Convex Cones - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Convex Cones


(special case where B is vacuous is that polytope is polyhed. ... Pf) For P = , take p = q = 0, i.e. B, C vacuous. Otherwise, again homogenize and consider ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: cones | convex | vacuous


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Convex Cones

(Convex) Cones
  • Def closed under nonnegative linear
    combinations, i.e. K is a cone provided
  • a1, , ap ? K ? Rn, ?1, , ?p ? 0 ? ?i 1p
    ?i ai ? K
  • ( Note Usually cones are defined as closed only
    under nonnegative scalar multiplication)
  • Observations (Characteristics)
  • Subspaces are cones
  • For any family of cones Ki i ? I , ? i ? I
    Ki is a cone also.
  • Any nonempty cone contains 0
  • K1, K2 are cones, then so is K1K2 (xy) x ?
    K1, y ? K2
  • Halfspaces are cones H x ? Rn ax ? 0

  • Description of cones
  • Any subset A ? Rn generates a cone K(A) (define
    K(?) 0 )
  • K(A) ?1a1 ?pap p ? 1, ?i ? R , ai
    ? A,
  • called conical span of A
  • conical hull of A ? Ki ? A, Ki is cone Ki
    (outside description)
  • They are the same.
  • Finite basis result is false for cones (e.g. ice
    cream cones).
  • Hence we will restrict our attention to the
    cones with finite conical basis.

  • Conical dual
  • For any A ? Rn, define the (conical) dual of A
    to be
  • A x ? Rn Ax ? 0 , where Ax ? 0 means ax
    ? 0 for all a ? A.
  • ( some people use Ax ? 0 )
  • It is called a constrained cone since it is the
    solution set of some homogeneous inequalities.
  • When A is a cone, A is defined as dual cone (or
    polar cone) of A.
  • Note that A is always a cone a constrained
  • For A m ? n, A (with rows of A regarded as the
    vectors in the set A) is finitely constrained

(conical) dual of A?Rn
Aa1, a2, a3
  • Prop Suppose A, B ? Rn. Then
  • (1) B ? A ? A ? B
  • (2) A ? A
  • (3) A A
  • (4) A A ? A is a constrained cone
  • (5) If B ? A and B generates A conically, then
    A B.
  • Pf) parallels the cases for subspaces.

A ? A
Aa1, a2, a3
Aa1, a2, a3
A A ? A is a constrained cone
A constrained cone
  • Thm (Weyl) Any nonempty finitely generated cone
    is polyhedral (finitely constrained).
  • Pf) Use Fourier-Motzkin elimination (later). ?
  • Cor 1 Among all subsets A ? Rn with finite
    conical basis
  • A A ? A is a nonempty cone.
  • Cor 2 Given A m?n, consider K yA y ? 0,
    L x Ax ? 0.
  • Then K L, L K.

K L, L K
Aa1, a2, a3
  • Cor 3 (Farkas lemma)
  • Given A m?n, c ? Rn, exactly one of the two
  • (I) there exists y ? Rm s.t. yA c
  • (II) there exists x ? Rm s.t. Ax ? 0, cx
    gt 0.
  • Pf) Show (I) ? (II)
  • (I) ? c ? K ? yA y ? 0
  • ? c ? K (by Cor 1)
  • ? ? x ? K (Ax ? 0) s.t. cx gt 0
  • ? (II) holds ?

Farkas Lemma
A m ? n, c?Rn Case (1) c ?K (? y?0
such that yAc)
Farkas Lemma
Case (2) c ?K (? x such that Ax?0, cxgt0)
  • Farkas lemma is core of LP duality theory
    (details later). There are many other forms of
    theorems of the alternative and they are
    important and powerful tools in optimization
  • ex)
  • to verify that c (cx c for some x) is an
    optimal value of a LP (in minimization form) is
    the same as to verify that the following system
    has no solution.
  • -cx c gt 0
  • Ax b ? 0
  • Truth of claim can be verified by giving a
    solution to the alternative system.
  • question similar result possible for integer
  • Finding projection of a polyhedron to a lower
    dimensional space (later)
  • absence of arbitrage condition in finance theory.
  • ...

Absence of Arbitrage
  • text Chapter 4, p167-169
  • Text use the form
  • (I) there exists some x ? 0 such that Ax b
  • (II) there exists some vector p such that pA
    ? 0 and pb lt 0
  • (here, columns of A are generators of a cone)
  • Compare with
  • (I) there exists y ? Rm s.t. yA c
  • (II) there exists x ? Rm s.t. Ax ? 0, cx gt

  • n different assets are traded in a market (single
  • m possible states after the end of the period
  • rsi return on investment of 1 dollar on asset
    i and the state is s at the end of the period
  • payoff matrix R m?n
  • xi amount held of asset i
  • xi can be negative
  • xi gt 0 has bought xi units of asset i, receive
    rsixi if state s occurs
  • xi lt 0 short position, selling xi units of
    asset i at the beginning,
  • with the promise to buy them back at the
  • (sellers position in futures contract,
    payout rsixi, i.e. receiving a payoff
    of rsixi if state s occurs)

  • Given a portfolio x, the resulting wealth when
    state s occurs is,
  • ws ?i 1n rsixi ? w Rx
  • Let pi be the price of asset i in the beginning,
    then cost of acquiring portfolio x is px. What
    are the fair prices for the assets?
  • Absence of arbitrage condition asset prices
    should always be such that no investor can get a
    guaranteed nonnegative payoff out of a negative
    investment (no free lunch)
  • Hence, if Rx ? 0, then we must have px ? 0,
    i.e. there exists no vector x such that xR ?
    0, xp lt 0.
  • So, by Farkas lemma, there exists q ? 0 such
    that Rq p, i.e.
  • pi ?s 1m qsrsi
  • ( Here, R A, p b in Farkas lemma )

Fourier-Motzkin Elimination
  • Solving system of inequalities (refer text
    section 2.8)
  • Idea similar to Gaussian elimination.
  • Eliminate one variable at a time with some
    mechanism reserved to recover the feasible values
  • Given a system of inequalities and equalities

eliminate xn in (I) and obtain system (II)
which consists of linear equalities and
inequalities now in variables x1, x2, , xn-1 .
And we want to have (I) consistent ? (II)
consistent (have a solution), i.e. we want (x1,
x2, , xn ) satisfies (I) for some xn ? (x1, x2,
, xn-1 ) satisfies (II).
  • Related concept projection of vectors to a lower
    dimensional space
  • Def If x ( x1, x2, , xn) ? Rn and k ? n,
    the projection mapping ?k Rn ? Rk is defined
    as ?k(x) ?k(x1, x2, , xn) ( x1, , xk)
  • For S ? Rn, ?k(S) ?k(x) x ? S
  • Equivalently, ?k(S) (x1,, xk) ? xk1, , xn
    s.t. (x1, , xn)?S
  • To determine whether a polyhedron P is nonempty,
    find ?n-1(P) ? ? ?1(P) and determine whether
    the one dimensional polyhedron is nonempty. (But
    it is inefficient)

  • Elimination algorithm
  • (0) If all coefficients of xn in (I) are 0,
    then take (II) same as (I).
  • (1) ? some relation, say i-th, with ain ? 0,
    and this relation is . Then derive (II) from
    (I) by Gauss-Jordan elimination.
  • ( ai1x1 ainxn bi ?
  • xn 1/ain( bi - ai1x1 - - ainxn),
    substitute into (I).
  • Clearly ( x1, , xn) solves (I) ? ( x1, ,
    xn-1) solves (II). )
  • (continued)

  • (continued)
  • (2) Rewrite each constraint ?j1n aijxj ? bi
  • ainxn ? - ?j1n-1 aijxj bi, i 1, , m
  • If ain?0, divide both sides by ain.
  • By letting x (x1, , xn-1), we obtain
  • xn ? di fix , if ain gt 0
  • dj fjx ? xn , if ajn lt 0
  • 0 ? dk fkx , if akn 0
  • , where di, dj, dk ? R and fi, fj, fk ? Rn-1
  • Let (II) be the system defined by
  • dj fjx ? di fix , if ain gt 0 and ajn lt 0
  • 0 ? dk fkx , if akn 0
  • ( and remaining equations ) ?

  • Ex) x1 x2 ? 1
  • x1 x2 2x3 ? 2
  • 2x1 3x3 ? 3
  • x1 - 4x3 ? 4
  • -2x1 x2 - x3 ? 5
  • ? 0 ? 1 - x1 - x2
  • x3 ? 1 (x1/2) (x2/2)
  • x3 ? 1 (2x1/3)
  • -1 (x1/4) ? x3
  • -5 2x1 x2 ? x3
  • ? 0 ? 1 - x1 - x2
  • -1 (x1/4) ? 1 (x1/2) (x2/2)
  • -1 (x1/4) ? 1 (2x1/3)
  • -5 2x1 x2 ? 1 (x1/2) (x2/2)
  • -5 2x1 x2 ? 1 (2x1/3)

  • Thm 2.10 The polyhedron Q (defined by system
    (II)) constructed by the elimination algorithm is
    equal to ?n-1(P) of P.
  • Pf) If x ? ?n-1(P), ? xn such that (x, xn) ? P.
    In particular, x (x, xn) satisfies system (I),
    hence also satisfies system (II). It shows that
    ?n-1(P) ? Q.
  • Let x ? Q. Then x satisfies
  • min j ajn lt 0 (dj fjx) ? max i ain gt
    0 (di fix).
  • Let xn be a number between the two sides of the
    above inequality. Then (x, xn) ? P, which shows
    Q ? ?n-1(P). ?
  • Observe that for x (x1, , xn), we have
    ?n-2(?n-1(x)) ?n-2(x).
  • Also ?n-2(?n-1(P)) ?n-2(P). Hence obtain
    ?1(P) recursively to determine if P is empty or
    to find a solution.
  • A solution in P can be recovered recursively
    starting from ?1(P) and finding xi that lies in
    min j ajn lt 0 (dj fjx), max i ain gt 0
    (di fix) .

  • Cor 2.4 Let P ? Rnk be a polyhedron. Then,
    the set x ? Rn there exists y ? Rk such that
    (x, y) ? P is also a polyhedron.
  • ( Will be used to prove the Weyls Theorem.
    Other proof technique is not apparent.)
  • Cor 2.5 Let P ? Rn be a polyhedron and A be an
    m?n matrix. Then the set Q Ax x ? P is
    also a polyhedron.
  • Pf) Q y ? Rm y Ax, x ? P. Hence Q is
    the projection of the polyhedron (x, y) ? Rnm
    y Ax, x ? P onto the y coordinates. ?
  • Cor 2.6 The convex hull of a finite number of
    vectors (called polytope) is a polyhedron.
  • Pf) The convex hull ?i1k ?ixi ?i ?i 1, ?i
    ? 0 is the image of the polyhedron ( ?1, ,
    ?k) ?i ?i 1, ?i ? 0 under the mapping that
    maps ( ?1, , ?k) to ?i ?ixi. (The mapping can
    be expressed as A?, where the columns of the
    matrix A are xi vectors. We will see a different
    proof later.) ?

  • FM elimination not efficient as an algorithm.
    Number of inequalities grows exponentially as we
    eliminate variables.
  • Can also handle strict inequalities.
  • Can solve LP problem max cx Ax ? b ?
    Consider Ax ? b, z cx and eliminate x and
    find z as large as possible in the one
    dimensional polyhedron. Solution can be
    recovered by backtracking.
  • FM gives an algorithm to find the projection of P
    (x, y) ? Rnp Ax Gy ? b onto the x space
    Prx(P) x ? Rn (x, y) ? P for some y ? Rp.
  • But how can we characterize Prx(P) for arbitrary

  • Concept of projection becomes important in recent
    optimization theory (especially in integer
    programming) as new techniques using projections
    have been developed.
  • (e.g. RLT (reformulation and linearization
  • Formulation in a higher dimensional space and use
    the projection to lower dimensional space may
    give stronger formulation in integer programming.
  • (e.g. Node edge variable formulation stronger
    than edge formulation for weighted maximal
    b-clique problem)
  • Given a complete undirected graph G (V, E),
    weight ce, e ?E. Find a clique (complete
    subgraph) of size (number of nodes in the clique)
    at most b and sum of edge weights in the clique
    is maximum.

  • Weyls Theorem
  • Any nonempty finitely generated cone is
    polyhedral (i.e. finitely constrained).
  • Pf) K yA y ? 0 for A m ? n
  • x x yA 0, y ? 0 is a consistent
    system in (x, y)
  • Use FM elimination to get rid of ys
  • ( x some linear homog. system in x is
  • Write these relation as Bx ? 0
  • Then K x Bx ? 0 -- polyhedral ?
  • Note that we get homogeneous system Bx ? 0 if we
    apply FM.

  • Minkowskis Theorem
  • Any polyhedral cone is nonempty and finitely
  • Pf) Let L be a polyhedral cone. Clearly L ? ?.
  • We know that L L from earlier Prop.
  • Part 2 of Cor. 2 says L is finitely generated (
    L K )
  • By Weyls Thm, L itself is polyhedral.
  • By part 2 of Cor. 2 (L) is finitely generated.
  • ? L L from above ? L is finitely
    generated. ?
  • FM elimination leads to Weyl-Minkowski cone
  • (nonempty finitely generated cone ? finitely
  • (polyhedral))
  • Extend this result to affine version
  • Def The set of all convex combinations of a
    finite point set is called a polytope.

  • Affine Weyl Theorem (i.e. finitely generated
    are finitely constrained)
  • Suppose P x ? Rn x yB zC, y ? 0, z
    ? 0, ?i zi 1 ,
  • B p ? n, C q ? n.
  • Then ? matrix A m ? n and b ? Rm s.t. P
    x ? Rn Ax ? b.
  • (special case where B is vacuous is that
    polytope is polyhed.)
  • Pf) (use technique called homogenization)
  • If P ? (i.e. B, C vacuous, i.e. p q 0),
    take A 0,,0, b -1.
  • If P ? ?, consider P ? Rn1 defined as

Observe that x?P ? (x, 1)?P
  • and P is finitely generated nonempty cone in
  • Apply Weyls Thm to P in Rn1 to get
  • P (x, xn1) A(x, xn1) ? 0 for some
    A m ? (n1)
  • i.e. A A d with d last column of A
  • Define b -d, then A A -b
  • Observe that x ? P ? (x, 1) ? P ?
    A(x, 1) ? 0
  • ? (A -b)(x, 1) ? 0
  • ? Ax ? b ?
  • Note that we changed the problem as the problem
    involving a cone in Rn1, for which we know more
    properties, and used the results for cones to
    prove the theorem.

  • Affine Minkowski Theorem (i.e. finitely
    constrained are finitely generated)
  • Suppose P x ? Rn Ax ? b, A m ? n, b ?
  • Then ? matrices, B p ? n, C q ? n such that
  • P x ? Rn x yB zC, y, z ? 0, ?i
    zi 1
  • Pf) For P ?, take p q 0, i.e. B, C
  • Otherwise, again homogenize and consider

Then x ? P ? (x, 1) ? P P is a
polyhedral cone, so Minkowskis Thm
applies. Hence ? matrices, B l ? (n1) such
that P (x, xn1) ? Rn1 (x, xn1)
yB , y ? Rl
  • (continued)
  • Break B into 2 parts so that all rows of B
    with 0 last component come as top rows and rows
    with nonzero last component come as bottom rows.
    Note that all nonzero values in the last
    column of B must be gt 0.

It doesnt change P. Then we have x ? P ?
(x, 1) ? P
i.e. x ? P ? x yB zC, y ? 0, z ? 0, ?i
zi 1 ?
  • Geometric view of homogenization in Affine
    Minkowski Thm

Px Ax?b
  • Think about similar picture for affine Weyl.
  • Affine Weyl, Minkowski Thm together provides
    Double Description Thm
  • We can describe polyhedron as
  • (finite) intersection of halfspaces
  • ?
  • ?
  • (finite) conical combination of points convex
    combination of points ( i.e. P C Q, where C
    is a cone and Q is a polytope).
  • Existence of different representations has been
    shown. Next question is how to identify the
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