Title: Instrumentation of the very Forward Region
1Instrumentation of the very Forward Region
Wolfgang Lohmann
DESY (Zeuthen)
Colorado, Cracow, DESY(Zeuthen), JINR Dubna,
London (UC), Minsk (BSU), Prague, Protvino
( IHEP), Tel Aviv Collaboration
2The very Forward Calorimeter Collaboration
3The TESLA Detector
4Functions of the very Forward Detektors
- Detection of Electrons and
Photons at very low angle
- Measurement of the Luminosity
- Shielding of the inner Detector
220 cm
5- Measurement of the Luminosity
Gauge Process ee- ee-
Goal 10-4 Precision (LEP 3.4 10-4)
- Physics case GZ for Giga-Z
Two Fermion cross section at high energy,
threshold scans
- Technology Si-W Sandwich Calorimeter
Optimisation of shape and Segmantation
- Theorists are working (T. Riemann, Z. Was .)
- ee- pairs from beamstrahlung are deflected into
the LCAL
- 15000 ee- per BX 10 20 TeV
Rad. hard sensors
Diamond-W Sandwich
Scintillator crystals
Gas ionisation chamber
Deposited energy over R and f contains
information about beam parameters
7- Detection of Electrons and
Photons at very low angle
8- Detection of Electrons and
Photons at very low angle
Small Molière radius High granularity Longitudinal
- Two photon event rejection
ee- ee- mm-
(Severe background for particle searches)
500 BX
1 from physics 2 from fluctuations
9Schematic views
W-Diamond sandwich
Heavy crystals
Space for electronics
10Proposal for a 2-year RD program
LAT (low angle)
LCAL (very low angle)
- Simulations for different technologies
- Simulations (shape and segmentation)
- Design (mechanics, alignment)
- Comparison of technologies
Choose the most promising(s)
- Sensor prototyping and lab. tests
11The first steps .
New design of the forward region (e.g. l 4m)
12The first steps .
Diamond sensor prototype measurement (JINR and
13Diamond sensor prototype measurement (JINR and
Mip response using a Si sensor
First spectra using Diamond
Sr90 source
First new sensor samples from Fraunhofer Institut
Freiburg and Prokhorov Institut Moscow are
expected mid april
14- Shielding of the inner Detector