River Rafting på Apurimac-floden kombinerer sjov og spænding i den brusende flod med uforglemmelige naturoplevelser og hyggelige stunder om lejrbålet. På 3 dage tilbagelægger vi 99,7 km ad en ikke så kommerciel del af Apurimac-floden, der kaldes Black Canyon, og på vejen vil I opleve spektakulære landskaber, høje granitvægge, dybe og snævre kløfter og smukke vandfald.
Tren del desarrollo, no tuvo el impacto esperados en las provincias, distritos y ... Ausencia de partidos y movimientos pol ticos, en los minkay zonales ...
The peru tour package is designed is for the real adventurous traveler. The Apurimac rafting,three days on a worry free vacation with no stress no schedules.
The peru tour package is designed is for the real adventurous traveler. The Apurimac rafting,three days on a worry free vacation with no stress no schedules.
tumbes loreto piura amazonas lambayeque san martin cajamarca la libertad ancash huanuco ucayali pasco junin lima madre de dios callao huancavelica cusco apurimac
Piura. Lima. Huancayo. Jun n y Pasco. Arequipa. Cusco. Cusco y Apurimac. Tarapoto. San Mart n y Huanuco. DRI - COSTA CENTRO. DRI - SUR. DRI -NOR ORIENTE. DRI - SUR ...
... aplicacion pea minsa region total ley n 28498 d.s ... apurimac. cajamarca. lima. departamento. piura. asoc ni os arco iris. bomberos. c. gert san fco asis ...
... a m s de 3,000m. sobre el nivel del mar y a 1,500 m. sobre las rugientes aguas del R o Apurimac. dedicada a la adoraci n de los dioses de la monta a, ...
Kondor Rejser tilbyder skræddersyede rejser, der passer til vores kunders helt specifikke ønsker. Vi har 25 års erfaring med at sammensætte rejser i og omkring Cusco; kulturelle og adventure-rejser, gruppe- og individuelle rejser, luksusrejser, og til populære rejsemål såvel som til unikke.
One of the best hiking trips in the Peruvian Andean Mountains. For the local people this mountain is consider as a sacred spirit and is the greatest mountain in the Cordillera Vilcabamba.
Taking one of the Machu Picchu tours is a great way to explore and learn more about the culture and diversity of Cusco and the Machu Picchu area. RIVER EXPLORERS offers a wide variety of tours for every interest and taste.
We are a leading, local, full-service tour operator for travel to Peru that organizes tours and packages for all around Peru. We are not a big travel company with dozens of agents ready to give you a packaged trip run by others; we operate our own Peru tour packages with highly experienced local field staff, and we have a reputation for safety, service and fun.
We are a leading, local, full-service tour operator for travel to Peru that organizes tours and packages for all around Peru. We are not a big travel company with dozens of agents ready to give you a packaged trip run by others; we operate our own Peru tour packages with highly experienced local field staff, and we have a reputation for safety, service and fun.
Kondor Rejser organiserer ture og pakkerejser i Peru. I modsætning til store rejsebureauer, der benytter sig af agenter og får andre rejsearrangører til at arrangere deres rejser, så arrangerer vi selv alle vores rejser og samarbejder med erfarne og dedikerede lokale kræfter.
These tour packages give you the opportunity to see Cusco and Machu Picchu in a different way.Choose between cultural or adventure,mix both or simply make your own package.Enjoy Cusco,the Scared Valley,the Andes and Machu Picchu by train,bus,biking,rafting or hiking.We take you to places away from tourist crowds where we gurantee fun,good services and saftey.
Kondor Rejser organiserer ture og pakkerejser i Peru. I modsætning til store rejsebureauer, der benytter sig af agenter og får andre rejsearrangører til at arrangere deres rejser, så arrangerer vi selv alle vores rejser og samarbejder med erfarne og dedikerede lokale kræfter.
River Explorers is a specialist local Peruvian tour operator dedicated to provide the best Peru tours that our country has to offer. We pride ourselves to offer a unique and diverse range of activities specially designed to create the best experience possible making sure it will be a once in a life time vacation.
Taking one of the Machu Picchu tours is a great way to explore and learn more about the culture and diversity of Cusco and the Machu Picchu area. RIVER EXPLORERS offers a wide variety of tours for every interest and taste.
Oplev Perus mangfoldighed af kultur og tradition og kom tæt på den smukke natur og arkæologiske seværdigheder på denne 15 dages rundrejse i det enestående Peru, der byder på mange af landets topseværdigheder. Start din rejse i hovedstaden Lima. Oplev Perus ”Mini-Galapagos” ved Ballestas-øerne og flyv over de mystikomgærdede Nazca-linjer.
This impressive world heritage site, and one of the 7 wonder of the World, is a magnificent ancient city plunged a top a peak fringed with mountain cloud forests and rivers of the Amazon Jungle.
River Evplorers is a specialized local peruvian tour operator dedicated to providing the best Peruvian tours the country has to offer. We pride ourselves on our diverse range of activities; and specifically design each tour to create the best possible experience, ensuring a once in a lifetime vacation. Visit Us : http://riverexplorers.com
Du har sikkert prøvet at bo på et hotel, der bare overhovedet ikke levede op til dine forventninger: elendig service, uhumsk værelse, trafikeret vej lige på den anden side af vinduet, og…. var det lige en kakerlak, du spottede ud af øjenkrogen?
These tour packages give you the opportunity to see Cusco and Machu Picchu in a different way.Choose between cultural or adventure,mix both or simply make your own package.
RIVER EXPLORERS E.I.R.L. is certified by the Peruvian Ministry of Tourism,the only institution that certifies tour operators in Peru. For the Inca trail tour operators need a special permit granted by the Peruvian Government Department INC (National Institution of Culture), which is the official entity controlling the access to The Inca Trail and Machu Picchu. RIVER EXPLORERS E.I.R.L. is certified to run any Inca trails available in Peru. Since 2008 rafting tour operators need to have special certifications to operate rafting tours on rivers around Peru. Visit Us : http://riverexplorers.com
Cusco Tour Packages were created with the idea of showing you places that usually aren& seen by travelers. Machu Picchu is a very popular site for visitors to Cusco, but the region has so much more to offer.
Machu Picchu Adventure package tour features mountain biking in the Andes and archaeological sites, rafting in one of the best sections of the Urubamba rain forest and a guided tour around the Impressive Machu Picchu.
RIVER EXPLORERS E.I.R.L. is certified by the Peruvian Ministry of Tourism,the only institution that certifies tour operators in Peru. For the Inca trail tour operators need a special permit granted by the Peruvian Government Department INC (National Institution of Culture), which is the official entity controlling the access to The Inca Trail and Machu Picchu. Visit Us http://riverexplorers.com
We are a leading, local, full-service tour operator for travel to Peru that organizes tours and packages for all around Peru. We are not a big travel company with dozens of agents ready to give you a packaged trip run by others; we operate our own Peru tour packages with highly experienced local field staff, and we have a reputation for safety, service and fun.
Oplev Perus mangfoldighed af kultur og tradition og kom tæt på den smukke natur og arkæologiske seværdigheder på denne 15 dages rundrejse i det enestående Peru, der byder på mange af landets topseværdigheder.
You couldn’t ask for a greater way to explore the majestic splendor that the Andes and rain forest has to offer than by taking the Huchuy Qosqo to Machu Picchu hiking.
Machu Picchu Adventure package tour features mountain biking in the Andes and archaeological sites, rafting in one of the best sections of the Urubamba rain forest and a guided tour around the Impressive Machu Picchu.
RIVER EXPLORERS is a Cusco-based travel and adventure agency of the inspiration of Boris Rojas Tupayachi who owns and operates RIVER EXPLORERS E.I.R.L. Boris Rojas was born and raised in the Sacred Valley - Calca in the region of Cusco.
We are a local tour operator since 2007, with a license & authorized to operate in Cusco-Peru. We specialize in tailormade adventure tours to Peru. Read more: https://www.perutravelcompany.com
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