Title: Chapter 13 Random Utility Models
1Chapter 13 Random Utility Models
- This chapter covers choice models applicable
where the consumer must pick one brand out of J
brands. The sequence we will go through
includes - Terminology
- Aggregate Data and Weighted Least Squares
- Disaggregate Data and Maximum Likelihood
- Three or More Brands
- A Model for Transportation Mode Choice
- Other Choice Models
- Patterns of Competition
2Key Terminology
- Dichotomous dependent variable
- Polytomous dependent variable
- Income type independent variable and the
polytomous logit model. - Price type independent variable and the
conditional logit model. - Aggregate data
- Disaggregate dat
3A Dichotomous Dependent Variable
We define
According to the regression model yi ?0
xi?1 ei
4How Do Choice Probabilities Fit In?
From the definition of Expectation of a Discrete
5Two Requirements for a Probability
Logical Consistency
Sum Constraint
6A Requirement for Regression
V(e) ?2I
Gauss-Markov Assumption
Two possibilities exist
Since E(ei) 0
V(ei) Eei E(ei)2
by the Definition of E(?)
7Heteroskedasticity Rears Its Head
Note that the subscript i appears on the right
hand side!
8Two Fixes
Linear Probability Model
Probit Model
9The Logit Model Is A Third Option
10The Expression for Not Buying
where ui ?0 xi?1
11The Logit Is a Special Case of Bell, Keeney and
Littles (1975) Market Share Theorem
For J 2 and the logit model,
ai1 and ai2 1
12My Share of the Market Is My Share of the
where a1 is a function of Marketing Variables
brought to bear on behalf of brand 1
13The Story of the Blue Bus and the Red Bus
Imagine a market with two players the Yellow Cab
Company and the Blue Bus Company. These two
companies split the market 5050. Now a third
competitor shows up The Red Bus Company. What
will the shares be of the three companies now?
14The Model Can Be Linearized for Least Squares
15Aggregate Data and Weighted Least Squares
Response Response
Population Yes (yi 1) No (yi 0) x
1 f11 f12 x1
2 f21 f22 x2
i fi1 fi2 xi
N fN1 fN2 xN
16Some Definitions
ni fi1 fi2 pi1 fi1 / ni
17Assumptions About Error
18Weighted Least Squares Scalar Presentation
19Weighted Least Squares Matrix Presentation
20The Model Expressed in Matrix Terms
21Putting the Weights in Weighted Least Squares
22Minimizing f leads to the WLS Estimator
23The Variance of the WLS Estimator
So this allows us to test hypotheses of the form
H0 a?? - c 0
24Multiple DF Tests Under WLS
H0 A? - c 0
25ML Estimation of the Logit Model
Two equivalent ways of writing the likelihood
We will use the left one, but isn't the right one
26Likelihood Derivations
These first order conditions must be met
27Second Order ML Conditions
When arranged in a matrix, the second order
derivatives are called the Hessian. Minus the
expectation of the Hessian is called the
Information Matrix.
28Three Choice Options
pi1 pi2 pi3 1
29Multinomial Logit Model
the above model is a special case of the
Fundamental Theorem of Marketing Share
30The Likelihood for the MNL Model
31Classic Example
 Ii Income of household i Cost (price) of
alternative j for household i CAVi Cars per
driver for household i BTRi Bus transfers
required for member of household i to get to
work via the bus
32MNL Example Model
33GLS Estimation of the Transportation Example
34Other Choice Models
Simple Effects
Differential Effects
Fully Extended
35Share Elasticity
36The Derivative Looks Like
Here we have used the following two rules
dea/da ea
37The Elasticity for the Simple Effects MNL Model
Putting the derivative back into the expression
for the elasticity yields