Volcanoes and Volcanic Deposits - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Volcanoes and Volcanic Deposits


Volcanoes and Volcanic Deposits IN THIS LECTURE Monogenetic and Polygenetic volcanoes Shield Volcanoes Flood Basalts Scoria Cones Maars and Tuff Cones and Rings – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Volcanoes and Volcanic Deposits

Volcanoes and Volcanic Deposits
  • Monogenetic and Polygenetic volcanoes
  • Shield Volcanoes
  • Flood Basalts
  • Scoria Cones
  • Maars and Tuff Cones and Rings

Monogenetic versus polygenetic
  • Volcanoes can be subdivided into two types
  • Monogenetic
  • volcano built up by the products of one eruption
    or eruptive phase
  • Simple magma conduit system used during only one
    eruption or one prolonged eruptive phase
  • Example Surtsey and Heimey
  • Polygenetic
  • volcano resulting from many eruptions, separated
    by relatively long periods and often involving
    different magmas.
  • Complex plumbing systems with intricate
    complicated conduit systems used many times
    during different eruptive phases.
  • Example Hawaii

Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics
Characteristics of Volcanic rocks
Products of Volcanic Eruptions
  • Tephra - a general term for fragments of volcanic
    rock and lava regardless of size that are blasted
    into the air by explosions or carried upward by
    hot gases in eruption columns or lava fountains.
    Tephra includes large dense blocks and bombs, and
    small light rock debris such as scoria, pumice,
    reticulite, and ash. As tephra falls to the
    ground with increasing distance from a volcano,
    the average size of the individual rock particles
    becomes smaller and thickness of the resulting
    deposit becomes thinner. Small tephra stays aloft
    in the eruption cloud for longer periods of time,
    which allows wind to blow tiny particles farther
    from an erupting volcano.
  • Pumice is a light, porous volcanic rock that
    forms during explosive eruptions. It resembles a
    sponge because it consists of a network of gas
    bubbles frozen amidst fragile volcanic glass and
    minerals. All types of magma (basalt, andesite,
    dacite, and rhyolite) will form pumice. Pumice is
    similar to the liquid foam generated when a
    bottle of pressurized soda is opened--the opening
    depressurizes the soda and enables dissolved
    carbon dioxide gas to escape or erupt through the
    opening. During an explosive eruption, volcanic
    gases dissolved in the liquid portion of magma
    also expand rapidly to create a foam or froth in
    the case of pumice, the liquid part of the froth
    quickly solidifies to glass around the glass

Products of Volcanic Eruptions
  • Scoria is a vesicular (bubbly) glassy lava rock
    of basaltic to andesitic composition ejected from
    a vent during explosive eruption. The bubbly
    nature of scoria is due to the escape of volcanic
    gases during eruption. Scoria is typically dark
    gray to black in color, mostly due to its high
    iron content. The surface of some scoria may have
    a blue iridescent color oxidation may lead to a
    deep reddish-brown color.
  • Tuff is the general name for consolidated ash.
    The material forming a tuff may be composed of
    (a) crystals ejected from the volcano (b) small
    fragments (lt4mm) of lava or other rock types (c)
    lapilli and (d) fragments of a glassy nature.
    Tuffs often show sedimentary features such as
    bedding and grading
  • Ignimbrites are welded tuffs that form when the
    layers of tuff material were so hot when they
    were deposited that that the edges of the
    fragments weld together. Often ignimbrites
    display well-developed banding resulting from
    flattening of glass shards and other fragments
    and can often be mistaken for rhyolitic lavas.

Products of Volcanic Eruptions
  • Volcanic ash - consists of rock, mineral, and
    volcanic glass fragments smaller than 2 mm (0.1
    inch) in diameter, which is slightly larger than
    the size of a pinhead. Volcanic ash is not the
    same as the soft fluffy ash that results from
    burning wood, leaves, or paper. It is hard, does
    not dissolve in water, and can be extremely
    small--ash particles less than 0.025 mm
    (1/1,000th of an inch) in diameter are common.
    Ash is extremely abrasive, similar to finely
    crushed window glass, mildly corrosive, and
    electrically conductive, especially when wet.
  • Lapilli - Rock fragments between 2 and 64 mm
    (0.08-2.5 in) in diameter that were ejected from
    a volcano during an explosive eruption are called
    lapilli. Lapilli (singular lapillus) means
    "little stones" in Italian. Lapilli may consist
    of many different types of tephra, including
    scoria, pumice, and reticulite.

Accretionary Lapilli - Rounded tephra balls
between 2 and 64 mm in diameter are called
accretionary lapilli if they consist of tiny ash
particles. Volcanic ash sometimes form such balls
in an eruption column or cloud, owing to moisture
or electrostatic forces. Lapilli (singular
lapillus) means "little stones" in Italian.
Products of Volcanic Eruptions
  • A volcanic block is a solid rock fragment greater
    than 64 mm in diameter that was ejected from a
    volcano during an explosive eruption. Blocks
    commonly consist of solidified pieces of old lava
    flows that were part of a volcano's cone.
  • Volcanic bombs are lava fragments that were
    ejected while viscous (partially molten) and
    larger than 64 mm in diameter. Many acquire
    rounded aerodynamic shapes during their travel
    through the air. Volcanic bombs include
    breadcrust bombs, ribbon bombs, spindle bombs
    (with twisted ends), spheroidal bombs, and
    "cow-dung" bombs.

Selection of Volcanic bombs
Classification of Volcanic Products
Pyroclastic Rocks
New Terms
  • Calderas and Craters
  • A caldera is a large, usually circular
    depression at the summit of a volcano formed when
    magma is withdrawn or erupted from a shallow
    underground magma reservoir. The removal of large
    volumes of magma may result in loss of structural
    support for the overlying rock, thereby leading
    to collapse of the ground and formation of a
    large depression. Calderas are different from
    craters, which are smaller, circular depressions
    created primarily by explosive excavation of rock
    during eruptions.

Aniakchak Caldera formed during an enormous
explosive eruption that expelled more than 50 km3
of magma about 3,450 years ago. The caldera is 10
km in diameter and 500-1,000 m deep. Subsequent
eruptions formed domes, cinder cones, and
explosion pits on the caldera floor.
Aa and pahoehoe lavas
  • Aa (pronounced "ah-ah") is a Hawaiian term for
    lava flows that have a rough rubbly surface
    composed of broken lava blocks called clinkers.
    The incredibly spiny surface of a solidified aa
    flow makes walking very difficult and slow. The
    clinkery surface actually covers a massive dense
    core, which is the most active part of the flow.
    As pasty lava in the core travels downslope, the
    clinkers are carried along at the surface. At the
    leading edge of an aa flow, however, these
    cooled fragments tumble down the steep front and
    are buried by the advancing flow. This produces a
    layer of lava fragments both at the bottom and
    top of an aa flow.

Pahoehoe is a Hawaiian term for basaltic lava
that has a smooth, hummocky, or ropy surface. A
pahoehoe flow typically advances as a series of
small lobes and toes that continually break out
from a cooled crust. The surface texture of
pahoehoe flows varies widely.
Pyroclastic Flows
  • A pyroclastic flow is a ground-hugging avalanche
    of hot ash, pumice, rock fragments, and volcanic
    gas that rushes down the side of a volcano as
    fast as 100 km/hour or more. The temperature
    within a pyroclastic flow may be greater than
    500 C, sufficient to burn and carbonize wood.
    Once deposited, the ash, pumice, and rock
    fragments may deform (flatten) and weld together
    because of the intense heat and the weight of the
    overlying material.

Pyroclastic flow sweeps down the side of Mayon
Volcano, Philippines,  during an explosive
eruption on 15 September 1984. Note the
ground-hugging cloud of ash (lower left) that is
billowing from the pyroclastic flow and the
eruption column rising from the top of the
volcano. Maximum height of the eruption column
was 15 km above sea level, and volcanic ash fell
within about 50 km toward the west. There were no
casualties from the 1984 eruption because more
than 73,000 people evacuated the danger zones as
recommended by scientists of the Philippine
Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.
Effects of Pyroclastic Flows
  • View north from the summit of Mount St. Helens
    shows the pristine forest that surrounded Spirit
    Lake (lower right) at the base of the volcano
    before the 1980 eruption.
  • View north from above the crater of Mount St.
    Helens after the 18 May 1980 eruption at about
    the same elevation as the former summit. The
    gray, ash-covered area surrounding Spirit Lake is
    the former forest that was destroyed by the
    eruption's enormous pyroclastic surge, commonly
    known as the directed blast or lateral blast.
    Note the increased surface area of Spirit Lake
    compared to the pre-eruption photograph. The
    lake's elevation was raised by about 60 m to 1038
    m when part of the eruption's landslide swept
    into the lake (the landslide began about 20
    seconds before the pyroclastic surge). Most of
    the lake's surface is covered with tree trunks
    swept into the lake by the surge.

Plinian Eruptions
  • Plinian eruptions are large explosive events
    that form enormous dark columns of tephra and gas
    high into the stratosphere (gt11 km). Such
    eruptions are named for Pliny the Younger, who
    carefully described the disastrous eruption of
    Vesuvius in 79 A.D. This eruption generated a
    huge column of tephra into the sky, pyroclastic
    flows and surges, and extensive ash fall. Many
    thousands of people evacuated areas around the
    volcano, but about 2,000 were killed, including
    Pliny the Older.

Plinian Eruption Mt Pinatubo, Philippines June
15, 1991 Some plinian eruptions inject such
large quantities of aerosols (small liquid
droplets) into the stratosphere that surface
temperatures on earth may decrease slightly. The
eruption of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, and the
1982 eruption of El Chichón, Mexico caused
temperatures worldwide to decrease slightly. The
massive 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora volcano,
Indonesia, is thought to have caused the 1816
"Year without a Summer" in the northeastern U.S.,
Canada, and western Europe.
Phreatic Eruptions
  • Phreatic eruptions are steam-driven explosions
    that occur when water beneath the ground or on
    the surface is heated by magma, lava, hot rocks,
    or new volcanic deposits (for example, tephra and
    pyroclastic-flow deposits). The intense heat of
    such material (as high as 1,170 C for basaltic
    lava) may cause water to boil and flash to steam,
    thereby generating an explosion of steam, water,
    ash, blocks, and bombs.

Phreatic eruption at the summit of Mount St.
Helens, Washington. Hundreds of these
steam-driven explosive eruptions occurred as
magma steadily rose into the cone and boiled
groundwater. These phreatic eruptions preceded
the volcano's plinian eruption on 18 May 1980.
Strombolian Eruptions
  • Strombolian eruptions are characterized by the
    intermittent explosion or fountaining of basaltic
    lava from a single vent or crater. Each episode
    is caused by the release of volcanic gases, and
    they typically occur every few minutes or so,
    sometimes rhythmically and sometimes irregularly.
    The lava fragments generally consist of partially
    molten volcanic bombs that become rounded as they
    fly through the air.

The word strombolian is derived from the volcano
Stromboli, one of the Aeolian Islands north of
Sicily. Stromboli has been almost continuously in
eruption for at least the past 2,400 years.
Other volcanoes that often exhibit strombolian
activity include Etna (Italy), Pacaya
(Guatemala), and Erebus (Antarctica).
Vulcanian Eruptions
  • A vulcanian eruption is a type of explosive
    eruption that ejects new lava fragments that do
    not take on a rounded shape during their flight
    through the air. This may be because the lava is
    too viscous or already solidified. These
    moderate-sized explosive eruptions commonly eject
    a large proportion of volcanic ash and also
    breadcrust bombs and blocks. Andesitic and
    dacitic magmas are most often associated with
    vulcanian eruptions, because their high viscosity
    (resistance to flow) makes it difficult for the
    dissolved volcanic gases to escape except under
    extreme pressure, which leads to explosive

Eruption column caused by a vulcanian-type
explosive eruption on Oct 5 1998, rises above
Tavurvur Volcano in Rabaul Caldera, Papua New
Characterising Different Eruption Types
Structure of a Volcano
  • Generic Structure of a Volcano
  • A volcanic vent is an opening exposed on the
    earth's surface where volcanic material is
  • All volcanoes contain a central vent underlying
    the summit crater of the volcano.
  • The volcano's cone-shaped structure, or edifice,
    is built by the more-or-less symmetrical
    accumulation of lava and/or pyroclastic material
    around this central vent system.
  • The central vent is connected at depth to a magma
    chamber, which is the main storage area for the
    eruptive material.
  • Because volcano flanks are inherently unstable,
    they often contain fractures that descend
    downward toward the central vent, or toward a
    shallow-level magma chamber.
  • Such fractures may occasionally tap the magma
    source and act as conduits for flank eruptions
    along the sides of the volcanic edifice.
  • These eruptions can generate cone-shaped
    accumulations of volcanic material, called
    parasitic cones.
  • Fractures can also act as conduits for escaping
    volcanic gases, which are released at the surface
    through vent openings called fumaroles.

Main Volcano Types
  • Although every volcano has a unique eruptive
    history, most can be grouped into three main
    types based largely on their eruptive patterns
    and their general forms. The form and composition
    of the three main volcano types can be summarized
    as follows.

Scoria Cones (or Cinder Cones)
  • Most common type of volcanic centre.
  • Small volcanic landforms built typically during
    subaerial strombolian eruptions of basaltic and
    basaltic andesite magmas
  • Usually circular in plan view owing to formation
    from a point source
  • Elongate forms develop when eruptions continue
    along a large part of a fissure which does not
    localise to a single point source vent
  • Usually have central bowl shaped craters
  • Basal diameter is up to 2.5 km and slopes of
    around 33
  • Many layers in scoria cones are made up of scoria
    or cinder as well as mass-flow deposits related
    to avalanching of material down the steep slopes
    but can also include bombs of lava spatter
  • Often scoria cones have accompanying lava flows
    of fairly small volumes
  • Gas content of the magma associated with scoria
    cones increases towards the end of the eruption
    and so the lava spatter ejected normally
    increases leaving a collar of material on the
  • Eruptions range in duration from a few days to a
    few years with 95 of scoria cone eruptions
    stopping within one year.
  • Scoria cones are very susceptible to weathering

Scoria Cones
  • This scoria cone on the flank of Mount Etna is
    surrounded by a younger basaltic lava flow.
  • This scoria cone (Puu ka Pele) was erupted low
    on the southeast flank of Mauna Kea Volcano. The
    cone is 95 m in height, and the diameter of the
    crater at the top is 400 m. Hualalai Volcano in

Scoria Cones Additional Info
  • Scoria cones usually erupt lava flows, either
    through a breach on one side of the crater or
    from a vent located on a flank. Lava rarely
    issues from the top (except as a fountain)
    because the loose, non cemented cinders are too
    weak to support the pressure exerted by molten
    rock as it rises toward the surface through the
    central vent.
  • Perhaps the most famous scoria cone, Paricutin,
    grew out of a corn field in Mexico in 1943 from a
    new vent. Eruptions continued for 9 years, built
    the cone to a height of 424 meters, and produced
    lava flows that covered 25 km2.
  • Scoria cones are commonly found on the flanks of
    shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes, and calderas.
    For example, geologists have identified nearly
    100 scoria cones on the flanks of Mauna Kea, a
    shield volcano located on the Island of Hawaii.
  • The Earth's most historically active scoria cone
    is Cerro Negro in Nicaragua. It is part of a
    group of four young cinder cones NW of Las Pilas
    volcano. Since it was born in 1850, it has
    erupted more than 20 times, most recently in 1992
    and 1995.

Shield Volcanoes - Intro
  • Basic characteristics of shield volcanoes
  • Symmetrical and circular to elliptical in shape
  • Convex-up piles of basaltic lava with slopes lt
  • Built up by fluidal eruptions of basaltic lavas
    from central vents and/or flank eruptions
  • Shield basal diameter (Ws) varies between a few
    kilometers to over 100kms
  • Shield heights (Hs) are on average 1/20 Ws
  • Composed almost entirely of lava flows but also
    may contain
  • lt 1 pyroclastic deposits including scoria fall
  • Deposits from phreatomagmatic and phreatic
  • Some oxidised soil horizons and epiclastic
  • Divided into two types
  • Large or Hawaiian Shields
  • Small or Icelandic Shields

Shield Volcanoes - Hawaiian
  • Hawaiian Shield Volcanoes
  • Summit calderas and major rift zones marked by
    spatter cones, spatter ramparts, collapse craters
    (pit craters), scoria cones and smaller
    superimposed monogenetic shields
  • Shape usually controlled by eruptions from the
    rift zones
  • Eruptions within the calderas occur slightly more
    frequently than on the rifts but the eruptions
    from the lateral rifts that give the shields
    their elongate form.
  • Calderas range from 5 to 20kms in diameter
  • Shields are built by lavas and minor pyroclastics
    as well as high level intrusives which may be
    present in the summit caldera walls.
  • Compositional differences occur as the shield
    volcano evolves changing from tholeiitic to
    progressively more alkalic
  • More explosive activity accompanies the eruptions
    of alkaline magmas.
  • Eruption frequency decreases with time

Hawaiian Volcanic Chain
  • The two most active shields on Hawaii are Kilauea
    and Mauna Loa.
  • Mauna Loa is the worlds largest active volcano
  • Rises nearly 9km from the pacific ocean floor to
    its summit of 4169m above sea level
  • Total volume of 40,000km3
  • Combined growth rate of 0.1 km3 per year
    indicates both Kilauea and Mauna Loa could have
    been built in less than 1 Ma
  • Large portion of the base of both volcanoes made
    up of pillow lava formed by subaqueous extrusions
  • Gravity sliding and slumping along normal faults
    is common on the flanks and occurs in response to
    oversteepening caused by addition of lava flows
    and intrusion of magma into the summit.

Mauna Loa
  • Snow-covered Mokuaweoweo Caldera atop Mauna Loa
    shield volcano (Mauna Kea in background). The
    caldera is 3 x 5 km across, 183 m deep, and is
    estimated to have collapsed between 600-750 years
    ago. Several pit craters along the upper
    southwest rift zone of Mauna Loa (lower right)
    also formed by collapse of the ground.

For more information on the worlds largest
volcano visit http//hvo.wr.usgs.gov/maunaloa/
Shield Volcanoes - Icelandic
  • Icelandic shield volcanoes
  • Smaller Ws lt 15 km
  • Symmetrical
  • Almost entirely built up by effusive eruptions
    from a central summit vent
  • Summit crators usually lt 1 km across and often
    have raised rims of spatter
  • Few radial fissures or lines of parasitic cones
  • Generally composed of large numbers of thin
    pahoehoe flows
  • Mostly monogenetic and usually constructed in
    less than 10 years.

Shield Volcanoes - Galapagos
  • There is a third type of shield volcano known as
    the Galapagos type.
  • Very similar to Hawaiian shield volcanoes but the
    shape of the upper summit is different
  • Gentle lower slopes that rise to steeper central
    slopes that flatten off around spectacular summit
  • Usually more alkaline than Hawaiian volcanoes

Three-deminsional Space Shuttle Image of the
Alcedo Shield Volcano, Galapagos -- The near
circular caldera of the Alcedo shield volcano on
the big island of Isabela is a feature common to
many of the Galapagos shield volcanoes. The
image, taken by the Space Shuttle Endeavor,
covers an area of about 75 km by 60 km. The
oblique view was constructed by overlaying a
Spaceborne Radar Image on a digital elevation
map. The vertical scale is exaggerated by a
factor of 1.87.
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