Title: CSE 599F: Formal Verification of Computer Systems
1CSE 599F Formal Verification of Computer Systems
2Course information
- Instructor Shaz Qadeer
- Office 454 Allen Center
- Lectures CSE 303, Wed-Fri, 12pm-120pm
- Office hours Wed-Fri, by appointment
- Web page http//www.cs.washington.edu/education/c
3What is this course about?
- Techniques for improving reliability of computer
systems - Applicable to both software and hardware
- Focus on software
- Automated techniques for verification of partial
4This course is not about
- Programming languages and type systems
- Software engineering methodology
- Dynamic analysis
- Software testing
- Algorithms
- Formal language theory
- Elementary mathematical logic
- But, none of that matters if you really want to
understand the material
- Learn about the fundamental ideas
- Understand the current research problems
- Do novel research
The best advances come from a combination of
techniques from different research areas!
- Homeworks
- Work out examples and theoretical problems
- Use prototype verification tools to verify simple
examples - Discussion and review of research articles
- Project (in groups of 1-2)
- Independent research
- Survey of a research area
- Use a verification tool to verify a realistic
8Why should we care?
- NIST (National Institute of Standards and
Technology) report - software bugs cost 60 billion annually
- High profile incidents of systems failure
- Therac-25 radiation overdoses, 1985-87
- Pentium FDIV bug, 1994
- Northeast blackout, 2003
- Air traffic control, LA airport, 2004
9Intellectual challenge
- Civil engineering
- Bridges dont fail
10Reliable Engineering
11Intellectual challenge
- Civil engineering
- Bridges dont fail
- Mechanical engineering
- Cars are reliable
12(No Transcript)
13Intellectual challenge
- Civil engineering
- Bridges dont fail
- Mechanical engineering
- Cars are reliable
- Software engineering
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15Why is software hard?
- The human element
- Getting a consistent and complete set of
requirements is difficult - Requirements often change
- Human beings use software in ways never imagined
by the designers
16Why is software hard?
- The mathematical element
- Huge set of behaviors
- Nondeterminism
- External due to inputs
- Internal due to concurrency
- Even if the requirements are unchanging, complete
and formally specified, it is infeasible to check
all the behaviors
17Bubble Sort
BubbleSort(int a, int n) for (i0
iltn-1 i) for (j0 jltn-1-i j)
if (aj1 lt aj)
tmp aj aj aj1
aj1 tmp
Even for a small program, enumeration of the set
of all possible behaviors is impossible!
18Simple programming language
x ? Variable P ? Program assert x x
x-- P1 P2 if
x then P1 else P2 while x P
Assertion checking for this language is
19Holy grail of algorithmic verification
- Soundness
- If the algorithm reports no failure, then the
program does not fail - Completeness
- If the algorithm reports a failure, then the
program does fail - Termination
- The algorithm terminates
It is impossible to achieve the holy grail in
- Model checking
- Axiomatic verification
21Model checking
- Create a model of the program in a framework that
is decidable - Finite state system
- Pushdown system
- Manual model creation
- Automated model verification
22Axiomatic verification
- Program verification similar to validity checking
in a mathematical logic - Axioms
- Rules of inference
- Programmer attempts to find a proof using the
axioms and the rules of inference - Manual proof discovery
- Automated proof checking
- Combination of model checking and axiomatic
verification - Iterated abstration and refinement