Social Darwinism vs. Social Gospel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Social Darwinism vs. Social Gospel


Social Darwinism vs. Social Gospel The Changing and Opposing views of Americans you can call me Billy Sunday. I use to be a baseball player for you fans out there. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Social Darwinism vs. Social Gospel

Social Darwinism vs. Social Gospel
  • The Changing and Opposing views of Americans

  • During the Industrial Revolution many people had
    ideas on how to improve society.
  • Whos job do you think is it to help the poor and
    fix the problems in society (ie government,
    churches, people themselves)?
  • Explain your answer.

  • Students will be able to analyze the similarities
    and differences between the ideologies of Social
    Darwinism and Social Gospel by completing a
    graphic organizer and reflective journal.

Essential Vocabulary
  • Ideology An organized collection of ideas.
  • Social Reform Changes in society for the better
  • Natural Selection Process that living things
    survive due to their favorable traits

Take notes on this graphic organizer
Social Darwinism
  • Definition
  • An application of the theory of natural selection
    to social, political, and economic issues.
  • "the strong survive"

Social Darwinism
  • Where was it used?
  • The theory was used from the late 19th century to
    the mid 1920s to support laissez-faire capitalism
    and political conservatism.
  • During the age of New Imperialism, this theory
    justified the exploitation of "lesser breeds
    without the law" by "superior races.
  • Nazism and Fascism used to justify extreme

Social Darwinism
  • What did people who believed in this theory want?
  • To promote laissez-faire capitalism (no
    government regulations)
  • To justify extreme nationalism (jingoism)

Social Darwinism
Social Gospel
  • Definition
  • The movement applied Christian ethics to social
    problems, especially issues of social justice
    such as excessive wealth, poverty, alcoholism,
    crime, racial tensions, slums, bad hygiene, child
    labor, inadequate labor unions, poor schools, and
    the danger of war.
  • (ie. YMCA, Salvation Army)

Social Gospel
  • Where was it used?
  • In the United States prior to and after World War
    I, the Social Gospel was the religious wing of
    the progressive movement which had the aim of
    combating injustice, suffering and poverty in

Social Gospel
  • What did people who believed in this theory want?
  • The Presbyterians described its goals in 1910 by
  • The great ends of the church are the proclamation
    of the gospel for the salvation of humankind the
    shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the
    children of God the maintenance of divine
    worship the preservation of truth the promotion
    of social righteousness and the exhibition of
    the Kingdom of Heaven to the world.

Activity Social Darwin or Social Gospel?
  • As you listen to the autobiographies, try to
    figure out if they believe in the ideology of
    Social Gospel or Social Darwinism. If you are
    correct, you will receive extra credit points.

William Graham Sumner
Social Darwinist
William Sunday
Social Gospel
Washington Gladden
Social Gospel
H.G. Wells
Social Darwin
Dwight L. Moody
Social Gospel
Herbert Spencer
Social Darwin
  • Coined the phrase survival of the fittest

Jane Addams
Social Gospel
  • Pair-Share
  • What are the similarities and differences between
    the ideologies of Social Darwinism and Social

Review Activity
  • Reflective Journal
  • Today I learned about ____________________________
  • __________________________________________________
  • The first thing we learned was
  • __________________________________________________
  • __________________________________________________
  • Then we learned __________________________________
  • __________________________________________________
  • __________________________________________________
  • This is important because ________________________
  • __________________________________________________
  • __________________________________________________
  • I predict what will happen in history next is

  • Teacher Instructions
  • Step 1 Hand out the autobiographies to selected
  • Step 2 When indicated to do so, the student is
    to stand and read their assigned autobiography
  • Step 3 Randomly select a student to decide if
    the person is considered to have the ideology of
    Social Darwinism or Social Gospel. The correct
    answer will be displayed.

  • Hello, my name is Herbert Spencer. I am an
    English philosopher who has influenced many men
    around the world, including the United States. I
    am known as the father of my theory even though I
    never spoke of the term myself. I am often
    confused as being uncompassionate towards the
    poor. Just because I believe in the nature of
    man, and believe in social evolution, does not
    mean that I am against the poor or women.

  • I am William Graham Sumner. I am a professor at
    Yale University where I teach sociology. I have
    studied Charles Darwins The Origin of Species
    the reveals the biological ability of animals to
    survive through adaptation, or otherwise known as
    survival of the fittest. I believe this theory
    also applies to human society. Millionaires are a
    product of natural selection. It takes a special
    talent, ambition, and character to be a Carnegie
    or Rockefeller.

  • My name is H.G. Wells. I am an English man who
    has influenced American writers such as the Call
    of the Wilds Jack London. I have written many
    books such as The Invisible Man, The Time
    Machine, and The Island of Doctor Moreau. In my
    book, Anticipations, I wrote. And for the rest,
    those swarms of black, and brown, and
    dirty-white, yellow people, who do not come into
    the new needs of efficiency? Well, the world is a
    world, not a charitable institution, and I take
    it they will have to go.

  • My name is William Sunday, but you can call me
    Billy Sunday. I use to be a baseball player for
    you fans out there. I quit baseball to follow my
    new passion. I started preaching throughout Iowa
    and the rest of the Midwest and eventually went
    national. I preached temperance, personal
    salvation, and the middle-class values. I
    converted thousands into the Christian faith. I
    started to make a lot if money, but donated much
    too different religious charities. I would later
    play a major role in the temperance movement
    leading to the 18th Amendment, Prohibition.

  • I am Washington Gladden. I oppose racial
    segregation and support unionization of workers.
    I believe that the church must be responsible for
    correcting social injustices in the political and
    economic order including work conditions and
    unfair labor practices. I would obviously be a
    key member in the Progressive Movement, a
    movement encouraging reform.

  • I am Dwight L. Moody. My fathers early death
    forced me to find work at the tender age of 15. I
    am involved with the YMCA. More than 1,000 poor
    children attend my Sunday school in Chicago. I
    travel the country filling out stadiums with
    thousands of people and host conventions with
    such prominent evangelist as Ira Sankey.

  • I am Jane Addams. I am known as an American
    reformer, social worker and philosopher. My major
    accomplishment was helping immigrants assimilate
    in America with settlement houses such as Hull
    House in Chicago, Ill. We provided social welfare
    to poor neighborhoods. Although I am not known
    for my ideology, one had great influence over me.
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