Orbits - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nearly 30 years of his life was spent accurately documenting ... www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/tycho/ Eduard Ender (1855) Rudolph II (sitting) contemplates Tycho's Universe ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Orbits

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  • Orbits Gravity

Tycho Brahe (1546 1601) Tee-ko Bra
A Danish nobleman and astronomer His most
significant contribution to science Nearly 30
years of his life was spent accurately
documenting the position of the planets against
the backdrop of the Celestial Sphere.
Tychos luxurious pretelescope-era observatory
on the island of Hven where most of his data was
After nearly 30 years of observations, Tycho
could not find a satisfactory model that
supported the Copernican universe. He eventually
settled for a more Aristotelian model.
Disagreements with the sovereign forced Tycho to
leave his plush accommodations in Denmark for
Prague in the summer of 1599 While in Prague,
Tycho hired a young German mathematician to
assist Tycho in is quest to develop a working
model of the universe. This troubled young
genius would provide a strikingly simply and
beautiful model of the planetary motions
Rudolph II (sitting) contemplates Tychos Universe
Eduard Ender (1855)
Johanes Kepler (1571 1630)
A Copernican Introversive, referred to himself
as the mangy dog Brilliantly disciplined in
the use of mathematics Developed three laws of
planetary motion based on Brahes extensive data
If I had believed that we could ignore these
eight minutes of arc, I would have patched up
my hypothesis accordingly. But, since it was not
permissible to ignore, those eight minutes
pointed the road to a complete reformation in
astronomy Johannes Kepler
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Keplers Laws are based on the mathematics/geometr
y associated with conic sections
Note that every ellipse has two focal points
Eccentricity, e, is a quantitative measure of the
degree to which an object deviates from being
Note that for a circle the eccentricity is zero
and for an increasingly elliptical shape, the
eccentricity is approaching 1. A parabolic
path has an e equal to 1 and a hyperbolic path
has an e greater than 1 but less than infinity.
Keplers 1st LawLaw of Orbits
Note that none of the planets within our solar
system have orbits that are perfect circles.
(the eccentricity is not zero)
Planets are not the only objects that follow
conic paths around the Sun And the Sun is not
the only object that has objects orbiting it.
Keplers Laws apply equally well to the moon
around the Earth and any other object orbiting
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Keplers 2nd LawLaw of Areas
Note that equal areas are covered by a line
extending from the Sun to the orbiting object in
equal time intervals
Keplers 3rd LawLaw of Periods (Harmony of
Note that square of the orbital period (p) of
each planet is equal to the cube of the semimajor
axis (a).
Isaac Newton
  • 1642-1727
  • Achievements
  • Calculus
  • Laws of Motion
  • Law of Gravitation
  • Nature of Light
  • Adv. Telescopes
  • Just to name a few!!

1st Law of Motion
  • Every body continues in its state of rest, or of
    uniform motion in a right straight line, unless
    it is compelled to change that state by a force
    impressed on it.
  • This law is often referred to as The Law of
    Inertia and is credited as an accomplishment of

1st Law of Motion
  • This is what Newton would refer to as natural
    motion or inertial motion.
  • Note that Force is not required for objects to
    be in or maintain motion.

2nd Law of Motion
  • The change in motion is proportional to the
    motive force impressed and is made in the
    direction of the right line in which that force
    is impressed.

2nd Law of Motion
  • The change in motion (acceleration) is
    proportional to the motive force impressed and
    is made in the direction of the right line in
    which that force is impressed.

2nd Law of Motion
  • The unit of force is given the name Newton N.
  • Based on Fma, the unit of a newton can be
    expressed as
  • 1 Newton (1kilogram)(1meter)
  • (second)2

3rd Law of Motion
  • To Every action there is always an equal
    reaction or, the mutual actions of two bodies
    are always equal, and directed to contrary parts
    opposite directions.

3rd Law of Motion
  • If motion was bestowed upon one object it must
    have been taken from another.

What if this astronauts jetpack fails? How can
he get back to the ship? Knowledge of Newtons
3rd will save his life!!
3rd Law of Motion
  • As the book leans and pushes on the crate, the
    crate pushes with an equal and oppositely
    directed force on the book.

3rd Law of Motion
  • FEarth on Ball FBall on Earth
  • Each time the ball bounces off the Earth, the
    Earth and ball exert forces on each other.
    According to Newtons 3rd law, these forces are
    exactly the same in magnitude and in opposite
    directions. Why is it that the ball is the only
    object visible changing direction?

Newtons Universal Law of Gravitation
Projectile motion on Earth had been well
documented before Newton but the models of motion
lacked a mechanism for the movement towards
Earth. Newton envisioned a force that gives
every object with mass the ability to reach
across empty space and pull on neighboring
bodies of mass. GRAVITY
Newtons Universal Law of Gravitation
  • The force that one massive body exerts on another
    such that the two bodies are drawn together is
    directly proportional to the masses of each body
    and inversely proportional to the separation
    distance of the two bodies.
  • Written in the form of Newtons 2nd Law
  • F ma Fg G(m1m2)/r2 m1(Gm2/r2)
  • where G is a constant of proportionality given by
    the value 6.67x10-11 Nm2/kg2
  • The value of G was never known to Newton! It
    would not be discovered until about 1800 by Henry

Newtons Universal Law of Gravitation
  • The value of G was never known to Newton! It
    would not be adequately measured experimentally
    until 1798 by Henry Cavendish.

Cavendishs Torsion Balance Used to estimate the
universal gravitational constant, G
Henry Cavendish (1731-1810)
Newtons Universal Law of Gravitation
  • How could Newton extend his idea of Earthly
    gravitation to the motion of the celestial
  • The moon was the key!

Newtons Universal Law of Gravitation
  • If an apple falls towards the Earth due to
    gravity, does this same gravitational force
    extend into the heavens? Is it the same force
    that keeps the Moon in orbit around the Earth?

Consideration of Uniform Circular Motion
  • The acceleration of any object undergoing uniform
    circular motion is
  • This is based on simple motion experiments
    performed here on Earth. The acceleration in
    this type of motion is known as Centripetal
    Acceleration (or center-seeking acceleration)

Acceleration of the Moon Towardsthe
Earth(Approximating it to be Uniform Circular
  • The Moon moves around the Earth in a nearly
    uniform circular orbit with a speed of 1016m/s.
  • The distance between the Moon and Earth is known
    to be 3.8x108m.
  • Approximating the motion to be uniform and
    circular yields a centripetal acceleration of
  • amoon v2/r (1016m/s)2/(380 000 000m)
  • amoon 0.00272m/s2

Acceleration of the Moon Towards the Earth(Using
Newtons Gravitational Inverse Square Law)
  • Newton then imagined his gravitational force
    extending out into the heavens and pulling on the
  • Since the distance to the Moon is about 60 times
    longer than the radius of the Earth, Earths
    gravity should be considerably weaker at the
    Moons location.
  • Based on earthly experimentation, things
    accelerate downwards at a rate of 9.81m/s2 when
    near the surface of the Earth.
  • Assuming an inverse square law relationship
    between gravity and distance, Newton supposed
    that the Earths gravitational acceleration
    should be about 602 times less (3600 times less)
    near the Moon than it is on Earth.
  • amoon (9.81m/s2)/3600
  • amoon 0.00271m/s2

  • Newton found the connection
  • The forces (gravity) that govern projectile
    motion here on planet Earth ALSO govern the
    motion of the moon the planets.

Newtons Gravitation and Keplers Laws
  • Keplers 3rd law (p2 a3) can be derived (with a
    little algebra calculus) from Newtons Law of
  • (M1 M2)p2 8a3
  • Where a is the semimajor axis length, P is the
    period of orbit, and the Ms are the masses of
    the orbiting objects

Newtons Gravitation and Keplers Laws
  • (M1 M2)p2 8 a3
  • Newton had given a mechanism for Keplers
    planetary motion laws
  • With this relationship, we can measure distances
    and periods by observation and then calculate the
    mass of any object orbiting another!!

The masses of the stars and planets
  • G(M1 M2)p2 4pa3
  • It is from this relationship that we estimate the
    mass of the Sun, the planets, and any other
    celestial body orbiting another!!
  • Keypoint Masses of Celestial objects are
    derived from observing orbital motion of the
  • (No one has yet invented a universal scale to
    place under the planets and stars.)

History recalls that nearly 20 years passed
before Newton was urged by his contemporary, Sir
Edmund Halley, to publish his results (and claim
Christopher Wrens prize for explaining Keplers
Laws of planetary motion). Newtons laws
of motion and gravity were first published in
1687 as Philosophiae Naturalis Principia
Edmund Halley (1656-1742)
Christopher Wren (1632-1723)
Earth/Moon Gravitational Effects
Phases of the Moon What causes them?
The Earth and Moon exert mutual gravitational
forces on each other Every particle on the
Earth is influenced by the gravitational force of
the Moon This has a small effect on the hard
surface of the Earth However, the effect is
quite noticeable on the Earths liquid surface
Fig 3-13, p.72
Ocean Tides
Phases of the Moon What causes them?
Two tidal bulges are caused by the pull of the
moon There is a tidal bulge on the moon side of
the Earth due to strong lunar gravity and
another directly on the other side due to weak
lunar gravity and the fact that the Earth is
accelerating towards the moon (essentially
leaving the water behind)
Ocean Tides
The Sun Ocean Tides
Phases of the Moon What causes them?
The Sun can also influence the tides (but to a
lesser degree) When the Sun and Moon lie on the a
line that passes through Earth (either on
different sides, Full Moon or on the same side,
New Moon) the tides are higher and are called
Spring Tides (nothing to do with Spring
season) When the Sun and Moon lie on
perpendicular lines relative to Earth (either
first quarter or third quarter) the tides are
lower and are called Neap tides.
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