Homo ergaster and Homo erectus. Africa. Dmanasi, Republic of Georgia. Pleistocene Evolution ... Oldest of these three specimens = 500,000 ybp, Bodo, Ethiopia ...
Homo ergaster. Lived 1.4-1.9 million years ago in Eastern and Southern Africa ... Smaller teeth than earlier species. Reduced sexual dimorphism from earlier species ...
Lecci n 15. LA EMERGENCIA DEL GENERO HOMO - Homo habilis / Homo rudolfensis - Homo ergaster / Homo erectus Homo habilis Homo habilis OH-7 Homo habilis OH-8 Homo ...
Some people use this term for only the East Asian forms. Homo ergaster ... Oysters, mussels, seafish, elephants, boars, rhinocerous, wild oxen, Homo erectus' culture ...
H. ergaster is more 'modern' in its postcranial skeleton. ... Birth canal/infant head as in modern humans. Slow developmental patterns like modern humans. ...
Later Human Evolution Homo erectus Homo erectus: Traits Homo erectus lived from approximately 2 million to around 400,000 years ago. Homo erectus is a large brained ...
Early Homo Homo habilis 2.5-1.8 mya contemporaneous with Australopithecus boisei and Australopithecus robustus for at least 500,000 years. Then no fossils of either ...
Some classify Neanderthals as archaic H. sapiens Homo sapiens First fossils of anatomically modern humans about 100,000 years old in Africa and Israel, ...
Early Stone Tools The earliest archaeology www.shadowspastaf.com Artifacts Any object that owes any of its attributes to human activity usually a discrete object.
HUMAN EVOLUTION: GENUS HOMO Time-Line of Hominid Evolution: 5 Adaptive Radiations First Adaptive Radiation: 6-7 mya in the late Miocene, potential last common ...
contemporaneous with Australopithecus boisei and A. robustus for at ... Occipital 'bun' (torus) Reduction in relative tooth size. Homo erectus. Homo sapiens ' ...
Title: Taxonomy Author: mark cooper Last modified by: Cooper, Mark Created Date: 11/13/2003 6:03:14 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
Human Evolution Human Evolution Homo neanderthalensis 250 000 to 28 000 a Cranial capacity: 1400 cm3 (bigger than H.sapiens) Brow ridge, long low skull, Height: 1.67m ...
ORIGEN DE LA VIDA AUSTRALOPITHECUS. DISTRIBUCI N AUSTRALOPITHECUS ANAMENSIS Australopithecus ( mono del sur) anam( lago). Entre 4,5 m.a. y 3,9 m.a. Alcanza el ...
Human Evolution Chapter 17 Primates Order primates includes prosimians, monkeys, apes, and humans Adapted for an arboreal life Human Evolution Humans and apes have a ...
Later Human Evolution Homo erectus Homo erectus: Traits Homo erectus lived from approximately 2 million to around 400,000 years ago. Homo erectus is a large brained ...
Primate Evolution Chapter 16 16.2 Hominoids to Hominins Hominins The lineage that most likely led to humans split off from the other African apes sometime between 8 ...
Title: Nincs diac m Author: mz Last modified by: mz Created Date: 9/10/2003 2:45:04 PM Document presentation format: Diavet t s a k perny re Other titles
Human origins and evolution Gil McVean, Department of Statistics, Oxford Questions about human origins What defines a human? What does the fossil record tell us?
Homo erectus was the first hominid species to be found in different places ... Dubois found a cranium and a thigh-bone, the fragments were considered for a ...
Homo neanderthalensis y homo sapiens moderno Dataci n de f siles Dataci n de f siles 1. M todo de los is topos radioactivos Desintegraci n constante en el ...
Lemur. Macaque. Common chimpanzee. Gorilla. Bonobo (pygmy chimp) Orangutans. Human. More primates ... lemurs and lorises) are. outside of this grouping. ...
Any object that owes any of its attributes to human activity usually a ... Giraffes, hippos, antelopes, elephants. Cutmarks: at least 1 elephant was butchered ...
HOM NIDOS A.Aponte * Pesaba sobre los 35 kilos. * Con herramientas como estos n cleos o Choppers , (MODO 1) los H. habilis golpeaba los huesos de sus presas, o ...
... nearby genes associated with transcriptional regulation and neurodevelopment are upregulated in humans. - only 2 changes in sequence between chicks and chimps; ...
Title: 2 Million B.P. Author: Gary Sterling Last modified by: Gary Created Date: 1/30/2002 6:42:25 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
The Phantom Science: How Geology Created the Amazing Natural Resources of Central Texas Don Beaumont Part 2 Texas Master Naturalists Land of Good Water Chapter
7.- LA EVOLUCI N HUMANA El Homo sapiens pertenece al grupo de los Primates, es decir, al grupo de los monos. No es correcto decir que descendemos de los monos, como ...
In general, there is one answer for each question... but sometimes (every once in a while), there are two. ... Phyletic gradualism. Punctuated Equilibrium ...
Fossil sites from various areas in Africa, Asia and Europe. Homo erectus ... Nuchal torus. Sagittal ridge (keel) Broad at the base. Shovel shaped incisors ...
Creation and Evolution. PART 1: Genesis 1. PART 2: Genesis 2.4-9, 16-25. Was Adam a caveman? ... Six Days of Creation. Was Adam a caveman? Part 2. DNA. 3 ...