Blood Abnormalities- ABO Incompatibility - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Blood Abnormalities- ABO Incompatibility


... has been shown to reduce serum bilirubin levels and the need for blood exchange transfusion ... breast feeding, ... as a neonate Unrecognized ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Blood Abnormalities- ABO Incompatibility

Blood Abnormalities- ABO Incompatibility
  • Isoimmune hemolytic anemia may result when ABO
    incompatibility occurs between the mother and the
    newborn infant. This disorder is most common with
    blood type A or B infants born to type O mothers.
    The hemolytic process begins in utero and is the
    result of active placental transport of maternal
  • In type O mothers, isoantibody is predominantly
    IgG is capable of crossing the placental
    membranes. Because of its larger size, the mostly
    IgM isoantibody found in type A or B mothers
    cannot cross.
  • Symptomatic clinical disease, which usually does
    not present until after birth, is a compensated
    mild hemolytic anemia with reticulocytosis,
    microspherocytosis, and early-onset unconjugated

  • Incidence. Risk factors for ABO incompatibility
    are present in 12-15 of pregnancies, but
    evidence of fetal sensitization (positive direct
    Coombs' test) occurs in only 3-4.
  • Symptomatic ABO hemolytic disease occurs in lt1
    of all newborn infants but accounts for
    approximately 2\3 of observed cases of hemolytic
    disease in the newborn.

  • Bilirubin is formed from the breakdown of
    hemoglobin in red blood cells. Red blood cells
    (RBC) only live for 70-90 days in the newborn
    period, unlike the older child whose cells live
    120 days. Increased RBC destruction, decreased
    hepatic blood flow, and immature systems for
    breakdown of bilirubin causes jaundice in the
  • The (GIT) in the newborn lacks the necessary
    bacteria to break down waste, increasing the
    reuptake of bilirubin. Jaundice results from
    liver immaturity, obstruction of bile ducts, and
    excessive hemolysis.

Bilirubin production
  • Bilirubin is a product of heme catabolism.
    Approximately 80 to 90 of bilirubin is produced
    during the breakdown of hemoglobin from (RBCs).
  • Hemoglobin globin heme co
  • Bilirubin albumin hepatocyte
    (glucuronic acid)
  • bilirubin diglucuronides bilirubin
    monoglucuronides. Conjugated bilirubin
  • Conjugated bilirubin is secreted into the bile,
    and then excreted into the digestive tract.
    conjugated bilirubin is reduced to urobilin.
  • Un conjugated bilirubin lipid soluble can cross
    blood brain barrier and its neurotoxic.
  • Conjugated bilirubin water soluble not
    neurotoxic it indicates serious liver disorder .

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Methods of Diagnosis
  • A complete diagnostic evaluation
  • Determination of direct and indirect bilirubin
  • Determination of hemoglobin
  • Reticulocyte count
  • Blood type
  • Coombs test
  • Examination of the peripheral blood smear

  • Antepartum treatment. Because of the low
    incidence of moderate to severe ABO hemolytic
    disease, invasive maneuvers before term is
    reached (eg, amniocentesis or early delivery) are
    usually not indicated.
  • Postpartum treatment
  • General measures. The maintenance of adequate
    hydration and evaluation for potentially
    aggravating factors (e.g., sepsis, drug exposure,
    or metabolic disturbance) should be considered.

  • 2. Phototherapy. Once a diagnosis of ABO
    incompatibility is established, phototherapy may
    be initiated before exchange transfusion is
    given. Because of the usual mild to moderate
    hemolysis, phototherapy may entirely obviate the
    need for exchange transfusion or may reduce the
    number of transfusions required.
  • 3. Exchange transfusion.
  • 4. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG). By blocking
    neonatal reticuloendothelial Fc receptors, and
    thus decrease hemolysis of the antibody-coated
    RBCs, high-dose IVIG (1 g/kg over 4 h) has been
    shown to reduce serum bilirubin levels and the
    need for blood exchange transfusion with ABO or
    Rh hemolytic diseases.

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  • Prognosis. For infants with ABO incompatibility,
    the overall prognosis is excellent.
  • Timely recognition and appropriate management of
    the rare infant with aggressive ABO hemolytic
    disease may avoid any potential morbidity or
    severe hemolytic anemia and secondary
    hyperbilirubinemia and the inherent risks
    associated with exchange transfusion and with the
    use of blood products.

Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia
  • Neonatal jaundice is a common finding in general
    pediatrics. Many babies 3050 of normal term
    newborns, have transient jaundice 35days after
  • This unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia is due to
    immaturity of the hepatic enzyme glucuronosyl
    transferase, which is responsible for
    glucuronidation of bilirubin.
  • Unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia occurring later
    in the perinatal period may be associated with
    breast feeding, so-called breast-milk jaundice.
    Elevated blood levels of unconjugated bilirubin
    can be due to haemolysis, sepsis, hypothyroidism
    or pyloric stenosis.

  • In contrast, conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia
    nearly always reflects hepatic dysfunction, which
    may be due to many different disorders, such as
    the neonatal hepatitis syndrome, biliary atresia
    or duct paucity syndromes, all of which have
    different long-term outcomes.
  • The nature of the liver disease must be
    determined as early as possible in order to start
    appropriate treatment or provide supportive
  • The best current practice is to investigate
    jaundice in any infant who is 14 days old, to
    determine whether unconjugated or conjugated
    hyperbilirubinaemia is present.

Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
  • Bilirubin, a breakdown product of heme, is
    extremely toxic. When it binds to cellular
    macromolecules, as in neural tissue, it causes
    damage, disrupts metabolic processes and leads to
    cell death.
  • As bilirubin is normally tightly bound to albumin
    in the vascular compartment, concentrations of
    free bilirubin, which is capable of diffusing
    into brain tissue, are extremely low.
  • Several parameters influence the level of free
    bilirubin production of unconjugated bilirubin,
    the serum albumin concentration, and the
    concentration of bilirubin competitors that also
    bind to albumin.

  • These include commonly used drugs such as
    sulphonamides, frusemide and benzoate free fatty
    acids, including lipid infusions for total
    parenteral nutrition and other breakdown
    products from red cell haemolysis.
  • Premature infants are more vulnerable to
    bilirubin neurotoxicity than term infants, a
    tendency that may be potentiated by dehydration,
    which causes hyperosmolality, acidosis hypoxia.
  • Kernicterus is the most serious consequence of
    severe unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia, and
    develops secondary to binding of bilirubin in
    specific areas of the brain such as the basal
    ganglia. It may be fatal or cause severe movement
    disorders (choreoathetosis), mental retardation
    and deafness.

Physiological jaundice
  • As hepatic bilirubin glucuronosyl transferase
    activity is low at the time of birth, nearly all
    newborn babies have hyperbilirubinaemia in the
    first week of life. Unconjugated bilirubin
    predominates whereas serum conjugated bilirubin
    is low or undetectable.
  • Approximately half of term babies are jaundiced
    more severe jaundice (serum bilirubin 200mmol/l)
    occurs in 820 in the first week of life.
    Factors associated with severe jaundice include
    breast feeding, exaggerated perinatal weight loss
    (gt7 of birth weight), maternal DM, bruising,
    induction of labour with oxytocin. The severity
    and duration of jaundice may be increased in
    infants born prematurely.

  • The mechanism(s) of such severe physiological
    jaundice remain uncertain, while environmental
    factors cannot be entirely excluded, genetic
    control of bilirubin production clearance
    appears to be most important
  • There may be increased bilirubin load due to
    shortened RBC lifespan, increased activity of the
    enterohepatic circulation, and inefficient uptake
    of bilirubin by hepatocytes due to relatively
    immature expression of ligandin, which mediates
    uptake of organic anions, in addition to
    immaturity of hepatic bilirubin glucuronosyl

  • Treatment may not be necessary in most cases.
    Phototherapy should be initiated for normal term
    infants only when serum total bilirubin is
    gt300mmol/l. The decision is complex and depends
    not only on the bilirubin concentration and its
    rate of increase, but also on the weight and
    gestational age of the infant, postnatal age, the
    rate at which bilirubin is generated and the
    adequacy of bilirubin albumin binding.
  • Numerous clinical trials have demonstrated the
    effectiveness of phototherapy for decreasing
    unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia (bilirubin
    gt300mmol/l) in term infants and in premature
    babies with serum bilirubin gt200mmol/l.

  • Body temperature and fluid status must be
    monitored closely fluid loss may be excessive,
    mainly because of increased insensible loss and
    additionally due to frequent watery stools. Eye
    patches are required. The baby may be more
    irritable, especially as normal parental
    interaction is often interrupted.
  • For babies of ethnic extraction in whom severe
    unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia may commonly
    occur even in the absence of haemolysis, exchange
    transfusion remains a viable therapy to prevent
  • Exchange transfusion may be required to prevent
    possible kernicterus in any baby with severe
    unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia.

Breast-milk jaundice
  • Moderately severe unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia
    associated with breast feeding is common,
    occurring in 0.52 of healthy newborn babies.
    Jaundice may develop after the fourth day of life
    (early pattern) or towards the end of the first
    week of life (late pattern) and usually peaks
    around the end of the second week of life.
    Jaundice may overlap with physiological jaundice
    or be protracted and last 12months.
  • The etiology remains uncertain. Contamination of
    breast milk with steroids such as pregnanediols
    appears unlikely. Breast milk may contain
    endogenous substances, such as free fatty acids,
    which displace bilirubin in the intestinal
    contents enhance the enterohepatic circulation
    of bilirubin, although increased free fatty acids
    were not found in freshly expressed breast milk
    from mothers of infants with breast-milk

  • Breast-fed babies have less frequent stools and
    eliminate less bile in faeces than bottle-fed
    babies, which may increase bilirubin reabsorption
    and contribute to hyperbilirubinaemia. More
    frequent breast feeding may enhance gut motility
    stool output.

  • The diagnosis is clinical an exclusively
    breast-fed infant with unconjugated
    hyperbilirubinaemia, normal conjugated bilirubin,
    haemoglobin and reticulocyte counts, no maternal
    blood group incompatibility, and a normal
    physical examination except for jaundice. The
    diagnosis is supported by a drop in serum
    bilirubin (50 in 13 days) if breast feeding is
    interrupted for 48h
  • Breast-milk jaundice lasting 12months requires
    surveillance by the physician to exclude liver
    disease, although pale stools, if noted, are
    highly suggestive of important liver disease.

Systemic disease
  • Unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia is frequently
    associated with systemic disease. Haemolysis of
    any etiology increases the bilirubin load and
    includes rhesus and ABO incompatibility with
    Coombs positivity G-6-PD deficiency
    erythrocyte membrane defects.
  • Severe haemolytic disease of any aetiology can
    result in severe jaundice associated with
    kernicterus and requires aggressive treatment
    with phototherapy and/or exchange transfusion.
  • Bruising, haemorrhage into brain or lung tissue,
    and neonatal polycythaemia also increase the
    bilirubin load. The association of unconjugated
    hyperbilirubinaemia with congenital
    hypothyroidism is based on early observations

  • The mechanism of jaundice is not known, but
    thyroid function should be evaluated in any
    neonate with jaundice. Unconjugated
    hyperbilirubinaemia is also found with pyloric
    stenosis and other forms of upper intestinal
    obstruction, which resolves rapidly after pyloric
  • The mechanism remains uncertain. Alikely
    explanation is that these infants have Gilbert
    syndrome and develop unconjugated
    hyperbilirubinaemia due to reduced oral intake.
  • Other pathological conditions associated with
    unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia include sepsis,
    hypoxia, hypoglycaemia, galactosaemia and
    fructose intolerance.

Inherited disordersCriglerNajjar syndromes
  • CriglerNajjar syndromes type 1 and 2 are
    autosomal recessive conditions which lead to
    unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia due to a
    deficiency of the enzyme bilirubin uridine
    diphosphate glucuronosyl transferase (UDPGT).
  • In CriglerNajjar type 1 there is effectively no
    UDPGT present in type 2 the defect is partial.
    The genetic basis for these diseases has been
    elucidated since the structure of the human
    bilirubin glucuronosyl transferase gene has been

  • Clinical features and diagnosis Both conditions
    present early in the perinatal period with a
    rapid rise in bilirubin despite phototherapy.
    Kernicterus may develop in the perinatal period,
    particularly if treatment is delayed or if
    associated with dehydration or sepsis.
  • Liver function tests, including conjugated
    bilirubin, are normal. Liver histology is normal
    except for occasional bile plugs.
  • Confirmation of the diagnosis may be obtained by
    detection of the enzyme deficiency in liver or
    estimation of bilirubin mono- and diglucuronides
    in bile aspirates. Bilirubin diglucuronides are
    not present in bile in type 1 but can be found in
    type 2.

  • Treatment for CriglerNajjar type 1 consists of
    aggressive use of measures to remove bilirubin
    with either phototherapy or exchange transfusion.
    Effective phototherapy depends on delivering
    radiant energy from light of wavelength 400500
    nm to the skin.
  • Irradiance is not related to the brightness of
    the lights the quantity of irradiation is
    inversely related to the distance between the
    lights and the infant. Skin pigmentation does not
    influence effectiveness of treatment. The
    development of lighted mattresses has facilitated
    treatment permitted early discharge from

  • Outcome Sudden late neurological deterioration in
    CriglerNajjar type 1 may occur even if
    management of hyperbilirubinaemia has been
    meticulous. Late intrahepatic cholestasis has
    been reported. The outcome following liver
    transplantation is excellent.

Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia
  • Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia nearly always
    indicates liver disease, which may be due to the
    neonatal hepatitis syndrome, biliary atresia or
    duct paucity syndromes. The nomenclature for
    neonatal liver disease is problematic.
  • The term neonatal jaundice causes confusion
    with physiological jaundice, while neonatal
    cholestasis is imprecise. In the first 34
    months of life every infant ha some degree of
    neonatal cholestasis on a physiological basis,
    which is multifactorial.

Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia
  • Hepatocellular pathways of bile acid conjugation
    and biliary secretion are immature, and uptake of
    bile acids and other organic anions by
    hepatocytes is inefficient, leading to high
    concentrations of bile acids in blood the
    circulating bile acid pool is contracted, ileal
    uptake of bile acids is underdeveloped
  • The term neonatal hepatitis is inadequate
    because hepatic inflammation is not prominent in
    every condition. The term neonatal hepatitis
    syndrome (NHS) is now used as it conveys the
    similarity of the clinical illness in infants and
    suggests a broad spectrum of causative disease

  • How common is hyperbilirubinemia? How do we
    define its severity?
  • For infants in the first week of life
  • 90 of healthy term newborns have (TSB) levels
    above 2.0 mg/dL
  • 50 have levels greater than 6.0 mg/dL
  • 5 have levels above 13 mg/dL
  • By the fourth day of life, approximately 95 of
    TSB values were 17 mg/dL, a value they
    considered indicative of severe neonatal

  • Primary causes of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
  • Increased bilirubin production from enhanced red
    cell turnover
  • Decreased bilirubin clearance, due to decreased
    hepatic clearance or increased enterohepatic

  • Usual causes of increased bilirubin production
  • Bilirubin is the end product of heme catabolism.
    In newborns, bilirubin production is distributed
    as follows
  • 75 from normal destruction of senescent (RBCs)
  • 25 from the breakdown products of ineffective
    erythropoiesis and from nonhemoglobin sources
    such as cytochromes and catalyses

  • Factors associated with increased bilirubin
  • Normally elevated hemoglobin levels (15-20 gm/dL)
  • Prematurity
  • Blood group incompatibility
  • Breakdown of extravascular blood
  • Maternal diabetes
  • RBC enzyme defects, such as (G6PD) deficiency
  • RBC membrane defects (e.g., hereditary
  • Other hemolytic processes, such as sepsis

  • Causes of delayed clearance of bilirubin
  • Bilirubin clearance from the body requires
    hepatic processing (conjugation), biliary
    excretion, and fecal or urinary elimination of
    intestinally metabolized bilirubin products.
    Conditions that may interfere with or delay this
    process include
  • Diminished uptake of bilirubin by the hepatocyte
  • Decreased glucuronyl transferase enzyme
    conjugating activity
  • Familial disorders of bilirubin excretion
  • Sluggish or obstructed biliary excretion This
    causes an increase in serum direct bilirubin.
  • Active enterohepatic circulation (e.g., with
    antibiotic treatment, prolonged gut transit time,
    delayed passage of meconium, and inadequate
    enteral intake). This increases the level of
    unconjugated bilirubin.
  • Prematurity All of the systems noted are even
    less mature

  • Hematologic manifestations of neonatal hemolysis
  • Decrease in hemoglobin concentration
  • Reticulocytosis gt8 at birth, gt5 in first 2-3
    days, and gt2 after first week
  • Changes in the peripheral smear
    microspherocytosis, anisocytosis, target cells
    Elevated carboxyhemoglobin levels

  • Level of bilirubin should a premature baby
    receive phototherapy
  • The empiric approach has been to apply
    phototherapy early at relatively low TSB values.
    Aggressive use of phototherapy in preterm babies
    (especially those with a birth weight of lt1000
    gm) has been associated with near elimination of
    low-bilirubin kernicterus. Two approaches
  • In an at-risk or bruised very-low-birth-weight
    baby, initiate phototherapy by 24 hours of age.
  • Initiate phototherapy at 0.5 of body weight. For
    example, in a baby with a birth weight of 800 gm,
    phototherapy might be started when the TSB is 4

  • Risk factors for severe hyperbilirubinemia in
    term newborns
  • Jaundice within first 24 hours after birth
  • A sibling who had jaundice as a neonate
  • Unrecognized hemolysis such as ABO
    incompatibility or Rh incompatibility
  • Nonoptimal sucking/nursing
  • Deficiency in G6PD
  • Infection
  • Cephalohematomas/bruising
  • East Asian or Mediterranean descent
  • Maternal diabetes

  • Newborns require a systematic assessment for the
    risk of severe hyperbilirubinemia prior to
    hospital discharge
  • Universal predischarge TSB or transcutaneous
  • TSB assessment based on a combination of risk
    factor assessment and visual assessment. Note
    that visual assessment alone is inadequate

How does phototherapy work?
  • Light absorption by bilirubin molecule
  • In vitro, the unconjugated bilirubin molecule
    absorbs light maximally in the blue portion of
    the visible spectrum, at a wavelength of 450 nm.
  • In vivo, because of bilirubin binding to albumin
    and tissue proteins as well as improved skin
    penetration at longer wavelengths, incident light
    in the blue-green spectrum may be more effective.
  • Excretion of bilirubin
  • The photoisomers are principally excreted in the
    bile. When cholestasis is present, the
    photoisomers can be excreted in the urine.
  • Excessive serum concentrations of the
    photoisomers (lumirubin) may manifest as bronze

  • Photoconversion of bilirubin to water-soluble
  • Absorption of photon energy produces an excited
    state of bilirubin, leading to photoisomerization
    and photo-oxidation.
  • Photoisomerization is the main pathway of
    bilirubin elimination.
  • Photoisomerization disrupts the internal hydrogen
    bonds of native bilirubin, making it more polar
    and increasing its water solubility.

Variables control the effectiveness of
  1. Spectrum of incident light
  2. Irradiance of the phototherapy unit
  3. Exposed surface area in the infant
  4. Distance of the infant from light source

  • How phototherapy reduce bilirubin levels in the
    first 24 hours of treatment
  • Intensive phototherapy Up to 30-50 decline from
    initial TSB in term infants with nonhemolytic
  • Standard phototherapy Approximately 6-20 decline

Side effects of phototherapy
  1. Increased IWL, especially in preterm neonates and
    those cared for under radiant warmers. Different
    light sources have variable effects on insensible
    water loss.
  2. Reduced gut transit time, probably related to
    increased bilirubin and photoproducts in the gut.
  3. Decreased platelet counts to lt150,000/mm3.
  4. Transient riboflavin deficiency that usually
    resolves within 24 hours of the discontinuation
    of phototherapy.

  • When should phototherapy be stopped in preterm
  • There is no consensus or adequate clinical data
    to address this issue. Phototherapy may be
    discontinued at the level at which it was
    considered appropriate to initiate the
    intervention, generally 5 mg/dL for infants
    weighing lt1 kg.

  • Causes of death during an exchange transfusion
  • Cardiac/vascular
  • Arrhythmia
  • Vascular perforation by catheter
  • Acute hemorrhage
  • Thrombus
  • Acute volume overload
  • Massive air embolism
  • Metabolic (especially in preterm infants)
  • Severe acidosis
  • Hyperkalemia
  • Hypocalcemia

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Case analysis
  • 24 old male infant, gravida1,para 1.
  • Apgar scores 8 at 1 min
  • Mother blood type O
  • PE icterus appeared on
  • face and trunk skin
  • liver edge 1cm
  • palpable spleen tip

Case analysis continued
  • Lab tests
  • Hgb13g/dl, reticulocyte count 7
  • Blood smear nucleated RBC
  • Blood type A, Rh-positive
  • Serum bilirubin 12.9mg/ml
  • Direct Coombs test weakly positive
  • Question whats the risk factor ?
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