Title: CSE 502 Au07
1CSE 502 Au07
- Object-Oriented Programmingwith Java Eclipse
- Dr. Bob Mathis
- http//www.cse.ohio-state.edu/bmathis
- mailtobmathis_at_cse.ohio-state.edu?subject502
- Mon, Wed 430p 548p, DL 317, schedule
- Graduate level course
- Higher level approach to program development
- Diversity in individual goals
- Group discussion and reporting
- Ill be glad to explain whatever I can
- Ohio State has a number of ways to communicate
with faculty, staff, students and parents in the
event of an urgent situation. These include a
variety of notification vehicles such as WOSU AM,
OSU Today e-mail, the Ohio State Web site, and
local media outlets. New this year, the
university has created a text message alert
system for the public to stay informed of
potential emergencies. Faculty, students, staff,
and parents are encouraged to register their cell
phone numbers with the OSU Department of Public
Safety. To learn more and to register, go to
3Java App for Everything?
- Even Dilbert Friday, September 7, 2007
4CSE 502 Expectations Requirements
- Graduate level course/seminar
- High school structured, paced, everybody
together, supervision - College more on your own
- Graduate School self-directed and motivated
- Expect all A grades
- Expect participation
- Projects relevant to your field
- Project something useful from this course
5Ways of Teaching Learning
- Different ways of presenting information
- Historical evolution of ideas (Hebrew)
- Hierarchical, categorized topics (Greek)
- Intertwined stories / examples (Arabic)
- Jumping from topic to topic
- Trying to respond to needs and questions
- Youre majoring in something other than computer
science, but want to learn as much as possible
about computer programming
6How to Program in Java
- How to Program
- Object-oriented programming, analysis design
- Tools, approaches, patterns
- In the background of every topic
- Tactics, strategy, philosophy
- Java
- Modern programming language (1995? )
- Java6 almost a year old
- Sun (IBM, others) have worked to significantly
improve the language and its implementation
7CSE 502 Java
- Basic Java (mostly personal applications)
- Java6 Eclipse
- Object-oriented programming patterns
- Advanced Java
- Distributed applications, concurrency, GUI, data
bases, assertions, testing, logging, profiling,
native programs, etc. - Applets to run in browser, Java JumpStart
- Java2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
- Running applications on server, specialized
8CSE 502 Resources on the Net
- All CSE 502 resources and communications on web
and via e-mail - http//www.cse.ohio-state.edu/bmathis
- mailtobmathis_at_cse.ohio-state.edu?subject502
- Java programming, software engineering
- http//java.sun.com
- http//www.redbooks.ibm.com/
- Safari through OSU Library
- Computer set-ups of some others
9General Notices / Disclaimers
- This course may contain information that is
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This transmission is intended solely for the
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- This web site includes forward-looking
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cause actual results to differ materially from
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investments in technology to increase our
revenues or decrease our operating costs failure
to fully derive anticipated benefits from our
acquisitions failure to develop additional
products and services to meet our customers'
needs, attract new customers or expand into new
geographic markets failure to meet the special
challenges involved in expansion of our
operations outside North America failure to
recruit and retain high quality management and
key employees consolidation of our customers
increased self-sufficiency of our customers
increased accessibility to free or relatively
inexpensive information sources failure to
maintain the availability of information obtained
through licensing arrangements and changes in the
terms of our licensing arrangements changes in
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forward-looking statements, whether as a result
of new information, future events or otherwise. - Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of
liability - This site is provided by the instructor on an "as
is" and "as available" basis. The instructor
makes no representations or warranties of any
kind, express or implied, as to the operation of
this site, or the information, content or
materials included on this site. You expressly
agree that your use of this site is at your sole
10Al Gore, May 2007, Time Magazine
11CSE 502 Mathis, Summer 2007
12Bob Mathis
- Upper Arlington High School(Jack Nicklaus,
Beverly DAngelo, Simon Fraser?)(George Smoot,
2006 Noble Prize in Physics, class of 1962) - 1959 7th grade1969 Ph.D. and on faculty of
Ohio State - Full-time consulting practice in
computingpart-time lecturer OSU / CSE - Previously head of Ada project for DoD, Contel
Technology Center, chairman of standards
committees, teaching at other universities, etc.
14CSE 502 Textbook Recommended
OReilly, 2005ISBN-10 0596008732 ISBN-13
978-0596008734 List Price44.95Price29.67Yo
u Save15.28 (34) Amazon as of
2007.05.22 http//www.oreilly.com/
catalog/learnjava3/ Locally scanned pages
15Previous 502 Textbook
Core Java(TM) 2, Volume I--Fundamentals (7th
Edition)by Cay Horstmann Gary Cornell (P-H,
2004)Core Java(TM) 2, Volume IIAdvanced
Features http//horstmann.com/corejava.html
16Other Java Books
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition by David
Flanagan, OReilly, 2005
17Other Good Java Books
18Java Web Sites to Visit
- Sunhttp//java.sun.com
- EclipseEclipsehttp//www.eclipse.org
- Safari through OSU library
- Learning Java textbook CD web-sitehttp//examples
19Java on the Web
- Download Java SDK (with/without NetBeans)
- Java tutorials (Sun Java site and others)
- Eclipse (MyEclipseIDE.com)
- Java book sites
- Café au lait
- Java Lobby
- OReilly site
- Lots of Other Good Java Sites
20Java in Your Cup
21Java History
- ALGOL (1960) BASIC
- Pascal C Visual Basic
- C
- Ada (1979) Internet
- Java (1995) Windows95
- Ada (2nd rev) Java6 Multi-core CPU
22March of Progress? - Horstmann
- 1980 C
- printf("10.2f", x)
- 1988 C
- cout showpoint
- 1996 Java
- java.text.NumberFormat formatter
mumFractionDigits(2)String s
formatter.format(x)for (int i s.length() i
10 i) System.out.print(' ')System.out.print(s
) - 2004 Java
- System.out.printf("10.2f", x)
23Why Java
- C syntax, but C not a subset,object-oriented
from the beginning - Intended for network programming
- Multi-platform portability
- GUI independent of Microsoft Windows
- Security, concurrency, databases
- Continually improved over last dozen years
24Programming in Java6 is Different
- Java significant improvements
- Improved execution
- Improved language features (tasking, generics)
- Improved program development environments
- CSE 502 is about the future of programming
- Where profession is going
- Programming is different from what you may have
learned and almost certainly different than what
your professors learned years ago.
25Developing Java Programs
- Text editors automating keypunches
- Search replace, managing files
- Some improvement over the old way
- Integrated Development Environments
- Microsoft Visual Studio (C and VB)
- Sun Studio (Net Beans)
- Eclipse (MyEclipse)
- Combination of writing and tool assistance
26Java Development Environments
- Eclipse (in CSE labs)
- MyEclipse (version Mathis uses)
- NetBeans (from Sun)
- IntelliJ IDEA (popular with Java speakers)(door
prize at local Java Users Group) - BlueJ (high school advanced test)
- JBuilder, Visual Age for Java, Visual Café (old
previous products Borland, IBM, Symantec) - Text editors (some with language assistance)
27Initial Eclipse Demo
- Download, unzip, start Eclipse
- Pick convenient (backup-able) workspace
- New project, package, class (with main)
- How much typing versus knowing about Java
letting the development environment help - For you to try later
- Sum integers 1 through 10 and print answer(note
n(n1)/2 55 when n10)
28Screen Shot - Eclipse Welcome
29Screen Shot - Eclipse Workbench
30Learning Java 3rd, Chap 1a
- Textbook
- Scanned pages
- Safari (through OSU Libraries)
- Chapter 1
- A Modern Language (reread as you learn more)
- Enter Java (Javas Origins, Growing Up)
- A Virtual Machine (Just In Time Compilation)
- Java Compared with Other Languages
- Safety of Design(Simplify, Simplify, Simplify,
Type Safety and Method Binding, Incremental
Development, Dynamic Memory Management, Error
Handling, Threads, Scalability)
31Learning Java 3rd, Chap 1b
- Safety of Implementation(The Verifier, Class
Loaders, Security Managers) - Application and User-Level Security(Signing
Classes) - Java and the Web(Applets, New Kinds of Media,
New Software Development Models) - Java as a General Application Language
- A Java Road Map(The Past Java 1.0 Java
1.4,The Present Java 5.0 Dec 2006 Java6,The
32Learning Java 3rd, Appx. A
- The Eclipse IDE
- Basics havent changed much, version 3.x
- Lots of helps
- Outlines, program structure
- Quick fix other options and prompts
- Refactoring (renaming)
- Source formatting
- Programming with a text editor is little more
than automating use of punched cards - Even with syntax recognition coloring features
33Learning Java 3rd, Chap 2a
- A First Application
- Java Tools and Environment Eclipse for us
- HelloJava (initial source on next slide)
- Classes
- The main() Method
- Classes and Objects
- Variables and Class Types
- HelloComponent
- Inheritance
- The JComponent Class
- Relationships and Finger Pointing
- Package and Imports
- The paintComponent() Method
34HelloJava (Multiple Versions)
- public class HelloJava
- public static void main( String args )
- System.out.println("Hello, Java!")
- // but hes not content with that
- // scanned pages, p. 30
- // look at this in Eclipse
35Learning Java 3rd, Chap 2b
- HelloJava2 The Sequel (Instance Variables,
Constructors, Events, The repaint() Method,
Interfaces) - HelloJava3 The Button Strikes!(Method
Overloading, Components, Containers, Layout,
Subclassing and Subtypes, More Events and
Interfaces, Color Commentary, Static Members,
Arrays, Our Color Methods) - HelloJava4 Netscapes Revenge(Threads, The
Thread Class, The Runnable Interface, Starting
the Thread, Running Code in the Thread,
Exceptions, Synchronization) - Troubleshooting
- Compilation (javac) Errors, Runtime (java)
Errors, Java Version Problems, The
getContentPane() Error
36Other Details About Running Java
- Almost a review to make sure covered
- Eclipse
- Views, windows, display panes to move around
- Console, Javadoc, problems, TODO
- Errors, warnings, quick fixes, refactoring
- Java
- Command line switches and arguments
- classpath (run programs yourself to check)
- Directory for examples text my versions
37Learning Java 3rd, Chap 3
- Tools of the Trade
- The Java VM
- Running Java Applications
- The Classpath
- The Java Compiler
- JAR Files
- Policy Files
- Running a program from command line(outside of
Eclipse, after development)
38Finished Basics What Next
- Object-oriented thinking programming
- Encapsulation
- Object-oriented design and analysis
- Rational (now IBM) UML Unified Process
- Inheritance
- Dynamic dispatchingmethod overloading,
polymorphism - Chapters 4, 5, 6
- Chapters 7, 8, 9
39Temporary Spot, October 1, 2007
- Last look at Chapter 2 example with threads
- How to write programs
- Requirements
- Iteration (incremental development)
- Testing (based on requirements and code)
- Water fall (high level requirements, down hill
the rest of the way) - Top-down (rich underlying Java components)
40How to Write Programs
- Waterfall
- Figure out everything at the beginning
- Build it with no modification
- DoD contracting, others with rigid approvals
- Iterative
- More like remodeling than building
- eXtreme Programming (XP) (take everything to the
extreme) - Test Driven Development
41Federal Life Cycle Perspective
42Development Cycle
43Writing a Program
- Even a big, complicated program should be
developed in small steps - Handling many alternatives in applications
- First, just do it
- Second, if tests or configuration file
- Third, design around a pattern
- Tests at each stage of development / modification
(regression tests) - Think in terms of change
- Expand from a central core (iteratively)
44Object-0riented Programming
- Encapsulation
- Objects in Java are instances of classes
- Issue of what to combine into classes / objects
- Cohesion, connections, collaboration, complexity
- Information hiding, decision hiding,
responsibility - Packages
- Overall structure of application
- Potential for reuse
- CRC cards are an object-oriented software design
tool, typically used in determining which classes
are needed and how they will interact. - CRC cards are usually created from index cards on
which are written - The class name
- Its Super and Sub classes (if applicable)
- The responsibilities of the class.
- The names of other classes that the class will
collaborate with to fulfill its responsibilities.
- Author
- Using a small card keeps the complexity of the
design at a minimum. It focuses the designer on
the essentials of the class and prevents him from
getting into its details and inner workings at a
time when such detail is probably
counter-productive. It also forces the designer
to refrain from giving the class too many
responsibilities. Because the cards are portable,
they can easily be laid out on a table and
re-arranged while discussing a design with other
people. - A common method to determine what cards should be
created is to read a specification for the
program being designed and consider if each noun
should be a class and if each verb should be a
responsibility of the noun or class that it
belongs to. Naturally, the existence of a noun or
verb does not require a class or responsibility
in the program, but it is considered a good
starting point.
46Unified Modeling Language
- UML, UML 2.0 Object Management Group
- Unified, not universal
- Rational (Booch) hired (Rumbaugh), bought another
company (Jacobson), and unified - Graphical modeling tool in Eclipse
- Forward and reverse engineering
- Class / object diagramsSequence diagramsUse
47Rational Analysis Design Approach
- (Rational) Unified Process (RUP)
- Use cases to describe requirements and basic
functionality - Boundary objects to describe interface
- Refine and implement those boundary objects with
internal objects that can be further refined - Build tests with supporting temporary objects
48Object-Oriented Inheritance
- Software reuse
- Im reusing your classes, but over-riding all
your methods and hiding all your fields
(variables). - Inheritance is-a
- Inherited fields
- Inherited methods
- Overloaded versus over-ridden methods
- Building on and refining existing code
- Composite has-a
49Food Oriented Inheritance
- MMs (candy of the millennium MM)
- Example
- Three Musketeers Milky Way Snickers
- Pizza
- Stone Cold Creamery ice cream,Dairy Queen
Blizzard, flurry - Chinese food
- Hamburger is more like an interface
- Pizza Java example in Eclipse next slide
50Pizza as a Design Example
- ThinCrustLightSauceRegularCheesePeperoni inherits
from ThinCrustLightSauceRegularCheese which
inherits from ThinCrustLightSauce which inherits
from ThinCrust - We might look at pizza as very inheritance
oriented, but that is not the only way, and maybe
not the best way to think about it. - Inheritance turns out to be cumbersome
- Composite / aggregation more adaptable
- Method delegation makes pieces self responsible
- Factories and abstract factories
51Beneath Object-Oriented
- Procedural-style code at lower levels
- Variables, loops, if-tests, compound statements,
subprograms, recursion - Manipulating state (kept in objects)
- Functional-style programming
- When no local state
- Objects (and thereby methods) as parameters and
return values - Concurrency (multi-threaded)
- Implicit and later explicit
52Learning Java 3rd, Chap 4
- The Java Language
- Text Encoding
- Comments
- Types
- Statements and Expressions
- Exceptions
- Assertion
- Arrays
53Program Comments
- Internal comments
- For somebody changing the code
- Assume knowledge of Java (dont explain what)
- Why you did it
- Is there something not obvious
- Relationship to other parts of system
- External (JavaDoc) comments
- For somebody using your components
- User documentation
- Primitive types machine built-in
- Reference types (user defined types)
- User created class
- References passed by value
- Arrays Strings specially handled
- Interfaces
55Statements Expressions
- Expressions can stand alone as statements
- Functions and procedures are vary similar
- Method invocation
- Variable access
- Object creation (new), instanceof operator
- Local declarations and scope
- Compound statements
- If/else, Switch, Selection
- Enumerations
56Looping / Iteration Patterns
- Fortran DO loop C/C/Java for loop
- While/Do (test at top, separate stepping)
- Do/While (test at bottom, similar)
- Counting, indexing, ranges
- Loop variables with local scope in loop
- Iterator over a structure (enhanced)
- Nested loops, break, continue, labels
- Machine language looping instructionsused to
motivate various optimizations
- Try . . . Catch
- Handling exceptions
- Exception types
- Throwing exceptions
- Finally clause
- Have to turn them on to be caught
- No overhead if turned off
- Programming by Contract
- Pre-conditions check with exceptions
- Post-conditions check with assertions
- 0-based subscripting
- Special treatment within Java type system
- Anonymous arrays
- Multidimensional arrays
- Initializing
60Learning Java 3rd, Chap 5
- Objects in Java
- Classes
- Methods
- Object Creation
- Object Destruction
- Enumerations
61Classes, Interfaces, Types
62Method Selection Based on Type
63How to Write Programs, Again
- Javadoc for users of your components
- Internal comments for code changers
- DRY Dont Repeat Yourself
- YAGNI You Aint Gonna Need It
- Dont try to guess ahead of requirements
- Savings of building now lost if change needed
64Other Patterns for Code Development
- Bottom up, inside out, outside in (sort of like
top-down) - Knowing already available components
- Frameworks for similar applications
65Divide Your Program into Pieces
- Pieces that will make the overall system easier
to understand - Pieces that will minimize communication between
them - Pieces that bring together all related info
- Information hiding, decision hiding
- Programming language may, or may not, have
constructs to help in this process - Encapsulation, visibility control, interface
66Program Testing
- Tests to understand requirements
- Tests to confirm what program does
- Assertions about intermediate states
- Test Driven Development
- Testing framework using Java (not some other
scripting language) - Good for idea of having programmers write tests
- Focus on independence, localization, and
isolation of tests over perceived speed of
execution (really pretty efficient with small
objects the way it is)
68Learning Java 3rd, Chap 6
- Relationships Among Classes
- Subclassing and Inheritance
- Interfaces
- Packages and Compilation Units
- Visibility of Variables and Methods
- Arrays and the Class Hierarchy
- Inner Classes
69Summary of Object-Oriented
- Encapsulation
- Object-oriented design and analysis
- Rational (now IBM) UML Unified Process
- Inheritance
- Food examples
- Composition versus inheritance
- Dynamic dispatching
- Overloaded versus over-ridden methods
70Need Something About GUI
- Hope to be here Wednesday, October 3
- Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Asynchronous events generated byuser activity
(generally mouse movements, clicks, text input,
special keys) - Event listener interfaces (require implementing
methods which can becalled (back) by events)
71Event Handling Styles
- Now that you have seen a few different event
handlers, it is useful to see some different
styles. - The handlers that you have seen so far have been
listener objects which happened to contain the
source object on which the event occurred. But
this is not mandatory. - A class can exist solely for the purpose of
handling an event. To illustrate, lets create a
simple class, Detect, which will close a Frame
when close is selected from the system menu. - class Detect extends WindowAdapter public
void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
System.exit(0) - The WindowAdapter class is a class which
implements the WindowListener interface and as
such provides stubs for each mandated method in
the interface. - L11Button1 is an example using a Detect object as
a listener.
72Event Handling Styles L11Button1
- import java.awt. import java.awt.event.pu
blic class L11Button1 extends Frame Button
b1 L11Button1() super("L11 BUTTON
TEST") setLayout(new FlowLayout())
b1 new Button("FIRST") add(b1)
setSize(200,300) setVisible(true)
addWindowListener(new Detect()) public
static void main(String args)
L11Button1 bt new L11Button1()
class Detect extends WindowAdapter
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
73Event Handling Styles
- The previous method is useful for some events,
but it fails if a Detect object needs to access a
member of the L11Button1 class. - This can be solved by making the Detect class an
inner class, as in L12Button2. - Then well make it into an anonymous inner class
in L13Button3. - In this last case, the inner class has no name,
is created on the fly, and although syntactically
less pleasing is slightly more efficient.
74Event Handling Styles L12Button2
- import java.awt. import java.awt.event.pu
blic class L12Button2 extends Frame Button
b2 L12Button2() super("L12 BUTTON
TEST") setLayout(new FlowLayout())
b2 new Button("SECOND") add(b2)
setSize(200,300) setVisible(true)
addWindowListener(new Detect()) class
Detect extends WindowAdapter public
void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
System.exit(0) public static
void main(String args) L12Button2 bt
new L12Button2()
75Event Handling Styles L12Button2a
- import java.awt. import java.awt.event.pu
blic class L12Button2a extends Frame
Button b2 // moved main up in
listing public static void main(String
args) L12Button2a bt new
L12Button2a() L12Button2a()
super("L12a BUTTON TEST") setLayout(new
FlowLayout()) b2 new
Button("SECOND-a") add(b2) setSize(200,300)
setVisible(true) // above basically as
before addWindowListener(new Detect())
class Detect extends WindowAdapter
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
76Event Handling Styles L12Button2b
- import java.awt. import java.awt.event.pu
blic class L12Button2b extends Frame
Button b2 // moved main up in
listing public static void main(String
args) L12Button2b bt new
L12Button2b() L12Button2b()
super("L12b BUTTON TEST") setLayout(new
FlowLayout()) b2 new
Button("SECOND-b") add(b2) setSize(200,300)
setVisible(true) // above basically as
before addWindowListener(new Detect())
// stuff to delete class Detect extends
WindowAdapter() public void
windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
System.exit(0) )
77Event Handling Styles L12Button2c
- import java.awt. import java.awt.event.pu
blic class L12Button2c extends Frame
Button b2 // moved main up in
listing public static void main(String
args) L12Button2c bt new
L12Button2c() L12Button2c()
super("L12b BUTTON TEST") setLayout(new
FlowLayout()) b2 new
Button("SECOND-b") add(b2) setSize(200,300)
setVisible(true) // above basically as
before addWindowListener(new
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
System.exit(0) )
78Event Handling Styles L13 Button3
- import java.awt. import java.awt.event.publ
ic class L13Button3 extends Frame Button
b3 L13Button3() super("BUTTON
TEST") setLayout(new FlowLayout()) b3
new Button("THIRD") add(b3)
setSize(200,300) setVisible(true)
addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
) public static
void main(String args) L13Button3
bt new L13Button3()
79Event Handling Anonymous Inner Classes
- Event handling is delegated to objects of classes
implementing listener interfaces - The class creating the visible component can
handle its own events or it can delegate the
handling to another object. - The handling object can be defined by
- A separately compiled class
- A separate class in the same file
- A named inner class, or
- An anonymous inner class
- Anonymous inner classes link events and handlers
- Model View Controller Architecture
- Model state data, non-visual functionality
- View visible components (may be multiple per
model) - Controller maps and controls mapping of events
to model - Swing components in with and support
80Swing GUI Development with Eclipse
81Declarative-like Development
82Attaching Action Handlers
83Distributed Java RMI
- Hope to be here Wednesday, October 10
84Then Jump to Chapter 9
85Learning Java 3rd, Chap 9
- Threads
- Introducing Threads
- Threading an Applet
- Synchronization
- Scheduling and Priority
- Thread Groups
- Thread Performance
- Concurrency Utilities
- Conclusion
86Problems with Concurrency
- Functional programming versus imperative
- Program state is part of imperative programming
- Objects methods and object state
- Functional programming nested function calls
returning values without modifying internal state - Multiple pure functions can run without
interference - Running threads independently versus having them
cooperate - Running independently and collecting summary
87Mutable / Non-mutable State
- Earlier discussion of functional programming
- Shared memory controlling changes
88Deeper into Java
- Reflection
- Finding out about existing classes
- Run-time dynamic invocation
- Generics (new to Java5)
- Generics in Ada, templates in C
- Built-in data structure manipulation classes
- Concurrency, multi-threading
- Multi-core CPUs even in laptops
89Learning Java 3rd, Chap 7
- Working with Objects and Classes
- The Object Class
- The Class Class
- Reflection
- Annotations
90Learning Java 3rd, Chap 8
- Generics
- Containers Building a Better Mousetrap
- Enter Generics
- The Is No Spoon
- Parameterized Type Relationships
- Casts
- Writing Generic Classes
- Bounds
- Wildcards
- Generic Methods
- Arrays of Parameterized Types
- Case Study The Enum Class
- Case Study The sort() Method
- Conclusion
91Next Level of Java
92Monday, October 15, 2007
- Student Projects incomplete information
- Thread pools
- Assertion and JUnit
- Autoboxing unboxing, enum
- Garbage collection
- Inner Classes
- Reflection
- UML reverse engineering
- Patterns
- if (!condition) throw new AssertError
(fatalerror 42) - assert (condition)assert a 0 a // to
show value of a - Enable assertions at runtime with -ea
- Pre-condition checking exceptions
post-condition checking assertions
95Autoboxing and unboxing
- Primitive types and wrapper objects (e.g., int
and Integer) - Boxing is wrapping primitive value ( new
Integer(int) ) - Unboxing is the reverse ( Integer.valueOf() )
- Was automatic in C, added in Java5
96Variable-Length Arg. Lists
- System.out.printf (My name is s and my age is
s\n, Bob, 103) - System.out.printf(Get the s out of s before I
s\n, item, place, action ) - void printObjects(Object list) // list is
an Object for (Object o list) System.out.pr
- Better than lists of constants
- Special kind of class (objects are instances of a
class, here we name them) - List the potential objects
- Local methods can be individualized
98Garbage Collection
- Object finalization in Java is automatic
- Sometimes object references can be kept without
realizing it (in maps frequently) - Garbage collection
- Old mark and sweep
- More modern generational
- Garbage collection in a separate thread
- Massive physical (virtual) memories
99Inner Classes
- More than just for event handling
- Top-down iterative development needs to implement
complicated functionality - Text p. 182 ?
100Thread Pools
102Reverse Engineering
- Factory, abstract factory, singleton
- Façade
- Observer
- public class OnlyOne OnlyOne thing
null private OnlyOne() // constructor pub
lic OnlyOne accessor() if (thing null)
thing new OnlyOne() return
- Generating objects of concrete class
106Abstract Factory
- Factory generating objects for an interface
- Factory returning same object
- Java way of handling events
- Event sources and listeners
- Self examination (introspection) and examination
of other objects/classes - Text p. 200 ?
111Monday, October 22, 2007
- Next Phase of CSE 502
- What you suggested Wed 10/17
- Layout managers
- File I/O and text manipulation
- Graph plotting (x, y graph)
- Performance
- Going for most of the rest of the book
- More cross discussion of student projects
112Text, I/O, Web
- Chap 10 Working with Text
- Chap 11 Core Utilities
- Chap 12 Input / Output Facilities
- Chap 13 Network Programming
- Chap 14 Programming for the Web
- Chap 15 Web Applications and Services
113GUI Swing
- Chap 16 Swing
- Chap 17 Using Swing Components
- Chap 18 More Swing Components
- Chap 19 Layout Managers
- Chap 20 Drawing with the 2D API
- Chap 21 Working w/ Images Other Media
114Other Topics
- Chap 21 JavaBeans
- Chap 23 Applets
- Chap 24 XML
- Databases SQL JDBC
11516 Swing
- Swing is built on AWT,there are other GUI
frameworks - Lots of books, on-line tutorials, examples
- AWT peers from underlying OSSwing pure Java
except at very lowest component - AWT look like underlying systemSwing control
look and feel
116 16 Swing
- SwingComponentsFigure 16-1text p. 554
117Swing Components Performance
118Components Containers
- JComponent is swing root
- Placed in container
- JComponent is also a kind of container
- Peers Look-and-Feel
- Explanation not too useful in programming
- AWT works with peers in underlying op. sys.to
look like underlying operating system - Swing light-weight, pure Java except at bottom
119Paint Repaint
- repaint()
- Update as soon as possible
- Sets up request to
- paint()
- Implemented, modified by user
- May be called for lots of reasons
- Done in event thread
120MVC Model, View, Controller
- Historically from Macintosh computer
- Other models linking GUI with computation
- Swing is MVC
- Event listeners observers controllers
- Event sources observables models
- Swing is MVC
- UI-delegate view controller
- Data model itself
- More obvious in complicated components
- Events AWT swing
- Action events
- Focus events
- Request focus
- Manage focus
- Enabling, disabling, grey-out, ghost
- Component methods that all inherit
- Event Summary chart pp. 577-579
122Mouse Events
- Mouse
- Buttons
- Key modifiers (shift, control, click)
- Wheel
- Focus events
- Adapter classes
- Dummy adapters (predefined)
123The AWT Robot
- Tool for generating what appear like mouse
movements - Should be useful in building test emulators
- When you see things others have done (special
tools or environments) thats a hint you could do
it, too look at open source
124Multithreading in Swing
- invokeLater()
- invokeAndWait()
- javax.swing.SwingUtilities
- SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable()
public void run() MyCompoent.setVisible(f
alse) )
12517 Using Swing Components
- Buttons and Labels p. 587
- HTML Text in Buttons and Labels
- Checkboxes and Radio Buttons p. 590
- Lists and Combo Boxes p. 593
- The Spinner
- Borders
- Menus
- Keyboard mnemonics ALT and a letter
- Keyboard accelerator for when menu not showing
- Pop-up Menus
- Component-Managed Pop-ups
127- JScrollPane Class
- JSplitPane Class
- JTabbedPaneClass
- Scrollbars and Sliders
- Dialogs
- File Selection Dialog
- Color Chooser
12818 More Swing Components
- Text Components
- TextEntryBox Application
- Formatted Text
- Filtering Input
- Validating Data
- Password (Say the Magic Word)
- Sharing a Data Model
- HTML and RTF for Free
- Managing Text Yourself
129- Focus Navigation
- Trees
- Nodes and Models
- Tables
- Desktops
- Pluggable Look-and-Feel
- Synth, the Skinnable LF
130Custom Components
- Generating Events
- Dial Component
- Model and View Separation
13119 Layout Managers
- Work through authors examples
13220 Drawing with the 2D API
13321 Working w/ Images Other Media
- Loading Images
- ImageObserver
- MediaTracker
- ImageIcon
- ImageIO
- Producing Image Data
- Drawing Animations
- BufferedImage Anatomy
- Color Models
- Creating an Images
- Updating a BufferedImage
- Filtering Image Data
- How ImageProcessor Works
- Converting an Image to a BufferedImage
- Using the RescaleOp Class
- Using the AffineTransformOp Class
- Saving Image Data
- Simple Audio NoisyButton.java
- Java Media Framework - MediaPlayer.java
134Monday, 2007.10.29
13510 Working with Text
- Text-Related APIs
- Strings
- Easy to read ? (usually) ? efficient
- Lots of included methods
- Comparing strings
- Searching finding indecies of substrings
- exampleString.substring(starting, ending)//
starting index inclusive, ending exclusive
136More About String Manipulation
- StringBuilder (Java5) StringBuffer (old,
synchronized) - Multi-line string initialization OK
- Internationalization (i18n)
137More Text Manipulation
- Parsing, Formatting, Tokenizing text
- Split ? array of strings
- Scanner java.util.Scanner
- StringTokenizer - legacy
- Printf-Style Formatting
- String.format to format string
- String conversions
- Width, precision, justification, flags
- Formatting with the java.text Package
- messageFormat replaced by printf()
138Regular Expressions
- java.util.regex
- Describing patterns
13911 Core Utilities, Math
- Math Utilities
- java.lang.Math
- Usual functions
- Math.sin(a)
- java.math
- BigInteger, Big Decimal
- Random numbers
140Dates and Times
- Working with Calendars
- Parsing Formatting with DateFormat
- Printf-style Date Time Formatting
- Timers
- Collection Interface
- Generics
- Set List Queue MapArrays linked lists
trees hash maps - Synchronized unsynchronized collections
142Properties Preferences
- Properties
- Specialized hash table for pairs of strings
- The Preferences API
- The Logging API
- Observers and Observables
14312 Input / Output Facilities
- October 31, 2007 see you in two weeks
- Streams
- Files
- Serialization
- Data Compression
- The NIO Package
144Input/Output Wrappers
- Use PrintWriter instead of PrintStream or
OutputStream - Auto-flush
14513 Network Programming
- Sockets
- Datagram Sockets
- Simple Serialized Object Protocols
- Remote Method Invocation
- Scalable I/O with NIO
146Java Networking and I/O
- Why Java for Network Applications
- Basic Web terms, Network layers, IP Addressing
- URL Uniform Resource Locator
- Class java.net.URL Constructor Examples
- Copying files from URL
- Idea of Sockets, copying with sockets
- Sockets Java RMI CORBA
- RMI example interface, client, server
147Why Java for Network Applications
- Language features (concurrency, exceptions)
- Built-in objects (information hiding)(more
straight forward than UNIX and building your own) - Protocol handlers, content handlers
- down load as needed
- loading classes remotely
- Heterogeneous networks work together at Java
level - All the other stuff for modern applicationsGUI,
databases, security, etc. - Performance - individual CPU generally not the
148Basic Web Terms
- TCP/IP - Transport Control Protocol / Internet
Protocol - UDP - User Datagram Protocol
- URL - Uniform Resource Locator
- URI - Uniform Resource Identifier (more general,
research direction) - URN - Uniform Resource Name (without location,
for mirror sites) - HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol
- HTML - Hypertext Markup Language
- SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language (ISO
88791986) - MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
- ASCII - American Standard Code for Information
149Network Layers
Logical Communication
Transport(TCP, UDP)
Transport(TCP, UDP)
IP Layer
IP Layer
Physical layer (bits on the wire) ISO Level 1
Net Head IP Head TCP Head App. Head
150IP Addressing
- Four numbers, each 0..255, e.g.
(32 bits) - Class C address block
- first three bytes specified, e.g. 123.123.123.
- room for 254 addresses (0 and 255 special)
- Domain names that are easier to remember and use
- Domain Name Service (DNS) for name resolution
- Multi-hosting (multiple domain names on one IP
address)multi-homing (multiple IP addresses on
one machine - localhost local loopback address
151URL- Uniform Resource Locator
- protocol//hostnameport/path/filenamesection
- protocol - file, ftp, http, news, telnet, gopher,
WAIS - hostname - www.pithecanthropus.com or - port - 13 (daytime), 20 21 (ftp), 23 (telnet),
25 (smtp/mail), 37 (time), 43 (whois), 79
(finger), 80 (http), 110 (pop3/mail), 119
(nntp/news), 1099 (RMI Registry) defined in
/etc/services or windows\services - path - relative to document root of server, not
file system root - filename - usual default index.html server has
other options - section - named anchor in an HTML document (text
bookmark) - relative and absolute URLs allow moving whole
152java.net.URL Constructor Examples
- public final class URL extends Object implements
Serializable - URL constructor formats match common use public
URL (--) throws MalformedURLException - (String spec)
- (String protocol, String host, int port, String
file) - (String protocol, String host, String file)
- (URL context, String spec)
- try URL u1 new URL(http//www.x.com/a.html)
catch (MalformedURLException e)
System.err.println(e) - new URL(http, www.x.com, /a.htmlb)
- new URL(http, www.x.com, 80, /a.html)
- new URL(u1, other.html)
- / example / import java.applet.AppletURL u
new URL(getDocumentBase(), b.html)
153GetURL Copies Files
- URL url new URL(args0)InputStream in
url.openStream()// InputStream in new
FileInputStream(a.b)OutputStream out new
FileOutputStream(args1)byte buffer new
byte4096int bytes_readwhile((bytes_read
in.read(buffer)) ! -1) out.write(buffer, 0,
bytes_read) - Java Examples in a Nutshell, 1st Edition , by
Flanigan (OReilly)
154Idea of sockets
- Computer has (probably) one connection to the net
- Logical ports subdivide that connection
- Operating system, network communications driver
listens and then passes the information to
waiting programs (sockets) - Sockets are independent programs registered to
receive data - Parallel on senders side
- Sockets can be used for two-way communication
- Form the foundation for network communication
- Popularized in Berkeley UNIX as a unifying concept
155Copy http with sockets
- Socket soc new Socket(url.getHost(),
url.getPort())InputStream from
soc.getInputStream()PrintWriter to new
PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(soc.getOutputSt
ream()))to.println("GET " filename)
to.flush()byte buffer new byte4096int
from.read(buffer)) ! -1) to_file.write(buffer,
0, bytes_read) - Examples 9-4 HttpClient
156Sockets - RMI
- Distributed systems
- different address spaces
- potentially on different hosts
- ability to communicate
- Sockets - flexible and sufficient, but require
applications-levelprotocols (cumbersome and
potentially error-prone) - Remote Procedure Call (RPC)alternative with
illusion of calling a local procedure - RPC not appropriate for distributed object
systems whereRemote Method Invocation (RMI) is
better model - In RMI a local surrogate (stub) object manages
the invocationon a surrogate (skeleton) for the
remote object - RMI is an all Java approach to distributed objects
157Java RMI vs. CORBA
- Java RMI integrated in the language (JDK 1.1 and
following) - CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
- OMG - Object Management Group
- CORBA for a heterogeneous, multi-language
environment andthus has a language-neutral
object model - IDL - Interface Description LanguageRMI uses
Java for its interface descriptions - IIOP - Internet Inter-Orb ProtocolIIOP
generally over TCP/IP, also othersin JDK 1.2.2
and later, RMI over IIOP - NDI - Naming Directory Interface
- Evolve together (with CORBA becoming more light
158RMI Common Interface
- import java.rmi.public interface iCalendar
extends Remote java.util.Date getDate ()
throws RemoteException
159RMI Client
- public class CalendarUser public static
void main(String args) iCalendar
remoteCal try
remoteCal (iCalendar)
darImpl") t1 remoteCal.getDate()
.getTime() t2
remoteCal.getDate().getTime() catch
(Exception e) e.printStackTrace()
RMI call took (t2-t1) "
160RMI Server
- public class CalendarImpl extends
implements iCalendar public
CalendarImpl() throws RemoteException
public Date getDate () throws RemoteException
return new Date() public
static void main(String args)
CalendarImpl cal try
cal new CalendarImpl()
Naming.bind("rmi///CalendarImpl", cal)
System.out.println("Ready for RMI's")
catch (Exception e)
161Stubs and Skeletons
- Java automatically generates stubs and skeletons
with rmic based on common interface and
implementation .class file
stub returnprogram
162Pulling it together
- Compile client and server
- Generating stubs skeletons
- Remote Method Invocation Compiler (rmic)
- Start server
- Run client
163Callbacks, CORBA, J2EE
- X11 Windows
- reversed traditional role of client and server
- routines on display terminal were called back
by computer - terminal sent information about these routines to
the server - RMI Registry is only one way of objects knowing
each other - CORBA Common Object-oriented Request Broker
Architecture - Microsoft COM, COM, DCOM
- Java 2 Enterprise Edition (Enterprise Java Beans)