Java NIO - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Java NIO


Prior to the J2SE 1.4 release of Java, I/O had become a bottleneck. ... of the Selector, but the NIO designers decided to make it an explicit part of the API. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: nio | java


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Java NIO

Java NIO
  • Prior to the J2SE 1.4 release of Java, I/O had
    become a bottleneck.
  • JIT performance was reaching the point where one
    could start to think of Java as a platform for
    High Performance computation, but the old
    stream classes had too many software layers to be
    fastthe specification implied much copying of
    small chunks of data there was no way to
    multiplex data from multiple sources without
    incurring thread context switches also there was
    no way to exploit modern OS tricks for high
    performance I/O, like memory mapped files.

  • New I/O changes that by providing
  • A hierarchy of dedicated buffer classes that
    allow data to be moved from the JVM to the OS
    with minimal memory-to-memory copying, and
    without expensive overheads like switching byte
    order effectively buffer classes give Java a
    window on system memory.
  • A unified family of channel classes that allow
    data to be fed directly from buffers to files and
    sockets, without going through the intermediaries
    of the old stream classes.
  • A family of classes to directly implement
    selection (AKA readiness testing, AKA
    multiplexing) over a set of channels.
  • NIO also provides file locking for the first time
    in Java.

  • The Java NIO software is part of J2SE 1.4 and
    later, from
  • http//
  • Online documentation is at
  • http//
  • There is an authoritative book from OReilly
  • Java NIO, Ron Hitchens, 2002

  • A Buffer object is a container for a fixed amount
    of data.
  • It behaves something like a byte array, but is
    encapsulated in such a way that the internal
    storage can be a block of system memory.
  • Thus adding data to, or extracting it from, a
    buffer can be a very direct way of getting
    information between a Java program and the
    underlying operating system.
  • All modern OSs provide virtual memory systems
    that allow memory space to be mapped to files, so
    this also enables a very direct and
    high-performance route to the file system.
  • The data in a buffer can also be efficiently read
    from, or written to, a socket or pipe, enabling
    high performance communication.
  • The buffer APIs allow you to read or write from a
    specific location in the buffer directly they
    also allow relative reads and writes, similar to
    sequential file access.

The java.nio.Buffer Hierarchy
The ByteBuffer Class
  • The most important buffer class in practice is
    probably the ByteBuffer class. This represents a
    fixed-size vector of primitive bytes.
  • Important methods on this class include
  • byte get()
  • byte get(int index)
  • ByteBuffer get(byte dst)
  • ByteBuffer get(byte dst, int offset, int
  • ByteBuffer put(byte b)
  • ByteBuffer put(int index, byte b)
  • ByteBuffer put(byte src)
  • ByteBuffer put(byte src, int offset, int
  • ByteBuffer put(ByteBuffer src)

File Position and Limit
  • Apart from forms with an index parameter, these
    are all relative operations they get data from,
    or insert data into, the buffer starting at the
    current position in the buffer they also update
    the position to point to the position after the
    read or written data. The position property is
    like the file pointer in sequential file access.
  • The superclass Buffer has methods for explicitly
    manipulating the position and related properties
    of buffers, e.g
  • int position()
  • Buffer position(int newPosition)
  • int limit()
  • Buffer limit(int newLimit)
  • The ByteBuffer or Buffer references returned by
    these various methods are simply references to
    this buffer object, not new buffers. They are
    provided to support cryptic invocation chaining.
    Feel free to ignore them.
  • The limit property defines either the last space
    available for writing, or how much data has been
    written to the file.
  • After finishing writing a flip() method can be
    called to set limit to the current value of
    position, and reset position to zero, ready for
  • Various operations implicitly work on the data
    between position and limit.

Creating Buffers
  • Four interesting factory methods can be used to
    create a new ByteBuffer
  • ByteBuffer allocate(int capacity)
  • ByteBuffer allocateDirect(int capacity)
  • ByteBuffer wrap(byte array)
  • ByteBuffer wrap(byte array, int offset,
  • These are all static methods of the
    ByteBuffer class.
  • allocate() creates a ByteBuffer with an ordinary
    Java backing array of size capacity.
  • allocateDirect()perhaps the most interesting
    casecreates a direct ByteBuffer, backed by
    capacity bytes of system memory.
  • The wrap() methods create ByteBuffers backed by
    all or part of an array allocated by the user.
  • The other typed buffer classes (CharBuffer, etc)
    have similar factory methods, except they dont
    support the important allocateDirect() method.

Other Primitive Types in ByteBuffers
  • It is possible to write other primitive types
    (char, int, double, etc) to a ByteBuffer by
    methods like
  • ByteBuffer putChar(char value)
  • ByteBuffer putChar(int index, char value)
  • ByteBuffer putInt(int value)
  • ByteBuffer putInt(int index, int value)
  • The putChar() methods do absolute or
    relative writes of the two bytes in a Java char,
    the putInt() methods write 4 bytes, and so on.
  • Of course there are corresponding getChar(),
    getInt(), methods.
  • These give you fun, unsafe ways of coercing bytes
    of one primitive type to another type, by writing
    data as one type and reading them as another.
  • But actually this isnt the interesting bitthis
    was always possible with the old
  • The interesting bit is that the new ByteBuffer
    class has a method that allows you to set the
    byte order

  • When identifying a numeric type like int or
    double with a sequence of bytes in memory, one
    can either put the most significant byte first
    (big-endian), or the least significant byte first
  • Big Endian Sun Sparc, PowerPC CPU, numeric
    fields in IP headers,
  • Little Endian Intel processors
  • In, numeric types were always rendered to
    stream in big-endian order.
  • Creates a serious bottleneck when writing or
    reading numeric types.
  • Implementations typically must apply byte
    manipulation code to each item, to ensure bytes
    are written in the correct order.
  • In java.nio, the programmer specifies the byte
    order as a property of a ByteBuffer, by calling
    one of
  • myBuffer.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)
  • myBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)
  • myBuffer.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder())
  • Provided the programmer ensures the byte order
    set for the buffer agrees with the native
    representation for the local processor, numeric
    data can be copied between JVM (which will use
    the native order) and buffer by a straight block
    memory copy, which can be extremely fasta big
    win for NIO.

View Buffers
  • ByteBuffer has no methods for bulk transfer of
    arrays other than type byte.
  • Instead, create a view of (a portion of) a
    ByteBuffer as any other kind of typed buffer,
    then use the bulk transfer methods on that view.
    Following methods of ByteBuffer create views
  • CharBuffer asCharBuffer()
  • IntBuffer asIntBuffer()
  • To create a view of just a portion of a
    ByteBuffer, set position and limit appropriately
    beforehandthe created view only covers the
    region between these.
  • You cannot create views of typed buffers other
    than ByteBuffer.
  • You can create another buffer that represents a
    subsection of any buffer (without changing
    element type) by using the slice() method.
  • For example, writing an array of floats to a byte
    buffer, starting at the current position
  • float array
  • FloatBuffer floatBuf byteBuf.asFloatBuffer()
  • floatBuf.put(array)

  • A channel is a new abstraction in java.nio.
  • In the package java.nio.channels.
  • Channels are a high-level version of the
    file-descriptors familiar from POSIX-compliant
    operating systems.
  • So a channel is a handle for performing I/O
    operations and various control operations on an
    open file or socket.
  • For those familiar with conventional Java I/O,
    java.nio associates a channel with any
    RandomAccessFile, FileInputStream,
    FileOutputStream, Socket, ServerSocket or
    DatagramSocket object.
  • The channel becomes a peer to the conventional
    Java handle objects the conventional objects
    still exist, and in general retain their rolethe
    channel just provides extra NIO-specific
  • NIO buffer objects can written to or read from
    channels directly. Channels also play an
    essential role in readiness selection, discussed
    in the next section.

Simplified Channel Hierarchy
Opening Channels
  • Socket channel classes have static factory
    methods called open(), e.g.
  • SocketChannel sc
  • Sc.connect(new InetSocketAddress(hostname,
  • File channels cannot be created directly first
    use conventional Java I/O mechanisms to create a
    FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, or
    RandomAccessFile, then apply the new getChannel()
    method to get an associated NIO channel, e.g.
  • RandomAccessFile raf new RandomAccessFile(filena
    me, r)
  • FileChannel fc raf.getChannel()

Using Channels
  • Any channel that implements the ByteChannel
    interfacei.e. all channels except
    ServerSocketChannelprovide a read() and a
    write() instance method
  • int read(ByteBuffer dst)
  • int write(ByteBuffer src)
  • These may look reminiscent of the read() and
    write() system calls in UNIX
  • int read(int fd, void buf, int count)
  • int write(int fd, void buf, int count)
  • The Java read() attempts to read from the channel
    as many bytes as there are remaining to be
    written in the dst buffer. Returns number of
    bytes actually read, or -1 if end-of-stream.
    Also updates dst buffer position.
  • Similarly write() attempts to write to the
    channel as many bytes as there are remaining in
    the src buffer. Returns number of bytes actually
    read, and updates src buffer position.

  • This example assumes a source channel src and a
    destination channel dest
  • ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(BUF_
  • while( ! -1)
  • buffer.flip() // Prepare read buffer
    for draining
  • while(buffer.hasRemaining())
  • dest.write(buffer)
  • buffer.clear() // Empty buffer, ready
    to read next chunk.
  • Note a write() call (or a read() call) may or may
    not succeed in transferring whole buffer in a
    single call. Hence need for inner while loop.
  • Example introduces two new methods on Buffer
    hasRemaining() returns true if position lt limit
    clear() sets position to 0 and limit to buffers
  • Because copying is a common operation on files,
    FileChannel provides a couple of special methods
    to do just this
  • long transferTo(long position, long count,
    WriteableByteChannel target)
  • long transferFrom(ReadableByteChannel src, long
    position, long count)

Memory-Mapped Files
  • In modern operating systems one can exploit the
    virtual memory system to map a physical file into
    a region of program memory.
  • Once the file is mapped, accesses to the file can
    be extremely fast one doesnt have to go through
    read() and write() system calls.
  • One application might be a Web Server, where you
    want to read a whole file quickly and send it to
    a socket.
  • Problems arise if the file structure is changed
    while it is mappeduse this technique only for
    fixed-size files.
  • This low-level optimization is now available in
    Java. FileChannel has a method
  • MappedByteBuffer map(MapMode mode, long position,
    long size)
  • mode should be one of MapMode.READ_ONLY,
    MapMode.READ_WRITE, MapMode.PRIVATE.
  • The returned MappedByteBuffer can be used
    wherever an ordinary ByteBuffer can.

  • Often called vectored I/O, this just means you
    can pass an array of buffers to a read or write
    operation the overloaded channel instance
    methods have signatures
  • long read(ByteBuffer dsts)
  • long read(ByteBuffer dsts, int offset, int
  • long write(ByteBuffer srcs)
  • long write(ByteBuffer srcs, int offset, int
  • The first form of read() attempts to read enough
    data to fill all buffers in the array, and
    divides it between them, in order.
  • The first form of write() attempts to concatenate
    the remaining data in all buffers and write it.
  • The arguments offset and length select a subset
    of buffers from the arrays (not, say, an interval
    within buffers).

  • As mentioned at the beginning of this section,
    socket channels are created directly with their
    own factory methods
  • If you want to manage a socked connection as a
    NIO channel this is the only option. Creating
    NIO socket channel implicitly creates a peer socket object, but (contrary to the
    situation with file handles) the converse is not
  • As with file channels, socket channels can be
    more complicated to work with than the
    traditional socket classes, but provide
    much of the hard-boiled flexibility you get
    programming sockets in C.
  • The most notable new facilities are that now
    socket communications can be non-blocking, they
    can be interrupted, and there is a selection
    mechanism that allows a single thread to do
    multiplex servicing of any number of channels.

Basic Socket Channel Operations
  • Typical use of a server socket channel follows a
    pattern like
  • ServerSocketChannel ssc
  • ssc.socket().bind( new InetSocketAddress(port) )
  • while(true)
  • SocketChannel sc ssc.accept()
  • process a transaction with client
    through sc
  • The client does something like
  • SocketChannel sc
  • sc.connect( new InetSocketAddr(serverName, port)
  • initiate a transaction with server through sc
  • The code above will typically be using read() and
    write() calls on the SocketChannel to exchange
    data between client and server.
  • So there are four important operations accept(),
    connect(), write(), read() .

Nonblocking Operations
  • By calling the method
  • socket.configureBlocking(false)
  • you put a socket into nonblocking mode
    (calling again with argument true restores to
    blocking mode, and so on).
  • In non-blocking mode
  • A read() operation only transfers data that is
    immediately available. If no data is immediately
    available it returns 0.
  • Similarly, if data cannot be immediately written
    to a socket, a write() operation will immediately
    return 0.
  • For a server socket, if no client is currently
    trying to connect, the accept() method
    immediately returns null.
  • The connect() method is more complicatedgenerally
    connections would always block for some interval
    waiting for the server to respond.
  • In non-blocking mode connect() generally returns
    false. But the negotiation with the server is
    nevertheless started. The finishConnect() method
    on the same socket should be called later. It
    also returns immediately. Repeat until it return

Interruptible Operations
  • The standard channels in NIO are all
  • If a thread is blocked waiting on a channel, and
    the threads interrupt() method is called, the
    channel will be closed, and the thread will be
    woken and sent a ClosedByInterruptException.
  • To avoid race conditions, the same will happen if
    an operation on a channel is attempted by a
    thread whose interrupt status is already true.
  • See the lecture on threads for a discussion of
  • This represents progress over traditional Java
    I/O, where interruption of blocking operations
    was not guaranteed.

Other Features of Channels
  • File channels provide a quite general file
    locking facility. This is presumably important
    to many applications (database applications), but
    less obviously so to HPC operations, so we dont
    discuss it here.
  • There is a DatagramChannel for sending UDPstyle
    messages. This may well be important for high
    performance communications, but we dont have
    time to discuss it.
  • There is a special channel implementation
    representing a kind of pipe, which can be used
    for inter-thread communication.

Readiness Selection
  • Prior to New I/O, Java provided no standard way
    of selectingfrom a set of possible socket
    operationsjust the ones that are currently ready
    to proceed, so the ready operations can be
    immediately serviced.
  • One application would be in implementing an
    MPI-like message passing system in general
    incoming messages from multiple peers must be
    consumed as they arrive and fed into a message
    queue, until the user program is ready to handle
  • Previously one could achieve equivalent effects
    in Java by doing blocking I/O operations in
    separate threads, then merging the results
    through Java thread synchronization. But this
    can be inefficient because thread context
    switching and synchronization is quite slow.
  • One way of achieving the desired effect in New
    I/O would be set all the channels involved to
    non-blocking mode, and use a polling loop to wait
    until some are ready to proceed.
  • A more structuredand potentially more
    efficientapproach is to use Selectors.
  • In many flavors of UNIX this is achieved by using
    the select() system call.

Classes Involved in Selection
  • Selection can be done on any channel extending
    SelectableChannelamongst the standard channels
    this means the three kinds of socket channel.
  • The class that supports the select() operation
    itself is Selector. This is a sort of container
    class for the set of channels in which we are
  • The last class involved is SelectionKey, which is
    said to represent the binding between a channel
    and a selector.
  • In some sense it is part of the internal
    representation of the Selector, but the NIO
    designers decided to make it an explicit part of
    the API.

Setting Up Selectors
  • A selector is created by the open() factory
    method. This is naturally a static method of the
    Selector class.
  • A channel is added to a selector by calling the
  • SelectionKey register(Selector sel, int ops)
  • This, slightly oddly, is an instance method of
    the SelectableChannel classyou might have
    expected the register() method to be a member of
  • Here ops is a bit-set representing the interest
    set for this channel composed by oring together
    one or more of
  • SelectionKey.OP_READ
  • SelectionKey.OP_WRITE
  • SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT
  • SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT
  • A channel added to a selector must be in
    nonblocking mode!
  • The register() method returns the SelectionKey
  • Since this automatically gets stored in the
    Selector, so in most cases you probably dont
    need to save the result yourself.

  • Here we create a selector, and register three
    pre-existing channels to the selector
  • Selector selector
  • channel1.register (selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ)
  • channel2.register (selector, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE
  • channel3.register (selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ

  • SelectionKey.OP_WRITE)
  • For channel1 the interest set is reads only, for
    channel2 it is writes only, for channel3 it is
    reads and writes.
  • Note channel1, channel2, channel3 must all be in
    non-blocking mode at this time, and must remain
    in that mode as long as they are registered in
    any selector.
  • You remove a channel from a selector by calling
    the cancel() method of the associated

select() and the Selected Key Set
  • To inspect the set of channels, to see what
    operations are newly ready to proceed, you call
    the select() method on the selector.
  • The return value is an integer, which will be
    zero if no status changes occurred.
  • More interesting than the return value is the
    side effect this method has on the set of
    selected keys embedded in the selector.
  • To use selectors, you must understand that a
    selector maintains a Set object representing this
    selected keys set.
  • Because each key is associated with a channel,
    this is equivalent to a set of selected channels.
  • The set of selected keys is different from
    (presumably a subset of) the registered key set.
  • Each time the select() method is called it may
    add new keys to the selected key set, as
    operations become ready to proceed.
  • You, as the programmer, are responsible for
    explicitly removing keys from the selected key
    set belonging to the selector, as you deal with
    operations that have become ready.

Ready Sets
  • This is quite complicated already, but there is
    one more complication.
  • We saw that each key in the registered key set
    has an associated interest set, which is a subset
    of the 4 possible operations on sockets.
  • Similarly each key in the selected key set has an
    associated ready set, which is a subset of the
    interest setrepresenting the actual operations
    that have been found ready to proceed.
  • Besides adding new keys to the selected key set,
    a select() operation may add new operations to
    the ready set of a key already in the selected
    key set.
  • Assuming the selected key set was not cleared
    after a preceding select().
  • You can extract the ready set from a SelectionKey
    as a bit-set, by using the method readyOps(). Or
    you can use the convenience methods
  • isReadable()
  • isWriteable()
  • isConnectable()
  • isAcceptable()
  • which effectively return the bits of the
    ready set individually.

A Pattern for Using select()
  • register some channels with selector
  • while(true)
  • Iterator it selector.selectedKeys().iterat
  • while( it.hasNext() )
  • SelectionKey key
  • if( key.isReadable() )
  • perform read() operation on
  • if( key.isWriteable() )
  • perform write() operation on
  • if( key.isConnectable() )
  • perform connect() operation
  • if( key.isAcceptable() )
  • perform accept() operation
  • it.remove()

  • This general pattern will probably serve for most
    uses of select()
  • Perform select() and extract the new selected key
  • For each selected key, handle the actions in its
    ready set
  • Remove the processed key from the selected key
  • Note the remove() operation on an Iterator
    removes the current item from the underlying
  • More generally, the code that handles a ready
    operation may also alter the set of channels
    registered with the selector
  • e.g after doing an accept() you may want to
    register the returned SocketChannel with the
    selector, to wait for read() or write()
  • In many cases only a subset of the possible
    operations read, write, accept, connect are ever
    in interest sets of keys registered with the
    selector, so you wont need all 4 tests.

Key Attachments
  • One problem with the pattern above is that when returns a key, there is no convenient
    way of getting information about the context in
    which the associated channel was registered with
    the selector.
  • For example channel1 and channel3 are both
    registered for OP_READ. But the action that
    should be taken when the read becomes ready may
    be quite different for the two channels.
  • You need a convenient way to determine which
    channel the returned key is bound to.
  • You can specify an arbitrary object as an
    attachment to the key when you create it later
    when you get the key from the selected set, you
    can extract the attachment, and use its content
    in to decide what to do.
  • At its most basic the attachment might just be an
    index identifying the channel.

Simplistic Use of Key Attachments
  • channel1.register (selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ,

  • new Integer(1) ) // attachment
  • channel3.register (selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ

  • SelectionKey.OP_WRITE,

  • new Integer(3) ) // attachment
  • while(true)
  • Iterator it selector.selectedKeys().iterat
  • SelectionKey key
  • if( key.isReadable() )
  • switch( ((Integer) ).value() )
  • case 1
  • action
    appropriate to channel1
  • case 3
  • action
    appropriate to channel3

For Client/Server
  • Dont want processor to wait too long on network
  • Traditional Multiple threads generate data that
    is stored in buffers until network is ready
  • Overhead of thread syncing and thread creation
  • Need support by OS

import java.nio. import java.nio.channels. imp
ort import publi
c class ChargenClient public static int
DEFAULT_PORT 19 public static void
main(String args) if (args.length
0) System.out.println("Usage java
ChargenClient host port") return
int port try port
Integer.parseInt(args1) catch
(Exception ex) port DEFAULT_PORT

try SocketAddress address new
InetSocketAddress(args0, port)
SocketChannel client
ByteBuffer buffer
ByteBuffer.allocate(74) WritableByteChannel
out Channels.newChannel(System.out)
while ( ! -1)
buffer.flip() out.write(buffer)
buffer.clear() catch
(IOException ex) ex.printStackTrace()

import java.nio. import java.nio.channels. imp
ort import java.util. import public class ChargenServer
public static int DEFAULT_PORT 19
public static void main(String args)
int port try port
Integer.parseInt(args0) catch
(Exception ex) port DEFAULT_PORT
System.out.println("Listening for
connections on port " port)
byte rotation new byte952 for (byte i
' ' i lt '' i) rotationi-' '
i rotationi95-' ' i
ServerSocketChannel serverChannel
Selector selector try serverChannel ServerSocket
ss serverChannel.socket()
InetSocketAddress address new
InetSocketAddress(port) ss.bind(address)
SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT) catch
(IOException ex) ex.printStackTrace()
while (true) try catch
(IOException ex) ex.printStackTrace()
break Set
readyKeys selector.selectedKeys()
Iterator iterator readyKeys.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext())
SelectionKey key (SelectionKey) iterator.remove()
try if (key.isAcceptable())
ServerSocketChannel server
SocketChannel client server.accept()
System.out.println("Accepted connection from "
client) client.configureBlocking(fa
lse) SelectionKey key2
client.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE)

ByteBuffer buffer ByteBuffer.allocate(74)
buffer.put(rotation, 0, 72)
buffer.put((byte) '\r')
buffer.put((byte) '\n')
buffer.flip() key2.attach(buffer)
else if (key.isWritable())
SocketChannel client (SocketChannel) ByteBuffer buffer
(ByteBuffer) key.attachment() if
(!buffer.hasRemaining()) //
Refill the buffer with the next line
buffer.rewind() // Get the old
first character int first
buffer.get() // Get ready to
change the data in the buffer
buffer.rewind() // Find the new
first characters position in rotation
int position first - ' ' 1
// copy the data from rotation into the buffer
buffer.put(rotation, position, 72)
// Store a line break at the end of
the buffer buffer.put((byte)
buffer.put((byte) '\n') // Prepare
the buffer for writing
catch (IOException ex)
key.cancel() try
catch (IOException cex)

The behavior of the file lock is
platform-dependent. On some platforms, the file
lock is advisory, which means that unless an
application checks for a file lock, it will not
be prevented from accessing the file. On other
platforms, the file lock is mandatory, which
means that a file lock prevents any application
from accessing the file. try //
Get a file channel for the file File file
new File("filename") FileChannel
channel new RandomAccessFile(file,
"rw").getChannel() // Use the file
channel to create a lock on the file. //
This method blocks until it can retrieve the
lock. FileLock lock channel.lock()
// Try acquiring the lock without
blocking. This method returns // null or
throws an exception if the file is already
locked. try lock
channel.tryLock() catch
(OverlappingFileLockException e) //
File is already locked in this thread or virtual
machine // Release the
lock lock.release() //
Close the file channel.close()
catch (Exception e)
By default, a file lock is exclusive, which means
that once acquired, no other access is permitted.
A shared file lock allows other shared locks on
the file (but no exclusive locks). Note Some
platforms do not support shared locks, in which
case the lock is automatically made into an
exclusive lock. Use FileLock.isShared() to
determine the type of the lock. try
// Obtain a file channel File file new
File("filename") FileChannel channel
new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw").getChannel()
// Create a shared lock on the file.
// This method blocks until it can retrieve
the lock. FileLock lock channel.lock(0,
Long.MAX_VALUE, true) // Try
acquiring a shared lock without blocking. This
method returns // null or throws an
exception if the file is already exclusively
locked. try lock
channel.tryLock(0, Long.MAX_VALUE, true)
catch (OverlappingFileLockException e)
// File is already locked in this thread or
virtual machine //
Determine the type of the lock boolean
isShared lock.isShared() //
Release the lock lock.release()
// Close the file channel.close()
catch (Exception e)
Direct vs. non-direct buffers A byte buffer is
either direct or non-direct. Given a direct byte
buffer, the Java virtual machine will make a
best effort to perform native I/O operations
directly upon it. That is, it will attempt to
avoid copying the buffer's content to (or from)
an intermediate buffer before (or after) each
invocation of one of the underlying operating
system's native I/O operations. A direct byte
buffer may be created by invoking the
allocateDirect factory method of this class. The
buffers returned by this method typically have
somewhat higher allocation and deallocation costs
than non-direct buffers. The contents of direct
buffers may reside outside of the normal
garbage-collected heap, and so their impact upon
the memory footprint of an application might not
be obvious. It is therefore recommended that
direct buffers be allocated primarily for large,
long-lived buffers that are subject to the
underlying system's native I/O operations. In
general it is best to allocate direct buffers
only when they yield a measureable gain in
program performance. Whether a byte buffer is
direct or non-direct may be determined by
invoking its isDirect method. This method is
provided so that explicit buffer management can
be done in performance-critical
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