Title: Safety Critical Systems 4 Formal Methods Modelling
1Safety Critical Systems 4Formal Methods /
2Formal Methods and Safety-Critical Systems
- Formal Methods are used in expressing
requirements, design and analysis of a safety
critical software and hardware. - There exists a need for using formal methods from
writing requirements to verifying the system
fullfilling those. -
3(No Transcript)
- Method (system engineering) consists of
- 1) Underlying model of development (process)
- 2) Language (expressing formal specification)
- 3) Defined, ordered steps (phases)
- 4) Guidance for applying steps in a coherent
manner (instructions)
5Semi-formal Requirements/Specification
- Requirements should be inambigious, complete,
consistent and correct. - Natural language has the intepretation
possibility. More accurate description needed. - Using pure mathematic notation not always
suitable for communication with domain expert. - Formalised Methods are used to tackle the
requirement engineering. (Structured text,
formalised English).
6 7Formal Methods/ Model orientated
- These languages involve the explicit
specification of a state model - systems desired
behaviour with abstract mathematical objects as
sets, relations and fucntions. - VDM (Vienna Development Method) ISO
standardisied. - Z-language
- B-Method
8Formal Methods/ Property orientated
- Property orientated include axiomatic and
algebraic methods. - Axiomatic use first order predicate logic to
express pre/post conditions over abstract data
types (Larch/ADA, Sternol) - Algebraic methods are based on multi and order
sorted algebras and relate properties of the
system to equations over entities of the algebra
(Act One, Clear and varities of OBJ)
9Formal Methods/Process orientated
- Process algebras have been developed to meet the
needs of concurrent systems. - Theories behind Hoares Communicating Sequential
Processes (CSP) and Milners Calculus of
Communicating Systems (CCS). - Protocol specification language LOTOS is based on
combination of Act One and CCS.
10Language/Method selection criteria
- Good expressiveness
- Core of the language will seldom or never be
modified after its initial development, it is
important that the notation fulfils this
criterion. - Established/accepted to use with Safety Critical
Systems - Possibility of defining subset/coding rules to
allow efficient automatic processing by tools. - Support for modular specifications basic
support is expected to be needed - Temporal expressiveness
- Tool availability
11Formal Methods/ Z-language
- Z-language bases on first order predicate logic
and set theory. - The specification expressed in Z-notation is
divived into smaller parts schemas - These schemas describe the statical and
dynamical characteritics of the system - static possible states, invariants
- dynamic possible operations, pre/post states
- Z is an exellent tool for modelling data, state
and operations -
12Simple example of Z notation
- ___BirthdayBook_______
- knownPNAME
- birthday NAME ?? DATE
- _____________________
- known dom birthday
- _____________________
- ___AddBirthday________
- ?BirthdayBook
- name?NAME
- date?DATE
- _____________________
- name? / known
- birthday birthdayUname???date?
- _____________________
- ___FindBirthday____________
- ?BirthdayBook
- name?NAME
- date!DATE
- _________________________
- name? known
- date! birthday(name?)
- _________________________
- ___Remind________________
- ? BirthdayBook
- today?DATE
- cards!PNAME
- _________________________
- cards!nknownbirthday(n)today?
- _________________________
13Formal Methods/ B-method
- B is quite well-known. Although not as
established as Z, B figures in some remarkable
success stories of industrial applications of
formal methods, eg by MATRA and (B Toolkit/UK) - B-method uses Abstract Machine Notation (AMN)
for specification and implementation.
14Formal Methods/ B-method
- Like Z, B is based on set theory and provides a
rich set of operations. - B includes facilities for modular specifications,
although not as powerful as those of Z. - The temporal expressiveness of B is poor. Only
relations between a state and the next can be
15Modeling Requirements
- Models needed for communicating with domain
experts (simulation) - Automatic verification (model checker, theorem
16Some Modeling Styles
17Model Verification
18Languages of Logic
- Propositional LogicStatements
- (1st Order) Predicate Logic (FOPL) Statements
quantified (?, ?) over things (objects!) - Linear Temporal Logic (LTL)Statements quantified
(?, ?, G, F, H, P) over things and time - Computational Tree Logic (CTL)Statements
quantified (?, ?, G, F, H, P, ?, ?) over things,
time and worlds (modal logic) - Enhanced Regular Expression Logic
(ERE)Statements about occurrence patterns (seq,
sel, itr, par) of events and conditions causing
actions - Note The list above is neither complete nor it
does necessarily imply any hierarchy!
19(Some) Languages of Logic
Time G, F, H, P
Temporal Logic (LTL)
Worlds ?, ?
Modal Logic
Predicate Logic
Objects ?, ?
Propositional Logic
20Verification Technologies
21Tools for Validation Verification
- Tools for Validation
- Static analysers derive implicit information
about a model (or a program) - Examples KeY, VDMTools (IFAD),
- Simulators for executable specifications
- Examples UML (Cassandra), MATLAB/Simulink,
Statemate, - Tools for Verification
- Model checkers for brute force enumeration of
states - Examples Alloy, SATO, SMV/NuSMV, SPIN,
Statemate, UPPAAL, Validas, - Theorem provers provide support for algebraic
proofs of model properties - Examples ACL2, Alloy, eCHECK (Prover
Technologies), KIV, PVS (SRI Inc.), TRIO-Matic,
22 Statemate modeling
- Based on Harel statecharts from 80s
- Functional decomposition
- Used years in aviation and car industry
- Mainly for simulating and validating
functionality (Test cases) - Model checker for verification
23Language of Statemate
Finite State Machines (FSM) A virtual machine
that can be in any one of a set of finite states
and whose next states and outputs are functions
of input and the current state.
History Connector
Hierarchy Structure A state may consist of
states which consists of states. Priority
Rule Priority is given to the transition whose
source and target states have a higher common
ancestor state.
Concurrency Processes that may execute in
parallel on multiple processors or asynchronously
on a single processor.
24Functional Decomposition
- Functional decomposition breaks down complex
systems into a hierarchical structure of simpler
parts. - Breaking a system into smaller parts enables
users to understand, describe, and design complex
systems. - Functional decomposition consists of the
following steps - Define the system context.
- This will help define the system boundaries.
- Describe the system in terms of high-level
functions and their interfaces. - Refine the high-level functions and partition
them into smaller, more specific functions.
25Functional Decomposition
External Data Sink
Hierarchy Level 0 (Context-Diagram)
External Data Source
Hierarchy Level 1
Hierarchy Level 2
Hierarchical Structured Activity Chart
26Formal Methods
- Home assignments
- 11.2 What problems are associated with
specifications written in natural language? - 11.18 Explain what is meant by a 'schema' in Z,
and describe its basic form. - Please email to herttua _at_eurolock.org by
- 23 of March 2006
- References I-Logix, KnowGravity