International Dimensions of Democracy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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International Dimensions of Democracy


INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF DEMOCRACY aneta Ozoli a Toms Rostoks – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: International Dimensions of Democracy

International Dimensions of Democracy
Žaneta Ozolina Toms Rostoks
How to assess the international dimension of
democracy for Latvian foreign policy?
  • To what extent is Latvia independent of external
    agents in achieving its foreign and domestic aims
    and to what extent are the external and internal
    policies implemented without unwarranted
    intervention by external actors?
  • To what extent does Latvia take public opinion
    into account when creating and implementing its
    foreign policy are there mechanisms in place
    which enable society to influence foreign policy?
  • To what extent is Latvia supporting the spread of
    democracy across the globe?

What has changed in the last 10 years?
  • Further integration into the EU and within the
    framework of NATO have continued autonomy
    vis-a-vis icreased coordination.
  • Economic crisis has left a considerable impact on
    Latvias foreign policy. The extreme reduction of
    funding for defence and foreign affairs has
    affected the ability of Latvia to achieve its
    foreign policy aims.
  • EU and NATO membership has encouraged Latvia to
    integrate the democracy support component in its
    foreign policy.

Audit of Democracy 2005-2014
How democratic is Latvia?
  • How free is the governance of the country from
    subordination to external agencies, economic,
    cultural or political?
  • To what extent are government relations with
    international organisations based on the
    principles of partnership and transparency?
  • To what extent does the government support UN
    human rights treaties and respect international
  • To what extent does the government respect its
    international obligations in its treatment of
    refugees and asylum seekers, and how free from
    arbitrary discrimination is its immigration
  • How consistent is the government in its support
    for human rights and democracy abroad?

Audit of Democracy 2005-2014
How democratic is Latvia?
  • How free is the governance of the country from
    subordination to external agencies, economic,
    cultural or political?

Audit of Democracy 2005-2014
How democratic is Latvia?
Audit of Democracy 2005-2014
How democratic is Latvia?
  • How consistent is the government in its support
    for human rights and democracy abroad?

To what extent do you support Latvias
participation in democracy support programmes in
the world?
Audit of Democracy 2005-2014
How consistent is the government in its support
for human rights and democracy abroad?
  Support Do not support DN
Eastern Partnership countries 39 39 22
Central Asia 28 45 27
Other countries 21 52 27
Audit of Democracy 2005-2014
How consistent is the government in its support
for human rights and democracy abroad?
  Number of development cooperation projects implemented by Latvia Number of development cooperation projects implemented by Latvia Number of development cooperation projects implemented by Latvia Number of development cooperation projects implemented by Latvia Number of development cooperation projects implemented by Latvia
Year Georgia Moldova Ukraine Belorussia Others
2005 3 8 0 0 0
2006 6 9 0 1 0
2007 10 15 9 6 2
2008 8 9 9 6 6
2009 2 0 1 0 0
2010 0 2 0 0 1
Total 29 43 19 13 9
Audit of Democracy 2005-2014 Are the countrys
external relations conducted in accordance with
democratic norms, and is it itself free from
external subordination?
  Very good Good Satisfactory Poor Very poor
15.1     X    
15.2   X      
15.3   X      
15.4   X      
15.5     X    
15.6   X      
Audit of Democracy 2005-2014
How democratic is Latvia?
  • Thank you!
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