Title: Safety Critical Systems 4 Formal Methods Modelling
1Safety Critical Systems 4Formal Methods /
2Formal Methods
- Formal methods have been used for safety and
security-critical purposes during last decades
for e.g - - Certifying the Darlington Nuclear Generating
Station plant shutdown system. - - Designing the software to reduce train
separation in the Paris Metro. - - Developing a collision avoidance system for
United States airspace. - - Assuring safety in the development of
programmable logic controllers. - - Developing a water level monitoring system.
- - Developing an air traffic control system.
3 4Need for Formal Methods
- To mathematically describe the system both
software and hardware/functionality - To mathematically describe the properties for
validation/verification possiblity to prove - Enables simulation ( validation)
- Enables automatic verification
5(No Transcript)
6Formal Methods and Safety-Critical Systems
- Formal Methods are used in expressing
requirements, design and analysis of a safety
critical software and hardware. The use of
mathematical techniques reduce possible personal
interpretation - There exists a need for using formal methods
from writing requirements to verifying the system
that they are fulfilling those - Many difficulties are related to
misunderstanding requirements/specification. -
7Semi-formal Requirements/Specification
- Requirements should be unambiguous, complete,
consistent and correct. - Natural language has the interpretation
possibility. More accurate description needed. - Using pure mathematic notation not always
suitable for communication with domain expert. - Formalised Methods are used to tackle the
requirement engineering. (Structured text,
formalised English).
8 9Method
- Method (system engineering) consists of
- 1) Underlying model of development (process)
- 2) Language (expressing formal specification)
- 3) Defined, ordered steps (phases)
- 4) Guidance for applying steps in a coherent
manner (instructions)
10Formal Methods/ Model orientated
- These languages involve the explicit
specification of a state model - systems desired
behaviour with abstract mathematical objects as
sets, relations and functions. - VDM (Vienna Development Method ISO
standardised). - Z-language
- B-Method
11Formal Methods/ Property orientated
- Property orientated include axiomatic and
algebraic methods. - Axiomatic use first order predicate logic to
express pre/post conditions over abstract data
types (Larch/ADA, Sternol) - Algebraic methods are based on multi and order
sorted algebras and relate properties of the
system to equations over entities of the algebra
(Act One, Clear and OBJ).
12Formal Methods/Process orientated
- Process algebras have been developed to meet the
needs of concurrent systems. - Theories behind Hoares Communicating
Sequential Processes (CSP) and Milners Calculus
of Communicating Systems (CCS). - Protocol specification language LOTOS is based
on combination of Act One and CCS.
13Formal Language/Method selection criteria
- Good expressiveness
- Core of the language will seldom or never be
modified after its initial development, it is
important that the notation fulfils this
criterion. - Established/accepted to use with Safety Critical
Systems - Possibility of defining subset/coding rules to
allow efficient automatic processing by tools. - Support for modular specifications basic
support is expected to be needed. - Temporal expressiveness
- Tool availability
14Formal Methods/ Z-language
- Z-language bases on first order predicate logic
and set theory. - The specification expressed in Z-notation is
divided into smaller parts schemas - These schemas describe the statical and
dynamical characteristics of the system - static possible states, invariants
- dynamic possible operations, pre/post states
- Z is an excellent tool for modelling data, state
and operations -
15Simple example of Z notation
- ___BirthdayBook_______
- knownPNAME
- birthday NAME ?? DATE
- _____________________
- known dom birthday
- _____________________
- ___AddBirthday________
- ?BirthdayBook
- name?NAME
- date?DATE
- _____________________
- name? / known
- birthday birthdayUname???date?
- _____________________
- ___FindBirthday____________
- ?BirthdayBook
- name?NAME
- date!DATE
- _________________________
- name? known
- date! birthday(name?)
- _________________________
- ___Remind________________
- ? BirthdayBook
- today?DATE
- cards!PNAME
- _________________________
- cards!nknownbirthday(n)today?
- _________________________
16Formal Methods/ B-method
- B is quite well-known. Although not as
established as Z, B figures in some remarkable
success stories of industrial applications of
formal methods, e.g. by MATRA and B Toolkit/UK. - B-method uses Abstract Machine Notation (AMN)
for specification and implementation.
17Formal Methods/ B-method
- Like Z, B is based on set theory and provides a
rich set of operations. - B includes facilities for modular specifications,
although not as powerful as those of Z. - The temporal expressiveness of B is poor. Only
relations between a state and the next can be
18Modelling Requirements
- Models needed for communication with domain
experts (simulation) - Automatic verification (model checker, theorem
19Some Modeling Styles
20Verification and Validation
- Verification Are we building the system right?
- Validation Are we building the right system?
21Verified software process
22Model Verification
23Languages of Logic
- Propositional LogicStatements
- (1st Order) Predicate Logic (FOPL) Statements
quantified (?, ?) over things (objects!) - Linear Temporal Logic (LTL)Statements quantified
(?, ?, G, F, H, P) over things and time - Computational Tree Logic (CTL)Statements
quantified (?, ?, G, F, H, P, ?, ?) over things,
time and worlds (modal logic) - Enhanced Regular Expression Logic
(ERE)Statements about occurrence patterns (seq,
sel, itr, par) of events and conditions causing
actions - Note The list above is neither complete nor it
does necessarily imply any hierarchy!
24(Some) Languages of Logic
Time G, F, H, P
Temporal Logic (LTL)
Worlds ?, ?
Modal Logic
Predicate Logic
Objects ?, ?
Propositional Logic
25Verification Technologies
26Tools for Validation Verification
- Tools for Validation
- Static analysers derive implicit information
about a model (or a program) - Examples KeY, VDMTools (IFAD),
- Simulators for executable specifications
- Examples UML (Cassandra), MATLAB/Simulink,
Statemate, - Tools for Verification
- Model checkers for brute force enumeration of
states - Examples Alloy, SATO, SMV/NuSMV, SPIN,
Statemate, UPPAAL, Validas, - Theorem provers provide support for algebraic
proofs of model properties - Examples ACL2, Alloy, eCHECK (Prover
Technologies), KIV, PVS (SRI Inc.), TRIO-Matic,
27 Statemate modelling
- Based on Harel state charts from 80s
- Functional decomposition
- Used years in aviation and car industry
- Mainly for simulating and validating
functionality (Test cases) - Model checker for verification
28Language of Statemate
Finite State Machines (FSM) A virtual machine
that can be in any one of a set of finite states
and whose next states and outputs are functions
of input and the current state.
History Connector
Hierarchy Structure A state may consist of
states which consists of states. Priority
Rule Priority is given to the transition whose
source and target states have a higher common
ancestor state.
Concurrency Processes that may execute in
parallel on multiple processors or asynchronously
on a single processor.
29Functional Decomposition
- Functional decomposition breaks down complex
systems into a hierarchical structure of simpler
parts. - Breaking a system into smaller parts enables
users to understand, describe, and design complex
systems. - Functional decomposition consists of the
following steps - Define the system context.
- This will help define the system boundaries.
- Describe the system in terms of high-level
functions and their interfaces. - Refine the high-level functions and partition
them into smaller, more specific functions.
30Functional Decomposition
External Data Sink
Hierarchy Level 0 (Context-Diagram)
External Data Source
Hierarchy Level 1
Hierarchy Level 2
Hierarchical Structured Activity Chart
31System Development and Validation with STATEMATE
closing the Loop via linear Testbench Models
32System Validation Generating Test-Data from
Requirement Scenarios(Waveform Diagram derived
from Trace-File)
Operational Output
Operational Input
33Formal Methods
- Home assignments
- 11.2 What problems are associated with
specifications written in natural language? - 11.18 Explain what is meant by a 'schema' in Z,
and describe its basic form. - Please email to herttua _at_uic.asso.fr by
- 27 of March 2008
- References I-Logix, KnowGravity,ITT