Title: Nuclear Overhauser Effect
1Nuclear Overhauser Effect
2Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE)
- A change in the integrated NMR absorption
intensity of a nuclear spin when the NMR
absorption of another spin is saturated.
3Nuclear Overhauser Effect
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5Macromolecules or in viscous solution W0
dominant, negative NOE at i due to s Small
molecules in non-viscous solution W2 dominant,
positive NOE at i due to s
6Nuclear Overhauser EffectBrownian motion and NOE
7When 1/tc gtgtw0 (or tc2 w02 ltlt1 ) extreme
narrowing limit
8When 1/tc gtgt w0 (or tc2 w02 ltlt1 ) extreme
narrowing limit
For homo-nuclear hmax 0.5 For
hetro-nuclear hmax 0.5 (gs/gi)
9- When 1/tc w0 (or tc w0 1 ) M.W. 103
- W2 and W0 effect are balanced. ? max 0
- improvement
- Change solvent ofr temperature
- Using rotating frame NOE
10When 1/tc lt w0 (or tc w0 gtgt 1 ) M.W. gt 104 W0
dominant , ? max -1 application Useful
technique for assigning NMR spectra of protein
11Nuclear Overhauser Effect distance
12citraconic acid
mesaconic acid
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