FILO ARTHROPODA Arachnida, Chilopoda e Diplopoda I. CLASSE ARACHNIDA Aracn deos: . Ex.: Aranhas, escorpi es, caros e carrapatos. . Cefalot rax (prossomo ...
Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum 4 Uniramia DIC or CID Class Chilopoda Class Diplopoda Class Insecta Which one has most legs per segment? Subphylum 4 Uniramia ...
Title: Arthropods Author: Nancy Wheat Last modified by-- Created Date: 3/15/2006 12:08:54 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles
Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Trilobita Common 500 mya (4000 spp) but extinct by 225 mya Each body segment had a biramous appendage (inner for walking) ...
three distinct body regions ... no functional locomotor appendages on abdomen non-functional appendage ... Class Hexapoda ('six-legged' animals) FINIS ...
ARTR PODES FILO ARTHROPODA Arthros: articula o Podos: p s Caracteriza o geral: Baratas, caranguejos, aranhas, siris, camar es, moscas... Grupo mais ...
FILO ARTHROPODA Prof. Giovani Caracter sticas Gerais Celomados Tribl sticos Protost micos Simetria Bilateral Aqu ticos e terrestres Sistema Digest rio Completo ...
Bab 8 KINGDOM ANIMALIA Filum Arthropoda FILUM ARTHROPODA Sebutan bagi hewan invertebrata yang memiliki ciri utama : a. Tubuhnya bersegmen-segmen/beruas-ruas b.
Respiration is through tubes called tracheae. All appendages are uniramous. Mostly terrestrial or aerial- some aquatic forms. Chitinous exoskeleton with waxy cuticle. ...
Biology II Lab Practical Review Part II Last updated 11-29-07 Orders of Placental Mammals Sirenia Rodentia Proboscidea Perissodactyla Perissodactyla Lagomorpha ...
Crustaceans, Spiders and Insects Arthropods are the most successful phylum on the planet! 750,000 species Arthropods have Segmented body Tough exoskeleton Jointed ...
Cabeza con antenas cortas y ojos simples. Cuerpo con n mero ... El vuelo en los insectos. Alas formadas por la pared del cuerpo del mesot rax y metat rax ...
Intro To Arthropods HW: ... Many crustaceans live in the sea at ... Arial Narrow Times New Roman Cactus Intro To Arthropods Overview Habitat Niches Medical ...
... Glass Sponge, Sea Sponge Phylum Cnidaria or Coelenterata Live in water Most have tentacles catch food with stinging cells Examples - Jellyfish, ...
Kingdom Animalia Characteristics Multicellular Eukaryotic with no cell walls Heterotrophs (consumers) Have a nervous system to respond to their environment ...
Title: Characteristics ~ Author: Dennis Passovoy Last modified by: GPISD Created Date: 4/20/2003 3:44:56 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
BSC 2010L. INVERTEBRATES II. Principal Biological Concepts to Emphasize: ... you view '33A Characteristics of Invertebrates' on Student Media CD-ROM for review. ...
Terrestrial Mandibulates Chapter 20 Uniramia Uniramians are mostly terrestrial arthropods. A few live in freshwater. Only one pair of antennae. Appendages uniramous ...
Filum Arthopoda Kelas chilopoda KELOMPOK 26 Nama : Rati Ariani Dewi Darlina Filum Arthopoda Arthopoda merupakan filum yang paling besar dalam dunia hewan yang ...
Arthropods General Characteristics: Jointed appendages Segmented bodies Exoskeleton (made of chitin that must molt to grow) Classified by number of legs and body ...
ARTHROPODA & ECHINODERMATA. The answers will be ... madreporite. A. B. Label. Ambulacral. ridge. ampullae. gonads. Digestive gland. What is this structure? ...
Animal Kingdom Birds Largest group of terrestrial vertebrates Beaks Wings Hollow bones Feathers Scales on their legs Endodermic constant body temperature Eggs ...
Spiders, insects, centipedes, scorpions, shrimp, crabs, lobsters, butterflies Jointed appendages The world arthropod population has been estimated at a billion billion
Animal Kingdom Birds Largest group of terrestrial vertebrates Beaks Wings Hollow bones Feathers Scales on their legs Endodermic constant body temperature Eggs ...