Knowledge Representation and Reasoning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Knowledge Representation and Reasoning


Knowledge Representation and Reasoning University – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence,
  • University "Politehnica" of Bucharest
  • Department of Computer Science
  • Fall 2009
  • Adina Magda Florea
  • http//

Lecture 5
  • Description Logic
  • Lecture outline
  • About DL
  • DL language
  • Terminologies
  • World descriptions
  • Reasoning services
  • Reasoning algorithms

1. About Description Logics
  • Description Logics (DLs) - knowledge
    representation formalisms that
  • represent the knowledge of an application domain
    (the world)
  • by de?ning the relevant concepts of the domain
    (its terminology)
  • and then using these concepts to specify
    properties of individuals occurring in the domain
    (the world description).
  • Inferences classi?cation of
  • concepts - subconcept/superconcept relationships
  • individuals - whether a given individual is
    always an instance of a concept

Description Logics
  • Semantic networks IS-A, AKO
  • KL-ONE formal semantic
  • Subsumption
  • Unlike IS-A links, subsumption relationships and
    instance relationships are inferred from the
    de?nition of the concepts and the properties of
    the individuals
  • DLs are based on a formal, logic-based semantics

A DL system
TBox the terminology, i.e., the vocabulary of
an application domain concepts (set of
individuals) roles ABox assertions about
named individuals in terms of this vocabulary
Description Language
Application Programs
Inference services
  • Typical reasoning tasks
  • Whether a TBox description is satis?able (i.e.,
  • Whether one description subsumes another one in a
    TBox - organize the concepts of a terminology
    into a hierarchy according to their generality
  • Find out whether the set of assertions in a ABox
    is consistent (has a model)
  • Whether the assertions in the ABox entail that a
    particular individual is an instance of a given
    concept description
  • A concept description can also be conceived as a
    query - retrieve the individuals that satisfy the

2. DL Language
  • Elementary descriptions
  • atomic concepts (A,B)
  • atomic roles (R)
  • Complex descriptions of concepts (C,D) concept
    constructors, or of roles role constructors
  • Basic language Attribute Language AL
  • Description languages are distinguished by the
    constructors they provide (syntactic rules of
    concept formation)
  • Different extensions of AL

  • C, D ? A (atomic concept)
  • T (universal concept)
  • ? (bottom concept)
  • A (atomic negation)
  • C D (intersection)
  • ?R.C (value restriction)
  • ?R.T (limited existential
  • C D (union)
  • ?R.C (full existential
  • C (negation of concepts)
  • ? n R (number restrictions)
  • ? n R

  • Atomic concepts Pers, Fem
  • Atomic role hasChild
  • Pers Fem Pers Fem
  • Pers ?hasChild.T Pers ?hasChild.Fem
  • Pers ?hasChild. ?
  • Pers Fem ?hasChild.T ?hasChild.Fem
  • Pers Fem ? 3 hasChild

  • Interpretation I
  • The domain of the interpretation ?I
  • An interpretation function
  • assigns to every atomic concept A a set AI ? ?I
  • assigns to every atomic role R a binary relation
  • RI ? ?I x ?I
  • I (?I , I)

  • The interpretation function is extended to
    concept definitions by the following inductive

Pers ?hasChild.Fem
Pers ?hasChild.T
Pers ?hasChild.Fem
Fem ? 3 hasChild
Pers Fem
Link with FOPL
  • Atomic concepts - unary predicates
  • Atomic roles binary predicates
  • Concept C ? pc(x), for every I the set of
    elements that satisfies ?I is CI

3. Terminologies (TBox)
  • Terminological axioms - make statements about how
    concepts or roles are related to each other
  • C D (R S) - inclusion axiom
  • C ? D (R ? S) - equality axiom
  • Semantics of axioms
  • C D if CI ? DI
  • C ? D if CI ? DI
  • If T is a set of axioms, then I satis?es T i? I
    satis?es each element of T I is a model of T

  • De?nition an equality whose left-hand side is
    an atomic concept
  • Introduces symbolic names for complex
  • Name symbols NT (defined concepts) - occur on the
    left-hand side of some axiom
  • Base symbols BT (primitive concepts) - occur only
    on the right-hand side of axioms

Example of TBox
  • Woman Person Female
  • Man Person Woman
  • Mother Woman ?hasChild.Person
  • Father Man ?hasChild.Person
  • Parent Father Mother
  • Grandmother Mother ?hasChild.Parent
  • MotherWithManyChildren Mother ? 3 hasChild
  • MotherWithoutDaughter Mother ?hasChild.
  • Wife Woman ?hasHusband.Man

  • A base interpretation J for T is an
    interpretation that interprets only the base
  • An interpretation I that interprets also the name
    symbols is an extension of J if it has the same
    domain as J , i.e., ?I ?J , and if it agrees
    with J for the base symbols.
  • T is de?nitorial if every base interpretation has
    exactly one extension that is a model of T.
  • If we know what the base symbols stand for, and T
    is de?nitorial, then the meaning of the name
    symbols is completely determined.

  • The question whether a terminology is de?nitorial
    or not is related to the question whether or not
    its de?nitions are cyclic.
  • Human Animal ?hasParent.Human
  • Let A, B be atomic concepts occurring in T
  • A directly uses B in T - B appears on the
    right-hand side of the de?nition of A
  • A uses B in T - the transitive closure of the
    relation directly uses.
  • T contains a cycle i? there exists an atomic
    concept in T that uses itself.
  • Otherwise, T is acyclic

  • If a terminology T is acyclic, then it is
  • T' the expansion of T (all axioms of the form
    AC', C' contains only base symbols)
  • Woman Person Female
  • Mother Woman ?hasChild.Person
  • MotherWithManyChildren Mother ? 3 hasChild
  • MotherWithManyChildren ((Person Female)
    ?hasChild.Person) ?3 hasChild

only one extension
4. World descriptions (ABox)
  • ABox introduce individuals, by giving them names,
    and asserts properties of these individuals
  • Individuals a, b, c
  • C(a) - concept assertions - a belongs to (the
    interpretation of) C,
  • R(b,c) - role assertions - c is a ?ller of the
    role R for b.
  • MotherWithoutDaughter(mary)
  • Father(peter)
  • hasChild(mary, peter)
  • hasChild(peter, harry)
  • hasChild(mary, paul)

ABox Semantics
  • Semantics of ABoxes extend interpretations to
    individual names
  • An interpretation I (?I , I) not only maps
    atomic concepts and roles to sets and relations,
    but in addition maps each individual name a to an
    element aI ? ?I.
  • The mapping has to respect the unique name
    assumption (UNA) - that distinct individual names
    denote distinct objects, i.e., if a?b then aI?bI

ABox Semantics
  • An interpretation I satisfies C(a) if aI ? CI
  • An interpretation I satisfies R(a,b) if (aI ,bI)
    ? RI
  • An interpretation I satisfies an ABox if it
    satisfies each assertion in the ABox I is a
    model of A
  • An interpretation I satisfies an ABox A with
    respect to a TBox T if it is a model of T and a
    model of A

Individual names in TBox
  • Sometimes, it is convenient to allow individual
    names (also called nominals) not only in the
    ABox, but also in the description language
  • The most basic concept constructors employing
    individuals is the set (or one-of ) constructor
  • a1,...,an, where a1,...,an are individual
  • The semantics of a set concept is defined as
  • a1,...,anI a1I ,...,anI

Individual names in TBox
  • Another constructor involving individual names is
    the ?lls constructor
  • R a, for a role R
  • The semantics of this constructor is de?ned as
  • (R a)I x ? ?I (x, aI) ? RI
  • R a stands for the set of those objects that
    have a as a ?ller of the role R.

5. Reasoning services in DL
  • Reasoning tasks for TBox
  • Checking satisfiability of a concept
  • Checking subsumption of a concept by another
  • Checking equivalence of 2 concepts
  • Checking disjointness of 2 concepts

Reasoning tasks for TBox
  • Satis?ability A concept C is satis?able with
    respect to T if there exists a model I of T such
    that CI is nonempty (I is a model of C)
  • Subsumption A concept C is subsumed by a concept
    D with respect to T if CI ?DI for every model I
    of T
  • C D or T C D.
  • Equivalence Two concepts C and D are equivalent
    with respect to T if CI DI for every model I of
  • C T D or T C D
  • Disjointness Two concepts C and D are disjoint
    with respect to T if CI n DI Ø for every model
    I of T

  • Reduction to Subsumption
  • C is unsatis?able ? C is subsumed by ?
  • C and D are equivalent ? C is subsumed by D and D
    is subsumed by C
  • C and D are disjoint ? C D is subsumed by ?
  • Reduction to Unsatis?ability
  • C is subsumed by D ? C D is unsatis?able
  • C and D are equivalent ? both (C D) and
  • (C D) are unsatis?able
  • C and D are disjoint ? C D is unsatis?able

Reasoning tasks for ABox
  • Consistency of an ABox
  • Instance check
  • Realization
  • Retrieval
  • An ABox A is consistent with respect to a TBox T,
    if ?I that is a model of both A and T
  • A is consistent if it is consistent with respect
    to the empty TBox.
  • Mother(mary), Father(mary)

Reasoning tasks for ABox
  • The expansion of A with respect to T - the ABox
    A' that is obtained from A by replacing each
    concept assertion C(a) in A with the assertion
    C'(a), where C ' is the expansion of C with
    respect to T
  • An ABox A is consistent with respect to a TBox
    iff the expansion A' is consistent

Reasoning tasks for ABox
  • Instance check
  • An assertion C(a) is entailed by A if ?I that
    satis?es A also satis?es C(a) (A C(a))
  • A C(a) i? A ? C(a) is inconsistent
  • Retrieval problem
  • Given an ABox A and a concept C, ?nd all
    individuals a such that A C(a)
  • Realization problem
  • Given an individual a and a set of concepts, ?nd
    the most speci?c concepts C from the set such
    that A C(a)
  • The most speci?c concepts are those that are
    minimal with respect to the subsumption ordering

  • Closed-world vs. open-world semantics

6. Reasoning algorithms
  • Structural subsumption algorithms algorithms
    that compare the syntactic structure of concept
  • Very efficient
  • Complete for only rather simple languages
  • For ALNU subsumption algorithms are not complete
  • Tableau-based algorithms satisfiability of
    concepts, TBox, etc.

Tableau algorithms
  • Negation normal form of a concept negation
    occurs only in front of concept names
  • Example of tableau algorithm to check subsumption
    (reduced to unsatisfiability)

Tableau algorithms
  • Test satisfiability of C0
  • Let C0 a concept (ALCN) in negation normal form
  • A0C0(x0)
  • Apply transformation rules (preserve consistency
    if any) until no more rule apply or a clash is
  • ABox transformed in many new ABox' by some
  • ABox is consistent iff one of the ABox' is

Transformation rules for satisfiability algorithms
Transformation rules for satisfiability algorithms
Tableau algorithms
  • An ABox is complete iff none of the
    transformation rules apply to it
  • Consistency of a set of complete ABoxes can be
    decided by looking for clashes (contradictions).
  • An ABox A contains a contradiction if
  • ?(x) ? A for some individual x
  • A(x), A(x) ? A for some individual x and some
    concept A
  • (?n R)(x) ? R(x,yi) 1?i?n1 ? yi ?yj
    1?iltj?n1 ? A for individuals x, y1, , yn1, a
    nonnegative integer n, and a role R

Tableau algorithms
  • Tr. rule
  • ABox set of complete ABoxes
  • if one ABox is clash-free, then C0(x0) is
    consistent and C0 is satisfiable
  • if all ABoxes contain a clash, then C0(x0) is
    inconsistent and C0 is unsatisfiable

  • T1 (termination)
  • Let C0 be an ALCN concept description in negation
    normal form. There cannot be an infinite sequence
    of rule applications
  • C0(x0) ? S1 ? S2 ?
  • T2 (decidability)
  • It is decidable whether or not an ALCN-concept is

  • Slides based on the book
  • The Description Logic Handbook Theory,
    Implementation, and Applications, Edited by Franz
    Baader, Diego Calvanese, Deborah L. McGuinness,
    Daniele Nardi, Peter F. Patel-Schneider,
    Cambridge University Press, 2007, 2nd Edition
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