Integrating Dosimeters I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Integrating Dosimeters I


... glow curve to be used as a measure of the dose, an 'anneal' period during which ... Additional annealing procedures are necessary to restore the original ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Integrating Dosimeters I

Integrating Dosimeters I
  • Thermoluminescence Dosimetry

The Thermoluminescence Process Phosphors
  • The sensitive volume of a TLD consists of a small
    mass (1-100 mg) of crystalline dielectric
    material containing suitable activators to make
    it perform as a thermoluminescent phosphor
  • The activators provide two kinds of centers
  • Traps for the electrons and holes, which can
    capture and hold the charge carriers in an
    electrical potential well for usefully long
    periods of time
  • Luminescence centers, located at either the
    electron traps or the hope traps, which emit
    light when the electrons and holes are permitted
    to recombine at such a center

Phosphors (cont.)
  • The following energy-level diagram illustrates
    the TL process
  • At left it shows an ionization event elevating an
    electron into the conduction band, where it
    migrates to an electron trap
  • The hole left behind migrates to a hole trap
  • At the temperature existing during irradiation,
    these traps should be deep enough in terms of
    potential energy to prevent the escape of the
    electron or hole for extended periods of time,
    until deliberate heating releases either or both
    of them

Energy-level diagram of the TL process (A)
ionization by radiation, and trapping of
electrons and holes (B) heating to release
electrons, allowing luminescence production.
Phosphors (cont.)
  • At right in the diagram the effect of such
    heating is shown
  • We will assume that the electron is released
    first, that is, that the electron trap in the
    phosphor is shallower than the hole trap
  • The electron again enters the conduction band and
    migrates to a hole trap, which may be assumed
    either to act as a luminescence center or to be
    closely coupled to one
  • In that case recombination is accompanied by the
    release of a light photon

TL Process Randall-Wilkins Theory
  • The simple first-order kinetics for the escape of
    such trapped charge carriers at a temperature
    T(K) were first described by Randall and Wilkins
    using the equation
  • where p is the probability of escape per unit
    time (s-1), ? is the mean lifetime in the trap, ?
    is called the frequency factor, E is the energy
    depth of the trap (eV), and k is Boltzmans

Randall-Wilkins Theory (cont.)
  • It is evident from this equation that, on the
    assumption of constant values for k, E, and ?,
    increasing T causes p to increase and ? to
  • Thus if the temperature T is scanned upward
    linearly vs. time, starting at room temperature,
    an increase in the rate of escape of trapped
    electrons will occur, reaching a maximum at some
    temperature Tm followed by a decrease as the
    supply of trapped electrons is gradually exhausted

Randall-Wilkins Theory (cont.)
  • Assuming that the intensity of light emission is
    proportional to the rate of electron escape, a
    corresponding peak in TL brightness will also be
    observed at Tm
  • This is called a glow peak, as shown in the
    following diagram
  • The presence of more than one trap depth E gives
    rise to plural glow peaks, which may be
    unresolved or only partially resolved from one
    another in the glow curve

A TL glow curve vs. temperature that results from
the gradual heating of an irradiated
thermoluminescent phosphor that contains two trap
Randall-Wilkins Theory (cont.)
  • The value of Tm is related to the linear heating
    rate q (K/s) by the following relation from R-W
  • which simplifies to the following approximate
    relationship on the assumption of ? 109/s and q
    1 K/s
  • hence Tm 216 C for E 1 eV

Randall-Wilkins Theory (cont.)
  • Tm increases gradually with q, so that Tm 248
    C at q 5 K/s, and 263C at 10 K/s for the same
    values of ? and E
  • The light-emission efficiency may be found to
    decrease with increasing temperature by a process
    called thermal quenching
  • Thus at higher heating rates some loss of total
    light output may be noticed
  • Aside from this effect, varying the heating rate
    leaves total light output constant, preserving
    the area of glow curves in terms of brightness
    vs. time

Glow curves vs. time obtained with a CaF2Mn TL
dosimeter at eight linear heating rates. The
dose to the phosphor was adjusted to be inversely
proportional to the heating rate in each case.
Glow curves vs. temperature recorded
simultaneously with the previous curves
Randall-Wilkins Theory (cont.)
  • It can be seen that employing the light sum
    rather than the height of the glow peak as a
    measure of the absorbed dose is less subject to
    errors caused by fluctuations in the heating rate
  • However, the peak height may be used if the
    heating rate is very stable, and this may be
    advantageous in measuring small doses for which
    the upper limb of the glow curve rises due to IR
    and spurious effects

TL Process Trap Stability
  • The usefulness of a given phosphor trap (and its
    associated TL glow peak) for dosimetry
    applications depends on its independence of time
    and ambient conditions
  • If the traps are not stable at room temperature
    before irradiation, but migrate through the
    crystal and combine with other traps to form
    different configurations, changes in radiation
    sensitivity and glow-curve shape will be observed

Trap Stability (cont.)
  • LiF (TLD-100) is such a phosphor, requiring
    special annealing (e.g., 400 C for 1 h, quick
    cooling, then 80 C for 24h) to minimize
    sensitivity drift
  • In general TL phosphors give best performance as
    dosimeters if they receive uniform, reproducible,
    and optimal (depending on the phosphor) heat
    treatment before and after use

Trap Stability (cont.)
  • The inability of traps to hold charge carriers at
    ambient temperature after irradiation is called
    trap leakage, and of course it becomes greater if
    the ambient temperature is increased
  • As a rule of thumb, in typical TLD phosphors a
    glow peak at ?200-225 C is ordinarily found to
    have small enough leakage for practical
    room-temperature dosimetry, having a half-life of
    trapped charge carriers measured in months or

Trap Stability (cont.)
  • A glow peak at ?150 ?C usually has a half-life
    only of the order of a few days, while a 100 ?C
    peak decays in a matter of hours
  • Although short-term dosimetry may still be
    possible with rapidly leaking traps, careful
    timing control is required

Trap Stability (cont.)
  • Higher-temperature traps than 200-225 C are
    usually even more stable, and would be
    advantageous for dosimetry except for the
    existence of two competing effects
  • Heat (Infrared) Signal. As the phosphor and its
    heating tray rise in temperature, the
    short-wavelength tail of the blackbody radiation
    begins to extend into the visible region and
    produce a non-dose-related response in the PMT
    used for measuring the TL light output
  • Spurious TL Signal. The combined effects of
    adsorbed gases, humidity, dirt, and mechanical
    abrasion of the phosphor surface tend to produce
    a spurious TL emission

Trap Stability (cont.)
  • Flowing an oxygen-free inert gas such as N2 or Ar
    through the space above the heater pan, thus
    surrounding the phosphor during the TL readout
    process, allows the stored energy due to these
    surface effects to be released without light
  • Thus N2 flow is often used to reduce spurious
    background TL readings, especially when small
    doses are to be measured

TL Process Intrinsic Efficiency of TLD Phosphors
  • Only a small part of the energy deposited as
    absorbed dose in a TLD phosphor is emitted as
    light when the substance is heated
  • The ratio (TL light energy emitted per unit
    mass)/(absorbed dose) is called the intrinsic TL
  • This has been measured as 0.039 in LiF
    (TLD-100), 0.44 in CaF2Mn, and 1.2 in CaSO4Mn

Intrinsic Efficiency (cont.)
  • The energy budget in LiF (TLD-100) has been
    estimated to account for the loss of the missing
    99.96 of the energy deposited by ionizing
    radiation that ultimately goes into heat
  • It should not be surprising that TLDs must be
    used under reproducible conditions to obtain
    consistent results, considering that such a small
    fraction of the absorbed dose energy is relied
    upon as a measure of the entire dose

TLD Readers
  • The instrument used to heat a TLD phosphor, and
    to measure the resulting TL light emitted, is
    simply called a TLD reader
  • Its design principle is shown schematically in
    the following diagram
  • The TLD phosphor to be measured is placed in the
    heater pan at room temperature, and heated while
    the emitted light is measured with a

Schematic diagram of a typical TLD reader
TLD Readers (cont.)
  • Heating of the sample may be done by means of an
    resistively heated pan as shown, or by preheated
    N2 gas, or by an intense light spot from a
    projection lamp or laser, or other suitable means
  • Often the heating program may be more complicated
    than simply linear vs. time

TLD Readers (cont.)
  • One typical scheme is to heat the phosphor
    rapidly through the unstable-trap region,
    ignoring light emission until some preset
    temperature is reached
  • Then the phosphor is either heated linearly or
    abruptly raised to a temperature sufficient to
    exhaust the glow peak of dosimetric interest,
    while measuring the emitted-light sum, which is
    displayed as a charge or dose reading
  • Finally, the phosphor may be heated further to
    (say) 400 C to release any remaining charge from
    deeper traps, while ignoring any additional light

Typical programmed readout cycle in a modern TLD
reader, consisting of a preheat period without
light integration to discriminate against
unstable low-T traps, a read period spanning
the emission of the part of the glow curve to be
used as a measure of the dose, an anneal period
during which the remainder of the stored energy
is dumped without light integration, and the
cooling-down period after the heater-pan power is
turned off.
TLD Readers (cont.)
  • Heating-program reproducibility is vital in
    achieving reproducible TL dosimetry
  • In addition, one must provide constant light
    sensitivity so that a given TLD light output
    always gives the same reading
  • This requires constant PM-tube sensitivity, and a
    clean optical system
  • A constant light source with an appropriate
    spectrum may be built into the reader to
    substitute for a TLD as a check on the constancy
    of light sensitivity

TLD Phosphors
  • TLD phosphors consist of a host crystalline
    material containing one or more activators that
    may be associated with the traps, luminescence
    centers, or both
  • Amounts of activators range from a few parts per
    million up to several percent in different
  • The host crystal almost entirely determines the
    radiation interactions, since the activators are
    usually present in such small amounts

TLD Phosphors (cont.)
  • Many different TLD phosphors have been studied
    and reported in the literature
  • A few representative ones are listed in the
    following table
  • The following curves show their glow curves at a
    heating rate of 40 C/min and their approximate
    light output vs. 60Co ?-ray exposure

Characteristics of TL phosphors
Glow curves vs. temperature (upper scale) and
time (lower scale) for four TL dosimetry
phosphors. Heating rate 40 C/min. The
amplitudes are arbitrary.
Glow-peak-area response vs. 60Co ?-ray exposure
for several TL phosphors
TLD Phosphors (cont.)
  • All the phosphors show some degree of
    supralinearity of response, this effect being
    most pronounced in lithium borate
  • In CaF2Mn the rise is only ?4 in the
    neighborhood of 104 R, which is too small to be
    seen on this figure
  • This supralinearity may be due to the increased
    availability of luminescence centers when the
    charged-particle tracks become closer together,
    or to radiation-induced trap formation, or to
    other causes
  • At large enough doses all TL phosphors either
    saturate in their output as all available traps
    become filled, or maximize and then decrease due
    to radiation damage of the phosphor

TLD Forms
  • The most common forms of TLD are
  • Bulk granulated, sieved to 75-150- ?m grain size
  • Compressed pellets or chips, usually 3.2 mm
    square by 0.9 mm thick
  • A Teflon matrix containing 5 or 50 by weight of
    lt40-?m grain-size TLD powder
  • A TLD pellet fastened on an ohmic heating element
    in an inert-gas-filled glass bulb
  • Single-crystal plates, cleaved from a larger
    grown crystal boule
  • Powder enclosed in plastic tubing that can be

Calibration of TLDs Form
  • Solid TLD chips or Teflon-TLD discs are the
    preferred forms of the phosphor for most
  • They can be individually identified and
    calibrated, they do not require containment, and
    they are flat, so that they can be oriented
    perpendicular to a monodirectional radiation
    beam, thus presenting a known cross-sectional area

Calibration of TLDs Basis for Calibration
  • Most TL phosphors have some threshold dose level
    below which the TL light output per unit mass is
    proportional to the absorbed dose to the
    phosphor, provided that
  • the LET of the radiation remains low or
    practically constant, and
  • the phosphor sensitivity is kept constant by
    using reproducible annealing procedures

Basis for Calibration (cont.)
  • Assuming TL-reader constancy, and negligible
    attenuation of light in escaping from the
    phosphor during heating, one can then say that
    the same TL reading will result from a given
    average absorbed phosphor dose in a TL dosimeter,
    regardless of the spatial distribution of
    absorbed dose within it, so long as the dose
    throughout remains in the linear range

Basis for Calibration (cont.)
  • The practical consequence of this is that a 60Co
    ?-ray calibration in terms of average phosphor
    dose in the TL dosimeter can then be used as an
    approximate calibration for all low-LET
    radiations, including x-rays, ?-rays, and
    electron beams of all energies above 10 keV,
    even if they deposit dose nonuniformly in the

Basis for Calibration (cont.)
  • Relating the phosphor dose so measured to the
    dose in a similar mass of tissue hypothetically
    substituted for the TLD requires a separate step
    based on cavity theory
  • For the simplest (B-G) case of a thin TLD and
    very penetrating electrons, the dose ratio
    Dtiss/DTLD is proportional to the mass collision
    stopping-power ratio, (dT/?dx)c,tiss/(dT/?dx)c,TLD
    evaluated at the mean electron kinetic energy

Basis for Calibration (cont.)
  • If the incident radiation beam is completely
    stopped by the TLD, then the incident energy
    fluence can be derived
  • The 60Co calibration (under TCPE conditions)
    gives the TL reading per unit of average phosphor
  • Multiplying that dose by the mass of the TLD chip
    allows relating the TL reading to a given
    integral dose, or energy spent in the chip

Basis of Calibration (cont.)
  • If the chip area presented to the beam is A (m2),
    its mass is m (kg), and the 60Co ?-ray
    calibration factor is kCo (DTLD/r)Co
    Gy/(scale division), where r is the TLD
    reading, then the energy fluence of a stopped
    beam is given by

Calibration of TLDs 60Co ?-ray Calibration
  • For a free-space 60Co ?-ray exposure X (C/kg) at
    the point to be occupied by the center of the TLD
    in its capsule, the average absorbed dose in the
    TLD, in grays, under TCPE conditions is given by
  • where a is a correction for broad-beam ?-ray
    attenuation in the capsule wall plus the half
    thickness of the TLD

60Co ?-ray Calibration (cont.)
  • For a LiF TLD chip in a Teflon capsule 2.8 mm in
    thickness (for TCPE) the average dose calculated
    from this equation is approximately

60Co ?-ray Calibration (cont.)
  • If the resulting TLD reading is r scale
    divisions, then the calibration factor is kCo
    (DTLD/r)Co, which applies at the dose value used
    in calibration and throughout the linear
    response-vs.-dose range
  • For all low-LET radiations, the average absorbed
    dose in the TLD can then be obtained from the
    observed TLD reading r by

60Co ?-ray Calibration (cont.)
  • For higher-LET radiations than 60Co ?-rays, TLDs
    typically show some variation in efficiency, and
    consequently a reciprocal change in the low-LET
    calibration factor kCo
  • The following diagram gives the results of
    measurements for lithium fluoride, lithium
    borate, and beryllium oxide
  • Their LET dependence is seen to be quite
    different, with lithium borate coming closest to

LET response of BeO, Li2B4O7Mn, and LiF. The
curves give values of kCo/kLET as a function of
LET in water, in keV/?m.
60Co ?-ray Calibration (cont.)
  • The following diagrams show the photon energy
    dependence of lithium fluoride and lithium borate
  • Curves A were obtained from
  • showing the CPE dose in the phosphors per
    unit of exposure, normalized to 1.25 MeV (60Co)

Thermoluminescent response of LiF per roentgen
and per rad for photon energies from 6 to 2800 keV
60Co ?-ray Calibration (cont.)
  • Curves B show the TL response per unit exposure,
    and curves C the TL response per unit of absorbed
    dose in the phosphors
  • Thus curves C represent the LET-dependence of the
    TL efficiency relative to 60Co, or kCo/kLET

Thermoluminescent response of Li2B4O7Mn per
roentgen and per rad for photon energies from 6
to 2800 keV
TLD Advantages
  • Specific characteristics vary from phosphor to
    phosphor, and are available from the manufacturer
  • We will describe the most widely used, LiF
    (TLD-100), where specifics are referred to
  • Wide useful dose range, from a few millirads to
    103 rad linearly, plus another decade (103-104)
    of supralinear response vs. dose.
  • Dose-rate independence, 0-1011 rad/s.

TLD Advantages (cont.)
  • Small size passive energy storage. Small TLDs
    can be used as dose probes with little
    disturbance of the radiation field in the medium.
    They can be made thin enough to approach B-G
    conditions at high energies, but TCPE is easier
    to achieve because of their condensed state.
  • Commercial availability. TLDs and readers are
    available from a number of suppliers.

TLD Advantages (cont.)
  • Reusability. By employing appropriate annealing
    procedures to release all the prior stored
    energy, and checking for possible alteration in
    radiation sensitivity, TLD phosphors can normally
    be reused many times until they become
    permanently damaged by radiation, heat or
    environment. Thus it is feasible to calibrate
    individual dosimeters.
  • Readout convenience. TLD readout is fairly rapid
    (lt 30 s) and requires no wet chemistry.

TLD Advantages (cont.)
  • Economy. Reusability usually reduces cost per
  • Availability of different types with different
    sensitivities to thermal neutrons.
  • Automation compatibility. For large
    personnel-monitoring operations automatic readers
    are available.
  • Accuracy and precision. Reading reproducibility
    of 1-2 can be achieved with care. Comparable
    accuracy may be obtained through individual
    calibration and averaging of several dosimeters
    in a cluster, since their volume is small.

TLD Disadvantages
  • Lack of uniformity. Different dosimeters made
    from a given batch of phosphors still show a
    distribution of sensitivities, and different
    batches of phosphor generally have different
    average sensitivities. Thus individual dosimeter
    calibration, or at least batch calibration, is
    necessary for acceptable accuracy and precision.

TLD Disadvantages (cont.)
  • Storage instability. TLD sensitivity can vary
    with time before irradiation in some phosphors,
    as a result, for example, of gradual
    room-temperature migration of trapping centers in
    the crystals. Controlled annealing of the TLDs
    can usually restore them to some reference
    condition again.

TLD Disadvantages (cont.)
  • Fading. Irradiated dosimeters do not permanently
    retain 100 of their trapped charge carriers.
    This results in a gradual loss of the latent TLD
    signal. This must be corrected for, especially
    in applications (e.g., personnel monitoring) that
    involve long time delays.

TLD Disadvantages (cont.)
  • Light sensitivity. TLDs all show some
    sensitivity to light especially UV, sunlight,
    or fluorescent light. This can cause accelerated
    fading, or leakage of filled traps. Or it can
    produce ionization and the filling of traps, thus
    giving rise to spurious TL readings.
  • Spurious TL. Scraping or chipping of TLD
    crystals or surface contamination by dirt or
    humidity also can cause spurious TL readings.
    However, the presence of an oxygen-free inert gas
    during readout suppresses these signals.

TLD Disadvantages (cont.)
  • Memory of radiation and thermal history. The
    sensitivity can be either increased or decreased
    after receiving a large dose of radiation and
    undergoing readout. Additional annealing
    procedures are necessary to restore the original
    sensitivity, if possible. It may be more
    economical to throw away the phosphor after a
    single use, especially for large doses.

TLD Disadvantages (cont.)
  • Reader instability. TLD readings depend on the
    light sensitivity of the reader as well as on the
    heating rate of the phosphor. Thus reader
    constancy is difficult to maintain over long time
  • Loss of a reading. The measurement of light out
    of a TLD erases the stored information. Unless
    special provision is made (e.g., a spare TLD),
    there is no second chance at getting a reading.
    Reader malfunction can lose a reading.
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