Title: Timberlake Model Eye
1Timberlake Model Eye
Manufactured by Gulden Ophthalmics, Elkins Park,
2My model eye design incorporates several features
not found in previous models
I designed the model eye
Pupil size is variable and includes small pupils.
This is crucial since using a direct
ophthalmoscope with small pupils is a challenging
skill to learn.
The eye can be adjusted from emmetropia to 8
diopters of hyperopia and -8 diopters of myopia.
Different scaled retinal images can be placed in
the eye to illustrate different retinal diseases
such as macular degeneration and diabetic
The eye was designed to be inexpensive with a
projected sale price of 10 or less. Previous
model eyes sold for 50 or more putting them out
of the range of students.
3The following slides show how the Timberlake
Model Eye is assembled.
4Velcro to hold retinas
myopia-hyperopia calibration marks
40 D lens
plates with velcro for holding retinas
retinal photographs to cut out and mount
5Model Eye mounted on stand
6Retina holder in model eye. Holder slides in and
out to produce emmetropia (E) or varying amounts
of ametropia.
7Pupil strip inserted in eye behind lens. Three
pupil diameters are available.
8Retina attached to sliding holder