Title: Chapter 4: Consciousness
1Chapter 4 Consciousness
- Michael L. Farris
- Psychology 101
2Sensory Deprivation
- Living Nightmares (Peter Tripp, Coon p.226)
- In New Yorks Times Square, a strange spectacle
unfolds. - To raise money for charity, disc jockey Peter
Tripp has agreed to go without sleep for 200
hours. - All too soon, Tripps fight to stay awake turns
3Sensory Deprivation
- After 100 hours, he begins to have
hallucinations. - He sees cobwebs in his shoes, and watches in
terror as a tweed coat becomes a suit of furry
worms. - When Tripp goes to a hotel to change clothes, a
dresser drawer seems to burst into flames. - After 170 hours, Tripp is in agony. He struggles
with the simplest thought, reasoning, and memory
problems. - His brain wave patterns look like those of sleep,
and he is no longer sure who he is. - By the end of 200 hours, Tripp is unable to
distinguish between his waking nightmares,
hallucinations, and reality (Luce, 1965).
4Sensory Deprivation
- The Womb Tank (Coon, p. 226)
- Physician John Lilly pioneered the use of an
unusual sensory deprivation environment. -
- Subjects in Lillys experiments wore dark goggles
and floated naked in a tank of body temperature
water (Lilly, 1972). - As they drifted weightlessly in this womb-like
environment, participants were cut off from
smell, touch, vision, hearing, and taste
5What Effect Does Sensory Deprivation Have?
- People often lose track of time and find it hard
to concentrate. - Some also undergo strange alterations in
consciousness. - For example, one person screamed in panic, There
is an animal having a long slender body with many
legs. Its on the screen, crawling in back of
me! - As you can see, consciousness can be dramatically
altered by conditions such as sleep loss and
sensory deprivation. - In the discussion that follows, we will begin
with the familiar realms of sleep and dreaming,
and then move to more exotic states of
- Consciousness (p.126) A state of awareness of
ourselves and the world around us. To be
conscious means to be aware. Consciousness
consists of all the sensations, perceptions,
memories, and feelings you are aware of at any
instant. We spend most of our lives in waking
consciousness. - Focused Awareness (p. 126) A normal state of
clear, organized alertness. In focused
awareness, we perceive times, places, and events
as real, meaningful, and familiar. We are able
to pay fixed attention to a task, and are not
easily distracted. Also called Waking
7Altered States of Consciousness
- Altered States of Consciousness (p.128) States
of awareness that differ from ones usual waking
state. - During altered states, distinct changes occur in
the quality and pattern of mental activity. - In some altered states, the person may
experience changes in the sense of time (time may
seem to stand still or speed up) and in sensory
experiences (colors may seem more vibrant or, as
in some drug-induced states, the person may hear
voices or see visions. Everyone experiences at
least some altered states, such as sleep,
dreaming, and daydreaming.
8Altered States of Consciousness
- Causes Fatigue, delirium, hypnosis, drugs, and
ecstasy. Sleep, dreaming, and daydreaming. Also
sensory overload (a light show, a mosh pit, a
large crowd), monotonous stimulation (such as
highway hypnotism on long drives), unusual
physical conditions (high fever,
hyperventilation, dehydration, sleep loss),
sensory deprivation, and the effects of drugs. - Typically, these are shifts in perceptions,
emotions, memory, time sense, thinking, feelings
of self-control, and suggestibility. Most people
know when they have experienced an altered state
of consciousness.
9Consciousness and Culture
- Throughout history, people have found ways to
alter consciousness. - A dramatic example is the sweat lodge ceremony of
the Sioux (Lakota) Nation. - During the ritual, several men sit in total
darkness inside a small chamber heated by coals.
- Cedar smoke, bursts of steam, and sage fill the
air. The men chant rhythmically. The heat
builds. - At last they can stand it no longer. The door is
thrown open. Cooling night breezes rush in. - And then? The cycle begins again, often to be
repeated 4 or 5 times more.
10Consciousness and Culture
- The ritual sweats of the Lakota are meant to
cleanse the mind and body. When they are
especially intense, they bring altered awareness
and personal revelation. - People seek some altered states for pleasure, as
is often true of drug intoxication. - Yet as the Lakota illustrate, many cultures
regard altered consciousness as a pathway to
enlightenment. - All cultures and most religions recognize and
accept some alterations of consciousness.
However, the meanings given to these states vary
greatly from signs of madness and
possession by spirits, to life enhancing
breakthroughs. - Thus, cultural conditioning greatly affects what
altered states each of us recognizes, seeks,
considers normal, - and attains.
- Each one of us will spend about 25 years of life
asleep. - Contrary to common belief, people are not totally
unresponsive during sleep! - Studies show that you are more likely to awaken
if you hear your own name spoken, instead of
another. - A sleeping mother may ignore a jet thundering
overhead, but wake at the slightest whimper of
her child. P.127.
- Some people can even do simple tasks while asleep
(like attend class)! - Just Kidding
- In one experiment, people learned to avoid an
electric shock by touching a switch after a tone
sounded. - Eventually, they could do it without waking.
- This is much like the basic survival skill of
turning off your alarm clock without waking. - Of course, sleep does impose some limitations.
There is no evidence that you can learn math, a
foreign language, or other complex skills while
asleep, especially when the snooze takes place in
class (Coon, p.228).
13The Need for Sleep
- Sleep is an innate biological rhythm (natural
bodily cycle), so it can never be entirely
sidestepped (Coon, p.228). - Sleep will give way temporarily, especially
during times of great danger. However, there are
limits to how long humans can go without
sleeping. - A rare disease that prevents sleep always ends
the same way The patient falls into a stupor,
followed by coma, followed by death (Oliwenstein,
- In various studies, animals have been placed on
moving treadmills over pools of water. This is
not a good way to get to sleep. Even so, sleep
always wins. - The animals soon begin to drift into repeated
microsleeps (a brief shift in brain activity to
patterns normally recorded during sleep). - When you drive, remember that a microsleep can
lead to a macro accident. Even a driver whose
eyes are open can be asleep for a few seconds.
Roughly 2 out of every 100 highway crashes are
caused by sleepiness (Coon, p. 228). - If you are struggling to stay awake while
driving, you should stop, quit fighting it, and
take a short nap. Tests show that coffee helps,
15Sleep Deprivation
- How long can a person go without sleep?
- With few exceptions, 4 days or more without sleep
becomes intolerable, but longer sleepless periods
are possible. - The world record is held by Randy Gardner, who at
age 17 went 268 hours (11 days) without sleep. - Surprisingly, Randy needed only 14 hours of sleep
to recover. - It is not necessary to completely replace lost
sleep. As Randy found, most symptoms of sleep
deprivation (sleep loss) are reversed by a single
nights rest.
16Effects of Sleep Loss
- What are the costs of sleep loss? Age and
personality make a big difference (Coon, p.228).
Randy Gardner remained clear-headed to the end of
his vigil. DJ Peter Tripps behavior became
quite bizarre (remember the coat of fuzzy
worms?). - In general, people show little impairment on
complex mental tasks after 2 or 3 days without
sleep. But most do decline in their ability to
pay attention. Staying alert and following
simple routines becomes very difficult. - As sleep expert Wilse Webb says, Its not your
thinking or memory that goes, its your will to
continue you would prefer to be asleep. - For a driver, pilot, or machine operator, this
may be enough to spell disaster.
17Effects of Sleep Loss
- It is not necessary to completely go without
sleep to feel the effects of sleep loss. - One third of all adults and most college students
get too little sleep every night. - Even this partial sleep deprivation leaves many
people exhausted, groggy, and unproductive by
midday. - Just one hour of lost sleep can affect mood,
memory, and the ability to pay attention (Coon,
18Determining Your Optimal Sleep Needs
- How can I tell how much sleep I really need?
- Pick a day when you feel rested. Then sleep that
night until you wake the next morning without an
alarm clock. - If you feel rested when you wake up, thats your
natural sleep need. - If youre sleeping fewer hours than you need, you
are building up a sleep debt every day.
19Sleep Deprivation Psychosis
- Severe sleep loss sometimes causes a temporary
sleep deprivation psychosis like DJ Peter Tripp
suffered. - Confusion, disorientation, delusions, and
hallucinations are typical of this reaction. - Hallucinations may be visual, like Tripps coat
of furry worms, or tactile, such as feeling
cobwebs on the face. - Fortunately, such crazy behavior is not common.
- Hallucinations and delusions rarely appear before
60 hours of wakefulness. - The most typical reactions to sleep loss are
trembling hands, drooping eyelids, inattention,
staring, increased pain sensitivity, and general
20Circadian Rhythms
- Circa (about) diem (a day).
- Circadian rhythms (p.129) are cyclical changes in
body functions and arousal that vary on a 24 hour
schedule. - Every 24 hours your body undergoes a marked cycle
of changes called circadian rhythms. - During the day, large changes take place in body
temperature, blood pressure, amino acid levels,
hormones, and other bodily processes.
21Circadian Rhythms
- These changes peak sometime each day. For
example, output of the hormone adrenaline, which
causes general arousal, is 3 to 5 times greater
during the day. - Most people are more energetic, alert, and in a
better mood at the high point of their circadian
rhythms. - Differences in such peaks are so basic that when
a day person rooms with a night person, both
tend to give their relationship a negative rating
(p.229). This is easy to understand what could
be worse than having someone bouncing around
cheerily when youre half asleep, or the reverse? - Rhythms of sleep and waking are so steady that
they continue for many days, even when clocks and
light-dark cycles are removed. - However, under such conditions, humans eventually
shift to a sleep-waking cycle that averages 25
hours, not 24. This suggests that external time
markers, especially light and dark, help tie our
sleep rhythms to a normal 24 hour day.
Otherwise, many of us would drift into our own
unusual sleep cycles.
22Circadian Rhythms
- Core body temperature is a good indicator of a
persons circadian rhythms (p. 129). - Most people reach a low point 2-3 hours before
their normal waking time. - Both the Chernobyl and Three Mile Island nuclear
power plant accidents occurred around 4 A.M.
Might circadian rhythms have played a role in
human error? - Rapid travel to a different time zone, shift
work, depression, and illness can throw sleep and
waking patterns out of synchronization with the
bodys core rhythm. Mismatches of this kind are
very disruptive.
23Sleep Patterns
- What is the normal range of sleep?
- A few individuals can get by on only an hour or
so of sleep a night, and feel perfectly fine.
However, this is rare. - Only 8 of the population are short sleepers,
averaging 5 hours of sleep or less per night. - On the other end of the scale we find long
sleepers, who doze 9 hours or more and tend to be
daytime worriers. - The majority of us sleep on a familiar 7 to 8
hour per night schedule. - Urging everyone to sleep 8 hours would be like
advising everyone to wear medium size shoes.
Some need more or less sleep than the average
24Shift Work and Jet Lag
- Jet Lag (p.129) Disturbed body rhythms caused by
rapid travel to a different time zone. - Basically, the peaks and valleys of a travelers
circadian rhythms are out of phase with the sun
and clocks. - Shift work has much the same effect as jet lag,
causing fatigue, irritability, upset stomach,
nervousness, depression, and a loss of mental
agility. - For major time zone shifts (5 hours or more), it
can take from several days to 2 weeks to
25Shift Work and Jet Lag
- Adaptation to jet lag is slowest when you stay
indoors (in a hotel room, for instance), where
you can continue to sleep and eat on home time. - Getting outdoors, where you must sleep, eat, and
socialize on the new schedule tends to speed
adaptation. - A 5 hour dose of bright sunlight early each day
in a new time zone is particularly helpful. The
same principle can be applied to shift work. In
this case, workers should be bathed in bright
light during their first few night shifts on a
new schedule. - The direction of travel also affects adaptation.
If you fly west, adapting is relatively easy,
taking an average of 4 to 5 days. If you fly
east, adapting takes 50 longer, or more. Why? - When you fly east, the un rises earlier than what
you are used to. When you fly west, the sun
comes up later. Getting up at 7 A.M. in New York
will be like getting up at 4 A.M. in Los Angeles.
- Preadaptation (Coon, p.231) Matching
sleep-waking cycles to a new time schedule before
an anticipated change in circadian rhythms.
Before traveling, for instance, you should go to
sleep 1 hour earlier (or later) each day until
your sleep cycle matches the time at your
destination. - If you are unable to do that, it helps to fly
early in the day when you fly east. When you fly
west, it is better to fly late. (Remember, the E
in east matches the E in early). - Most college students have burned the midnight
oil at one time or another, especially for final
exams. - However, it is wise to remember that any major
deviation from your regular schedule will
probably cost more than it is worth.
- Often, you can accomplish as much during 1 hour
in the morning as you could have in 3 hours of
work after midnight. The 2 hour difference in
efficiency might as well be spent sleeping. - If you feel you must depart from your normal
schedule, do it gradually over a period of days.
- In general, if you can anticipate an upcoming
body rhythm change (when traveling, before finals
week, or when doing shift work), it is best to
adapt yourself to your new schedule beforehand. - Melatonin (p.129) A hormone released by the
pineal gland in response to daily cycles to light
and dark. It is normally produced at night, and
is suppressed during daylight.
28Melatonin Resetting the Bodys Clock
- Melatonin has a strong impact on the timing of
body rhythms and sleep cycles. As far as the
brain is concerned, its bedtime when melatonin
levels rise. - To reset the bodys clock in a new time zone, a
small amount of melatonin can be taken about an
hour before bedtime. This dose is continued for
as many days as necessary to ease jet lag. - The same treatment can be used for rotating work
shifts, too.
29Stages of Sleep The Nightly Roller Coaster Ride
- Sleep patterns can be measured with an
electroencephalograph (EEG) or brain wave
machine. - The brain gives off tiny electrical signals that
can be amplified and recorded. - Beta Waves (pgs.130,132) Small, fast brain waves
associated with being awake and alert. - Immediately before sleep, the pattern shifts to
larger and slower waves called Alpha Waves
(large, slow brain waves associated with
relaxation and falling asleep). - Alpha waves also occur when a person is relaxed
and thoughts are allowed to drift. - As the eyes close, breathing becomes slow and
regular, pulse rate slows, and body temperature
drops. Soon after, four separate sleep stages
can be identified, based on a combination of
brain-wave patterns and behavioral changes.
30The Four Stages of Sleep Stage 1
- Stage 1 As you lose consciousness and enter
light sleep, your heart rate slows even more. In
stage 1 sleep, the EEG is made up mainly of
small, irregular waves with some alpha. -
- Persons awakened at this stage may or may not say
they were asleep. - Breathing becomes more irregular.
- The muscles of your body relax. This may trigger
a reflex muscle contraction throughout the body
called a hypnic jerk. - This is quite normal, so have no fear about
admitting to your friends that you fell asleep
with a hypnic jerk.
31The Four Stages of Sleep Stage 2
- Stage 2 As sleep deepens, body temperature drops
further. - Also, the EEG begins to include sleep spindles
(Coon, p.233), which are short bursts of
distinctive brain-wave activity that indicate a
person is asleep. - Spindles seem to mark the true boundary of sleep.
Within 4 minutes after spindles appear, most
people who are awakened say they were asleep.
32The Four Stages of Sleep Stage 3
- In stage 3, a new brain wave called delta
(p.130-132) begins to appear. - Delta waves are very large and slow brain waves
that occur in deeper sleep (stages 3 and 4). - The presence of delta waves signals deeper sleep
and a further loss of consciousness.
33The Four Stages of Sleep Stage 4
- Stage 4 Deep Sleep (the deepest level of normal
sleep) is reached after about an hour. - In stage 4, brain waves become almost pure delta
(large and slow), and the sleeper is in a state
of oblivion. - If you make a loud noise during stage 4 sleep,
the sleeper will awaken in confusion and may not
remember the noise. - After spending some time in stage 4, sleepers
return through stages 3 and 2 to stage 1.
Further shifts between deeper and lighter sleep
occur throughout the night.
34Rapid Eye Movement (REM)
- REM or Rapid Eye Movement (p.131) Swift eye
movements during sleep, strongly associated with
dreaming. - About 85 of the time, people awakened during REM
sleep report vivid dreams. - In addition to rapid eye movements, REM sleep is
marked by a return to fast, irregular EEG
patterns similar to stage 1 sleep. - REM sleep is easy to observe in pets, such as
dogs and cats. Watch for eye and facial
movements and for irregular breathing. - You can forget about your pet iguana, though.
Reptiles show no signs of REM sleep. Theyre
LIVIN the dream, baby!
35What is the purpose of REM Sleep?
- Early in life, dreaming may stimulate the
developing brain. - Newborn babies spend a hearty 8 or 9 hours a day
in REM sleep. Thats about 50 of their total
sleep time. - In adulthood, REM sleep increases after learning,
so it may help restore brain chemicals needed for
learning and memory. - Dreams may prevent sensory deprivation during
sleep and aid the processing of emotional events. - REM sleep also seems to help sort and integrate
memories formed during the day (p.131). - Speaking very loosely, it is as if the dreaming
brain reviews messages left during the day, in
order to decide which are worth keeping. - Although we have much to learn, it is clear that
REM sleep and dreaming are valuable for keeping
the brain in good working order.
36REM Sleep Deprivation
- How important is dream sleep? Is it essential
for normal functioning? - To answer these questions, researcher William
Dement awakened volunteers each time they entered
REM sleep. - He was punched in the face repeatedly.
- Just kidding.
- Soon, it seemed that their need to dream was
growing more urgent. - By the fifth night, many had to be awakened 20 or
30 times to prevent REM sleep.
37REM Sleep Deprivation
- When the volunteers were finally allowed to sleep
undisturbed, they dreamed extra amounts. This
effect, called a REM Rebound, explains why
alcoholics often have horrible nightmares after
they quit drinking. - Alcohol suppresses REM sleep and sets up a
powerful rebound when it is withdrawn. - It is worth remembering that while alcohol and
other depressant drugs may help a person get to
sleep, they greatly reduce the quality of sleep. - Dements volunteers complained of memory lapses,
poor concentration, and daytime anxiety. For a
while, it looked like people deprived of REM
sleep might go crazy. But this is now known as
the REM myth. - Later experiments showed that missing any sleep
stage can cause a rebound for that stage. In
general, daytime disturbances are related to the
total amount of sleep lost, not to the type of
sleep lost.
38NREM SLEEP Somnambulism
- NREM (Non Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep (p.131)
Sleep characteristic of stages 2, 3, and 4. - Somnambulism (sleepwalking) and sleeptalking
occur in NREM sleep, stages 3 and 4. - Being deeply asleep probably explains why
sleeptalking makes little sense and why
sleepwalkers are confused and remember little
when they are awakened.
39Night Terrors Nightmares
- Night Terrors (Coon, p.235) More intense than
ordinary nightmares. A state of total panic where
a person may hallucinate frightening dream images
into the room. Most children outgrow the problem
by adolescence. (Nevid, p.137) - Night terrors occur during NREM sleep.
- Since night terrors occur when the body is not
immobilized, the person may sit up, scream, get
out of bed, or run around. - Victims remember little afterward. Other family
members, however, may remember the incident for
quite some time!
40Night Terrors Nightmares
- Night terrors are most common in childhood, but
they continue to plague some adults throughout
their lives. - Nightmares (p.137) A bad dream that occurs
during REM sleep. - Most people have about 2 nightmares a month.
Nightmares are much less severe than Night
Terrors. People are more susceptible to
nightmares when they are under emotional stress,
have high fevers, or are suffering from sleep
41How to Eliminate a Nightmare
- A bad nightmare can be worse than any horror
movie. You can leave a theater, but often we
remain trapped in our most terrifying dreams. - Yet, bad as they may be, most nightmares can be
banished by following three simple steps - Write down your nightmare, describing it in
detail. - Next, change the dream any way you wish, being
sure to spell out the details of the new dream. - The third step is imagery rehearsal (Coon,
p.235), in which you mentally rehearse the
changed dream before you fall asleep again.
42How to Eliminate a Nightmare
- Imagery rehearsal may work because it makes
upsetting dreams familiar while a person is awake
and feeling safe. - Or perhaps it mentally reprograms future dream
content. - In any case, the technique has proved helpful for
many people (Krakow et al., 1996).
43Sleep Disturbances Things That go Wrong in the
- Hypersomnia Excessive daytime sleepiness. This
can result from depression, insomnia, narcolepsy,
sleep apnea, sleep drunkenness, periodic limb
movements, drug abuse, and other problems. - Insomnia Difficulty in getting to sleep or
staying asleep also, not feeling rested after
sleeping. - Narcolepsy Sudden, irresistible, daytime sleep
attacks that may last anywhere from a few minutes
to a half hour. Victims may fall asleep while
standing, talking, or even driving. - Nightmare Disorder Vivid, recurrent nightmares
that significantly disturb sleep. - Periodic Limb Movement Syndrome Muscle twitches
(primarily affecting the legs) that occur every
20 to 40 seconds and severely disturb sleep. - For more information, please refer to Coon p.236
or Nevid p.136.
44Sleep Disturbances Things That go Wrong in the
- REM behavior disorder A failure of normal muscle
paralysis, leading to violent actions during REM
sleep. - Restless Legs Syndrome An irresistible urge to
move the legs in order to relieve sensations of
creeping, tingling, prickling, aching, or
tension. - Sleep Apnea During sleep, breathing stops for 20
seconds or more until the person wakes a little,
gulps in air, and settles back to sleep this
cycle may be repeated hundreds of times per
night. - Sleep Drunkenness A slow transition to clear
consciousness after awakening sometimes
associated with irritable or aggressive behavior.
45Sleep Disturbances Things That go Wrong in the
- Sleep Terror Disorder The repeated occurrence of
night terrors that significantly disturb sleep - Sleep-Wake Schedule Disorder A mismatch between
the sleep-wake schedule demanded by a persons
bodily rhythm and that demanded by the
environment. - Sleepwalking Disorder Repeated incidents of
leaving bed and walking about while asleep.
46Dream Interpretation
- How meaningful are dreams? Calvin Hall, a noted
dream expert, collected and analyzed over 10,000
dreams (Hall et al., 1982). - Hall found that most dreams reflect everyday
events. - The favorite dream setting is usually a familiar
room in a house. - Action usually takes place between the dreamer
and two or three other emotionally important
people friends, enemies, parents, or employers.
- Dream actions are also mostly familiar running,
jumping, riding, sitting, talking, and watching. - For more information, please see Coon p. 237 or
Nevid pgs. 132-134.
47Dream Interpretation
- About half of all dreams have sexual elements.
- Dreams of flying, floating, and falling occur
less frequently. - Hall also found that if you are dreaming more
now, you may be enjoying it less. - Unpleasant emotions such as fear, anger, and
sadness are more common in dreams than pleasant
emotions (Coon, p.237). - Most theorists agree that dreams reflect our
waking thoughts, fantasies, and emotions. How
deep should we dig in interpreting dreams?
48Psychodynamic Dream Theory
- Some theorists believe that dreams have deeply
hidden meanings. Others regard dreams as
practically meaningless. - Psychodynamic Theory (p.134) Emphasizes internal
conflicts, motives, and unconscious forces. - Freuds book The Interpretation of Dreams in
1900 first advanced the idea that many dreams are
based on wish fulfillment (an expression of
unconscious desires). - Freud believed that the contents of our dreams
reflect internal conflicts and unconscious
motives. - While many of Freuds ideas are attractive, there
is evidence against them. For example,
volunteers in a study of starvation showed no
particular increase in dreams about food or
eating. - Freuds response would probably have been that
dreams rarely express needs so directly. One of
Freuds key insights is that ideas in dreams are
expressed as images or pictures, rather than in
49Psychodynamic Dream Theory
- Freud believed that dreams express unconscious
desires and conflicts as disguised dream symbols
(images that have deeper symbolic meaning). - Death might be symbolized as a journey, children
by small animals, or sexual intercourse by
horseback riding or dancing. - Similarly, a woman sexually attracted to her best
friends husband may dream of stealing her best
friends wedding ring and placing it on her own
hand, an indirect symbol of her true desires.
50The Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis
- Scientists Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley have
a radically different view of dreaming. - After studying REM sleep in cats, Hobson and
McCarley believe that dreams are made in this
way - During REM sleep, brain cells are activated that
normally control eye movements, balance, and
actions. However, messages from the cells are
blocked from reaching the body, so no movement
occurs. Nevertheless, the cells continue to tell
higher brain areas of their activities. - As it struggles to interpret this information,
the brain searches through stored memories and
manufactures a dream. Hobson and McCarley call
this view of dreaming the Activation-Synthesis
Hypothesis. - Hobson explains that the brain is turned on
(activated) during sleep, and then generates and
integrates (synthesizes) its own sensory and
motor information.
51The Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis
- How does the Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis help
explain dream content? Lets use the classic
chase dream as an example. - In such dreams we feel we are running but not
going anywhere. This occurs because the brain is
told the body is running, but it gets no feedback
from the motionless legs. - To make sense of this information, the brain
creates a chase drama. Viewed this way, dreams
have no hidden meanings. They are merely a
different kind of thinking that occurs during
52The Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis
- This hypothesis seems to account for some dream
experiences, but it does not explain why dreams
tend to be more about a persons current concerns
than other topics. - Many psychologists continue to believe that
dreams have deeper meaning. - If you would like to collect and interpret your
own dreams, the Applications section (Coon, p.
260 and Nevid, p.134) offers some suggestions for
getting started.
- Hypnosis (p.139) An altered state of
consciousness, characterized by a narrowed
attention and an increased openness to
suggestion. - Some psychologists define hypnosis as a blend of
conformity, relaxation, imagination, obedience,
suggestion, and role-playing. - Either way, the point is that hypnosis can be
explained by normal psychological principles. It
is not mysterious or magical.
54Hypnotic Susceptibility
- Interest in hypnosis began in the 1700s with
Franz Mesmer, whose name is the basis for the
term Mesmerize (to hypnotize). - EEG records made during hypnosis do not match
those seen during sleep (p.139). Hypnosis is not
sleep. - Can anyone be hypnotized? Hypnotic
susceptibility (ones capacity for being
hypnotized) about 8 people out of 10 can be
hypnotized, but only 4 out of 10 will be good
hypnotic subjects.
55Hypnotic Susceptibility
- People who are imaginative and prone to fantasy
are often very hypnotizable. But people who lack
these traits can also be hypnotized. - If you are willing to be hypnotized, chances are
good that you could be. Hypnosis depends more on
the efforts and abilities of the hypnotized
person than the skills of the hypnotist. - Make no mistake People who are hypnotized are
not merely faking their responses.
56Hypnotic Susceptibility
- Hypnotic susceptibility refers to how easily a
person can become hypnotized. It can be measured
by giving suggestions and counting the number to
which a person responds. - A typical hypnotic test is the Stanford Hypnotic
Susceptibility Scale (shown on Coon page 239).
It lists suggested behaviors (like eye closure
without forcing, hand lowering, and
immobilization), along with the criterion of
passing each task. If a subject voluntarily
complies, and becomes immobile upon request, or
closes the eyes as soon as it has been suggested,
they are deemed good candidates for hypnosis. - If you were to score high on the scale today, you
probably would score the same years from now.
Hypnotizability is very stable over time (Coon
57Inducing Hypnosis
- All hypnotic induction techniques encourage a
- person to
- Focus attention on what is being said.
- Relax and feel tired.
- Let go and accept suggestions easily.
- Use vivid imagination.
- Notice that a person must cooperate to become
hypnotized. Thats - why all hypnosis may really be self-hypnosis (or
autosuggestion). - From this perspective, hypnotists act as guides.
They basically - help another person follow a series of
suggestions. These, in turn, - alter sensations, perceptions, thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors.
58Effects of Hypnosis
- Many abilities have been tested during hypnosis,
leading to the following conclusions - Superhuman acts of strength hypnosis has no more
effect on physical strength than instructions
that encourage a person to make his or her best
effort. - Memory there is some evidence that hypnosis can
enhance memory. However, it frequently increases
the number of false memories, as well. For this
reason, many states now bar people who have been
hypnotized from testifying in court. - Amnesia A person told not to remember something
heard during hypnosis may claim not to remember.
In some instances, this may be nothing more than
a deliberate attempt to avoid thinking about
specific ideas. However, a recent study
concluded that brief memory loss of this type
actually does occur.
59Effects of Hypnosis
- Pain relief hypnosis can relieve pain (p.140).
Therefore, it can be especially useful in
situations where chemical painkillers cannot be
used or are ineffective. One such situation is
control of phantom limb pain (recurring pains
that amputees sometimes feel coming from the
missing limb). - Age regression Given the proper suggestions,
some hypnotized people appear to regress to
childhood. However, most theorists now believe
that age-regressed subjects are only acting out
a suggested role.
60Effects of Hypnosis
- Sensory Changes Hypnotic suggestions concerning
sensations are among the most effective. Given
the proper instructions, a person can be made to
smell a small bottle of ammonia and respond as if
it were a wonderful perfume. It is also possible
to alter color vision, hearing sensitivity, time
sense, perception of illusions, and many other
sensory responses. - Hypnosis is a valuable tool. It can help people
relax, feel less pain, and make better progress
in therapy. In general, hypnosis is more
successful at changing subjective experience than
it is at modifying behaviors such as smoking or
overeating. Thus, hypnotic effects are useful,
but seldom amazing.
- Meditation is one way to elicit the relaxation
response (the pattern of internal bodily changes
that occurs during times of relaxation). This
relaxation response is an innate physiological
pattern that opposes the bodys fight-or-flight
mechanisms. - Meditation takes two major forms
- Concentrative Meditation Attention is given to a
single focal point, such as a thought, an object,
or ones own breathing. - Receptive Meditation Open or expansive in this
case, attention is widened to embrace a total,
non-judgmental awareness of the world. An
example is losing all self-consciousness while
walking in the wilderness with a quiet and
receptive mind. - Receptive meditation is more difficult to attain
than concentrative meditation. - Relaxation can be mental as well as physical.
Meditation may be beneficial for people who find
it difficult to turn off upsetting thoughts
when they need to relax. Instructions for simple
concentrative meditation are found on Coon page