' The Mirage of Continuity (1999) Hawkins & Battin ...
The SNePS Approach to Cognitive Robotics Stuart C. Shapiro Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Center for Cognitive Science University at Buffalo
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: Alan Jovic Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles
Title: Ant Philosophy Author: S. Sivakumar Last modified by: User Created Date: 1/26/2001 7:43:18 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company
It can usually verify that software satisfies certain safety properties. ... predicate states and transitions) was cramped and that example had four lines of C. ...
... them into English (assume that j refers to John, k to Kate etc) ... Ted is the father of Kate. Charlie is the father of Ted. Mary is the mother of Ted ...
While waiting for the talk to start, try to find 4 mistakes in this student essay. Question: Suppose you are running in a straight line at constant speed.
We might not know how to get the value. But we give a name to the method that we know exists ... in clauses so that no two clauses use the same variable name ...
1. What Can Spider Diagrams Say? Gem Stapleton, John Howse, John Taylor, Visual Modelling Group ... (1) Convert each diagram into a logic sentence. ...
All Romans were either loyal to Caesar or hated him. ... Get the negated statement into the mix ASAP. If a contradiction exists resolution will find it. ...
COMP-4640 Intelligent & Interactive Systems Lecture 1 What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence is the area of computer science concerned with ...
Tautology. Contradiction. Contingency. wff: Well-Formed Formula ... Tautology, ... Theorem is a Tautology. Completeness. Every Tautology is a Theorem ...
Microelectronics and Computer Technology Company (MCC) ... Kudos. Chosen as standard for HPKB follow-up work. Fairing well in current RKF project (IET 2001) ...
Weak AI = solves complex problems. Models intelligent behavior ... Hobbes: The Leviathan. A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence (cont'd) 20th century ...
RAFTING. 6. S. E. N. S. Adaptive Software Components. Dynamically adapt at run-time ... RAFTING. 10. S. E. N. S. Resource-based Approach to Feature Interaction ...
Brant Hills. Relocated branch connected to a renewed community centre ... Brant Hills Community Centre and Tyandaga Branch Library Feasibility Study, 2002. ...
'pre-Hilbert' formalists 'Mathematics is a game with symbols' A simple system S: Constants: ... It is impossible to develop mathematics in such a purely formalist way. ...
A set of representations of facts about the world. Knowledge representation language ... SECOND VILLAGER: She turned me into a newt. BEDEVERE: A newt? ...
Ontology authoring and publishing is far easier than we once could imagine ... the aggregated distance between an ontology and a group of concepts. Future ...
I understand that Mike's telephone number is Mary's telephone number. ... Words whose meanings are determined by occasion of use. E.g. I, you, now, then, here, there ...
I saw the Golden Gate Bridge flying to San Francisco. I ate dinner with a friend. ... adn generates offspring based on the fitness of each solution in the task. ...
ACME/Armani. Software Architecture Description Language ... Architecture modification script (in enhanced ACME/Armani) to the Architectural configurator ...
Rules of procedure may be strategies, heuristics or rules of thumb. 15. Some examples. Children do not like green bats. Big. Large vs small. Walk vs run. Catching ...
Knowledge Representation Knowledge Representation Hypothesis Knowledge representation is an essential problem of symbolic-based artificial intelligence Knowledge ...
Formal systems, Proof calculi. A proof calculus (of a theory) is given by: a language. a set of axioms. a set ... Theorem on Soundness (semantic consistence) ...