Title: Which Diltiazem?
1Which Diltiazem?
2There are 4 different formulations of diltiazem
and 9 different products
3Plain Tablets Dilzem
- Release diltiazem immediately
- Usually administered THREE or FOUR times daily
(only lasts 8 hrs) - Must NOT be substituted for slow release
30mg tablet
60mg tablet
4Sustained Release Capsules Dilzem SR
- Gelatin capsule filled with coated beads
- SR sustained release but not for 24 hours!
- Release diltiazem slowly over 12 to 16 hours
- Usually administered TWICE daily
SR 90mg capsule
SR 120mg capsule
5Controlled Delivery Capsules Cardizem CD
- Gelatin capsule filled with coated beads of
differing thickness - Release diltiazem slowly over 24 hours
- Usually administered ONCE daily
CD 120mg capsule
CD 180mg capsule
CD 240mg capsule
6Long Acting Tablets Dilzem LA
- Inner core of diltiazem surrounded by a porous
membrane - Release diltiazem slowly over 24 hours
- Usually administered ONCE daily
LA 180mg tablet
LA 240mg tablet
7Diltiazem Release Characteristics
Preparation Peak concentration Duration of action
Plain 30mg, 60mg tablets (Dilzem) 2-4 hours 8 hours
SR 90mg, 120mg (Dilzem SR) 2-8 hours 12 to 16 hours
CD 120mg, 180mg, 240mg (Cardizem CD) 10-14 hours (based on CD 360mg dose) 24 hours
LA 180mg, 240mg (Dilzem LA) 2-8 hours 24 hours
- Patient received one dose of ordinary release
diltiazem 60mg - Ward round, dose increased to 240mg daily
- No formulation specified on drug chart
- Nurse instructed to make up dose
- Patient received 60mg x 3 as one dose
- Patient transferred to ICU
- Slow release preparations SR, CD, LA
- are not interchangeable - SR is a BD
formulation - must not be crushed
- Plain, ordinary release tablets must not be used
to make up the difference - Specify the formulation/brand name
- Eg Cardizem CD, Dilzem LA
- When changing formulation/brand
- consider the timing of the next dose