Title: Shoulder Dislocation
1Shoulder Dislocation
3(No Transcript)
4Shoulder dislocation
5Shoulder dislocation
- Shoulder is the most commonly dislocated
joint45 - 1 shallowness of glenoid socket
- 2Extraordinary ROM
- 3 ligamentus laxity
- Humeral head 3x larger than glenoid fossa
- glenohumeral articulation is minimally
constrained by bony anatomy alone - stability is conferred by a series of dynamic and
static soft tissue restraints
6Shoulder dislocation
- Type of dislocation
- Traumatic Dislocations
- Atraumatic dislocation
- Acquird dislocation
7Traumatic dislocation
- Single force applies excessive overload to the
soft tissues of the joint and often damages the
Glenoid Labrum (Bankart Lesion) and the joint
capsule - Anterior 85
- Posterior10
- Inferior 5
8Atraumatic dislocation
- Athelete who has joint hyperlaxity and had
multiple episode of joint subluxation - Minor injury can results into dislocation
- Congenital hypermobility or muscle weakness.
9Acquired dislocation
- Sports such as swimming, gymnastics and baseball
where repetitive micro-trauma, poor stretching
and motion lead to capsular stretching. Eventual
feeling of instability
10Traumatic anterior dislocation
- Mech. of injury
- Arm in abduction and external rotation. Force
is taken on the hand or arm which increases the
external rotation of the arm causing the head of
the humerus to dislocate
11- Clinical symptom
- Pain severe
- Hold limb with normal limb by side of body.
- Abduction and external rotation.
- Pt cant touch apposite shoulder dugos test
12Clinical Evaluation
- PE
- Prominent acromion, sulcus sign, palpable humeral
head anteriorly - Neuro integrity of axillary and musculcutaneous
nerves - Apprehension Test reproduces sense of
instability and pain in shoulder reduced prior to
13Radiographic Evaluation
- AP fracture dislo
- Axillary
- Special Views
- West Point axillary for visualization of glenoid
rim - Hill-Sach view internal rotation view
- Stryker Notch view 90 of posterolateral humeral
- Pre-Medication
- Reduction Maneuvers
- Post-Reduction Immobilization
- Methods of Premedication prior to Reduction
- None
- Intraarticular Lidocaine
- IV Sedation
- Supraclavicular Block
- Suprascapular Block
16IV Sedation vs Intraarticular Lidocaine Injection
Intra-articular Lidocaine Injection is Preferred
over IV Sedation
17Reduction Maneuvers
- Is there an Ideal Method for Reduction?
- Over 24 Techniques Described
- Most Common Techniques
- Kocher (71-100)
- External Rotation (78-90)
- Milch (70-89)
- Stimson (91-96)
- Traction/Countertraction
- Scapular Manipulation (79-96)
18Kocher Maneuver
- Traction
- ER
- Adduction
- arm is internally rotated
- Modified no traction
19Stimson method
- Arm in some abduction
- Traction applied to arm
- Assistant applies firm counter-traction with
sheet across the body
21Hippocratic method
- Surgeon use foot applies on axilla for
22Post-Reduction Immobilization
- Is immobilization necessary?
- What Method
- is Best?
23(No Transcript)
24Does immobilization reduce recurrence?
- usually fracture associated with dislocation
are reduced with reduction of dislocation. - Immobilization for 3-4 weeks after shoulder
dislocation does NOT change the prognosis
compared with immediate mobilization
25Internal vs External Rotation
- Level II RCT Itoi JBJS 2007
- ER for 3 weeks
- Recurrence rate 32
- IR for 3 weeks
- Recurrence rate 60
- P 0.007
26Complication of ant.shoulder dislocation
- Early
- Rotator cuff tear
- Nerve injury
- Vascular injury
- Fracture dislocation
27Late complication
- Stiffness
- Unreduced disloction undiagnos in unconcious and
old pts. - closed reduction done upto 6 wks and open
reduction done after 6wks in young pts. Willful
neglect in old pts - Recurrent dislocation
28Post. Shoulder dislocation
- The arm is in flexion and adduction. Force is
taken on the hand, causing the head of the
humerus to be push out the glenoid posteriorly. - h/o convulsion or electric shock
29- Clinical sign and symptom
- Diag is often missed
- Internal rotation
- Flat front of shoulder
- Prominent corocoid
- Frominent post aspect of shoulder
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31- Radiology
- AP- electric bulb apperence and empty glenoid
sign. - Lat post displacement
32- Treatmet
- Under GA reduction by pulling arm in adduction to
dis engage head then lateraly rotate while
pushing head anteriorly. - Immobilization in ext rotation and abduction for
3 wks.
33Inferior shoulder dislocationluxatio erecta
- Arm is in excessive abduction and a force is
taken on the hand pushing the head of the humerus
inferiorly out of the glenoid. - Clinical features
- limb in abduction
34Inferior shoulder dislocationluxatio erecta
35Inferior shoulder dislocationluxatio erecta
- Treatment
- Traction and counter traction.
- Immobilised for 3 wks
36Recurrent shoulder dislocation
- Anterior dislocations account for 95 of
shoulder dislocations - Typically occurs in athletes who are lt 25 years
old - Males are much more commonly affected than are
females (85-90)
37Recurrent shoulder dislocation
- Pathology most commonly found in shoulders
following a dislocation is a Bankart lesion - Disruption of the labrum and the contiguous
anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral
ligamentous complex (IGHLC) - Bankhart lesion occurs gt 85 of the time
38Recurrent shoulder dislocation
39Bony bankart
40- Hillsach lesion posteriolateral indentation of
humeral head. - Enganging lesion is indication of surgery
41Recurrent shoulder dislocation
42Recurrent shoulder dislocation
- Classification
- Instability can be classified by
- direction of instability (anterior, posterior,
multidirectional) - degree of instability (subluxation, dislocation)
- etiology (traumatic, atraumatic, overuse)
- timing (acute, recurrent, fixed)
43Recurrent shoulder dislocation
- TUBS or Torn Loose
- T raumatic aetiology, U nidirectional
instability, B ankart lesion is the pathology, S
urgery is required - AMBRI or Born Loose
- A traumatic minor trauma, M ultidirectional
instability may be present, B ilateral
asymptomatic shoulder is also loose, R
ehabilitation is the treatment of choice, I
nferior capsular shift surgery required if
conservative measures fail
44Recurrent shoulder dislocation
45Recurrent shoulder dislocation
- Shoulder Stabilisers Static
- Intracapsular pressure
- Labrum increases depth of the glenoid by 50
- Ligaments main static restraints
- capsule
46Recurrent shoulder dislocation
47Shoulder Stabilisers
48Recurrent shoulder dislocation
49Recurrent shoulder dislocation
50Recurrent shoulder dislocation
51Recurrent shoulder dislocation
52Recurrent shoulder dislocation
- How many number of dislocation is indication of
surgery. - Frist dislocation in young pateint specially
sports person. - Two time dislocation is definit indication of
53Recurrent shoulder dislocation
- Open surgery done for old and multiple recurrent
dislocation due plastic deformation of tissue or
larg bony defects. - Arthroscopic surgery is done fresh case of
recurrent dislocation. - Advantage
54Recurrent shoulder dislocation
- Anatomic Repairs
- Restoring normal anatomy is guiding principle in
surgery to correct anterior shoulder instability - If the labrum has been detached, it is reattached
to the anterior glenoid rim - If the capsule has been stripped off the glenoid
neck, the capsule is reattached to the bony
glenoid rim - If greater than one-third of the glenoid fossa is
involved, a bone block procedure such as a
Bristow or iliac crest bone graft may be
55Bankart repair
56Bankart repair
57Recurrent shoulder dislocation
- Nonanatomic Repairs open
- Bristow and latarjet
- Transfer coracoid process to anteroinferior
glenoid - Sling effect and bone block
- Putti-Platt -Subscapularis is cut and shortaned
Magnusen-Stack - subscapularis tendon is detached from its
insertion on the lesser tuberosity, transferred
laterally to the greater tuberosity
58Latarjet procedure
59Latarjet procedure
60Putti-plat operation
- Putti-plat operation
- limited ER