Getting In: Papilla vs. Ampulla. Papilla: What you see on the outside. Ampulla: The inside, surrounded by the sphincter of Oddi. A close-up of the ampulla ...
Ampulla. Formation of Semen. Spermatozoa leave the ampulla and enter the ... Ampulla. Ejaculatory duct. Prostatic, membranous, spongy urethra. Corpus spongiosum ...
Ampulla at end of each canal contains crista or cupola: hair cells (each with ... vertical canals stimulated by movement away from ampulla. Causes of vertigo ...
b. Ampulla. 1) Is the middle section of the Fallopian Tube. 2) Is ... 4) The isthmus joins the ampulla at the 'ampullary-isthmic junction' which is ...
Cholangiocarcinoma is a rare and heterogeneous malignant neoplasm with epithelial cell origin of biliary duct and histologic and biochemical features of cholangiocyte differentiation. The malignant tumor may arise from any portion of the bile duct i.e., from terminal ductules to the ampulla of Vater, and at the peribiliary glands.
3. Identify the extent of the peritoneum and its folds and ... Ampulla. Seminal vesicle. Prostate. Bulbourethral gland. Ejaculatory duct. Urethra. Testis ... Anatomy of the Vestibular System ... Ampulla: enlargement at the canal-utricle junction. Ampullary crest contains ...
obstructing stone at ampulla allows bile to reflux into the pancreatic duct. obstructing stone at ampulla produces pancreatic duct hypertension. Presentation and ...
The normal push-pull functioning of the canal pairs is important, since ... Fugal Flow flow away from the ampulla. Petal Flow flow towards the ampulla. Utriculo ...
b. tube feet (tube foot = ampulla podium) enterocoelom. ampulla. podium. Animal Support & Skeletal Systems. III. Types of Skeletal Systems. B. Exoskeleton ...
ampulla. prostate. PROSTATE GLAND. Surrounds urethra. Close to seminal vesicle, where ampulla joins urethra. FUNCTION: Secrete fluid high in minerals ...
Structure of the Liver. Gall Bladder. Connects to small intestine, through duct joined to the pancreas, called the ampulla of Vater. Each lobe, is made of functional ...
Carcinoma of Extrahepatic Bile Ducts and Ampulla of Vater. 1. Incidence: ... 4. Ampulla of Vater (Least common) c. Stones accompany one-third of the cases. 35 ...
Pancreatic duct merges w/ CBD at Ampulla of Vater. Sphincter of Oddi. What is Cholecystokinin? ... Ampulla of Vater. Duct selected and contrast injected. CT ...
ampulla. swelling of membranous labyrinth that communicates with the vestibule. crista ampullaris. sensory organ of ampulla. hair cells and supporting cells ...
cardia (& cardiac notch, angel by esophagus and stomach, close to the heart) ... hepatopancreatic ampulla, sphincter - dilated area as common bile duct ...
Two kidney-form urine. Two ureter-conduct urine from kidneys to bladder ... ampulla ductus deferentis and rectum in the male, and in front of uterus and ...
cystic duct LN, direct infiltration of CBD, tumour fragments ... Whipple operation for carcinoma of pancreas, ampulla, lower part of CBD or duodenum ...
ARTHROPODA & ECHINODERMATA. The answers will be ... madreporite. A. B. Label. Ambulacral. ridge. ampullae. gonads. Digestive gland. What is this structure? ...
terminate as ampulla. joins seminal vesicle duct. Ejaculatory duct. passes into ... ampulla of ductus deferens. corpus spongiosum of penis. urinary bladder ...
Ampullae of Lorenzini detect electrical potentials and ... Important natural history info for management: Grow slowly. Reach sexual maturity late in lives ...
Septa divide the testis into 250-300 lobules, each containing 1-4 seminiferous tubules ... Grasped by beating fimbriae of the infundibulum in the tube's ampulla ...
From the department of surgery, University of Southern California-Los Angeles ... tend to be large and remote from the ampulla, and require immediate surgery. ...
Bean shaped with ovulation fossa at the 'eye' (ovulation site) ... Collects ova from ovulation fossa. Ampulla. Passage of ova to fertilization site. Isthmus ...
General Facts. Classified under the superphylum Deuterostomia. Adult organisms ... sent to the ampullae. ... Anus. Class Asteroidea. Around 1,800 sp. ...
Discuss the changes that occur in the female reproductive system during pregnancy. ... Ampulla of vas deferens. Ejaculatory duct. Prostatic urethra. Membranous urethra ...
Mixing: Segmental contraction that occurs in small intestine ... Joins pancreatic duct at hepatopancreatic ampulla. 24-26. Functions of the Liver. Bile production ...
Mollusks are second in diversity only to arthropods ... Ampulla = Muscular sac for tube feet control. 64. Echinoderm Body Plan. 65. Echinoderm Body Plan ...
3 semicircular canals in inner ear (temporal bone) - rotation. Connected ... Ampulla. Hair cells in enlarged region of each canal / embedded in gelatinous layer ...
which drain into lactiferous ducts, which. open to the outside through the nipple. Ampulla ... Lactiferous. duct. Alveolar. duct. Nipple. Areola. Alveolar. duct ...
A. Definition: a cyclic event controlled by two hormones (FSH and LH) that ... 2. Ampulla is most common site. 3. May implant on mesentery, omentum, other sites ...
Spiral Organ = Organ of Corti. Receptors for hearing are hair cells ... Semicircular ducts with ampulla- widened part. Crista hair cells. Cupula = endolymph ...