Title: To Orbit (Continued) and Spacecraft Systems Engineering
1To Orbit (Continued) and Spacecraft Systems
- Scott Schoneman
- 13 November 03
- Some brief history - a clockwork universe?
- The Basics
- What is really going on in orbit - the popular
myth of zero-G - Motion around a single body
- Orbital elements
- Ground tracks
- Perturbations
- J2 and gravity models
- Drag
- Third bodies
- Orbit Propagation
3Basic Orbit Equations
- Circular Orbit Velocity
- Circular Orbit Period
- Escape Velocity
4Perturbations Reality is More Complicated Than
Two Body Motion
5Orbit Perturbations
- Non-spherical Earth gravity effects (i.e J-2
Effects) - Earth is an Oblate Spheriod Not a Sphere
- Atmospheric Drag Even in Space!
- Third bodies
- Other effects
- Solar Radiation pressure
- Relativistic Effects
6J2 Effects - Plots
- J2-orbit rotation rates are a function of
- semi-major axis
- inclination
- eccentricity
7Applications of J2 Effects
- Sun-synchronous Orbits
- The regression of nodes matches the Suns
longitude motion (360 deg/365 days 0.9863
deg/day) - Keep passing over locations at same time of day,
same lighting conditions - Useful for Earth observation
- Frozen Orbits
- At the right inclination, the Rotation of Apsides
is zero - Used for Molniya high-eccentricity communications
8Third-Body Effects
- Gravity from additional objects complicates
matters greatly - No explicit solution exists like the ellipse does
for the 2-body problem - Third body effects for Earth-orbiters are
primarily due to the Sun and Moon - Affects GEOs more than LEOs
- Points where the gravity and orbital motion
cancel each other are called the Lagrange
points - Sun-Earth L1 has been the destination for several
Sun-science missions (ISEE-3 (1980s), SOHO,
Genesis, others planned)
9Lagrange Points Application
- Genesis Mission
- NASA/JPL Mission to collect solar wind samples
from outside Earths magnetosphere
(http//genesismission.jpl.nasa.gov/) - Launched 8 August 2001
- Returning Sept 2004
10Third-Body Effects Slingshot
- A way of taking orbital energy from one body ( a
planet ) and giving it to another ( a spacecraft
) - Used extensively for outer planet missions
(Pioneer 10/11, Voyager, Galileo, Cassini) - Analogous to Hitting a Baseball Same Speed,
Different Direction
11Hohmann Transfer
- Hohmann transfer is the most efficient transfer
(requires the least DV) between 2 orbit assuming - Only 2 burns allowed
- Circular initial and final orbits
- Perform first burn to transfer
- to an elliptical orbit which just touches
- both circular orbits
- Perform second burn to transfer
- to final circular GEO orbit
Initial Circular Parking Orbit
12Earth-Mars Transfer
- A (nearly) Hohmann transfer to Mars
Mars at Spacecraft Arrival
Mars at Spacecraft Departure
13Atmospheric Drag
- Along with J2, dominant perturbation for LEO
satellites - Can usually be completely neglected for anything
higher than LEO - Primary effects
- Lowering semi-major axis
- Decreasing eccentricity, if orbit is elliptical
- In other words, apogee is decreased much more
than perigee, though both are affected to some
extent - For circular orbits, its an evenly-distributed
14Atmospheric Drag
- Effects are calculated using the same equation
used for aircraft - To find acceleration, divide by m
- m / CDA Ballistic Coefficient
- For circular orbits, rate of decay can be
expressed simply as - As with aircraft, determining CD to high accuracy
can be tricky - Unlike aircraft, determining r is even trickier
15Dragging Down the ISS
16Applications of Drag
- Aerobraking / aerocapture
- Instead of using a rocket, dip into the
atmosphere - Lower existing orbit aerobraking
- Brake into orbit aerocapture
- Aerobraking to control orbit first demonstrated
with Magellan mission to Venus - Used extensively by Mars Global Surveyor
- Of course, all landing missions to bodies with an
atmosphere use drag to slow down from orbital
speed (Shuttle, Apollo return to Earth,
Mars/Venus landers)
17Reentry Dynamics Coming Back to Earth
- Ballistic Reentry
- Suborbital
- Reentry Vehicles
- Orbital
- Mercury and Gemini
- Skip Entry
- Apollo
- Gliding Entry
- Shuttle
18Systems Engineering
- Looking at the Big Picture
- Requirements What Does the Satellite Need to Do?
When? Where? How? - Juggling All The Pieces
- Mission Design Orbits, etc.
- Instruments and Payloads
- Electronics and Power
- Communications
- Mass
- Attitude Control
- Propulsion
- Cost and Schedule
19Mission Design
- Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
- Earth or Space Observation
- International Space Station Support
- Rendezvous and Servicing
- Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO)
- Communication Satellites
- Weather Satellites
- Earth and Space Observation
- Lunar and Deep Space
- Lunar
- Inner and Outer Planetary
- Sun Observing
20Spacecraft Design Considerations
- Instruments and Payloads
- Optical Instruments
- RF Transponders (Comm. Sats)
- Experiments
- Electronics and Power
- Solar Panels and Batteries
- Nuclear Power
- Communications
- Uplink/Downlink
- Ground Station Locations
- Frequencies and Transmitter Power
21Spacecraft Design Considerations(Contd)
- Mass Properties
- Total Mass
- Distribution of Mass (Moments of Inertia)
- Attitude Control
- Thrusters Cold Gas and/or Chemical Propulsion
- Gravity Gradient (Non-Spherical Earth Effect)
- Spin Stablized
- Magnetic Torquers
- Propulsion
- Orbit Maneuvering and/or Station Keeping
- Chemical or Exotic
- Propellant Supply
22Spacecraft Design Considerations(Contd)
- Cost and Schedule
- Development
- Launch
- Mission Lifetime
- 1 Month, 1 Year, 1 Decade?
23Spacecraft Integration and Test
24GPS Satellites
- Constellation of 24 satellites in 12,000 nm
orbits - First GPS satellite launched in 1978
- Full constellation achieved in 1994.
- 10 Year Liftetime
- Replacements are constantly being built and
launched into orbit. - Weight 2,000 pounds
- Size 17 feet across with the solar panels
extended. - Transmitter power is only 50 watts or less.
- Orbit simulation tools http//www.colorado.edu/p
hysics/2000/applets/satellites.html - http//home.wanadoo.nl/dms/video/orbit.html
- Current satellites in their orbits
- NASA JTRACK http//liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/Real
Time/Jtrack/3d/JTrack3D.html - Heavens Above web page http//www.heavens-ab
ove.com/ - Satellite Tool Kit Astronautics Primer
r/primer.htm - Other orbital mechanics primers
L2/orb1.htm - http//www.heavens-above.com/
- History of Orbital Mechanics
- http//es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/Things/ptolem
aic_system.html - http//es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/Things/copern
ican_system.html - http//www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Mathemati
cians/Kepler.html - http//www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Mathemati
cians/Brahe.html - http//www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Mathemati
cians/Halley.html - http//www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Mathemati
- Third-Body Effects
- Interplanetary Superhighway Description
cription.html - http//www.wired.com/wired/archive/7.12/farquhar_p
r.html "The Art of Falling" - about Robert
Farquhar, the ISEE-3/ICE trajectory, the NEAR
trajectory - Genesis mission trajectory http//cfa-www.harvard
.edu/hrs/ay45/2001/2and3BodyOrbits.html - Texts
- Spacecraft Mission Design, Brown, Charles,
(AIAA) a good, compact introduction, with lots
of handy formula pages - Space Mission Analysis Design, Larson Wertz
a good techincal introduction with lots of
practical formulas, charts, and tables - Space Vehicle Design, Griffin and French, (AIAA)
Good overview of all facets of space vehicles - Spaceflight Dynamics, Wiesel, W., (McGraw-Hill)
Good, readable coverage of spacecraft design - Chobotov, Vladimir Orbital Mechanics (2nd
edition) (AIAA series) Classic, but dry and
detailed text on many orbital mechanics topics