Dubna material studies activity in the frame of IAEA and ISTC research projects Anatoly Balagurov Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Tracks a number of fissions. n. n,fission. tracks. chemical etching ... measurement/FLUKA calculation. Detectors are placed on top of. the target along its length. ...
... Wolfgang Kund arXiv:0911.1355 62,185 quazars old yang Neutron Star Discovered Where a Black Hole Was ... binary black hole system ... Relativity has now ...
GERDA meeting. Dubna 27-29/06/2005. LNGS Chemistry Service. S. Nisi. Natural Ge crystal contamination measurement and Isotopic ratio determination by ...
... plays a world leading role in a number of branches of fundamental physics. ... JINR basic facility for high-energy physics research is represented by the 6 ...
The order parameter for symmetry breaking is quark or chiral condensate: ... Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Restoration ... SCQM Chiral Symmerty Breaking ...
Where does the Proton Spin come from? Spin 'Crisis': DIS experiments: ?S=?u ?d ?s 1 ... it is oblate in relation to the spin direction. Single Spin Asymmetry in ...
ANODE WIRES - 30 m Tungsten Rhenium Wires with 3%Au are under HV. Tension - 70g. Left ... plane is more closely to the anode plane in cmp to Drift chamber ...
DIS experiments: ?S=?u ?d ?s1. SU(6) 1. QCD sum rule for the ... Analogue from hydrodynamics ((?)/(t)) (? v)=0, ?= v, This means the suggestion that sea quarks ...
It is locally invariance gauge theory and therefore Gravitation can be included ... Unification of gauge coupling constants into an universal one at very high ...
Fermi'34: e Nucleus Coulomb FSI in -decay modifies the relative momentum (k) ... of particle production using particle correlations. 3. Fermi factor in -decay ...
... of Silesia, University Cracow, GSI Darmstadt, TU Dresden, JINR Dubna, JINR Dubna, ... di Ferrara, Universit t Frankfurt, LNF-INFN Frascati, INFN Sezione di Genova, ...
Stability of compact stars (white dwarfs and neutron stars) . G.S.Bisnovatyi-Kogan Space Research Institute RAN, Moscow Joint Institute of Nuclear Researches, Dubna
http://nrv.jinr.ru Web knowledge base on low-energy nuclear physics Alexander Karpov, JINR, Dubna What is Knowledge base Fusion-Fission-Evaporation analysis
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna), Russia ... Department of Physics, National Taiwan ... Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga University, Japan ...
Advanced neutron spectrometers for condensed matter studies at the IBR-2M reactor Anatoly M. Balagurov Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, JINR, Dubna, Russia
Motivation: divergences in the vacuum energy. Zero point (vacuum) energy. Dubna, RG2008 ... Considered from the point of view of a conducting sphere we have a ...
Next stage of a search for 2K(2 )-capture of 78Kr Valery V. Kuzminov Baksan Neutrino Observatory INR RAS NON-ACCELERATOR NEW PHYSICS Dubna, Russia, June 20--25, 2005
Universit degli Studi e Sezione INFN, Bari, Italy. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, UK ... Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, JINR Dubna, Russia ...
Protokol POP3 Post Office Protocol version 3 Vypracoval: Josef Je ek Dne: 10. dubna 2006 Pro p edm t: KIV/PSI vod POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) je ...
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna. On behalf of the ... SciFi. Scintillating. fibers. Beam. LAS. SAS. Polarized 6LiD target. 3He 4He dilution ...
Some proposals on HV circuits realization for segmented straw detector Leonid Kudin, Elena Chernishova,PNPI, CBM meeting, Dubna, 13-18 october Such decision was ...
Bezpe nost v praxi implementace v s ti WAN ZSVM Tom Kant rek tomas.kanturek@anect.com 4. dubna 2005 Agenda P edstaven Profil z kazn ka Po adavky na ...
SPIN PHYSICS AT NICA A.P. Nagaytsev, JINR , Dubna 1. NICA Project. 2. Proposed measurements. 3. LOI preparation. 4. Conclusions. ADVANCED STUDIES INSTITUTE SYMMETRIES ...
Report of PAC for Particle Physics T. Hallman Presented by P. Spillantini JINR Scientific Council Meeting June 5-6, 2003 Dubna, Russia With Respect to the Draft JINR ...
E. Montesinos (AB/RF/SR), V. Rossi, D. Valuch, V. Zhabitsky (for JINR / Dubna collaboration) ... Overview of System, why do we need the damper on day ONE ? ...
North America (6), China (2), Japan (2), Europe (3), South Korea (1) and ... Vector Virology and Biotechnology Centre. Phase 2. Dubna Russia's 3rd Naukograd ...
New realistic design implemented by O.Rogachevski (Dubna) and recently verified by J.Balewski ... Geometry abstraction for reconstruction. Active element alignement ...
Test procedure established at every production site. # of successfully average ... Dubna received material to pick up on 22 L2C1 chambers only very recently. ...
Reaction Mechanisms with low energy RIBs: limits and ... REX-ISOLDE 11Be. SPIRAL 6He. Dubna 6He. Fragmentation beams: Riken 11Be (after energy degradation) ...
Report of PAC for Particle Physics T. Hallman JINR Scientific Council Meeting January 20-21, 2005 Dubna, Russia Outline of this Talk Recent decisions taken at the ...
Responsibilities of ROC and CIC in EGEE ... A.Kryukov, Yu.Lazin NA3 Induction Courses, 28/06/04, Dubna. Introduction: ... Co-ordinate the activities of the ...