Integrating Dosimeters III - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Integrating Dosimeters III


... the absorbed dose to silicon from intense single pulses of penetrating x-rays. Photograph of the complete dosimeter, with scale in inches ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Integrating Dosimeters III

Integrating Dosimeters III
  • Calorimetric Dosimetry

Calorimetric Dosimetry
  • The measurement of the temperature rise in
    calorimetric dosimeters comes closest of any
    method to providing a direct measurement of the
    full energy imparted to matter by radiation
  • Only relatively small corrections for thermal
    leakage and for chemical reactions are necessary

Temperature Measurement
  • In principle any kind of thermometer can be
    applied in a calorimeter if the temperature
    change is large enough to measure with sufficient
    accuracy and precision
  • In practice only thermocouples and thermistors
    are sufficiently sensitive and small thermistors
    are usually preferable because of their greater

Temperature Measurement (cont.)
  • The temperature increase per unit of absorbed
    dose to the material in the calorimeters
    sensitive volume depends on its thermal capacity,
    which is usually expressed in cal/g C or J/kg C
  • The exact value of the calorie (i.e, the energy
    required to raise 1 g of water 1 C) depends upon
    the temperature of the water to which it refers
  • Usually thermal-capacity (or specific-heat)
    tables assume the value of the calorie for water
    at 15 C hence 1 cal 4.185 J, and 1 cal/g C
    4185 J/kg C

Temperature Measurement (cont.)
  • For a sensitive volume containing a material of
    thermal capacity h (J/kg ?C), mass m (kg), and
    thermal defect ?, and that absorbs E joules of
    energy, the temperature increase is given by
  • where D is the average absorbed dose (Gy) in
    the sensitive volume

Temperature Measurement (cont.)
  • Thus a measurement of D does not require
    explicit knowledge of m if h is known
  • The thermal defect ? is the fraction of E that
    does not appear as heat, due to competing
    chemical reactions, if any
  • ? is negative for exothermic reactions
  • A few typical values of h are given in the
    following table

Thermal capacity of several calorimetric materials
Temperature Measurement (cont.)
  • For example, in Al a dose of 1 Gy causes a
    temperature increase of 1.12 ? 10-3 ?C
  • To measure this temperature rise with 1
    precision would require a thermometer capable of
    detecting temperature changes of the order of 10

Temperature Measurement Thermocouples
  • Thermocouples typically have temperature
    coefficients of 40 70 ?V/?C
  • A temperature change of 10 ??C would then give a
    potential change of (4 7) ? 10-10 V
  • This is too small to detect with available
    instruments, such as a nanovoltmeter
  • Increasing the dose to 100 Gy would cause a
    temperature rise of 0.112 ?C, requiring detection
    of (4 7) ? 10-8 V for 1 precision, which can
    be accomplished with a nanovoltmeter

Thermocouples (cont.)
  • Thermocouples are generally found to be most
    useful in calorimeters where large doses (gt 10
    Gy) are given, usually in a short enough time
    period for thermal leakage to be negligible
    (i.e., under adiabatic conditions)
  • Thermocouple sensitivity can be multiplied by
    constructing a thermopile, consisting of a number
    of thermocouples in series, but this is usually
    not practical for calorimetric dosimetry because
    of the increase in perturbation of the medium and
    the number of thermal leakage paths

Temperature Measurement Thermistors
  • Thermistors can be obtained in sized comparable
    to thermocouples
  • They are semiconductors made of metallic oxides
    and other constituents that are usually not
    specified by the manufacturer
  • They exhibit negative temperature coefficients of
    the order of several percent per C at room
    temperatures, increasing in negative coefficient
    with decreasing temperature, as shown in the
    following diagram

A typical resistance-vs.-temperature curve for a
thermistor. The slope is the temperature
coefficient of resistance at any temperature.
For example, the slope dR/dT at 20 C, shown by
the dashed line, is ?-120 ?/?C or 3.7/?C.
Thermistors (cont.)
  • The resistance of a thermistor at room
    temperature is typically 103 105 ?, which can
    be conveniently measured with great precision and
    accuracy by a Wheatstone bridge as shown in the
    following diagram
  • The bridge null detector must be sensitive enough
    so that the power dissipated in the thermistor is
    negligible compared to the radiation heating

A Wheatstone bridge circuit for measuring the
resistance of a thermistor in the sensitive
volume (or core) of a calorimetric dosimeter.
When Rx is set to produce a null current
reading,Rc/Rx R1/RJ, from which Rc can be
Calorimeter Design
  • We will consider three general types of
    radiometric calorimeter designs, depending on
    whether absorbed dose in a reference medium,
    energy fluence in a radiation beam, or power
    output of a radioactive source is to be measured

Calorimeter Design Absorbed-Dose Calorimeters
  • An absorbed-dose calorimeter must have a
    sensitive volume that is small compared to the
    penetrating ability of the radiation and is
    thermally insulated from its surroundings to the
    extent necessary to attain acceptably small
    levels of thermal leakage
  • The sensitive volume (often called the core) is
    made of a thermally conductive material identical
    to, or simulating, a medium of dosimetric
    interest (e.g., graphite, tissue-equivalent
    plastic, or silicon), and contains a temperature
    sensor of negligible mass, usually a thermistor

Absorbed-Dose Calorimeters (cont.)
  • The core is surrounded by a shell (jacket or
    mantle) of the same material to provide
    charged-particle as well as thermal equilibrium
  • If the thermal capacity and thermal defect of the
    core material are known, if the temperature
    sensor is correct, and if the thermal leakage is
    negligible, then the calorimeter can be operated
    adiabatically, without any energy calibration, to
    measure the average absorbed dose in the core by
    application of
  • The mass of the core need not be known in that

Absorbed-Dose Calorimeters (cont.)
  • An example of such a calorimetric dosimeter that
    does not require calibration is shown in the
    following diagram
  • This was designed to measure the dose deposited
    in silicon by intense single pulses of
    penetrating x rays
  • The core was a pea-sized sphere of high-purity
    silicon of known thermal capacity, enclosed in an
    equilibrium-thickness shell of the same material,
    which was insulated from the surrounding air by a
    shell of styrofoam

An absolute adiabatic silicon calorimetric
dosimeter of simple spherical design for
measuring the absorbed dose to silicon from
intense single pulses of penetrating x-rays
Photograph of the complete dosimeter, with scale
in inches
Absorbed-Dose Calorimeters (cont.)
  • The core, containing a very small calibrated
    thermistor, was centered in a spherical void by
    four conical points of silicon projecting from
    the inside of the shell
  • Since the radiation pulse raises the temperature
    of the shell almost instantaneously ( 10-7 s) by
    the same amount as the core, the heat-loss rate
    from the core was found to be initially
    negligible even with evacuating the surrounding
    gap, thus permitting the very simple design shown

Absorbed-Dose Calorimeters (cont.)
  • Arguably, to avoid the complication of including
    an ohmic heater in the core and the need to know
    the mass of the core, one should build the core
    and surrounding shell from a material that has an
    accurately known thermal capacity
  • Classical methods are available for measuring the
    thermal capacity of any given sample of material
    before it is incorporated into a calorimetric

Absorbed-Dose Calorimeters (cont.)
  • The conventional practice has been to design an
    ohmic heater into the core, which can then be
    made of a material (or materials) for which the
    thermal capacity is only approximately known in
  • Electrical energy E results in a temperature rise
    ?T in the core, thus allowing the average value
    of h for the materials making up the core to be
    determined if its total mass is known

Absorbed-Dose Calorimeters (cont.)
  • The following diagram is a schematic
    representation of this kind of absorbed dose
  • The core is surrounded by two or more thermally
    insulated layers of the same material as the
    core, and the entire assembly is usually
    surrounded by a constant-temperature environment
  • Each layer may contain a thermistor and/or an
    ohmic heater, thus allowing measurement and
    control of the temperature environment of the core

Schematic arrangement of a typical absorbed-dose
calorimeter containing several concentric thermal
bodies. Each may include thermistors and/or
ohmic heaters for temperature measurement and
Absorbed-Dose Calorimeters (cont.)
  • Dosimetry by means of such an apparatus is
    generally complicated and time-consuming
  • Some simplifications have been devised to shorten
    the time necessary to reach thermal equilibrium
    before an exposure run and automatically correct
    for heat leakage from the core to the jacket
  • A modification in the Wheatstone bridge results
    in the measurement of the ?T that would have
    occurred in the core due to electrical heating if
    none of the heat had leaked into the jacket

Modified Wheatstone bridge for measuring the core
jacket temperature rise, assuming that the two
thermistors are identical in characteristics, and
that the jacket has the same mass and is made of
the same material as the core
Absorbed-Dose Calorimeters (cont.)
  • This requires that the jacket have the same mass
    and be made of the same material as the core, and
    that their two thermistors must be virtually
    identical with respect to dR/dT as well as
  • When the bridge is initially balanced,
  • where RJ is the resistance of the thermistor
    in the jacket, and the other resistances are
    identified as in the earlier Wheatstone bridge

Absorbed-Dose Calorimeters (cont.)
  • After electrical heating of the core and
    readjusting Rx by the small amount ?Rx necessary
    to balance the bridge again
  • Assuming that R1 Rx RJ Rc, we have
  • in which for small changes ?RJ and ?Rc, the
    last term is vanishingly small

Absorbed-Dose Calorimeters (cont.)
  • This equation means that ?Rx has the same value
    whether all the electrical energy stays in the
    core or some leaks to the surrounding jacket
  • Thus heat leakage out of the core during the
    electrical calibration is automatically corrected
    for, provided that thermal leakage from the
    jacket into the shield is negligible
  • This can be assured by feedback control of the
    shield to maintain it at the same temperature as
    the jacket

Absorbed-Dose Calibration (cont.)
  • Before exposing the calorimeter to radiation, the
    Wheatstone bridge circuit is to be switched back
    to the original circuit, with RJ RJ
  • If the radiation is sufficiently penetrating, the
    core, jacket, and shield will be heated equally
    by the uniform dose
  • Supplementary electrical energy can be supplied
    to the shield to compensate for its thermal
  • Heat losses from the core can again be made
    negligible, so that the ?T measured in the core
    can be correctly interpreted in terms of the core
    jacket ?T that was observed during the
    electrical calibration

Calorimeter Design Energy-Fluence Calorimeters
  • An energy-fluence calorimeter contains a core,
    usually consisting of a cylindrical piece of
    dense material such as lead or gold, large enough
    to stop an incident beam of radiation
  • The geometry is shown schematically in the
    following diagram

Schematic arrangement of an energy-fluence
Energy-Fluence Calorimeters (cont.)
  • The core is suspended by nylon strings in an
    insulated vacuum chamber, sometimes adjacent to a
    twin core that serves as a control to determine
    thermal leakage
  • Because of the size of the core, more than one
    thermistor may be necessary to sample the
    temperature adequately, and the heater should be
    designed to distribute the heat uniformly
  • The high-Z core may require a significant
    backscattering correction

Energy-Fluence Calorimeters (cont.)
  • h can be determined through electrical
    calibration as discussed before
  • The energy fluence of the radiation beam passing
    through the aperture of area A is given
    (neglecting ?) by

Calorimeter Design Power Output of a Radioactive
  • A power-output calorimeter has a cup-shaped core
    into which a radioactive source can be inserted
    for measurement
  • The walls of the core are made thick enough to
    stop all the radiation to be measured from
  • The usual method for electrical calibration can
    be used to determine h

Power Output (cont.)
  • Then the power output (W) is given by
  • where temperature rise ?T (?C) occurs in the
    core of mass m (kg) during the time interval ?t
    (s), and ? has been neglected

Advantages of Calorimeters
  • They can be made absolute, either intrinsically
    or by means of electrical-heating calibration.
  • The measurement of temperature rise comes closest
    of any dosimetric technique to being a direct
    measurement of the energy involved in the
    absorbed dose. Only relatively small exothermic
    or endothermic chemical reactions, and thermal
    leakage, must be corrected for, and these are
    often negligible.

Advantages (cont.)
  • Almost any absorbing material, solid or liquid,
    can be employed in the calorimeter sensitive
    volume, so long as it is reasonably conductive
    thermally and has a known thermal defect
  • Calorimeters are inherently dose-rate-independent
    under adiabatic conditions, and become more
    convenient to use as the dose-rate increases
    because thermal leakage during dose delivery
    becomes negligible. At high dose rates, where
    other dosimeters show saturation effects,
    calorimeters are at their best.

Advantages (cont.)
  • Calorimeters add up the energy contributions in
    the sensitive volume from different types of
    radiations (e.g., neutrons and ? rays) with
    weighting factors of unity, neglecting
    differences in thermal defect.
  • Calorimeters have no LET dependence (neglecting
    minor differences in thermal defect, if any),
    since ionic recombination is irrelevant to the
    temperature rise.

Advantages (cont.)
  • Calorimeters are relatively stable against
    radiation damage at high doses the thermistor
    (if used as the temperature sensor) is usually
    the limiting factor in this respect.

Disadvantages of Calorimeters
  • Temperature rises to be measured are typically
    very small, usually only a minute fraction of a
    degree, which limits calorimetry to relatively
    large doses.
  • Thermal insulation, and instrumentation for
    thermal control and measurement, often make the
    calorimeter apparatus bulky and difficult to
    transport and set up. This limits the kinds of
    situations to which calorimetry is usually
    applied to calibration of other dosimeters.

Disadvantages (cont.)
  • For low dose rates, thermal leakage in and out of
    the calorimetric sensitive volume limits the
    accuracy and precision available.
  • Some materials undergo radiation-induced
    endothermic or exothermic reactions which cause a
    difference between the integral dose and the
    energy available to heat the sensitive volume.
    In A150-type TE plastic about 4 of the absorbed
    dose goes to an endothermic reaction instead of

  • The present brief introduction to calorimetric
    dosimetry deliberately errs on the side of
    simplicity, for two reasons
  • In the simplest applications at high dose or
    fluence rates, especially for intense single
    pulses, adiabatic operation is well approximated,
    ?T is large, and calorimetry becomes the method
    of choice
  • In the difficult applications of calorimetry
    (i.e., at low dose rates), the problems of heat
    leakage and temperature drift are too complicated
    to be dealt with adequately in an introductory
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