Jaundice - My Free Prescription - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Jaundice - My Free Prescription


Jaundice is a yellow mark of the skin, mucous membranes, and the whites of the eyes happened by enhancing the amounts of bilirubin in the blood. Jaundice is a signal of an underlying disease process. Website - myfreeprescription.com – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Jaundice - My Free Prescription

My Free Prescription
What Is Jaundice?
  • Jaundice is a yellow mark of the skin, mucous
    membranes, and the whites of the eyes happened by
    enhancing the amounts of bilirubin in the blood.
    Jaundice is a signal of an underlying disease
  • Bilirubin is a by-product of the regular natural
    breakdown and blowing up of red blood cells in
    the body.
  • The hemoglobin molecule that is removed into the
    blood by this operation is cleaved, with the heme
    part undergoing a chemical conversion to
  • Generally, the liver metabolizes and expel the
    bilirubin in the form of bile.
  • However, if there is a disturbance in this
    normal metabolism and/or production of bilirubin,
    jaundice may outcome.

What Causes Jaundice?
  • Jaundice may be caused by some dissimilar disease
    operations. It is helpful to understand the
    dissimilar causes of jaundice by identifying the
    problems that disrupt the normal
    bilirubin metabolism and/or excretion.

Pre-hepatic (before bile is made in the liver)
  • Jaundice in these occurrences is caused by rapid
    enhance in the breakdown and destruction of the
    red blood cells (hemolysis), overwhelming the
    livers ability to fairly remove the enhanced
    levels of bilirubin from the blood.
  • Examples of situations with an enhanced breakdown
    of red blood cells include
  • malaria,
  • sickle cell crisis,
  • spherocytosis,
  • thalassemia,
  • glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
  • drugs or other toxins, and
  • Autoimmune disorders.

Hepatic (the problem arises within the liver)
  • Jaundice in these instances is caused by the
    livers inability to correctly metabolize and
    excrete bilirubin. Examples include
  • hepatitis (commonly viral or alcohol-related),
  • cirrhosis,
  • drugs or other toxins,
  • Crigler-Najjar syndrome,
  • Gilberts syndrome, and
  • Cancer.

Post-hepatic (after bile has been made in the
  • Jaundice in these instances, also termed
    obstructive jaundice, is caused by situations
    which interlude the normal drainage of conjugated
    bilirubin in the form of bile from the liver into
    the intestines.
  • Causes of contrary jaundice include
  • Gallstones in the bile ducts,
  • Cancer (pancreatic and gallbladder/bile
    duct carcinoma),
  • Strictures of the bile ducts,
  • Cholangitis,
  • Congenital malformations,
  • Pancreatitis,
  • Parasites,
  • Pregnancy, and
  • Newborn jaundice

  • Jaundice in newborn babies can be caused by hard
    different situations, although it is often a
    standard physiological result of the newborns
    immature liver. Even though it is generally
    harmless under these circumstances, newborns with
    extra elevated levels of bilirubin from other
    medical situations (pathologic jaundice) may face
    devastating brain harm (kernicterus) if the
    underlying issue is not addressed. Newborn
    jaundice is the most usual situation needing
    medical evaluation in newborns.
  • The following are some main causes of newborn

Physiological jaundice
  • This form of jaundice is generally evident on the
    second or third day of life. It is the most main
    cause of newborn jaundice and is usually a
    transient and harmless condition. Jaundice is
    caused by the incapacity of the newborns unripe
    liver to operation bilirubin from the accelerated
    breakdown of red blood cells that happens at this
    age. As the newborns liver matures, jaundice
    finally disappears.

Maternal-fetal blood group incompatibility (Rh,
  • This form of jaundice happens when there is an
    incompatibility between the blood types of the
    mother and the fetus. This guides enhanced
    bilirubin levels from the breakdown of the fetus
    red blood cells (hemolysis).

Breast milk jaundice
  • This form of jaundice happens in breastfed
    newborns and generally seems at the end of the
    first week of life. Definite chemicals
    in breast milk are thought to be answerable. It
    is generally a harmless situation that settles
    impulsively. Mothers typically do not have to
    stop breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding jaundice
  • This form of jaundice happens when the breastfed
    newborn does not receive adequate breast milk
    fusion. This may happen because of delayed or
    inadequate milk production by the mother or
    because of poor feeding by the newborn. This
    insufficient intake results in dehydration and
    fewer bowel movements for the newborn, with
    subsequently reduced bilirubin excretion from the
    body system.

Cephalohematoma (a collection of blood under the
  • Sometimes during the birthing operation, the
    newborn may help a wound or wound to the head,
    out coming in a blood collection/blood clot under
    the scalp. As this blood is naturally broken
    down, immediately elevated levels of bilirubin
    may overwhelm the processing capability of the
    newborns immature liver, resulting in jaundice.

What Are the Symptoms and Signs of Jaundice?
  • Jaundice is a signal of an underlying disease
  • Common signals and symptoms are seen in
    individuals with jaundice involve
  • yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous
    membranes, and the whites of the eyes,
  • Light-colored stools,
  • Dark-colored urine, and
  • Itching of the skin.

The underlying disease operation may result in
additional signals and symptoms. These may
  • Nausea and Vomiting,
  • Abdominal pain,
  • Fever,
  • Weakness,
  • Loss of appetite,
  • Headache,
  • Confusion,
  • Swelling of the legs and abdomen, and
  • Newborn jaundice.

In newborns, as the bilirubin level-ups, jaundice
will typically operate from the head to the
trunk, and then to the hands and feet. Additional
signals and symptoms that may be seen in the
newborn involve
  • poor feeding,
  • lethargy,
  • changes in muscle tone,
  • high-pitched crying, and
  • Seizures.

When to Seek Medical Care for Jaundice
  • Call a health care practitioner if you or your
    baby grows jaundice. Jaundice may be a signal of
    a major underlying medical situation.
  • If you are inadequate to reach and be seen by
    your health care practitioner in a timely manner,
    go to the emergency division for further

Questions to Ask the Doctor About Jaundice
  1. What is the cause of my jaundice? How can I learn
    more about it?
  2. Will I require any blood tests or imaging
  3. What is the likely course of this illness? What
    is the long-term outlook?
  4. What are my treatment options? Will I require
    surgery or medications? Are there any medications
    I should avoid?
  5. If my symptoms worsen while at home, what should
    I do? When do I need to call you? When do I need
    to go to the emergency department?

Exams and Tests for Jaundice
  • The health care practicing will need to take a
    detailed history of the patients illness, and he
    or she will also be inspected to see if there are
    any findings that specify the cause of the
    patients jaundice. However, additional testing
    is usually needed to clearly decide the
    underlying cause of jaundice. The following tests
    and imaging studies may be acquired

Blood tests
  • These may originally involve a complete blood
    count (CBC), liver function tests (including a
    bilirubin level), lipase/amylase level to
    notice inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis)
    , and an electrolytes panel. In women,
    a pregnancy test may be acquired. Extra blood
    tests may be needed depending upon the initial
    results and the history offered to the

  • Urinalysis is an examination of the urine and is
    a very functional test in the diagnosis of
    screening many diseases.

Imaging Studies
  • Ultrasound This is secure, painless imaging
    examine that uses sound waves to study the liver,
    gallbladder, and pancreas. It is very useful for
    detecting gallstones and dilated bile ducts. It
    can also inspect abnormalities of the liver and
    the pancreas.
  • Computerized tomography (CT) scan ACT scan is
    imaging examine same to an X-ray that offers more
    details of all the abdominal organs. Though not
    as superior as ultrasound at detecting
    gallstones, it can identify different other
    abnormalities of the liver, pancreas, and other
    abdominal organs as well.
  • Cholescintigraphy (HIDA scan) A HIDA scan is
    imaging examine that uses radioactive material to
    assess the gallbladder and the bile ducts.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) MRI is an
    imaging exam that uses a magnetic field to
    examine the organs of the abdomen. It can be
    functional for complete imaging of the bile ducts.

  • Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
    (ERCP) ERCP is a procedure that includes the
    introduction of an endoscope (a tube with a
    camera at the end) pass the mouth and into the
    small intestine. A dye is then introduced into
    the bile ducts while X-rays are taken. It can be
    helpful for identifying stones, tumors, or
    narrowing of the bile ducts.
  • In this system, a needle is inserted into the
    liver after a local anesthetic has been
    controlled. Often ultrasound will be used to lead
    placement of the needle. The small sample of
    liver tissue which is get is sent to a laboratory
    for examination by a pathologist (a physician who
    expert in the diagnosis of tissue samples). Among
    other things, a liver biopsy can be helpful for
    diagnosing inflammation of the liver, cirrhosis,
    and cancer.

What Are Jaundice Treatments?
  • Treatment based on the cause of the underlying
    situation leading to jaundice and any likely
    complications related to it. Once a diagnosis is
    made, treatment can then be managed to address
    that particular situation, and it may or may not
    need hospitalization.
  • Treatment may be composed of expectant management
    (watchful waiting) at home with rest.
  • Medical treatment with intravenous fluids,
    medications, antibiotics, or blood transfusions
    may be needed.
  • If a drug/toxin is the cause, these must be
  • In the specific instance of newborn jaundice,
    exposing the baby to special colored lights
    (phototherapy) or exchange blood transfusions may
    be needed to reduced elevated bilirubin levels.
  • Surgical heal may be needed.

Self-Care at Home for Jaundice
  • The aim of home therapy involves symptom relief
    and controlled the medical situation causing
    underlying jaundice. The different quality that
    may be undertaken involve
  • Maintain adequate hydration by drinking fluids,
    and rest as required.
  • Take medications only as commanded and advised by
    a health care practitioner.
  • Avoid medicines, herbs, or supplements which may
    cause detrimental side effects. Ask a health care
    practitioner for advice.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol until the patient has
    discussed it with their healthcare pro.

  • Specific dietary restrictions may be recommended
    by a health care practitioner.
  • In certain cases of newborn jaundice, the parents
    or caregivers can place the baby next to a
    well-lit window a few times a day to decrease
    elevated bilirubin levels. In more severe cases,
    a health care practitioner may need to discharge
    the baby home from the hospital with home
  • Provide adequate milk intake for the baby in
    cases of breastfeeding jaundice.
  • If symptoms worsen or if any new symptoms arise,
    consult a health care practitioner.

What Are Other Medical Treatments?
  • Treatment varies build on the medical situation
    responsible for causing jaundice, and the
    associated symptoms and complications. Treatments
    may involve the following
  • Supportive care,
  • IV fluids in cases of dehydration,
  • Medications for nausea/vomiting and pain,
  • Antibiotics,
  • Antiviral medications,
  • Blood transfusions,
  • Steroids,
  • Chemotherapy/radiation therapy, and
  • Phototherapy (newborns).

What Are Jaundice Medications
  • Medications may or may not be essential.
  • After diagnosing the source of the patients
    jaundice, the health care practitioner will
    straight the patients treatment and advise
    medications if they are essential.
  • As outlined above, different medication options
    exist based on the underlying source of jaundice.

Is Surgery Necessary?
  • The surgical cure may be essential in specific
    cases of cancer, congenital malformations,
    situations that stop the bile ducts, gallstones,
    and abnormalities of the spleen.
  • Sometimes, a liver transplant may be essentials.

Patient Follow-up for Jaundice
  • The patient should hardly follow the health care
    practitioners suggestions and cure regimen.
  • Once the diagnosis has been invented, the health
    care practitioner will examine whether or not the
    patient needs an expert (for example, gastroentero
    logist, hematologist/oncologist, general surgeon,
    etc.) to address their proper underlying medical
  • Additional blood testing and imaging exams may be
  • Based on the cause of the patients jaundice, he
    or she may need only a short time follow-up with
    visits to the health care pro, or the patient may
    need lifelong close supervision by a physician.
    The patient should ask the potential
    complications of the situation with their health
    care practitioner, and always seek medical
    awareness if the symptoms recur or worsen.

How to Prevent Jaundice
  • The underlying medical situation causing jaundice
    can in some cases be stoped. Some obstructive
    measures involve the following
  • Keep away heavy alcohol use (alcoholic hepatitis,
    cirrhosis, and pancreatitis).
  • Vaccines for hepatitis
  • Take away medications which stop malaria before
    traveling to high-risk regions.
  • Take away high-risk behaviors such as intravenous
    drug use or unprotected intercourse (hepatitis
  • Take away potentially contaminated food/water and
    manage good hygiene (hepatitis A).
  • Take away medicine that can cause hemolysis in
    susceptible individuals (such as those with G6PD
    deficiency, a situation that guides to red blood
    cell breakdown after consumption of specific
  • Take away medications and toxins which can cause
    hemolysis or directly make harm the liver.

What Is Jaundice Prognosis?
  • The prognosis based on the underlying source.
  • Some situations are easily controlled and carry
    an excellent prognosis, while others may become
    chronic and require lifelong physician
  • Unfortunately, some situations causing jaundice
    may be fatal despite medical or surgical
  • Discuss the prognosis with a health care
    practitioner once a diagnosis has been invented.

Contact Us
  • Website - http//myfreeprescription.com

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