Software Independent Verification and Validation (IV - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Software Independent Verification and Validation (IV


Software Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V): An Agency Overview. Kenneth A Costello ... Independent evaluation of critical software is value-needed ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Software Independent Verification and Validation (IV

Software Independent Verification and Validation
(IVV) An Agency Overview
  • Kenneth A Costello
  • IVV Program Lead Engineer

GSFC Systems Engineering Seminar Series 12 Sep
  • A Quick IVV Facility/Program History
  • The Software Crisis
  • Forming an IVV Project
  • IVV Relationships
  • Closing

Setting the stage A History
05/03 NASA Executive Council makes IVV an Agency
OSMA Program
1996 Facility Omnibus contract Enabled IVV
across all NASA Projects
06/99 Senior Management Council IVV mandate
for all NASA software
04/94 Space Station Program Implements IVV
through Facility
05/88 Space Shuttle Program Implements IVV
10/03 IVV Funding changed to Corporate GA
08/01 NPD 8730.4 Software IVV Policy
08/05 NPD 2820.1 Software Policy
04/96 Facility transitioned to AMES Research
07/00 Facility transitioned to Goddard Space
Flight Center


IVV, IA Projects
Setting the Stage An Agency Requirement
  • NPD 8730.4 SW IVV Policy
  • Cancelled on 08/30/05
  • Current Requirements
  • NPD 2820.1C Software Policy
  • NPR 7150.2 Software Engineering Requirements
  • NASA-STD-8739.8 Software Assurance

NPD 2820.1C Software Policy
  • NASA policy regarding software activities for
    each project is to accomplish the following
  • (5) Projects shall ensure software providers
    allow access to software and associated artifacts
    to enable insight/oversight by software
    engineering and software assurance which includes
    Independent Verification and Validation (IVV)
    and NASA's Safety and Mission Assurance
  • c. Use the NASA IVV Facility as the sole
    provider of IVV services when software created
    by or for NASA is selected for IVV by the NASA
    Chief Safety and Mission Assurance Officer.
  • Responsibilities
  • c. The NASA Chief Safety and Mission Assurance
    Officer shall
  • (1)
  • (6) Oversee the functional management of the
    NASA IVV Program and assure the performance of
    all of IVV processes, services, and
  • (7) Establish and manage processes for the
    selection of software to which to apply IVV.
  • (8) Charter the IVV Board of Directors
    (IBD) which makes prioritized recommendations for
    allocating IVV services to projects based on
    the annual Software Inventory (maintained by the
    Chief Engineer) and the Office of Safety and
    Mission Assurance(OSMA) defined process.
  • (9) Select and maintain the list of software
    projects to which IVV is to be applied.
  • (10)
  • d. The IVV Program Manager shall 1) establish
    and manage the Agency's software IVV services
    and procedures 2) establish, maintain, and
    report on the results of IVV services and
    findings and 3) support NASA's program for
    improving software assurance and other trusted
    verifications (e.g., independent assessments,
    peer reviews, and research). The IVV Facility
    shall determine and document the services
    provided by the Facility on projects selected for
    IVV by the NASA Chief Safety and Mission
    Assurance Officer.

NPR 7150.2 Software Engineering Requirements
  • Section states required content for SW
    Development Plans.
  • The Software Development or Mgmt Plan shall
    contain SWE-102
  • a. Project organizational structure showing
    authority and responsibility of each
    organizational unit, including external
    organizations (i.e., Safety and Mission
    Assurance, Independent Verification and
    Validation (IVV), Independent Technical
    Authority (ITA), NASA Engineering and Safety
    Center (NESC))".
  • Additionally, within section 5.1.5 which
    addresses SW Assurance, it states "The SW
    Assurance Plan details the procedures, reviews,
    and audits required to accomplish software
    assurance. The project office should coordinate,
    document, and gain concurrence with the Office of
    Safety and Mission Assurance as to the extent and
    responsibilities of the assurance and safety of
    the project. This will be documented into the
    project plans and reflected in the assurance
  • Section states The SW Assurance Plan(s)
    shall be written per NASA-STD-8739.8, NASA SW
    Assurance Standard. SWE-106". 

NASA-STD-8739.8 Software Assurance
  • Std states the following
  • Section 6.1.4 When IVV has been selected for a
    project, the provider shall coordinate with IVV
    personnel to share data and information.
  • Section 7.5.3 When the IVV function is required,
    the provider shall provide all required
    information to NASA IVV Facility personnel.
    (This requirement includes specifying on the
    contracts and subcontracts, IVVs access to
    system and software products and personnel.)

A Software Crisis
Independent Verification and Validation The NASA
Growing Software Importance
  • Fundamental Concern
  • First NASA robotic mission with actual software
    launched in 1969 (Mariner 6)
  • Software size has grown over time
  • 128 words of assembly equivalent 30 lines of C
  • MER has about 600,000 lines of equivalent C code
  • More functionality is being placed within
    software and software constructed devices
    (Programmable Logic Devices)
  • With increased processing power and memory, more
    tasks are running concurrently
  • Control software increasing in complexity and
  • Software used to monitor and react to hardware

Software is still hard to get right
  • The Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering
    Institute reports(1) that at least 42-50 percent
    of software defects originate in the requirements
  • The Defense Acquisition University Program
    Manager Magazine(2) reports in a Department of
    Defense study that over 50 percent of all
    software errors originate in the requirements

1 Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering
Institute, The Business Case for Requirements
Engineering, RE 2003, 12 September 2003 2 -
Defense Acquisition University Program Manager
Magazine, Nov-Dec 1999, Curing the Software
Requirements and Cost Estimating Blues
Fixing errors early can conserve resources
  • Early error detection and correction are vital to
    development success
  • The cost to correct software errors multiplies
    during the software development lifecycle
  • Early error detection and correction reduces cost
    and saves time
  • IVV assurance vital to mission success
  • Independent evaluation of critical software is
  • Agency goal

Average relative costs for finding errors late
"Software Engineering Economics" by Barry Boehm
Overview of Defects found by IVV Teams
Independent Verification and Validation
Independent Verification and Validation The NASA
What is Verification and Validation?
  • Simply put, assuring that a software system meets
    the users needs
  • Verifying that the software is accurate and
    representative of its specification
  • Validating that the software will do what the
    user really wants it to do

What is up with that I?
  • I Independent
  • Financially Funded from Corporate GA for Agency
    identified high priority Projects
  • Customer Project may also fund the effort
  • Technical IVV program defines scope and tasks,
    tailored by an IVV criticality assessment
  • Uses a predefined work breakdown structure
  • Managerial Functional management supplied by
  • Project management supplied from the IVV program

So what is IVV?
  • An engineering discipline employing rigorous
    methods for evaluating the correctness and
    quality of the software product throughout the
    software life cycle from a system level
  • The NASA Software IVV approach covers not only
    expected operating conditions but the full
    spectrum of the system and its interfaces in the
    face of unexpected operating conditions or

So what else is IVV?
  • Testing at the end of the life cycle?
  • No
  • IVV is testing, but it is whole life cycle
  • The IVV team tests artifacts ranging from
    system and software requirements to source code
    and test results
  • Each task in the IVV WBS is designed to test a
    development artifact or process

What are the objectives of IVV?
  • Find defects within the system with a focus on
    software and its interactions with the system
  • Make an assessment of whether or not the system
    is usable in an operational environment, again
    with a focus on the software within the system
  • Identify any latent risks associated with the

What is the goal of IVV?
Establish confidence that the software is fit for
its purpose within the context of the system
  • Note that the software may not be free from
  • Rarely the case and difficult to prove
  • The software must be good enough for its intended
  • As described by the requirements
  • Correct requirements
  • The type of use will determine the level of
    confidence that is needed
  • Consequence of software defect/failure

Are there any other benefits to IVV?
  • Primary purpose to provide confidence to OSMA,
  • Development projects receive all findings
  • The good, the bad, the ugly
  • Allows PM to have unbiased view of software
    development effort
  • Provides knowledge resource for software
  • In phase IVV work provides early error detection
    and may save the project money in error correction

IVV is process as well as product oriented
IVV Increases Project Awareness
IVV Interfaces and Reporting
  • Formal and informal interface with developers
  • The formal interface with an IVV Program project
  • Informal interface between the IVV analysts and
    the developers
  • Helps to get identified problems and issues into
    the appropriate hands quickly
  • Results of the effort thoroughly documented
  • Issues identified to the developers in a timely
  • Status reports to the Project Management
  • Monthly/Quarterly reviews to GPMCs/Directorates/HQ
  • Project close out report
  • All inputs and outputs archived
  • Final report delivered to project for its own
    internal records
  • Lessons learned documented throughout

Agency Generic IVV Scoping and Costing Flow
The IVV Life Cycle
  • An IVV Project follows a life cycle similar to
    most Projects
  • Formulation
  • Execution
  • Close-out

Formulation Phase
  • The Formulation phase is used to plan and scope
    the work to be performed
  • Starts usually prior to System Requirements
    Review (SRR) with initial planning and contact
    with the Project
  • Generally between SRR and Preliminary Design
    Review (PDR) planning and scoping process is
  • Criticality analysis developed as foundation for
    the IVV effort on the project
  • The effort addresses all of the software on a
  • The process generates a tailored approach based
    on the results of the assessment

Execution Phase
  • Majority of the IVV effort is performed
  • Documented in an IVV Plan (IVVP) that is an
    output of the Formulation work
  • The IVVP is provided to the Project for review
    and applicable concurrence
  • Approach taken from the WBS and tailored based on
    the results of the Formulation work
  • The Execution phase generally ends somewhere
    around or shortly after launch
  • In some cases, work may extend beyond launch when
    software is still being developed (MER)

IVV WBS for NASA Missions
  • The purposes of the IVV Work Breakdown Structure
    are to
  • Provide a consistent approach to IVV across the
  • Provide a consistent and comprehensive basis for
    collection and reporting of metrics
  • Help Projects anticipate and understand what IVV
    will do
  • The IVV WBS was developed using industry
    standards and IVV history on NASA missions as
  • IEEE Std. 1012-2004 IEEE Standard for Software
    Verification and Validation
  • IEEE/EIA 12207.0-1996 Standard for Information
    Technology-Software life cycle processes
  • WBS Tasks for NASA Missions
  • Task selection is based on an algorithm using
    software development risk
  • Risk is generated based various on Project
    characteristics (size, complexity, reuse, risk,
    etc.) as part of IVV planning and criticality
    analysis tasks
  • The full WBS can be found at http//ims.ivv.nasa.g

IVV Activities Fit within the Project Schedule
System Requirements Review
Preliminary Design Review
System Test
Mission Readiness Review
System Retirement
Critical Design Review
Initial IVVP Signed
Baseline IVVP Signed
  • - IVV provides support and reports for Project
  • Technical Analysis Reports document major phases
  • IVVP is updated to match changes in Project

IVV Provides CoFR
IVV Final Report
Concept Phase 2.0
Requirements Phase 3.0
Design Phase 4.0
Implementation Phase 5.0
Test Phase 6.0
Operations Maintenance Phase 7.0
IVV Phase Independent Support 1.0
Note numbers correspond to IVV WBS
  • Designed to mesh with the Project schedule and
    provide timely inputs to mitigate risk
  • Dialog between the IVV Facility and the Project
    begins before SRR

Close Out Phase
  • The Close Out phase concludes the IVV effort
  • All of the work performed is summarized in a
    final technical report
  • Additionally, Lessons Learned are captured and
    either documented separately or incorporated into
    the final technical report
  • In some cases, the IVV Team is retained to
    provide mission support during critical phases of
    the Project which may occur after Close Out of
    the primary effort

The IVV Life Cycle Flow
Concept Phase
Focused activity at the earliest point System
requirements and software role important Issues
are introduced at lowest level
Covers all levels of testing. Ensures that system
meets the needs of the mission
System Requirements
Software Planning
IVV in phase with development
Validation Testing
Software Requirements
Simulator/ Environment/ Hardware
Later life cycle activity also important Issues
are still introduced at lowest level Focused more
on individual components
IVV support continues over initial operational
phase and beyond based on mission profile
IVV Testing Philosophy
Component Based Testing

System Testing
Acceptance Testing
Unit Test (CSC, CSCI)
S/W Integration
S/W Functional Qualification Testing
Acceptance Testing
System Integration and Test
  • Most testing is designed to show the software
    works within the envelope of the mission (Test
    what you fly, fly what you test)
  • The IVV approach is to focus more on off-nominal
    and unexpected situations in the software
  • The higher the level of confidence needed the
    deeper the analysis
  • The guiding goal is not necessarily to perform
    additional testing
  • The goal is to improve the Project's test
    planning and execution
  • In some cases, IVV may independently test highly
    critical software

Forming an IVV Project
Independent Verification and Validation The NASA
IVV Project Requirements Background
  • Critical first steps is to develop the
    requirements for the IVV project
  • A set of engineering/management tasks that are
    determined through a criticality analysis process
  • Previously accomplished individually by different
    NASA contractors using different processes
  • This sometimes led to confusion with the NASA
    development projects as there was little
  • There was also a mixture of terminology used that
    was sometimes in conflict with other NASA
    terminology and industry standard terminology
  • There was also a perception among some parts of
    NASA that the IVV contractors were determining
    their own work

Software Integrity Level Assessment Process
  • To help mitigate or eliminate some of these
    issues the IVV Program undertook an initiative
    to develop a new process
  • Examined the best of current criticality analysis
    processes from industry and academia
  • The primary objective of the process is to
    develop the requirements for an IVV project

Scalable Reasonably applicable from a mission-level, down to a function level
Risk-based Ranking A combination of Consequence (impact if the software component fails) and Error Potential (likelihood an error exists)
Minimal Complexity Relatively simple such that it can be executed across a broad range of experience levels
Minimal Impact Minimize the level of participation from the project we are assessing
Objective Criteria Minimize the use of engineering judgment and maximize the use of measurable criteria
Disjoint Tasking Produce tasking that is different for each software integrity level
Applicable Applicable throughout the life cycle
Understandable The process and reasons for the results can be completely described and should make sense to a general engineer/project manager
Software Integrity Level (SIL)
  • Software Integrity Levels
  • Want to define, for a software component, the
    required level of integrity in terms of its role
    in the system
  • Understand how the component fits within the
  • Understand what is required of that component to
    be able to maintain the functionality of the

Software Integrity Level Definition
  • Definition of Software Integrity Level
  • A range of values that represent software
    complexity, criticality, risk, safety level,
    security level, desired performance, reliability,
    or other project-unique characteristics that
    define the importance of the software to the user
    and acquirer
  • The characteristics used to determine software
    integrity level vary depending on the intended
    application and use of the system.
  • A software component can be associated with risk
  • a failure (or defect) can lead to a threat, or
  • its functionality includes mitigation of
    consequences of initiating events in the systems
    environment that can lead to a threat
  • Developed using not only software but also system
    level integrity as a basis (ISO/IEC 15026, 6)

Risk A Common Denominator
  • Previously development projects (IVV
    stakeholders) could not easily link risk with the
    scoring that was performed
  • Prime requirement for this new process is that it
    clearly defined the system risk and is linked to
    the software
  • Process was built around two project factors the
    combination of which would define some level of
    system risk linked to the software
  • The factors are Consequence and Error Potential

Consequence vs. Error Potential
  • Consequence is a measure of the system level
    impact of an error in a software component
  • Generally, take the worse case error (at the
    software component level) that has a reasonable
    or credible fault/failure scenario
  • Then consider the system architecture and try to
    understand how that software fault/failure
    scenario may affect the system
  • Error Potential is a measure of the probability
    that the developer may insert an error into the
    software component
  • An error is a defect in the human thought process
  • A fault is a concrete manifestation of errors
    within the software
  • A failure is a departure of the system behavior
    from the requirements
  • With these definitions in mind, the approach is
    not to assess faults or failures, but to assess
  • Scoring

  • Consequence consists of the following items
  • Human Safety This is a measure of the impact
    that a failure of this component would have on
    human life
  • Asset Safety This is a measure of the impact
    that a failure would have on hardware
  • Performance This is a measure of the impact
    that a failure would have on a mission being able
    to meet its goals

Error Potential
  • Error Potential consists of the following items
  • Developer Characteristics
  • Experience This is a measure of the system
    developers experience in developing similar
  • Organization This is a measure of the
    complexity of the organization developing the
    system (distance and number of organizations
    involved tend to increase the probability of
    errors being introduced into the system)
  • Software/System Characteristics
  • Complexity This is a measure of the complexity
    of the software being developed
  • Degree of Innovation This is a measure of the
    level of innovation needed in order to develop
    this system/software
  • System Size This is a measurement of the size
    of the system in terms of the software (i.e.,
    Source Lines of Code)

Error Potential (2)
  • Development Process Characteristics
  • Formality of the Process This is a measure of
    how maturity of the developers processes
  • Re-use Approach This is a measure of the level
    of re-use for the system/software
  • Artifact Maturity This is a measure of the
    current state of the development documentation in
    relation to the state of the overall development
    project (i.e., the is past critical design review
    but the requirements documents are still full of
    TBDs and incompletes)

Determining the Scores
  • Using the criteria, each software component is
    assessed and a score generated
  • The scores are then processed through an
    algorithm to create a final score for Consequence
    and Error Potential
  • The algorithm takes into account a weight for
    each of the characteristics

Consequence Factors  Weight
Human Safety 0.0
Asset Safety 35.0
Performance 65.0
Error Potential Factors Sub-Factor Weight  Factor Weight
Developer 57.9
Experience 82.8
Development Organization 17.2
Development Process 24.9
Formality of Process 53.2
Re-use Approach 22.6
Artifact Maturity 24.2
System/Software Characteristic 17.2
Complexity 54.7
Degree of Innovation 35.1
Size of System 10.2
Note that the Human Safety score carries no
weight. Rather it is treated in a special manner
as shown on the next slide
Calculating Consequence
  • The following algorithm is used to determine the
    final Consequence score

If a component has no human safety impact then
Human Safety 0 else score the Human Safety
(hs) 1-5 using the criteria Score the Asset
Safety (as) 1-5 using the criteria Score the
Performance (pf) 1-5 using the criteria If hs gt
(.35as .65pf) then Final score
hs else Final score (.35as .65pf)
This step defines the Human Safety score (hs)

This last step is important as it places emphasis
human safety by using it as an overriding score
if it is larger than the sum of the weighted
asset safety and performance score
Calculating Error Potential
  • The algorithm for the Error Potential calculation
    has no special provisions
  • It is simply a sum of the weighted scores

The first three terms represent the high level
  • These attributes have
  • Values (vi)
  • generated during the assessment
  • Weights (wi)
  • pre-defined

Error Potential
Note that all scores are rounded to the next
whole integer
Developing Tasking
  • A tasking set based on each individual score
  • Tasking associated with a given Consequence score
  • Tasking associated with a given Error Potential
  • One set of tasks per component
  • The tasks are not exclusive to a given score
  • This results in a matrix of software components
    and scores that provides the starting set of
    requirements for IVV on that project
  • The current matrix of score and tasks is provided
    on the next slide

IVV Tasking Matrix
Factors Factors Consequences Consequences Consequences Consequences Consequences Error Potential Error Potential Error Potential Error Potential Error Potential
Factor Scores Factor Scores 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
1.0 Phase Independent Support                    
1.1 Management and Planning of Independent Verification and Validation X X X X X X X X X X
1.2 Issue and Risk Tracking X X X X X X X X
1.3 Final Report Generation X X X X X X X X
1.4 IVV Tool Support X X X X X X X X
1.5 Management and Technical Review Support X X X X X X X X X X
1.6 Criticality Analysis X X X X X X X X X X
1.7 Identify Process Improvement Opportunities in the Conduct of IVV X X X X X X X X
Items with a carat () next to them are only
invoked when human safety is involved
IVV Tasking Matrix (2)
Factors Factors Consequences Consequences Consequences Consequences Consequences Error Potential Error Potential Error Potential Error Potential Error Potential
Factor Scores Factor Scores 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
2.0 Concept Phase                    
2.1 Reuse Analysis X X X
2.2 Software Architecture Assessment X X X
2.3 System Requirements Review X X X X X
2.4 Concept Document Evaluation X X X
2.5 Software/User Requirements Allocation Analysis X X X
2.6 Traceability Analysis X X X
3.0 Requirements Phase                    
3.1 Traceability Analysis Requirements X X X  X X X
3.2 Software Requirements Evaluation X X X X X
3.3 Interface Analysis Requirements X X X X X
3.4 System Test Plan Analysis X X X
3.5 Acceptance Test Plan Analysis X
3.6 Timing and Sizing Analysis   X X
IVV Tasking Matrix (3)
Factors Factors Consequences Consequences Consequences Consequences Consequences Error Potential Error Potential Error Potential Error Potential Error Potential
Factor Scores Factor Scores 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
4.0 Design Phase                    
4.1 Traceability Analysis Design   X X X X
4.2 Software Design Evaluation X X X X
4.3 Interface Analysis Design X X X
4.4 Software FQT Plan Analysis X X X X
4.5 Software Integration Test Plan Analysis   X X
4.6 Database Analysis   X X X
4.7 Component Test Plan Analysis   X
IVV Tasking Matrix (4)
Factors Factors Consequences Consequences Consequences Consequences Consequences Error Potential Error Potential Error Potential Error Potential Error Potential
Factor Scores Factor Scores 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
5.0 Implementation Phase                    
5.1 Traceability Analysis - Code X X X X X
5.2 Source Code and Documentation Evaluation X X X X X
5.3 Interface Analysis - Code X X X X X
5.4 System Test Case Analysis X X
5.5 Software FQT Case Analysis X X
5.6 Software Integration Test Case Analysis   X
5.7 Acceptance Test Case Analysis X
5.8 Software Integration Test Procedure Analysis   X
5.9 Software Integration Test Results Analysis   X X
5.10 Component Test Case Analysis   X
5.11 System Test Procedure Analysis X
5.12 Software FQT Procedure Analysis X
IVV Tasking Matrix (5)
Factors Factors Consequences Consequences Consequences Consequences Consequences Error Potential Error Potential Error Potential Error Potential Error Potential
Factor Scores Factor Scores 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
6.0 Test Phase                    
6.1 Traceability Analysis - Test X X X X X
6.2 Regression Test Analysis   X X
6.3 Simulation Analysis X
6.4 System Test Results Analysis X X
6.5 Software FQT Results Analysis X X
7.0 Operations and Maintenance Phase                    
7.1 Operating Procedure Evaluation X
7.2 Anomaly Evaluation X
7.3 Migration Assessment X
7.4 Retirement Assessment X
IVV Relationships
IVV Facility Relationship to HQ
  • IVV reports annual performance and receives
    approved budget from IBD (Chaired by OSMA)
  • AA/OSMA delegates Program to GSFC Center Director
  • IVV Facility Director is Program Manager
  • Facility works with OSMA IVV Liaison to
    coordinate IBD budget inputs and performance
  • OSMA works with IBD to identify and prioritize
    Projects annually

IVV/Center/Project Relationships
  • IVV-Project Relationship
  • IVV still reports issues to Project first and
    treats Project as primary customer for
    technical findings and risks
  • As a Code Q Program, IVV will keep Center SMA
    personnel informed of IVV technical issues so
    that SMA has a complete mission assurance
  • IVV-Center Relationship
  • Center Liaison facilitates the startup of IVV on
    new Projects
  • Center Liaison and IVV Facility Leads facilitate
    technical issue resolution
  • Center Liaison promotes consistent approaches to
    IVV on Projects, and promotes awareness of IVV
  • SMA, Projects, and IVV provide technical status
    and issues to the GPMC
  • IVV reports to GSFC PMC as a Program Office

Independent Verification and Validation The NASA
  • Software IVV, as practiced by the NASA Software
    IVV Facility, is a well-defined, proven, systems
    engineering discipline designed to reduce the
    risk in major software developments

Points of Contact
  • Bill Jackson
  • Acting Director
  • 304-367-8202
  • Ken Costello
  • Lead Engineer
  • 304-367-8343

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