Title: 05FSIW026
12005 FALL SIW
A Modest Proposal for Slimming Down HLA and DIS
Frank Hill SDS International 3420 Norman Berry
Drive Suite 301Atlanta, GA 30354 fhill_at_sdslink.c
om 404.446.3532
2005 Fall SIW 05F-SIW-026
2The Problem
- Heartbeats are the periodic repetition of
unchanged data. - Both large-scale HLA exercises with DIS federates
and all DIS exercises use heartbeats. - Heartbeats create a heavy data load on the
network even when data is being metered over the
heartbeat interval. - The problem is only going to get worse as more
entities are present and more data needs to be
passed in an exercise. -
3Why Heartbeats?
- Heartbeats are needed for 2 basic reasons
- To ensure that data is received by all federates
when reliable communications cannot be assured. - To allow a federate that joins or rejoins an
exercise in progress to receive all data in a
timely manner. -
DIS simulations will be participating in
Joint Exercises with an HLA backbone for the
foresee- able future due to funding and other
constraints. They have learned to peacefully
4Why Slim down Heartbeats?
- Heartbeat bandwidth usage is increasing because
- More entities are being generated in support of
large exercises (40-50,000 up to 100,000) - Entities are appearing sooner and not leaving the
exercise when they are destroyed. - More data is needed per entity to represent them
realistically. - Military PC video players will introduce many
more human entities and realistic interactions.
The Heartbeat Slimdown Plan will reduce
heartbeat bandwidth usage by up to 95.
5A better way
- Simple, straightforward and builds on a proven
concept used by military tactical data links. - Add a Message Reference Number (MRN) to PDUs that
have a heartbeat requirement using 8-bits of
padding in the PDU Header. - Add a new Heartbeat PDU.
- Add a new Data Update Request PDU.
6PDUs With Heartbeats
- Entity State
- Entity State Update
- Electromag. Emissions
- Designator
- Transmitter
- Receiver
- Data
- Environmental Process
- Gridded Data
- Data-R
- Record-R
- Underwater Acoustics (UA)
- Supplemental Emission/Entity State
- (SEES)
- Aggregate State
- IsGroupOf
- Minefield Data
- (Heartbeat mode)
- Minefield State
- Appearance (LE)
Those in red are usually the most numerous PDUs
in an exercise.
7The MRN
- The MRN is set and processed as follows for
entity-related PDUs - A separate MRN is established for each PDU Type
for each entity. - The issuing and receiving federate must save the
MRN for each entity for each type of PDU. - Example Entity 48-2-500
- Entity State MRN 001 IFF Data MRN 004
- Emissions MRN 006
- The MRN is incremented each time a PDU is output
for a specific entity because data has changed.
8The Heartbeat PDU
- At heartbeat time, a Heartbeat PDU is output for
each PDU type listing all associated entities. - Originating federate and PDU Type.
- Each Entity ID of entities that have had this PDU
type sent for them along with the last MRN for
that entity. - Continuation Heartbeat PDUs may be sent.
- The receiving federates treat the Heartbeat PDU
as meeting the Heartbeat requirement for that PDU
Type for that entity. - If the MRN does not match the present MRN for
that entity and PDU Type, a Data Update Request
is sent.
9Data Update Request PDU
- The Data Update Request PDU is used in two ways
(concept borrowed from military data links) - To request one or more PDU Types for an entity
when it is determined it does not have the latest
information. - When it is joining or rejoining an exercise.
- The Data Update Request (DUR) includes
- Originating federate.
- Addressed federate or broadcast to all.
- What PDU types it needs.
- Specific Entity IDs (if appropriate)
- Criteria - geographic, entity domains,
- kinds, etc. (if appropriate)
10How it works
Initial 48-2-500
Federate A
Federate B
48-2-500 MRN 1
48-2-500 MRN 1
Federate A
Federate B
48-2-500 MRN 1
48-2-500 MRN 2
Heartbeat PDU
48-2-500 ES PDU MRN2
48-2-500 MRN 1
48-2-500 MRN 2
Federate A
Federate B
IFF PDU Type ES 48-2-5000
48-2-500 MRN 1
48-2-500 MRN 2
48-2-500 MRN 2
48-2-500 MRN 2
11Joining an Exercise
DUR request
Federate A
Type data needed
DUR replies
Federate A
Start Status
Requested data
Federate A
Various PDU Types
DUR Completed
Federate A
End Status
Starts sending
Data - interactions
- The MRN is associated with entity and data types.
- When an attribute is sent, an MRN counter is set
for the class/entity - Example IFF Data/Entity 48-2-5000.
- IFF Mode 3/0020 sent, then MRN 001
- IFF Mode 3 turned off, MRN 002.
- At each receiving federate, the MRN for the type
data and entity is incremented by one each time
an attribute is received. - If attributes are bundled, they are treated as
one message as far as incrementing the MRN. - The Heartbeat and Data Update Requests become
- Obviously, it is not practical to expect
widespread adoption of a heartbeat reduction
concept by DIS or HLA federates. - The Alternatives include
- Add as a new feature to existing government and
commercial DIS and HLA Gateways. - Implement for major simulation programs like
JCATS, JSAF, AWSIM, OneSAF. - Only implement for Entity State PDUs initially.
14Present Slimdown Efforts
- The Air Force DIS Filter Program and JNTC and
Navy DIS/HLA Gateways can - Filter entities to reduce overall traffic placed
on the network. - Reduce the entity output rate for changes (e.g.,
30X a second flight simulator outputs reduced to
once every 5 seconds.) - Setting up subnets within an overall network such
that not all federates receive all entities.
15Other Slimdown Plans
- IEEE 1278.1-2005 Update in progress has proposed
changes to slim down heartbeats - Heartbeat timers by entity domain and present
status (e.g., static ground entities have a
different heartbeat than moving ground entities.) - Attribute PDUs not sent if overall system is off
(e.g., IFF and emissions). - Attribute PDUs no longer sent if entity is
destroyed but remains in the exercise.
16Mode 5/S Heartbeats
- The SISO Mode 5/S Study Group preliminary
estimate is that the IFF PDU and HLA IFF
inter-actions will double the amount of data sent
for a transponder that has both Mode 5 and Mode
S. - To reduce the additional network loading, the
study group is evaluating the idea that federates
with a Mode 5 and Mode S capability must
implement - The new layers of the IFF PDU that support Mode 5
and Mode S data. - Setting the MRN in the IFF PDU.
- The Heartbeat PDU for the IFF PDU Type.
- The Data Update Request for the IFF PDU Type.
- The trend is more entities and more
entity-associated data to support larger and more
realistic training exercises. - We need to start developing heartbeat slim down
solutions now. - The Heartbeat slim down concept applies to both
HLA and DIS. - HLA Hosts, FOMs and DIS/HLA gateways need to
support the heartbeat slimdown concept. - Government DIS gateways like DMOCs DIS Filter
Program should be encouraged to add support for
the heartbeat slimdown concept.