Amebas de vida libre Naegleria Anfotericina B + Tetraciclinas Anfotericina B + Miconazol + Rifampicina Amebas de vida libre Naegleria Anfotericina B + Tetraciclinas ...
FREE LIVING AMEBAE LECTURER: SR. NORAZSIDA INTRODUCTION A large and diverse group of protozoan organisms. Inhabit fresh and salt water. Decaying organic matter and ...
FREE LIVING AMEBAE LECTURER: SR. NORAZSIDA INTRODUCTION A large and diverse group of protozoan organisms. Inhabit fresh and salt water. Decaying organic matter and ...
3. Se forman dos amebas hija. 2. La ameba se estrangula por su parte central. Ameba (madre) 1. La ameba crece y duplica sus componentes. Amebas (hija) UNIDAD 4 ...
REINO DE PROTOZOOS Y ALGAS. Los . protozoos. son unicelulares y se alimentan de otros seres vivos.Ejemplos son las . amebas y paramecios. Las . algas. son parecidas a ...
Los Protozoarios Las Amebas No forman un grupo monofil tico Seud podos t picos Algunas con testa Sin pel cula Rhiz podos Actin podos Foramin feros Rhiz podos ...
Looked at drinking water and found living things in it (amebas, paramecium, hydra... The Gate Keeper. Does not block all bad things. Cyanide. Receptors molecules. ...
Principal frequency in countries with a deficiency in sanitary ... For the ameba. Phatogenicity of ameba, its virulence. Amebas pathogenic and non-pathogenic ...
HOSPEDADORES DEFINITIVOSSon amebas de vida libre.Puede afectar al hombre. ... ...
Protists! General Characteristics eukaryotic cells contain membrane-bound nuclei and other membrane-bound organelles can have unicellular, colonial and ...
Kingdom Protista Most diverse kingdom Live where ever there is moisture Difficult to classify Three Major Groups Animal-like Protozoans Plant-like Algae ...
Title: Apresenta o do PowerPoint Author: Margareth Capurro Last modified by: Margareth Capurro Created Date: 5/27/2003 7:51:44 PM Document presentation format
Generalidades de Parasitolog a Dr. Juan Carlos Abuin Hospital Mu iz-GCABA PARASITO Par sito es todo ser vivo animal o vegetal, que pasa una parte o la totalidad ...
Title: PALUDISMO Author: Karla Bendez Mej a Last modified by: kremenchutzky Created Date: 8/27/2002 4:06:34 AM Document presentation format: Presentaci n en pantalla
Introduction to parasitology Parasitology is a type of SYMBIOSIS (living together) (Any plant, animal, or protist that is intimately associated with another organism ...
Introduction to parasitology Parasitology is a type of SYMBIOSIS (living together) (Any plant, animal, or protist that is intimately associated with another organism ...
Hipermastigotos Filo Diplomonadida A maioria s o simbi ticos, com poucos de vida livre; Normalmente com oito flagelos; Sem mitoc ndrias. Filo Chlorophyta Algas ...
Title: Human Amebic Infections Keywords: entamoeba, endolimax, iodamoeba Last modified by: USER Created Date: 10/8/1997 11:03:40 PM Document presentation format
What are Protozoa? proto = first zoa = animals single-celled eukaryotic organisms Protozoan Life Styles absorb solutes (osmotrophy) ingest particulates (phagotrophy ...
PARASITOS Organismos que establecen una relaci n prolongada con sus hospedadores El xito de un par sito esta en su capacidad de adaptarse a su hospedador.
Introduction to parasitology Parasitology is a type of SYMBIOSIS (living together) (Any plant, animal, or protist that is intimately associated with another organism ...
Protists are unicellular organisms that have a nucleus. Kingdom: Protista * * * * Similar to Bacteria Unicellular One of the first groups of living things on Earth.
unicellular or multicellular (colonial or filamentous) reproduce sexually and asexually ... e.g. Paramecium. Apicomplexa -non motile -usually intracellular parasites ...
Origins of Eukaryotic Diversity Fred Searcy Broward Community College Kingdom Protista Phylum Rhizopoda Phylum Actinopoda Phylum Foraminifera Phylum Apicomplexa ...
Title: Diapositiva 1 Author: Oscar Nomdedeu Last modified by: AySA Created Date: 5/13/2005 11:35:54 PM Document presentation format: Presentaci n en pantalla
Title: No Slide Title Author: Mark F. Wiser Last modified by: Mark F. Wiser Created Date: 9/18/2000 6:55:26 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Case report Reporter: I2 A 45-year-old man who had been feeling unwell for several months visited his internist complaining of headache, dizziness, nausea ...
Title: DISEASES OF SMALL AND LARGE INTESTINE Author: Dr.Maha Last modified by: Dr.Maha Created Date: 8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format
AMEBIOSIS Familia Entamoebidae G neros Entamoeba Endolimax Iodamoeba Otras especies Endolimax nana Iodamoeba b tschlii Aspectos cl nicos Penetraci n en la parte ...
... para que puedan entender la importancia y el mantenimiento del filtro bio-arena ... Al utilisar el filtro, Digna no va a padecer enfermedades gastrointestinales y ...
REINO PROTISTA As algas Protistas Mar vermelha Euglen fita Classifica o dos protozo rios Os protozo rios podem ser fixos ou se deslocar atrav s de c lios ...
General Zoology Unit Two Have silicon based spicules Sometimes referred to as glass sponges All are deep sea forms Euplectella Some members are of the syconoid form ...