Title: Marzano%20Vocabulary%20Instruction
1Marzano VocabularyInstruction
- Gina Hartman
- Andrea Blanco
- Francis Howell School District
2Session Starter - Free Association
- Participants will be provided a target term.
- Each member of your table group will take turns
saying any word that comes to mind related to the
target term. -
- When the facilitator tells you stop, the last
person to say a word will explain how that word
is related to the target. -
- (Marzano Pickering, 2005)
3During this session we will.....
- Become familiar with the Marzano Six-Steps of
Vocabulary Instruction. -
- Become familiar with strategies and resources
that align to the six steps. -
- Develop and share a plan to make vocabulary
instruction common practice in your
building/classroom. -
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5- Carving is appropriate for most green and blue
slopes and even some black slopes. However, if
you try to carve through moguls, especially in
packed powder or corn snow, you're going to
face-plant. -
- (Marzano Pickering, 2005)
6- Carving is appropriate for most green and blue
slopes and even some black slopes. However, if
you try to carve through moguls, especially in
packed powder or corn snow, you're going to
face-plant. -
- (Marzano Pickering, 2005)
7- Research shows a student in the 50th percentile
in terms of ability to comprehend the subject
matter taught in school, with no direct
vocabulary instruction, scores in the 50th
percentile ranking. - The same student, after specific content-area
terms have been taught in a specific way, raises
his/her comprehension ability to the 83rd
percentile. - (Marzano Pickering, 2005)
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9Marzano, R.J., Pickering, D.J. (2005). Building
academic vocabulary teacher's manual. Alexandria,
VA Association for Supervision and Curriculum
10- fhsdvocabulary.pbworks.com
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13- Show video
- Before providing information, try to determine
student's background knowledge - Use KWHL charts, activities to activity
prior knowledge (see wiki) - Do not provide students with a formalized
definition. - Use both linguistic-and nonlinguistic approaches
141. Write the term 2. Rate their knowledge of the
term 3. Write examples, descriptions, or
explanations of the term. 4. Draw a picture of
the term 5. Add new items to the term as they
are discussed in class.
15Let's practice using the vocabulary notebook.
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17- Show video
- Non-linguistic
- May need some guidance and modeling if students
are not accustomed to creating pictures and
graphics for ideas. - Technology can aid in the construction of
non-linguistic representations
18- Video Clip
- Specific activities should be planned by the
teacher to periodically review the targeted
terms. - Each time students engage in these activities,
they should be provided opportunities to add to,
or revise, the entry for the term in their
academic notebooks.
19Activity Suggestions
- Free Association
- Comparing Activities
- Classifying Activities
- Analogy Activities
- Create Metaphors
20Classifying Activity 1 (Marzano Pickering, 2005)
- Give students a list of terms from their
notebooks and ask them to classify the terms. - Example terms
- mesa, mountain, bay, ocean, canyon, hill, glen,
forest, plain, port, canal, reservoir, stream,
and prairie.
21Classifying Activity 2 (Marzano Pickering, 2005)
- Create categories for students and ask them to
find terms from their notebooks that might fit
into those categories. - Example Ask students to identify people in
history who were known for what they did for
others or were known for caring more about
themselves than about others.
22Classifying Activity 3 (Marzano Pickering, 2005)
- Ask students to review all of the terms in a
section of their notebook and challenge them to
create their own categories and classify the
those terms. -
23- Video Clip
- The goal of this step is to encourage students to
help each other identify and clear up
misconceptions and confusions. -
- Remember, to encourage students to make additions
or revisions to their notebook entries after the
discussions. -
- The activities in this step can be unstructured
or structured activities.
24Activity Suggestions
- Think-Pair-Share
- Should Partner
- Talking Chips
- ABC Graffiti
- Four Corners
- Give One, Get One
25- Stand up
- Take 7 steps in any direction
- Pick the nearest person that you don't know very
well - Form a group of four by finding another group
that you don't know very well
26- It is important to set aside blocks of time each
week to play games in order to energize students
and guide them in the review and use of important
27Vocabulary Charades (Marzano Pickering, 2005)
- Please stand.
- Using your arms, legs, and bodies, show the
meaning of each term.
28Talk a Mile a Minute (Marzano Pickering, 2005)
- Teams of 3-4
- Designate a talker for each round.
- Try to get team to say each word by quickly
describing them. - May not use words in category title or rhyming
- Square
- Circle
- Rectangle
- Triangle
- Right Triangle
- Oval
- Diamond
30Carleton, L., Marzano, R.J. (2010). Vocabulary
games for the classroom. Bloomington, IN Marzano
Research Laboratory.
31Puzzle Stories (Carleton Marzano, 2010)
- Split the class into small groups (3-5 students
with mixed ability levels). - Provide a list of vocabulary terms to each group
or display the terms on a whiteboard in the
classroom. - Give each group a puzzle and have the students in
each group put the puzzle together. - Each group of students will then write a story
about the scene or object depicted in the puzzle
using their vocabulary word list. - Have a representative from each group read the
story aloud to the class.
32Example - Physics Class
- Exothermic - chemical reaction or compound
occurring or formed with the evolution of heat. - Endothermic -chemical reaction or compound
occurring or formed with the absorption of heat. - Definitions from http//www.thefreedictionary.com
33Image Source http//www.evelinecharles.com/blog/e
34PowerPointand SMART BoardReview Games
Don't forget about using your technology
35Monitoring Student Learning
- Move around the room while students work in
notebooks. - Check student notebooks periodically.
- Listen during review games and activities
to correct inaccuracies. - Use student self-evaluation scoring guide.
- Have a section for student self-reflection.
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37Other Recommendations
- Refer to the district curriculum or decide as a
PLC which target terms you will focus on. - Keep the number of target terms within each
subject area small (3 terms per week). - Make sure you allow students time to add to and
modify their vocab notebooks. - Don't skip any steps in the process.
- Time can be found by evaluating current
- Teaching specific terms in a specific way is the
strongest action a teacher can take to ensure
that students have the academic background
knowledge that they need to understand the
content in school.
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- Move around the room while the music is playing.
When it stops, partner the person that is nearest
to you. - You and your partner will collaborate to answer
the questions you have learned about the content
this morning.
41Activity Questions
- Describe the 6-Steps for teaching vocabulary
instruction. - Discuss several ways you could assess the
students prior knowledge. - Brainstorm four things you can have the students
do to elaborate on the terms.
42- How can you make effective vocabulary instruction
common practice in your school or classroom?