Title: No Slide Title Author: John Steven Scheibe Last modified by: Computer Services Created Date: 11/26/1999 11:31:18 PM Document presentation format
Circulatory System- increased metabolic rates, countercurrent heat exchange ... Exceptions are the Narwhal and Mysticetes. 3. Tooth material same as other mammals. ...
A global moratorium on commercial harvest of many cetacean species was ... But whaling never completely stopped 'whale meat' continues to be sold in ...
Marine Mammals Classifications Whales Dolphins and Porpoises- Order Cetacea Cetaceans are further broken down into: Suborder Mysticeti (Beard Bearing)-Baleen Whales ...
... rhinoceros, & tapirs Location: Africa & Asia Have a cecum Order Cetacea Whales, dolphins, porpoises Lack hind-limbs, have tails Totally aquatic, ...
Cetacea - dolphine, porpose, and other whales Mammals have mammary glands, endotherms, 4 chambered heart, have hair/fur, and most are viviparous (placental).
Light Up the Room with Your Answer to this Opener! Name a mammal in each of these orders --- Primates, Chiroptera, Insectivora, Lagomorpha, Rodentia, and Cetacea. 2 ...
Right whale Fig. 12-15 Marine Mammals Cetacea Mysticeti (Baleen Whales) 15 species Includes largest animal ever on earth Blue whale To 33.5 m long, 100+ tons
ADAPTATIONS & PHYSIOLOGY OF CETACEA How they are successful in the deep, blue sea!! Adaptations for diving underwater: Involves circulatory & respiratory systems ...
Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises Phylum Chordata, Class mammalia, Order Cetacea Cetaceans are grouped on basis of their mouths: Mysteceti - Whales with baleen (strainers ...
Species identification: Provides an organized catalogue that allows us to find ... Order Cetacea Primate. Family Balaenopteridae Hominidae. Genus Balaenoptera Homo ...
How to make a paper cup What is origami? or What is fine arts? or What is paper folding? Dolphin What is a cetacea? or What is a mammal? Tiger What is carnivora?
Marine Mammals Classifications ... Harbor Seal The Leopard Seal is the Polar Bear of the Antarctic No Yes Nails on Flippers Rotate Hips and Walk Caterpillar ...
Nekton Bahari Mammalia Air Laboratorium Biodiversitas Kelautan dan Perikanan ITK IPB Laboratorium Biodiversitas Kelautan dan Perikanan Ordo Odontoceti Morfologi ...
Order? Common name? Mammalia Carnivora Sea otter Class? ... Arctic sea ice is declining due to global warming and polar bears are having a hard time gaining enough ...
Title: Slide 1 Author: FIS Last modified by: ANONIM Created Date: 10/8/2005 1:18:27 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial
Zool gico virtual C o Baleia Azul C o Nome popular:C o Nome cientifico:( Canis familiaris) Ordem: Carn vora Habitat: Em casas Alimenta o:Ra o de boa ...
the relationship of and George de Mestral was an amateur Swiss mountaineer,hiking along one day in 1948. Poor George could not enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Alps ...
Blue whale facts. Distribution: Once worldwide; now largest populations are off coast of ... In some tropical areas, blue whales are seen year round. Why might ...
Title: Socio-sexual signals and reproduction in mammals an overview Author: Graeme Martin Last modified by: Rachel Sheffield Created Date: 1/28/2002 3:56:13 AM
The Five Kingdoms What characteristics are shared by all living things? Eukaryotes Prokaryotes Three Domains An alternative classification system ANIMALS What are ...
Placental Mammals Classification Order Rodentia: Gnawing Mammals Largest mammalian order 1800 species Mice, squirrels, porcupines, beavers Every continent except ...
Oceanography An Invitation to Marine Science, 7th Tom Garrison Chapter 15 Marine Animals Chapter 15 Study Plan Animals Arose Near the End of the Oxygen Revolution ...
Important Dates in Whaling History. 1860s Explosive harpoon ... 1985 IWC moratorium on commercial whaling. Norway, Japan, Iceland still practice whaling ...
Thinking about Iceland travel? If you have no idea what Iceland is famous about, then, it is the nation which has experienced an eruption of tourism, due to its heavenly and mesmerizing beauty and landscapes of ancient glaciers and rugged fjords. It is one of the most hotly contested places of tourism. It has innumerable places to travel and things to do as entertainment- the place will leave you open-mouthed and crave for more even after your trips to Iceland expired!
Killer Whales Orcinus orca Largest members of the dolphin family (Delphinidae) Average male is 24 ft and 10,500 kg Average female is 20 ft and 7,400 kg Males have ...
Classification Challenge separate the following items into three groups Some criteria for classification Physical characteristics Behavioural characteristics
When water is pushed out of the mouth the krill are trapped! Keratin is the same protein found in hair and fingernails. (like stiff straw) They eat krill ...
The Five Kingdoms What characteristics are shared by all living things? Eukaryotes Prokaryotes Three Domains An alternative classification system ANIMALS What are ...
SUBPHYLUM VERTEBRATES 1. 99% of all chordates 2. Contain a supporting backbone called a vertebral column (replaces the notochord during embryo development)
... squid, octopi, sea turtle, sea birds, sea otters, penguins, polar bears, ... the first primitive whale was around 53 to 54 million years ago Are Orcas endangered?
... spiny anteaters Both the reproductive system and the urinary system open into a cloaca that is similar to the ... Jaw joint Jaw joint Wolf Horse Feeding ...
Mammals. Chapter 36. Section 1. Five key characteristics. Some hair ... Placental Mammals. Placenta - allows diffusion of nutrients and oxygen into the fetus ...
Mammals Characteristics of Mammals 3 Middle Ear Bones malleus, incus, and stapes (hammer, anvil, and stirrup) the first two derived from the ancestral jaw.