Zoetrope - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... Great Britain invented the telephone. He invented the telephone in 1876. ... but this was a declaration made by Zacharias Janssen himself during the mid 1600s. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Zoetrope

Zoetrope 180 AD
  • A zoetrope is a device that produces an illusion
    of action from a rapid succession of static
    pictures. It consists of a cylinder with slits
    cut vertically in the sides. Beneath the slits on
    the inner surface of the cylinder is a band which
    has either individual frames from a video/film or
    images from a set of sequenced drawings or
    photographs. The earliest elementary zoetrope was
    created in China around 180 AD by the prolific
    inventor Ting Huan. This was a good invention for
    the film industry as it helped create TVs,
    camera which are major part of our society today.

Microscope - 1200
  • A microscope is an instrument for viewing objects
    that are too small to be seen by the naked or
    unaided eye. Microscopes trace their history back
    almost 1200 years with Abbas Ibn Firnas's
    corrective lenses. The science of investigating
    small objects using such an instrument is called
    microscopy. The term microscopic means minute or
    very small, not visible with the eye unless aided
    by a microscope. Microscope had a big impact on
    our society as it turned out to be a major
    invention for science which helped create better
    education for all of us and we got to know more
    about the world.

Spring Clock - 1430
  • The earliest existing spring driven clock is the
    chamber clock given to Peter the Good, Duke of
    Burgundy, around 1430, now in the Germanisches
    Nationalmuseum. Spring power presented
    clockmakers with a new problem how to keep the
    clock movement running at a constant rate as the
    spring ran down. This clock had a major impact on
    our world because clocks like these built better
    clocks and watches which created a lot of money
    for the economy and it still does now.

Optical Microscope - 1590
  • The optical microscope, often referred to as the
    "light microscope", is a type of microscope which
    uses visible light and a system of lenses to
    magnify images of small samples. Optical
    microscopes are the oldest and simplest of the
    microscopes. Dutch spectacle-makers Hans Janssen
    and his son Zacharias Janssen are often said to
    have invented the first compound microscope in
    1590, but this was a declaration made by
    Zacharias Janssen himself during the mid 1600s.
    It was a great invention for science as it helped
    build better inventions and it helped us out in

Telescopes - 1608
  • Earliest known working telescopes appeared in
    1608. It was not invented by a single person
    though. A telescope is an instrument designed for
    the observation of remote objects by the
    collection of electromagnetic radiation. There
    are also Radio telescope and X-ray and gamma ray
    telescope. We have used this to learn more
    science and expand our knowledge about the
    outside world. Scientist continue to use this so
    we can gather more information about this planets
    and as well as others. There are also microscopes
    that can see bacteria etc... We now know more
    information about our world than ever before and
    we will continue to learn more. Telescope has
    been a major factor to our education.

Galilean Telescope - 1609
  • The original design Galileo came up with in 1609
    is commonly called a Galilean telescope. It uses
    a convex objective lens and a concave eyepiece
    lens. Galilean telescopes produce upright images.
  • Galileos best telescope magnified objects about
    30 times. Because of flaws in its design, such as
    the shape of the lens, the images were blurry and
    distorted. Despite these flaws, the telescope was
    still good enough for Galileo to explore the sky.
    This was a very good invention during that time
    as it became to be a huge invention and was able
    to make more and better telescopes for the future
    and helped us study more about science and the
    outer world.

Kaplerian Telescope - 1611
  • The Keplerian Telescope, invented by Johannes
    Kepler in 1611, is an improvement on Galileo's
    design. It uses a convex lens as the eyepiece
    instead of Galileo's concave one. The advantage
    of this arrangement is the rays of light emerging
    from the eyepiece are converging. This allows for
    a much wider field of view and greater eye relief
    but the image for the viewer is inverted. A much
    improved telescope which helped built better and
    better telescopes for the future.

Cassegrain Telescopr - 1672
  • A Cassegrain telescope is a wide-angle reflecting
    telescope with a concave mirror that receives
    light and focuses an image. A second mirror
    reflects the light through a gap in the primary
    mirror, allowing the eyepiece or camera to be
    mounted at the back end of the tube. The
    Cassegrain reflecting telescope was developed in
    1672 by the French sculptor Sieur Guillaume
    Cassegrain. This helped create other telescopes
    which are used by scientists and anybody else who
    would prefer to use it. This impacted the world
    of technologies and science a lot, it created
    other telescopes which gave us more knowledge
    about our own and other planets.

Camera - 1685
  • The first camera that was small and portable
    enough to be practical for photography was built
    by John Strognofe in 1685. A camera is a device
    that records images, either as a still photograph
    or as moving images known as videos or movies.
    Digital cameras are mostly used nowadays, instead
    of film. If it wasnt for Camera, then we cant
    use Television, it is used to capture images and
    display them. People also use it to create art,
    so it has made a huge impact on our world.

Three-colour Printing - 1710
  • In 1710, three-colour printing is invented by
    German engraver Jakob Christoph Le Blon
    (1667-1741). Color printing is the reproduction
    of an image or text in color. Its used in a lot
    of places and has made a huge impact on the
    world. We can now have colour thing printed, such
    as images. Its used in a lot of places like
    business, school, and for home. It has given a
    boost to our education, so kids and adults can
    learn with colour pictures, things like art and
    studying the human body.

Tuning Fork - 1711
  • In 1711, Tuning fork is invented by John Shore.
    It resonates at a specific constant pitch when
    set vibrating by striking it against a surface or
    with an object. They are commonly used to tune
    musical instruments but can also be used to check
    vibration sense as part of the examination of the
    peripheral nervous system.

Lithography - 1798
  • In 1798, Lithography is invented by Alois
    Senefelder. Lithography is a method for printing
    using a plate or stone with a completely smooth
    surface. Its used to print books, maps and
    poster. Its impact has been fairly huge because
    it has developed different types of printing,
    those are used for certain other things and this
    is used for certain things as well.

Paper-making machinery - 1803
  • In 1803, Modern paper-making machinery is
    invented by two British brothers after whom the
    Foudrinier machine is named. Paper is thin
    material mainly used for writing upon, printing
    upon or packaging. Its used everyday in our life
    by everyone. Its used in schools, business, home
    and pretty much everyone. It has become a huge
    part of our society, but it comes at a price,
    which is cutting down the tress in order to make

Galvanometer - 1829
  • In 1829, Leopoldi Nobili invents the
    galvanometer. A galvanometer is a type of
    ammeter an instrument for detecting and
    measuring electric current. It is an analog
    electromechanical transducer that produces a
    rotary deflection, through a limited arc, in
    response to electric current flowing through its
    coil. The ammeter is used a lot nowadays for an
    electrician because they want to know what kind
    of current they are up against, it helps them a
    lot in safety as they are careful of not to do
    anything stupid while handling the current and
    electricity. Its used to make a lot of money
    since its still used until today and will
    continue to be used for the future.

Phenakistoscope - 1831
  • The phenakistoscope was an early animation
    device, the predecessor of the zoetrope. It was
    invented in 1831 simultaneously by the Belgian
    Joseph Plateau and the Austrian Simon von
    Stampfer. Its a spinning disk with pictures
    drawn on them to show how animation is done. This
    made an impact in our technology because now we
    always have different kind of animations and its
    used every day in our life. It makes a lot of
    money out of it, because kids love their cartoon
    shows that come on every day and now different
    types of animation technology is used, thanks to
    the Computer.

Stroboscope - 1833
  • In 1833, Simon Ritter von Stampfer, a Viennese
    professor, invents the Stroboscope. It is an
    instrument used to make a cyclically moving
    object appear to be slow-moving, or stationary.
    The principle is used for the study of rotating,
    reciprocating, oscillating or vibrating objects.
    Machine parts and vibrating strings are common
    examples. Stroboscopes play an important role in
    the study of stresses on machinery in motion, and
    in many other forms of research. They are also
    used as measuring instruments for determining
    cyclic speed. Its used every day in our life so
    we can further our knowledge and learn more about
    how this word works. Its contributed a lot to
    Physics which we use to make buildings and much

Telegraph - 1835
  • Samuel Finley Breese Morse (1791-1872) was an
    American inventor and painter. Morse built the
    first American telegraph around 1835. A telegraph
    sends electrical signals over a long distance,
    through wires. In 1830, Joseph Henry (1797-1878)
    made the first long-distance telegraphic device -
    he sent an electric current for over a mile on
    wire that activated an electromagnet, causing a
    bell to ring. This was a major impact to the
    world and the technologies. It was used to help
    create the radio and the telephone because of how
    the system works through the wires. Its old
    fashioned now, but it did its part to help the
    world and the other technologies.

Typewriter - 1867
  • The first typewriter was invented in 1867 by the
    American printer and Editor Christopher Latham
    Sholes (Feb. 14, 1819 - Feb. 17, 1890). It was a
    pretty big invention at that time until printers
    came in. Its still used because some people like
    the old fashioned things.

Quadruplex Telegraph - 1874
  • Quadruplex Telegraph - In 1874, Thomas Edison
    invented the first Quadruplex telegraph, which
    was capable of sending two messages
    simultaneously in each direction. To send two
    signals in a single direction at the same time,
    the quadruplex telegraph used one signal to
    control the polarity of the line, i.e., the
    direction of current flow imposed upon the wire.
    The other signal was used to vary the absolute
    strength or voltage of the signal. This has been
    very helpful to the military and to the world as
    it helped create telephones which turned out to
    be one of the best inventions of the world.

Wax stencil mimeograph duplicator - 1875
  • In 1875, Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) invents
    the wax stencil mimeograph duplicator. It is a
    low-cost printing press that works by forcing ink
    through a stencil onto paper. It was used later
    on to help create a better printer which we can
    easily use to do whole lot of printing, such as
    printing newspaper, advertisement, or any other
    type of paper needed to be printed. Its used in
    school, business and everywhere around the world.

Telephone - 1876
  • Alexander Graham Bell of Scotland, Great Britain
    invented the telephone. He invented the telephone
    in 1876. Its a telecommunications device that is
    used to transmit and receive sound. Nowadays,
    people use different types of Phone, like new
    developed digital phones and cell phones.

Praxinoscope - 1877
  • The praxinoscope was an animation device, the
    successor to the zoetrope. It was invented in
    France in 1877 by Charles-Émile Reynaud. Like the
    zoetrope, it used a strip of pictures placed
    around the inner surface of a spinning cylinder.
    Someone looking in the mirrors would therefore
    see a rapid succession of images producing the
    illusion of motion, with a brighter and less
    distorted picture than the zoetrope offered. This
    was a great invention as it showed good
    animations during that time, which later
    developed to better and better animations and now
    there are a lot of cartoon shows which create a
    lot of money because kids like to buy toys and
    having cartoon/animations, the industry made tons
    of cash which was good for the society.

Lamp - 1879
  • After many experiments with platinum and other
    metal filaments, Edison returned to a carbon
    filament. The first successful test was on
    October 22, 1879, and lasted 40 hours. Edison
    continued to improve this design and by November
    4, 1879, filed for U.S. patent 223,898 (granted
    on January 27, 1880) for an electric lamp using a
    carbon filament or strip coiled and connected to
    platina contact wires. It is designed to produce
    light and electricity. Filament lamps have long
    been used as fast acting thermistors in
    electronic circuits. Popular uses have included
    Stabilisation of sine wave oscillators,
    Protection of tweeters, and Automatic volume
    control in telephones. Lamps are used often
    nowadays and its getting popular. Most of the
    people have lamps in their home so they can have

Cash Register - 1879
  • The mechanical cash register was invented (and
    patented) in 1879 by James Ritty (1836-1918).
    Ritty was an American tavern keeper in Dayton,
    Ohio. He nicknamed his cash register the
    "Incorruptible Cashier," and started the National
    Manufacturing Company to sell them. This is a
    major part of the business as it is used to store
    cash in it. Thanks to this, it has become
    organized way of selling items and its used in
    pretty much in every store because it turned out
    to be such a great invention.

Zoopraxiscope - 1879
  • It is an early device for displaying motion
    pictures. Created by photographic pioneer
    Eadweard Muybridge in 1879, it may be considered
    the first movie projector. The zoopraxiscope
    projected images from rotating glass disks in
    rapid succession to give the impression of
    motion. It was a great invention back then as it
    helped out the industry a lot and it was very
    beneficial for the society. Film industry is a
    huge part of our society because it makes tons of
    money for the actors, actress, directors etc...
    It also makes money for the community because
    people like us pay to see the movies and it keeps
    the cycle going and hopefully we wont end up in
    a great depression and keep this cycle going.

Gyrocompass - 1885
  • A gyrocompass is similar to a gyroscope. It is a
    compass that finds true north by using an
    (electrically powered) fast-spinning wheel and
    friction forces in order to exploit the rotation
    of the Earth. Gyrocompasses are widely used on
    ships. They have two main advantages over
    magnetic compasses
  • they find true north, i.e., the direction of
    Earth's rotational axis, as opposed to magnetic
  • they are far less susceptible to external
    magnetic fields, e.g. those created by ferrous
    metal in a ship's hull. The gyrocompass was
    patented in 1885 by the Dutch Marinus Gerardus
    van den Bos. A compass is used a lot during these
    days when people go out to explore and can also
    be used to save a life by giving you the
    direction to your house. Although better and more
    accurate compass are created nowadays but this
    invention helped create it.

Electrotachpscope - 1887
  • The electrotachyscope is an 1887 invention of
    Ottomar Anschütz of Germany which presents the
    illusion of motion with transparent serial
    photographs, chronophotographs, arranged on a
    spinning wheel of fortune or mandala-like glass
    disc, significant as a technological development
    in the history of cinema. It was first publicly
    demonstrated at the Chicago World's Fair of 1893.
    It was a major invention for the film industry as
    these little invention helped create better
    inventions for the future.

Kinetoscope - 1888
  • The Kinetoscope is an early motion picture
    exhibition device. Though not a movie
    projectorit was designed for films to be viewed
    individually through the window of a cabinet
    housing its componentsthe Kinetoscope introduced
    the basic approach that would become the standard
    for all cinematic projection before the advent of
    video. First described in conceptual terms by
    U.S. inventor Thomas Edison in 1888, it was
    largely developed by his employee William Kennedy
    Laurie Dickson between 1889 and 1892. This helped
    create better motion picture which became a huge
    part of our society and will continue to be a
    huge part of our society.

Cinematography- 1890
  • The cinematograph is a film camera, which also
    serves as a film projector and developer. It was
    invented in the 1890s. Lumiere Brothers invent a
    portable motion-picture camera, film processing
    unit and projector called the Cinematographe.
    Lumiere Brothers using their Cinematographe are
    the first to present a projected motion picture
    to an audience of more than one person. This was
    a major invention because it impacted the society
    a lot and made tons of cash. People also got to
    show their talents they had.

Eidoloscope - 1894
  • The Eidoloscope was an early motion picture
    system created by Woodville Latham and his two
    sons through their business, the Lambda Company,
    in New York City in 1894 and 1895. Originally
    called the Panoptikon, it is perhaps the first
    widescreen film format, with an aspect ratio of
    1.85. It had a film gauge of 51 mm and an
    aperture of 37 mm by 20 mm. This helped create
    better picture system and gave us better

Vitascope - 1895
  • Vitascope is an early film projector first
    demonstrated in 1895 by Charles Francis Jenkins
    and Thomas Armat. This prototype of modern film
    projectors cast images onto a wall or screen for
    a moderately large audience. This invention
    helped create better projectors, films and camera
    which later on helped out the society a lot and
    it was great for people who also wanted

Magnetic Storage - 1898
  • In December 9 1898, Valdemar Poulsen invented
    magnetic storage and magnetic recordings are
    terms from engineering referring to the storage
    of data on a magnetized medium. As of 2008,
    common uses of magnetic storage media are for
    computer data mass storage on hard disks and the
    recording of analog audio and video works on
    analog tape. Digital tape and tape libraries are
    popular for the high capacity data storage of
    archives and backups. This invention has helped
    improve our computer a lot with the data. Our
    computer continues to grow and become faster.
    Magentic Storage and Magnetic Recording helped
    out our computer to make it faster.

Transistor - 1925
  • The first patent for the field-effect transistor
    principle was filed in Canada by
    Austrian-Hungarian physicist Julius Edgar
    Lilienfeld on October 22, 1925. A Transistor is a
    semiconductor device commonly used to amplify or
    switch electronic signals. Usage for a Transistor
    is bipolar junction transistor and MOSFETs. BJT
    was used often in the early days and its used
    even after MOSFETs came out. This helped out
    science a lot as it used for electronic purposes
    and helped the scientists develop better

Electron Microscope - 1931
  • An electron microscope is a type of microscope
    that uses a particle beam of electrons to
    illuminate a specimen and create a
    highly-magnified image. Electron microscopes have
    much greater resolving power than light
    microscopes that use electromagnetic radiation
    and can obtain much higher magnifications of up
    to 2 million times. The first electron microscope
    prototype was built in 1931 by the German
    engineers Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll. This was
    huge for the world of science as it helped us
    know better about atoms and we were able to look
    deeper into science so we can create more and
    better inventions for our lifestyle.

Ballpoint pen - 1935
  • The first non-leaking ballpoint pen was invented
    in 1935 by the Hungarian brothers Lazlo and
    Georg Biro. Lazlo was a chemist and Georg was a
    newspaper editor. A ballpoint marker had been
    invented much earlier (in 1888 by John Loud, an
    American leather tanner, who used the device for
    marking leather) but Loud's marker leaked, making
    it impractical for everyday use. A new type of
    ink had to be developed this is what the Biro
    brothers did. The brothers patented their
    invention and then opened the first ballpoint
    manufacturing plant in Argentina, South America.
    This has made a minor impact but it has still
    made an impact because pens are used everyday in
    our lives. Thanks to this different types of pens
    were created.

Radio - 1940
  • Radio is the transmission of signals, by
    modulation of electromagnetic waves with
    frequencies below those of visible light. It was
    built around 1920s and was able to help the
    military immediately since the war started during
    that time. Radio has become a huge part of our
    life and people use it to hear news while driving
    their cars and possibly in their work. It has
    become a huge part of the business area as well
    people use it to advertise so people become more
    aware of the products. Its also used in the
    military so they can communicate with each other.
    Radio will continue to impact our society.

X-Ray Microscope - 1940
  • An X-ray microscope uses electromagnetic
    radiation in the soft X-ray band to produce
    images of very small objects. Sir Lawrence Bragg
    produced some of the first usable X-ray images
    with his apparatus in the late 1940's. Unlike
    visible light, X-rays do not reflect or refract
    easily, and they are invisible to the human eye.
    Therefore the basic process of an X-ray
    microscope is to expose film or use a
    charge-coupled device detector to detect X-rays
    that pass through the specimen. This has been a
    very useful inventions as we can use X-rays to
    looks through things, such as atoms, how they are
    structurally built or any item. This invention
    will continue to do impact on our society as we
    can build a better society for all of us.

Liquid Paper - 1951
  • Liquid Paper is a quick-drying, paper-colored
    (white) liquid that is painted onto paper to
    correct printed material. Liquid Paper was
    invented in 1951 by Bessie Nesmith (1922-1980).
    It made an impact to our world as we now use it a
    lot for printing. We have more and better
    printing press then ever before.

Catadioptric Telescope - 1960
  • A catadioptric optical system is one where lenses
    and curved mirrors are used to form the
    Image-forming optical system. Catadioptric
    systems are commonly used in telescopes and in
    lightweight, long focal length lenses for
    cameras. Ever since this type of telescope was
    introduced by Celestron in the 1960s. Now many
    companies mass-produce this type of telescope, at
    prices that make them quite affordable for many
    amateurs. This was a major invention as it is
    used today by companies so they can sell it
    because a lot of scientists want to use this
    telescope to study the world and educate the rest
    of the world.

Pulsed Ruby Laser 1960
  • Pulsed ruby laser (Light Amplification by
    Stimulated Emission of Radiation), invented by Dr
    Charles H Townes in 1960, and is demonstrated by
    its maker Theodore H Maiman (1927- ) at Hughes
    Aircraft Company Research Laboratories, Malibu,
    California. It is the first practical laser of
    any kind. Is a solid-state laser that uses a
    synthetic ruby crystal as its gain medium.

Fluorescence Microscope
  • A fluorescence microscope is a light microscope
    used to study properties of organic or inorganic
    substances using the phenomena of fluorescence
    and phosphorescence instead of, or in addition
    to, reflection and absorption. This was a major
    invention as the scientists were able to look
    deeper and better for the science. The scientists
    have been able to do more and accurate
    experiments to build new things which will help
    us out in the future.

Radio Telescope
  • A radio telescope is a metal dish that gathers
    radio waves from space. Radio astronomy involves
    exploring space by examining radio waves from
    outer space. It became a major part to our planet
    as scientist use it every day to study our planet
    so we can have more information about it.

  • Radar is a system that uses electromagnetic waves
    to identify the range, altitude, direction, or
    speed of both moving and fixed objects such as
    aircraft, ships, motor vehicles, weather
    formations, and terrain. Radar is used in many
    contexts, including meteorological detection of
    precipitation, measuring ocean surface waves, air
    traffic control, police detection of speeding
    traffic, and by the military. It has become a
    huge part of our society, its used every day and
    as I listed above, it gives us information about
    us and our environment. It helps the military as
    well and lets them know if there is any enemies
    and danger around them.

  • Cellophane is a thin, transparent, waterproof,
    protective film that is used in many types of
    packaging. It was invented in 1908 by Jacques
    Edwin Brandenberger, a Swiss chemist. This eased
    out the packaging in the world and packaging has
    been huge as we use it everyday to ship different
    types of materials.

  • A lot of different inventions were mixed together
    in order to create colour T.V. which was built
    around 1920s. Philo Taylor Farnsworth (August
    19, 1906 March 11, 1971) was an American
    inventor. He is best known for inventing the
    first completely electronic television.
    Television is a widely used telecommunication
    medium for transmitting and receiving moving
    images. Its used around the world so people can
    know what is happening around the world. People
    use it to watch movies, shows and a lot of jobs
    and money is created thanks to the television.
    Nowadays people mostly used Plasma T.V. or LCD

  • Daguerreotype is an early type of photograph,
    developed by Louis Daguerre, in which the image
    is exposed directly onto a mirror-polished
    surface of silver bearing a coating of silver
    halide particles deposited by iodine vapor.
    Thanks to this, we have developed better types of
    images thanks to new digital camera and this had
    an impact to create that technology. It was used
    for art but now this has created digital cameras
    which are used to capture memories.

  • In 1877, In Germany, E W Siemens invents the
    moving coil loudspeaker. A loudspeaker, speaker
    is an electro acoustical transducer that converts
    an electrical signal to sound. Thanks to this
    invention, many other loudspeakers are better and
    louder than ever before. We use these types of
    loudspeakers for movies as well as home. Its
    also used in Cinemas which is used to generate a
    lot of revenue for this world.

  • Celluloid is invented by Alexander Parkes
    (1813-90) at Birmingham, England. Celluloid is
    the name of a class of compounds created from
    nitrocellulose and camphor, plus dyes and other
    agents. Celluloid is highly flammable and also
    easily decomposes, and is no longer widely used.
    Its most common uses today are the table tennis
    ball and guitar picks. It did have an impact even
    though its no longer used, but its used for
    other things which we use every day.

  • Edwin Herbert Land (1909-1991) was an American
    physicist and inventor who developed the first
    modern light polarizers (which eliminate glare)
    and other optical devices, investigated the
    mechanisms of color perception, and developed the
    instant photography process (the Polaroid
    camera). It helped out the film industry as it
    used to help create better optical devices.

Refracting Telescope
  • A refracting or refractor telescope is a dioptric
    telescope that uses a lens as its objective to
    form an image. The refracting telescope design
    was originally used in spy glasses and
    astronomical telescopes but is also used in other
    devices such as binoculars and long or telephoto
    camera lenses. Refractors were the earliest type
    of optical telescope. The first practical
    refracting telescopes appeared in the Netherlands
    in about 1608, and were credited to three
    individuals, Hans Lippershey and Zacharias
    Janssen, spectacle-makers in Middelburg, and
    Jacob Metius of Alkmaar also known as Jacob
    Adriaanszoon. This was one of the earliest scope
    which had an impact and affected all the other
    telescope that were made after and helped us out
    in the education category as now we now more then
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