Title: Hardware/Software Co-design Formal Verification Techniques
1Hardware/Software Co-designFormal Verification
- Chung-Yang (Ric) Huang ???
- http//cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw/ric
- April 20, 2004
2What is Design Verification?
- To verify the correctness of your design
- (Find as many design bugs as possible)
3Where are the Bugs?
- Functional specification
- English/Algorithms
- ? Timing diagrams, system or behavior-level
- descriptions
- Design creation
- Inconsistent with spec
- RTL coding error (typo, X, logical error)
- Assumption on the environment
- Design/Physical implementation
- Synthesis tools
- Manual optimization
4What is Design Verification?
- To verify the correctness of your design
- (Find as many design bugs as possible)
5Verification vs. Testing
High-level spec
RTL design
- Object ? design
- Methodologies
- Simulation
- Emulation
- Formal techniques
- Object ? chip
- Methodologies
- Fault Simulation
- Scan / BIST
6Types of Verification
- Functional (Focus in todays lecture)
- Consider functional correctness only
- Usually doesnt consider timing (i.e. 0-delay
model) - Sequential circuit (i.e. multi-cycles)
- Timing
- Reg-to-reg timing constraints
- Clock domain checking
- Physical
- Layout vs. Schematics (LVS)
- Design Rule Checking (DRC)
- Signal integrity
7- How do you verify/debug your design?
8A Typical Verification Practice
- Defining spec --- Chief architect or manager (or
sometimes designer) - Verified by proof-reading
- Write a behavior model and verify by simulation
- RTL coding
- Designer writes the testbench for his blocks
- Designer writes/copies the behavior level model
of the surrounding blocks - Verification engineer creates the verification
environment (tool integration, scripts, etc) - Designer/Verification engineer runs the RTL
simulation - Designer fixes the bugs
- (maybe) Designer/Verification engineer writes
more testbenches
9A Typical Verification Practice
- Synthesis to gates
- Designer/Verification engineer runs the gate
level simulation - Very slow (e.g. 2 frames a week)
- Designer/Verification engineer maps the design to
emulator (FPGA) and run the simulation - Very expensive
10- Yes, most people verify their designs by
simulation and debug by looking at the waveforms
11Verify by Simulation
0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
expected result
12Any Problem? Whose Problem?
- My biggest problem about design verification is
that the time is never enough. I can only do my
best to run more simulation, but I dont know
whether it is sufficient. - --- Broadcom designer (similar comments from many
others) - It is very hard to write the testbenches and
assertions for the design, since I am not a
designer. Ask the designer to do it more? No
way!! - --- Sun Microsystems verification engineer
(similar comments from many others)
13What are the problems?
- Gap between designers and verification engineers
- (For designers) I thought I have fixed all the
bugs - (For verification engineers) Find ways to
understand the design better - Verification methodologies are not optimal
- Need to learn more alternatives
- Verfication usually takes up to 70 of resource
during the design flow
14Lets do some math
- Suppose a circuit has 100 registers (this is
considered tiny in modern design) - Total number of states 2100 1030 1024M
- Requires (in the worse case) at least 1024M
cycles to exhaust all the possible states - Let alone the input combinations
- Running simulation (million cycles per second)
can only cover a very small portion of state space
15100 Verification
- Question is there 100 verification?
- Try Run the simulation for a very long time
- Coverage the entire state space?
- Eventuality type of properties
- e.g. At the crossroad, every car should see the
green light eventually - More about 100 verification later
in 2 minutes
16- Any alternative to simulation?
17Formal Verification
- Comparison with simulation
- Simulation
- Input ? output ? compare expected result
- Formal
- Expected behavior ? property ? prove
18- What is expected behavior?
- What is a property?
19Observability Problem
- Bugs are detected at the observation points like
POs and registers
assert always (count lt 16)
20Observability Problem
- Insert assertions in the middle of the circuit,
and flag the simulator whenever the violation
occurs - Increase the observability of the bugs
- The difference between
- hardware and software simulations
21Properties in a Circuit
- Describe the expected behavior of signals in a
circuit - Assertion (always) something bad should never
happens - Witness (eventually) something good should
eventually happens - Temporal logic (property in general)
- Logic temporal operators (always, eventually,
until, etc) - Can be nested
- e.g. eventually (always (req ? ack within 0
12)) - However, 90 of important properties are
22Assertion-Based Verification (ABV)
- An emerging methodology in design community to
boost verification efficiency - Requires designers to write assertions in the
design - Assertions can be reused as verification IPs
(VIPs) - Also a good way to document the design
- Simulators and formal verification tools to
support the assertion languages
23Objectives of Writing Assertions
- To find as many bugs as possible
- 100 verification?
- ? Do I write enough assertions? (Forget it!!)
- Which one is golden? Spec?
- ? What if there is a bug in spec?
- (Who knows)
- A difficult-to-prove assertion is a good
assertion? (NO!!) - Write assertions to facilitate bug hunting
24- Where am I going to find time to write
assertions? I dont even have time to write
comments! - --- Conexant design engineer
25Open Verification Library (OVL)
- A HDL library containing predefined assertion
modules - Assert_always
- Assert_never
- Assert_next
- Assert_frame
- Assert_handshaking
- Assert_cycle_sequence
- etc
26OVL Example
- module assert_always (clk, reset_n, test_expr)
- input clk, reset_n, test_expr
- always _at_(posedge clk) begin
- if (reset_n ! 1'b0) begin
- if (test_expr ! 1'b1) begin
- ovl_error("")
- end
- end
- end
- endmodule
27OVL Usage
- Instantiate OVL assertions in your design
- assert_always short_is_smaller_longer
- (clk, reset_n,(short_timer_v lt long_timer_v))
- Can use define to bypass synthesis of OVL
- Can run OVL with both simulation and formal
verification tools - Synthesizable subset
- (http//www.verificationlib.org/)
28Assertion Languages
- OVL is easy to use, but not flexible enough for
general temporal properties - Lack of temporal constructs/keywords
- Property specification language
- To describe assertions in temporal logic
- e.g.
- PSL/Sugar (IBM origin, picked as IEEE standard by
Accellera EDA Standards) - OpenVera/ForSpec (Synopsys/Intel)
29PSL/Sugar Simple Examples
- Boolean expression
- ena enb
- Sequential expression
- reqack!cancel
- sequence BusArb (boolean br, bg const n) br
(br !bg)0n br bg - endpoint ActiveLowReset (boolean rb, clk const
n) rb!1'b1ninf rb1'b1 _at_(posedge
clk) - Assertion
- assert always reqack!cancel (next2 (ena
30PSL/Sugar Availability
- A very complete (yet, very complex) property
specification language - Ref websites
- http//www.haifa.il.ibm.com/projects/verification/
sugar/ - http//www.pslsugar.org/
- Many companies have announced to support
PSL/Sugar for simulation or formal verification
- Fully supported in Synopsys verification tool
flow - VCS simulator
- Formal verification tools
- Originally Vera
- Bought from a startup company
- Testbench authoring
- Verilog-like language
32OpenVera (contd)
- Not just a property specification language, but a
high-level verification language - Testbench authoring
- Specify input stimuli
- Expected output response can be computed at
high-level of abstraction (circuit model) - Test fixture for generating tests and checking
results - Random or constrained testbench generation
- Support coverage metrics
- Interfaces to HDL and C
- Able to specify various temporal properties
- Object oriented encapsulation and inheritance
33Property Added to a Circuit
0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1
diff ?
expected result
34Formal Verification
- No testbench required
- Expected behavior ? property ? prove
- Using logic and mathematic algorithms (formal
verification engines) to prove that the
property always holds w.r.t. circuit under test - If property passes, a complete verification
- If property fails, generate a counter-example for
35For example
- Proving always (a gt b c)
- Simulation needs to enumerate all the possible
combinations of a, b, and c - But, consider circuit is just a set of logic
relations of input signals - Imagine in a math test, given a set of logic
relations and asked to prove (a gt b c) - Try to use logic and math reasoning (e.g.
36- Solving logic / temporal relations between
circuit signals - A constraint satisfaction problem
37Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- Constraints
- Logic y a b
- Mux y310 en? a310 b6332
- Arithmetic y (a gt b)? (c d) (c d)
- Relational (x1 ltlt 1) x0 gt 256
- Constraint Satisfaction
- Find an input assignment that satisfies all the
constraints - Note solutions in modular number systems
38Constraint Satisfaction Solver
- Solving techniques
- Boolean SAT, ATPG, BDD, etc.
- General arithmetic solvers
- Examples of Applications
- Testbench generation (Find a solution)
- Assertion validation (Prove no solution)
- Optimization problems ( Cost functions)
39Sequential vs. Combinational Properties
- In general, the counter-example for a property is
a sequence of input assignments - One assignment for each clock cycle
- Need to solve constraints multiple times
- Iteratively, or
- Recusively
40- To simplify discussion
- Lets focus on
- combinational property first
- (i.e. logic functions only, no temporal
41How to solve the logic constraints?
- Substitution / elimination method
- Starting from constraints containing primary
inputs (PIs) - ? substitute variables with input constraints
- Continue the substitutions until get a conflict
or result in a single constraint (i.e. only PIs) - Find an input assignment
- The problem is
- Substitution is not always possible
- Step 3 is still very difficult
42- Represent the combinational property (a logic
function) using PIs
43Function Representation
- In general
- f (a b ((c d) gt e)) !g (a gt b)?...
- Not canonical
- Enumeration (Truth table)
- e.g. a1 a0 b1 b0 f
- -------------------
- 0 0 0 0 0
- 0 0 0 1 1
- 1 1 1 0 1
- 1 1 1 1 0
- Exponential growth in size (like simulation)
- But, once we have the table, finding an
assignment is easy - Canonical
44- A better data structure to
- represent truth table?
45Binary Decision Tree
- Still exponential in size
46Binary Decision Diagram
47Reduced Binary Decision Diagram
48Binary Decision Diagram (BDD)
- A graphical representation of truth table
- f func(a, b, c, d, ) is a logic function
- Each level corresponds to an input variable
- ? Set of inputs is called support
- Functions with identical functions are merged
together - Always canonical
- Each node (and its sub-graph) represents a
function - Each path represents a cube of the function
49Basic BDD Operations
- Shannon expansion of f
- f x fx x fx
- f g
- (x fx x fx)
- (x gx x gx)
- x (fx gx) x (fx gx)
- f g
- x (fx gx) x (fx gx)
- Operation perform on cofactors individually
50Basic BDD Operations
f c
f a (b c) f (a b) (a c)
f b c
51- In short,
- f a (b c)
- f (a b) (a c)
- ? will result in same BDD
- ? independent of building orders
52- Therefore, to build BDDs for a circuit
- Order circuit topologically from PIs to target
gate - Build BDDs from PIs to target
53- To prove combinational property by BDDs ? Build
BDDs for f
54- Sounds too good to be true
- Any problem ??
55BDD Complexity
- In general, the size of BDD nodes is still
exponential to the size of input supports - Usually can only build BDDs for circuit with
input 100 200 - The problem?
- BDDs find all the counter-examples at once
- ? while we only need one
- Building BDDs one path at a time
- ? Until find one path that evaluates f 0
- ? Whats the difference from simulation??
Binary decision tree
57Branch-and-Bound Algorithm
- Branch
- Making decisions (0 or 1) on input variables a,
b, - One decision at a time evaluate f immediately
- Bound
- If the decisions evaluate f to be 0
- ? a counter-example is found (END)
- Otherwise, undo the last decision and make the
decision on its inverted value
58Branch-and-Bound Algorithm (contd)
f 1
Whats the difference from simulation??
59Simulation vs. Branch-and-Bound
- Min-term vs. cube (to generate 1 for 3-AND)
- 8 min-terms (simulation)
- 000 111
- 4 cubes (Branch-and-bound)
- 0 - -
- 10
- 110
- 111
- Branch-and-bound
- Can bound with partial decisions
60Simulation vs. Branch-and-Bound
Binary decision tree
61- Do you still remember
- why we talk about
- BDDs,
- Branch-and-bound,
- and all these ??
62- They are all techniques
- to solve
- constraint satisfaction problems
- And we need that to
- PROVE a property
63Solving Constraints with Branch-and-Bound
- If solution exists
- Making good decision can find the solution
earlier - If no solution
- Need to traverse the entire decision tree
64Factors on Branch-and-Bound Performance
- Decision order and values
- Good decisions find solution earlier
- Able to bound earlier
- Apply value on target f
- Make decision on internal nodes
- Learning (not covered in todays lecture)
65Apply value on target f
? 0
1 1 1
- Backward implications
- More implications
- ? produce conflict earlier
- ? bound earlier
66Make decision on internal nodes
- Making decisions on internal nodes can lead to
conflict earlier
? 0
67More Advanced Solving Techniques
- Partitioning
- Approximation
- Branch-and-bound (ATPG, SAT)
- (Conflict) learning
- Induction
- Constraint modeling
- Word-level (arithmetic)
- Abstraction / Refinement
- Sequential problems
- Combined engine
68Course to Offer
- 93 ?????
- ?????? (SoC Verification)
- In general, the constraint-solving techniques can
be applying to many other EE and non-EE problems
69Constraint Solvers in EDA Tools
- HDL parser
- (Quick) Synthesis
- Flattening
- Problem formulation
- User I/O
- Debugging utilities
70Constraint Solvers in EDA Tools
71(Formal) Verification Applications
Equivalence Checking
Property Checking
72Equivalence Checking (EC)
Golden circuit
Combinational Logic
Combinational Logic
Revised circuit
73Why do we need equivalence checking?
- Gate-level simulation is too slow
- Once RTL simulation (speed OK) is done, no need
to run gate level simulation - No need to repeat the verification effort spent
in RTL - Synthesis tool may have bugs
- Manual optmizations (e.g. ECO)
74EC Problem Definition
- Starting from the same state in both circuits,
- ? input sequences
- ? Outputs of golden and revised circuits are
always the same - What about the register values (states)?
- Complexity?
75Commercial Equivalence Checking Tools
- First came out in early 90s
- Boost in late 90s
- Compare any two circuits from RTL to layout
- Synthesizable subset not for behavior level
- Incorporate formal verification techniques
- Often can finish million-gate (e.g. RTL-to-gate)
comparison in a few hours - Impossible and incomplete by simulation
- Note simulation cannot prove EQ
- Adopted in mainstream design flow now
76What Makes Equivalence Checking Practical?
- Assuming combinational equivalence
- Compare outputs, registers
- Valid for most of the optimizations
Goto EC fig
77Equivalence Checking
Golden circuit
Combinational Logic
Always equivalent?
Combinational Logic
Always equivalent?
Revised circuit
78What Makes Equivalence Checking Practical?
- Assuming combinational equivalence
- Compare outputs, registers
- Valid for most of the optimizations
- Internal equivalence (Structure similarity)
- Divide and conquer
- Use simulation to identify internal EQ candidates
Goto EC fig
79Internal Equivalence
80Internal Equivalence
New PIs
81What Makes Equivalence Checking Practical?
- Assuming combinational equivalence
- Compare outputs, registers
- Valid for most of the optimizations
- Internal equivalence (Structure similarity)
- Divide and conquer
- Use simulation to identify internal EQ candidates
- Advance in logic reasoning techniques
- Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG) /
Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) - Binary Decision Diagram (BDD)
82Incisive Conformal Equivalence Checker
- Original Verplex Conformal LEC now Cadence
- Usage model
- Read design / library
- Mixed language
- Add constraints (optional)
- E.g. Scan enable
- Set renaming rules (optional)
- Gate level may have different naming conventions
from RTL - Flatten the circuits
- Output functions of inputs
- Compare
- Report and debug
83Incisive Conformal EC in NTUEE
- Not available now (no one used it before)
- CIC just passed application. Will install in Lab
231 - Hopefully can be available this week
- Will have some students to test and write a
report (for SoC Design Overview class)
84Formal Verification Applications
Equivalence Checking
Property Checking
85What is Property Checking?
- Do I correctly implement my spec?
- Spec (English)
- ? Properties (Formal/Temporal functions)
- Assert always (a gt b)
- Request ? eventually Acknowledge
- Request ? Acknowledge in (3, 12) cycles
86Objectives of Property Checking
- To find as many bugs as possible
- 100 verification?
- ? Do I write enough properties? (Forget it!!)
- Which one is golden? Spec?
- ? What if there is a bug in spec?
- (Who knows)
- A difficult-to-prove assertion is a good
assertion? (NO!!) - Write properties to facilitate bug hunting
87Property Checking vs. Equivalence Checking
- Flow
- Property checking ? Equivalence checking
- Try ideas from equivalence checking
- Combinational reduction?
- (No, most properties are sequential)
- Internal equivalence?
- (No. Equivalence to what?)
- In reality, property checking is much more
difficult than equivalence checking
88What Makes Property Checking Practical?
- (Fact) Property formal specification of design
intent - Reasonably local
- More than 90 of properties are assertions
- Most simple properties can be exhaustively
proven, or some bugs can be found - Advance in ATPG/SAT, BDD
89- Remember
- Where am I going to find time to write
assertions? I dont even have time to write
comments! - --- Conexant design engineer
90- In reality
- Designers are too busy and lazy to learn new
assertion languages and write assertions - --- Verplex market validation
91Pre-defined Checks
- Some properties can be automatically identified
and extracted during the synthesis process - Bus contention
- X propagation
- FSM checks
- Range overflow
- Race condition
- Designers dont need to learn how to write
assertions - ? Close to push-button solution
- Review design verification practices and problems
- Simulation is still the main stream
- Assertion-Based Verification
- Formal technique constraint satisfaction
problems - BDD
- Branch-and-bound
- Applications on verification tools
- Equivalence checking
- Property checking
93Simulation vs. Formal Verification
User Friendly Acceptance Easy bugs Difficult bugs
Equivalence Checking
Property Checking
94- Is it possible to combine simulation and formal
95Simulation vs. Formal
- Simulation
- Easy to use
- Can run on large circuit
- Can detect easy bugs quickly
- Almost impossible to handle corner case bug
- Formal (property checking)
- Higher learning curve for designers
- Cannot perform exhaustive search on large designs
- Can target on corner case bug
- Semi-formal --- combines the advantages of both
96Simulation-based Semi-formal Approach
Simulation trace
Apply formal techniques (state space
exploration) around the simulation state