Employee background checks should be carried out by all employers, irrespective of the size and nature of their business, and using a third party to help navigate and control this, is usually beneficial.
Background checks are something that most of us are familiar with, even if we haven’t conducted one or completed one. But as an employer or an employee, do you know enough about background checks to be certain that you are within the boundaries of the law?
Investing in background checks for potential employees can often be worthwhile, but without really knowing what you’re looking for and understanding what type of action you’re permitted to take based upon the findings, they’re not always as helpful as they might seem.
The rules surrounding background employment checks often change, and in recent years, the process has gotten more and more complex. If you’re an employer or work for a background screening company, you need to ensure that you’re up to date with the latest laws and new guidelines to avoid incurring penalties for non-compliance.
If you’re the owner of a large business with more than a hundred employees, you may be tempted to skip the background check procedures in favour of saving money, but could this decision end up costing you more money than you saved?
Background screening for employees is usually divided into 3 parts: public record searches, verifications and drug screening, and with the ongoing health crisis, each part is affected differently:
You’d be mistaken if you believe that only large businesses need to concern themselves with employee background checks, and if you’re running a smaller business, there is perhaps even more need for you to be vigilant when it comes to who you employ; here’s why:
While it might seem obvious that a company should carry out background checks before they take on any new workers, you’d be surprised to learn how few do. One common reason cited for not doing so stems from the cost; using the services of a pre-employment background check company naturally increases the overall cost of hiring, but this is not a valid excuse. The benefits of carrying out official background checks have been proven to outweigh the initial expenditure, and companies who have done so go on to reap the rewards of having a trustworthy network of employees who have no hidden surprises up their sleeves. Not to mention the fact that if your company becomes known as one that doesn’t carry out such checks, your staff will quickly be comprised of those with poor criminal and employment records.
Employee background checks have become part and parcel of the hiring process for many companies, big or small, and whether potential employees relish the prospect of having their backgrounds delved into or not, it certainly gives company owners greater control and peace of mind, over who they employ. That isn’t to say that someone you take on with a clean background, won’t later prove themselves to be wrong for the job, but the risk is certainly reduced.
If you’re an employer searching for hot new talent for your company, you’ll likely already know that many candidates will be looking for an employer that offers them benefits such as health insurance. While you may not have to provide it by law (if you have fewer than 50 employees), offering health insurance to employees is a great way to boost both engagement and morale, and encourage them to be loyal to your company.
There are few aspects of HR workflows that haven’t been impacted by the ongoing health pandemic, COVID-19, and pre-employment background checks are no exception. Courts and other facilities for accessing public records have been closed, and laboratories for drug-testing have been too, or at the very least, been very hard to get access to.
Nowadays, part of the hiring process for employers often involves conducting background checks on applicants, but knowing how to choose the right service is not always obvious.
There are usually specific types of background investigations for specific types of jobs, such as working with vulnerable people like the disabled, children or the elderly, and this is no different in the state of Florida. Additionally, if an individual has a certain felony on their record, they must wait for 3 years before they’re allowed to be employed in certain roles, such as those mentioned previously. There are of course some felonies that will mean an individual may never be allowed to work in certain fields and may be denied clearance completely.
If you’re the owner of a small business, you may have asked yourself whether conducting pre-employment background on potential employees is worth the extra time and cost and may have wondered how much difference they can really make.
Your company is potentially making a risky investment each time it hires new employees, and recruiting costs can be high. Research has shown that a staff member at mid-range, doesn’t come close to giving a return on investment until they’ve been employed for at least 6 months, highlighting the need to hire the right staff from the get go. Avoiding commonly made background mistakes when hiring, can help you to minimize the risk and get you a return upon your investment far quicker:
The effects of making a wrong hiring decision can sometimes be devastating for a business and can even have a negative impact on your remaining workforce and your client base. Then there is the cost and time spent to find a replacement for the inept hiring decision that was made, and there is even the potential for a costly and time-consuming lawsuit should the employee that you failed to instate wisely, prove to be unethical or dishonest.
When you begin the search for new employees, there are certain steps that must always be taken, such as publishing the job description online, sifting through the candidates and setting up interviews
Companies who don’t think employee background checks are necessary, are probably lucky not to have experienced any negative consequences, but you only have to use your imagination to come up with many reasons why it’s always a good idea to perform them.
Partner with the right Janitorial Cleaning Services Miami to get the best output. Only a reputed cleaning service provider will conduct all background checks on their employees to ensure the safety of their clients. Collect references and talk to them to get unbiased information on the cleaning agency.
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Screening applicants to determine who you invite for an interview or who you may wish to hire, is a sensible step taken by most companies and can prevent problems in the future with employees who may have questionable backgrounds. Many employers outsource this process to third parties that specialize in conducting background checks.
Employees need to be paid, no matter how busy you are as the owner of a company, and no matter how many employees you may have. And as no business can function without them, ensuring that employees are paid accurately for the work they’ve carried out for you, and in a timely manner, is absolutely imperative.
Nowadays, businesses have been forced to evolve in order to become less decentralized and a lot more flexible, especially in light of the way in which the entire world is more connected now than ever before.
Employees are facing a lot of stress these days, and financial worries are often at the forefront of their minds. The cost of living is growing exponentially, and more and more American workers are struggling to manage their debts and support their families with less money, and more expense. As a result, planning for the future has taken something of a backseat, and saving for retirement couldn’t be further from most employees minds, no matter their age.
As with offering your employees health insurance coverage, offering retirement benefits is a great way to boost your compensation package, and both attract and retain a valued workforce. In some instances, small business owners can even take advantage of retirement plans for themselves.
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Nowadays, businesses have been forced to evolve in order to become less decentralized and a lot more flexible, especially in light of the way in which the entire world is more connected now than ever before.
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With technology and workplace practices advancing at an increased pace every year (if not every month), the need for professionals to keep apace of developments and new techniques to be able to perform their roles effectively, is growing. The most effective way to ensure that this happens and employees are able to increase their knowledge and skillset, is with regular, ongoing training.
The U.S. is suffering from a stress epidemic quite unlike any other, with recent studies showing that more than ¾’s of the population suffer on a regular basis from stress related to work. Resulting in both mental and physical illness - or at the very least, exacerbating existing mental and physical health conditions – work-related stress can not only cause immense suffering for the individual, but for employers and entire companies, also. Stressed out employees typically aren’t as productive in their roles, and often struggle to work well as part of a team. For employers, this is of course bad news, and with mental health and stress related conditions taking up to as much as 8% of spending nationally on healthcare, it’s a financial headache, as well.
Every employee deserves to have time away from the job in which they can pursue activities to relax, unwind or do pretty much whatever they want in – provided they’re legal, of course. But for employers, finding a balance between offering paid leave to employees, and keeping their business running smoothly, can be tough.
The best way to transform your commercial space into an attractive environment is to engage a reliable commercial cleaning service provider. There are many commercial cleaning services to choose from in Miami FL. Promise your employees and clients a hygienic and clean workspace.
While healthcare for most individuals isn’t usually straightforward, health benefits for employees are notoriously complex, often leaving the recipient unable to understand the level of care they’re entitled to, what the coverage includes and where to find the appropriate provider, let alone able to navigate the insurance claims process.
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Remote workers have become something of a necessity in recent years, and with the COVID-19 pandemic not looking set to retreat just yet, the trend may well continue for many years to come. However, while such a way of working does have its benefits for both employers and employees, it can present a number of challenges for those managing remote workers.
Almost 3 in 10 workers entering the workforce today will become disabled before retiring ... and keep hands, cigarettes and food away from your mouth when ...
While healthcare for most individuals isn’t usually straightforward, health benefits for employees are notoriously complex, often leaving the recipient unable to understand the level of care they’re entitled to, what the coverage includes and where to find the appropriate provider, let alone able to navigate the insurance claims process.
As the owner of a small business, should you be offering your employees life insurance? Here we look in a little more detail at life insurance and what types are available:
The ongoing health crisis has put employers the world over, under immense strain, and added to the existing challenges of managing the health care costs of employees. However, for employers who keep their business heads on while shopping for health care benefits, take advantage of digital health technologies and partner with hospitals and physicians, may be able to weather the storm better than others.
Nowadays, the majority of employees in the United States are paid via direct deposits into their bank account, and these numbers are growing due to the increased benefits for both employers and their workforce.
Tracking employee time and attendance sometimes gets left by the wayside as company’s focus their energies on other aspects of their business that they deem more important. And, as technology continues to change the way we do business, time and attendance can seem like an old-fashioned system, at least for those who haven’t yet explored the many new ways of tracking the hours their employees are working. No longer consisting of paper time cards and making ‘buddy punching’ virtually impossible, automated systems that use time and attendance software can help you track your employees time, and make your workplace a more productive and efficient one for everyone.
Expediting the transformation of employer-sponsored health care benefits, the COVID-19 pandemic has been the catalyst for several changes to group health coverage, some of which are discussed in more detail below:
Whatever type of organization you run, and whatever type of product or service you produce, time and attendance has a hugely significant role to play, and here’s why:
Expediting the transformation of employer-sponsored health care benefits, the COVID-19 pandemic has been the catalyst for several changes to group health coverage, some of which are discussed in more detail below:
The Affordable Care Act, or ACA, continues to be scaled back as we progress into 2019, raising many questions about changes to the law. Read on to find out what you need to know as an employer, to comply with the ACA in 2019:
Attracting and retaining employees is tough for many American businesses, and it’s not getting any easier, especially if you’re seeking to find the very best talent for your vacant roles. Benefits packages have always been a great way of incentivizing employees, and health insurance coverage is just one of many benefits that candidates look for when applying for jobs and deciding whether to remain with an employer, or move on and search for a better benefits package elsewhere.
Every business owner must start somewhere, and even if you have grown up around business owners or your family runs a business that you are involved in, going it alone can be a whole different kettle of fish. While it’s highly advisable that new business owners seek professional help and guidance when setting up their company and preparing to take on and pay a workforce, there are a few basics that it can be helpful to understand before you begin intake proceedings.
Retirement programs and packages are offered to staff by many organisations across the U.S., but are they doing enough to help their employees prepare for retirement? While it might sound like an unnecessary act as bosses have already done their part by offering their workers a retirement package, it can be of benefit to everyone to help them prepare for such things as saving to ensure that their daily living requirements can be met adequately; and making preparations for the rising cost of medical expenses.
It has been said that up to 8 billion dollars a day may be lost in untracked work hours, affecting the US economy and having a very real impact upon individual businesses, big and small. Time is as important an element of business as any other, but it can be challenging to encourage employees to see it as being so.
If you’re the owner of a small business, you’ll know that for the most part, the key to success lies in having a good workforce. However, it could be said that you only get out what you put in, and if your employees don’t feel valued and appreciated, then your business just may not become successful.
Employee Assistance Programs, or EAP’s, are confidential workplace services paid for by employers that help their staff deal with a variety of stressors that may affect their daily performance and/or physical and mental wellbeing. Problems within the family, worries about money or relationship struggles can all have a detrimental effect upon employees and their ability to perform in a productive manner within the workplace, and over time, such concerns can have a very real impact upon a company.