The Sign of the Cross - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Sign of the Cross


The Sign of the Cross Taken from the Fountain of Catholic Knowledge OFFICE OF CATHOLIC PUBLICATIONS, Imprimatur, 1877 and from THE CATECHIST, by the Very Rev. Canon Howe, – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Sign of the Cross

The Sign of the Cross
  • Taken from the
  • Fountain of Catholic KnowledgeOFFICE OF CATHOLIC
  • Imprimatur, 1877and from
  • by the Very Rev. Canon Howe,
  • Imprimatur, 1898

  • In all the works of God there is nothing that is
    worthless or insignificant.

The smallest flower, a grain of dust, the tiniest
insect, each and all reveal the wisdom, the
omnipotence, the infinite greatness of their
Creator, as clearly as the sun itself and all
the glories of the starlit heavens.
  • And thus it is with the Catholic faith
  • it has come forth,
  • like the great world of nature,
  • from the hands of God Himself
  • or, rather,

it is that manifestation, that revelation, which
God has made of Himself to the reasonable
creatures whom He has deigned to create.
  • And therefore we may discover,
  • even in the smallest details of the faith we
  • a depth and beauty no less wonderful than the
    loveliness of nature
  • and in contemplating both we may truly exclaim,

God alone could work such wonders the finger of
God is there!
  • Let us take, for example, The Sign of the Cross
  • that simple religious act which is so universal
    and so frequently practiced during the course of
    the day.
  • We all make this holy sign,
  • but how many of us give any thought to the
    mysteries it signifies!

  • From want of reflection,
  • we fail to attach to the Sign of the Cross
  • the importance that it merits.

It was first instituted by the Apostles
themselves, who, invested with the authority of
Jesus Christ, taught this religious practice to
the first disciples of the Gospel. The Sign of
the Cross is the sign of the Christian, that is
to say, it is the outward sign which
distinguishes the Christian from other men.
The Sign of the Cross
  • And why is this?
  • Because it recalls to him who makes it, and to
    those who see it made, that Jesus Christ is the
    God of Christians and the Lord of their whole
  • Because it reminds us that God has loved us so
    much as to give Himself up for our sakes to
    suffer on the Cross, and that we must love Him
    with our whole hearts.

It places incessantly before our eyes Jesus
Christ crucified Jesus crucified is the Divine
and living rule of life to each one of His
disciples, and His sacred Cross their moral law.
The Sign of the Cross
  • The sign of the Cross recalls to those who make
    it with reverence and devotion
  • that they are bound to imitate in their daily
  • the penance, mortification, humility, meekness,
    patience, detachment, chastity, and obedience
  • of their Master

His love for His heavenly Father! His love for
His Blessed Mother! His love toward all men!
His mercy to His enemies! His love of
The Sign of the Cross
  • The Sign of the Cross is distinctively the sign
    of the Christian,
  • because it reminds us of the blessed eternity
    which awaits us.
  • It was after His passion and death that Jesus
    rose again.
  • And by His Cross He entered into glory.
  • And so it must be with His disciples!

Their glory in heaven must be the full fruition
of the crucified life they have led on earth,
like unto the life of their Savior.
The Sign of the Cross
  • The Gospel also declares to us that when He comes
    at the last day to judge the world,
  • the sacred sign of the Cross shall appear in the
  • to be recognized by the elect with thankfulness
    and love,
  • and by the reprobate with fear and trembling

for then shall it be the disciples of the Cross,
and none but they, whom He will acknowledge for
His Own.
The Sign of the Cross
  • It is the sign of the Christian because it brings
    before our minds the most important doctrines of
    the Catholic faith.
  • It recalls the mystery of the holy and undivided
  • for in making it we say,
  • In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
    the Holy Spirit
  • three persons, but one God.
  • In the name and not, In the names!

  • And also the mystery of the Incarnation,
  • the coming down of the Son of God from Heaven to
    earth, to assume a body and soul like ours in the
    womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary

in saying "In the Name of the Son," we move the
hand down from the forehead to the breast, a
lively image of the annihilation of the Son of
God, who reposes in the hearts of the faithful,
as formerly in the chaste womb of Mary.
  • And, again, the mystery of the Redemption,
  • since it was upon the Cross
  • He died to wash away our sins,
  • to merit for us pardon and salvation,
  • and to open the gates of Heaven
  • which sin had closed.

The Sign of the Cross
  • And the mystery of the Church of God,
  • that great society of the disciples of Jesus
  • that perfect union, holy, Catholic, and
  • of the children of the Cross
  • since, being the same for all,
  • it is necessarily the sign of their union
  • in one body under one head
  • a most distinctive mark of the Catholic Church,
  • it recalls by its unity
  • that the Church is one,
  • and by its universality
  • that the Church is Catholic.

The Sign of the Cross
  • In considering all that is symbolized by this
  • sacred Sign,
  • we come to clearly understand why it is employed
    by the Church in the administration of all holy
  • in the Sacraments,
  • in every blessing,
  • at the beginning and end of her prayers.

The Sign of the Cross
  • Let us make it often,
  • but especially when tempted and when troubled
  • also before and after meals

and when we make it, let us be careful to
remember what it signifies, and the obligations
imposed on all who bear the holy name of
  • The Sign of the Cross reminds us of the Blessed
    Trinity and that God the Son died on the Cross.
  • It revives our faith with belief in the Unity and
    Trinity of God and the Incarnation and
  • It strengthens our hope by recalling that all
    blessings come through the Cross and by fostering
    a habit of seeking aid through the Cross.
  • Finally, it nourishes our charity symbolized by
    fortitude in acting as soldiers of Christ and
    Patience in disciples of Christ.

The Sign of the Cross
  • USE OF THE SIGN OF THE CROSS The Sign of the
    Cross is used in public worship.
  • During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,
  • at the beginning, end and during the Divine
  • in all Blessings by Bishops and Priests,
  • in the administration of the Sacraments,
  • 14 times in Baptism
  • 17 times in Extreme Unction
  • and on everything blessed for the service of God,
  • such as altars, linen, holy water, etc.

  • USE OF THE SIGN OF THE CROSS The Sign of the
    Cross is also used in personal devotions.
  • The first thing in the morning and the last thing
    we do at night in order to seek God's protection
    day and night,
  • before and after prayers against distractions,
  • before and after meals against excess and danger,
  • in dangers of the soul, such as temptations,
    occasions of sin, etc.,
  • (the devil fears the Cross, for by it he was
  • and in dangers of the body, such as storm,
    sickness, and travel.
  • The Sign of the Cross should always be used
    before our chief actions and undertakings in
    order to sanctify them and obtain God's blessing.

The Sign of the Cross

It is used to banish the devil, work miracles,
and to cure disease.
The Sign of the CrossTHE MANNER IN WHICH THE
  • The Cross is used on the person as the badge of a
  • Every society has its badge, such as a garter,
    ribbon or medal.
  • It is found in Churches, houses and private
  • It is found on Churches, schools and buildings as
    the ensign of the King who reigned from the
  • Finally, the Cross is found throughout Christian
    art in order to sanctify it and make it minister
    to the glory of the Cross.

The Sign of the Cross
  • We must never fear to make the Sign of the Cross
    when required
  • Always make it with reverence and care
  • Make it on the heart in time of temptation and
    trial remembering that the evil spirits always
    feel its presence
  • Meditation on the Cross gives us
  • courage, devotion, virtues,
  • and we should respect it in any form.

The Sign of the Cross
  • The Sign of the Cross is a sacramental if we make
    it with the right hand by touching the forehead
  • (showing our belief in the Cross),
  • the breast
  • (showing our love of the Cross),
  • and the shoulders
  • (showing our readiness to bear the Cross).
  • Sometimes a triple Cross is made with the thumb
    for example at the reading of the Gospel.
  • It is made on the forehead, on the heart, and on
    the lips in order to show our readiness to
    profess the Cross.

The Sign of the Cross
    importance cannot be attached to the necessity of
    making this sacred Sign with reverence and
  • Any Catholic who with love performs this simple
    act of piety will soon see its excellent effects,
  • and we propose it to all as one of the easiest
    and most efficacious means of sanctifying the

The Sign of the Cross
    necessary to be very careful never to make the
    Sign of the Cross badly
  • that is, to make it from habit without thinking
    of it, and when laughing,
  • or to make it in haste without taking the trouble
    to move the right hand from the forehead to the
    breast, and from the left shoulder, to the right.
  • It is not necessary every time you cross yourself
    to say,
  • "In the Name of the Father," etc.
  • it is good and beneficial to repeat this
  • but it is both useful and holy to cross yourself
    without saying anything.

The Sign of the Cross
  • Nothing is more edifying than to see a Christian
    make the Sign of the Cross with care and
    reverence and in a truly Catholic spirit.
  • The celebrated Pere de Ravignan always crossed
    himself with scrupulous care anyone might see
    that he was proud to sign himself with the Cross
    of Christ.

By this he preached even before preaching, and
made a deep impression upon his hearers without
having said a single word. A Protestant
clergyman who went to hear him one day at Notre
Dame said to his companion, after having seen the
venerable religious sign himself with such holy
and majestic gravity, "He has preached already
the sermon is finished and we might go."
The Sign of the Cross rightly made
  • unites the soul to God,
  • gives the spirit of recollection,
  • drives away the devil,
  • and powerfully dissipates temptation.

It gives to the Christian the spirit of faith,
and preserves him from distraction and from
worldliness but if made with negligence, it
loses all its influence and virtue.
The Sign of the Cross
  • Parents and teachers should carefully impress
    upon children this religious practice
  • and since childrenĀ imitate all they see,
  • fathers and mothers, grandfathers and
    grandmothers should begin by practicing what they
  • and should always,
  • both at home and at church,
  • before and after work,
  • before and after meals,
  • make the Sign of the Cross
  • like true and faithful Catholics.

The Sign of the Cross
  • How do you make the Sign of the Cross?
  • Do you make it often during the day?
  • Form now an earnest resolution
  • to do all things in the spirit of faith,
  • and never to make with
  • indifference and distraction
  • the sacred sign of
  • Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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