Title: Simulation of Communication Systems
1Simulation of Communication Systems
Professor Z. Ghassemlooy Optical Communications
Research Group http//soe.unn.ac.uk/ocr/ School
of Computing, Engineering and Information
Sciences University of Northumbria at Newcastle,
Eng. of S/W Pro., India 2009
2Outline of Presentation
- Communications Systems
- Simulation software types
- Case Studies based on Matlab
- Concluding Remarks
3Northumbria University at Newcastle, UK
4Telecommunications Research Areas
Eng. of S/W Pro., India 2009
5Photonics - Applications
- Photonics in communications expanding and
Home access
Board -gt Inter-Chip -gt Intra-Chip
- Photonics diffusing into other application
Environment sensing
Security imaging
6School of Computing, Engineering and Information
Sciences Research
Optical Communications
Optical Fibre Communications
Photonic Switching
- Pulse Modulations
- Equalisation
- Error control coding
- Artificial neural network
- Wavelet based receivers
- Fast switches
- All optical routers
- Chromatic dispersion
- compensation using
- optical signal processing
- Pulse Modulations
- Optical buffers
- Optical CDMA
- Subcarrier modulation
- Spatial diversity
- Artificial neural
- network/Wavelet
- based receivers
Eng. of S/W Pro., India 2009
7OCRG People
- Staff
- Prof. Z Ghassemlooy
- J Allen
- Dr R Binns
- Dr K Busawon
- Dr W. P. Ng
- Visiting Academics
- Prof. V Ahmadi, Univ. Of Tarbiate Modaress ,
Tehran, Iran - Dr M. H. Aly, 2Arab Academy for Scie. and Tech.
and Maritime Transport, Egypt - Prof. J.P. Barbot, France
- Prof. I. Darwazeh, Univ. College London
- Prof. H. Döring, Hochschule Mittweida Univ.
of Applied Scie. (Germany) - Prof. E. Leitgeb, Graz Univ. of Techn.
(Austria) - PhD Students
- M. Amiri, A. Chaman-Motlagh, M. F. Chiang, M. A.
Jarajreh, R. Kharel, S. Y Lebbe, W. - Loedhammacakra, Q. Lu, V. Nwanafio, E. K. Ogah,
W. O. Popoola, S. Rajbhandari, A. - Shalaby, X. Tang
Eng. of S/W Pro., India 2009
8Simulation Introduction
- In recent years there has been a rapid growth in
application of computer simulation in
communication engineering. - Hardware becoming more complex and costly
- A way forward to many researcher and teachers is
to implements ideas in the software environment. - This allows testing of the system using idealised
processing elements, which may take a significant
time to design and realise in hardware.
9Simulation Introduction
- Can support the hardware design by giving
optimised component values, for the critical
parts, and an early indication of the performance
of the system - Allowing users to study or try things that would
be difficult or impossible in real life - Simulations are particularly useful when a
real-life process - is too dangerous,
- takes too long,
- is too quick to study,
- is too expensive to create.
10Simulation Tools - Some Features
- Reliability - Depend on the validity of the
simulation model, therefore verification and
validation are very important - Reproducibility of results
- User friendly, simple and flexible (allowing
user defined functions) - Extensive details of theory adopted
- High speed, precession and accuracy
- Hidden source code Up to date library
- Debugging capabilities and Scalability
- Can readily be upgraded and updated
- Cost effective and time saving
11Simulation Tools - Disadvantages
- Poor modelling or poor data collection can lead
to - inaccuracy or
- completely misleading results
- Obsession - can lead to superficial understanding
and no experimental verification - However, simulation tools have become integral
part of todays research and teaching activities - Mainly for cost reasons
12Simulation Software Application in Engineering
Eng. of S/W Pro., India 2009
13Simulation Software Key Features
- Numerical Integration procedures
- E.g. Matlab has a number of procedures
- Rung-Kutta 45 Most advanced and ideal for
analogue systems - Rung-Kutta 45
- Stiff Adam with a fixed step integration Used
for discrete systems - Euler The most basic and used for slow varying
discrete systems - Ability to plot and display graphs
- 2D, 3D visualisation
- Simplicity for programming
- Compatibility with other software
14Simulation Tools Types
- Matlab/Simulink
- Orcad/Pspice
- Mathcad
- OptSim 4.0 simulation and design of advanced
fiber optic communication systems - OptiSystem large scale system software
- OptiFDTD
- A high-performance language for technical
computing - Integrates computation, visualization, and
programming in an easy-to-use environment - Typical uses include
- Math and computation
- Algorithm development
- Data acquisition
- Modelling, simulation, and prototyping
- Data analysis, exploration, and visualization
- Scientific and engineering graphics
- Application development, including graphical user
interface building - Compatible with excel, uses Maple and is
compatible with other software packages such as
C, C, VPI, etc.
- To model circuits with mixed analogue and digital
devices - Software-based circuit breadboard for test and
refinement - Can perform
- AC, DC, and transient analyses
- Parametric, Monte Carlo, and sensitivity/worst-cas
e analyses i.e. circuit behaviour in a changing
environment - Digital worst-case timing analysis to resolve
timing problems occurring with only certain
combinations of slow and fast signal
transmissions, etc. - Not compatible with excel
- A desktop software for performing and documenting
engineering and scientific calculations - Equations and expressions are displayed
graphically (WYSIWYG) - Capabilities
- Solving differential equations - several possible
numerical methods - Graphing functions in two or three dimensions
- Symbolic calculations including solving systems
of equations - Vector and matrix operations including eigenvalues
 and eigenvectors - Curve fitting
- Finding roots of polynomials and functions
- Statistical functions and probability
distributions - Calculations in which units are bound to
quantities - One cant use symbolic parameters only numerical
- Is used for
- designing, testing and optimization of virtually
any type of optical links in the physical layers - based on a large collection of realistic models
for components and sub-systems - OptiFDTD (finite-difference time-domain)
- propagation of optical fields through nano- to
micro-scaled devices by directly solving
Maxwells equations numerically
19OptiSystem contd.
- OptiBPM
- Based on the beam propagation method (BPM)
- a semi-analytical technique that solves an
approximation of the wave equation - Waveguide other similar optical devices
- Light propagation predominantly in one direction
over large distances
20Virtual Photonics Inc.
- Used in optical networks and optical devices
modelling - Support C and Matlab
- Will talk about this in my second lecturer!
21Case Studies - MATLAB
A typical communication system block diagram
22Case Study 1 - AM/FM communication system s
- Aim To simulate a communication system link
- Tasks
- Channel modeling
- Comparing received and transmitted signals
- System performance evaluation
- System optimization
- Final system design
23AM/FM Simulation - System Parameters
- Know parameters
- Carrier frequency, and power
- Signal bandwidth
- Modulation index
- Channel bandwidth and loss
- Link length
- Transmitter/receiver antenna type and gain
- Performance parameters
- Output signal-to-noise vs carrier to noise ratio
- System linearity
- Harmonic distortions
24FM Simulation Block Diagram
FM modulator
FM demodulator
Low pass filter
Recovered Message
25FM Simulation - Matlab-Simulink
- Provided that the mathematics underlying each
block is fully appreciated, one could use any
programming languages including high level
computer languages C, C, Java or scientific
programming languages Matlab, MathCAD ,
Mathematica, Octave to name a few - Matlab/Simulink
- One of the most popular simulation tool
available - Simulink is more user friendly for beginners as
there are many drag and drop block functions. - However Simulink also sometimes limits
flexibility to users.
26FM Simulation - Results
27FM Simulation - Performance Evaluation
- The easiest way to evaluate the performance is by
visual inspections - For example, one can hardly differentiate
between the transited message and recover message
in the previous example - Message signal at different SNRs is shown below-
observe the improvement in the performance with
increasing SNRs
28FM Simulation - Performance Evaluation
- Visual inspection is the simplest and in many
cases gives an insight to the system, BUT it is
very error prone - Alternative method of analysis should be used
- Considered error signal defined as error (m
- mr)2 - The error signal at SNRs of 15, 20 and 40 is
shown below - The performance difference between the SNRs of
15 and 20 is apparent
29FM Simulation - Performance Evaluation
- Simulation software may provide many interesting
results, but the expertise and experience of the
user play's a major role - In previous plot - very little difference
between 20 dB and 40 dB - An experienced user may choose the log-scale to
plot error to gain more information, shown below - Compared to the pervious plot, difference in
performance for 20 db and 40 dB is clear from
this plot
30Case study 2- Digital Communications
- Depending upon the channel, receiver may
incorporated other signal processing tools like
equalizing filter, low pass filter and so on - The output bits are compared to the transmitted
to bit to calculated the error - The bit error rate (BER) is the metric used in
all digital communication system to compare and
evaluate the system performance - BER depends on the SNR (valid only for particular
signalling format)
31Modelling Approach
- A discrete model based on mathematical analysis
is generated and model using the simulation
software - Discrete-time equivalent system of digital
communication system is defined as - ri Ebni if bi1
- ri ni if bi0
- ri is the sampled output
- Eb is the energy per bit and ni is the
additive white Gaussian noise - Performance evaluation
- bit error rate
- eye-diagram
32Digital Systems Matlab Simulink
33Digital Simulation - Performance Evaluation
- BER of different modulation techniques for
indoor optical wireless system
34Digital Simulation - Notes
- To properly model the system, it is necessary to
understand mathematics involved in each and every
module - Code are written to approximate the mathematical
equations. The code are grouped together and put
as a block for simple user interface - Example Matlab codes for noise signal
35Digital Simulation Matlab Codes
Fixed and variable parameters clear clc close
all fs 6.0e6 sampling frequency 6 MHz ts
1/fs Sampling time fc clock signal
frequency ac clock signal peak amplitude n
2(6fs/fc) Maximum number of points w.r.t
the 6 cycles of clock signal fc nc
6 Number cycls of clock signal to be
shown tmax nctc Maximum number of point in 6
cycles of fc fmax (2nfc/fs) Maximum
frequency range final ts(n-1) maximum time
t 0tstmax time vector for sketching
waveform in time domain
36Digital Simulation Matlab Codes
Data signal generated from the Clock Signal L
length (sq) All the values of clock signal is
assigned to a new variable l da sq Set
initial values out1 temp1 for i1L-1 if
sq(i) -2.5 sq(i1) 2.5 Reverse
output voltage polarity temp out -1
outtemp end Change value of out to
/-1 if outgt0 out1 else out
-1 end da(i)out data signal at half the
clock frequency end Set value of final element
of da da(L)out Plot data signal
37Optical Wireless Communication
What does It Offer ?
- Abundance of unregulated bandwidth - 200 THz in
the 700-1500 -
nm range
No multipath fading - Intensity modulation and
High data rate In particular line of sight (in
and out doors)
Improved wavelength reuse capability
Flexibility in installation
Secure transmission
Flexibility - Deployment in a wide variety of
network architectures. Installation on roof to
roof, window to window, window to roof or
wall to wall.
38Access Network Bottleneck
(Source NTT)
Eng. of S/W Pro., India 2009
39Free Space Optics
- Cloud
- Rain
- Smoke
- Gases
- Temperature variations
- Fog and aerosol
The transmission of optical radiation through the
atmosphere obeys the Beer-Lambertss law
Preceive Ptransmit exp(-aL)
a Attenuation coefficient
This equation fundamentally ties FSO to the
atmospheric weather conditions
Eng. of S/W Pro., India 2009
40Case Study 3 Optical Wireless Systems
DC bias
Subcarrier modulator
Summing circuit
Optical transmitter
Serial/parallel converter
Data in
Atmospheric channel
Photo- detector array
Spatial diversity combiner
Subcarrier demodulator
Parallel/serial converter
. .
Data out
Eng. of S/W Pro., India 2009
41Subcarrier Modulation - Transmitter
Eng. of S/W Pro., India 2009
42Subcarrier Modulation - Receiver
Eng. of S/W Pro., India 2009
43Error Performance Bit Error Performance
BPSK BER against SNR for M-ary-PSK for log
intensity variance 0.52
BPSK based subcarrier modulation is the most
power efficient
Eng. of S/W Pro., India 2009
44Receiver Models
Eng. of S/W Pro., India 2009
45Wavelet-AI Receiver - Advantages and Disadvantages
- Complexity
- - many parameters computation power
- High sampling rates
- - technology limited
- Speed
- - long simulation times on average machines
- Similar performance to other techniques
- Data rate independent
- - data rate changes do not affect structure (just
re-train) - Relatively easy to implement with other pulse
modulation techniques
46Wavelet-AI Receiver
SNR Vs. the RMS delay spread/bit duration
47Final Remarks
- Simulation software provide scientist and
engineers with additional tools to implement,
assess and modify ideas with a press of a button - Detailed mathematical understanding is essential
- High speed and parallel processing is the way
forward - Should never be a substitute to real practical
48- Thank you for your attention !
- Any questions?
- To R Kharel, S Rajbhandari, W Popoola, and other
PhD students, - Northumbria University and CEIS School for
Research Grants