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Most companies likely conduct a majority of their affairs in a virtual manner, with less and less reliance on the need for physical copies of forms and documents. Although some industries or firms may still prefer an inked signature on the final version of an important contract, there is really no reason to mandate this outdated practice anymore. With the right cloud-based contract management solution, it can be faster, cheaper, and safer to manage a company’s contract portfolio. And, this is not restricted to just drafting or saving a batch of contracts but includes the signature phase of the contracting lifecycle as well. Here are five reasons to use electronic signatures for contract management:
1. Lump sum Contract: A lump sum contract is normally used in the construction industry to reduce design and contract administration costs. It is called a Lump Sum because the contractor is required to submit a total and globalprice instead of bidding on individual items with this kind of contract the engineer and/or contractor agrees to do a described andspecified project for a fixed price. 2. Unit Price Contract: Items of work of the contract are specified with estimated quantities in the Bills of Quantities. Estimated quantities are surveyed by Architect/Engineer. Contractors enter unit prices against the estimated quantities of work.The contract is based on estimated quantities of work items and unit price for each of these work items. Payment is made on the basis of units of work actually done and measured in the field multiplied by the unit prices.
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