History of Medicare and Medicaid - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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History of Medicare and Medicaid


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: History of Medicare and Medicaid

History ofMedicare and Medicaid
  • The following chronology is based on a document
    originally prepared by the Social Security
    Administration (SSA).
  • Presented by Peter A. Bell, D.O.

  • The Technical Committee on Medical Care was
    established under the interdepartmental Committee
    to Coordinate Health and Welfare Activities. The
    Technical Committee was composed of staff members
    of the
  • Children's Bureau
  • U.S. Public Health Service
  • Social Security Board

February 1938
  • The report of the Technical Committee on Medical
    Care,"A National Health Program A Summary," was

July 18-20, 1938
  • The National Health Conference was held in
    Washington under the auspices of the
    Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health
    and Welfare Activities, to bring the problems of
    national health and certain recommendations for a
    national health program before professional
    groups and the public.

January 23, 1939
  • A Health Security Message of the President was
    transmitted to Congress the report and
    recommendations of the Interdepartmental
    Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare

February 1939
  • The American Medical Association established a
    "National Physicians Committee for the Extension
    of Medical Services, to fight the anticipated
    Wagner Bill.

February 28, 1939
  • Senator Robert Wagner introduced S.1620 to create
    the National Health Act of 1939.
  • A national compulsory health insurance for almost
    all employees and their dependents was proposed
    by this Bill.

February 28, 1939 (cont.)
  • Benefits were to include physician's services,
    hospitalization, drugs, and laboratory diagnostic
  • Costs were to be covered through employer and
    employee contributions which were to have been
    deposited in a health insurance fund. The plan
    was to be administered through the States. No
    final action was taken on the Bill--although
    hearings were held April 29-July 13. The Bill
    died in committee.

January 11, 1944
  • President Roosevelt outlined in his State of the
    Union Message, an "economic Bill of rights,"
    which included "the right to adequate medical
    care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy
    good health." However, he did not make any
    subsequent proposal for health insurance.

January 6, 1945
  • President Roosevelt in his State of the Union
    message again made reference to the right to
    "good medical care" but made no specific

November 19, 1945
  • In a special message to Congress, President
    Truman proposed a comprehensive, prepaid medical
    insurance plan for all people through the Social
    Security system.

November 19, 1945 (cont.)
  • The plan would have covered doctors, hospital,
    nursing, laboratory and dental services for
    people covered by the Social Security program
    (medicare) it would also have provided benefits
    financed from Federal Revenues for needy people
  • A revised Wagner-Murray-Dingell Bill providing
    for National Health Insurance was immediately

May 19, 1947
  • President Truman, in a special health message to
    Congress, again requested a compulsory national
    health program. Senate Bill 1320 was introduced
    by Senators Wagner and Murray. Senator Taft's
    Bill was also reintroduced.

January 5, 1949
  • In his State of the Union Message, President
    Truman again called for compulsory national
    health insurance for persons of all ages,
    financed by a Federal payroll tax (medicare tax).

December 29, 1951
  • President Truman created, by executive order, the
    President's Commission on the Health Needs of the
  • The Commission was to determine the Nation's
    total health requirements, both immediate and
    long term, and to recommend courses of action to
    meet those needs.

February 26, 1952
  • Federal Security Administrator Oscar Ewing
    proposed a substitute health insurance measure
    limited to the payment, through the Social
    Security system, of hospital costs for retired
    beneficiaries and their dependents as a step
    toward a larger goal (medicare part A).

September 13, 1960
  • The Social Security Amendments of 1960 were
  • The new law provided increased Federal grants to
    States for medical care programs for aged people
    getting old-age assistance if the increase was
    spent on vendor medical payments.

  • vs

September 13, 1960 (cont.)
  • In addition, a new program (commonly referred to
    as "Kerr-Mills") of Federal grants to States for
    vendor medical care programs for aged people not
    on public assistance but unable to pay for needed
    medical services was provided.
  • Old-age and survivors' insurance was amended to
    provide disability insurance benefits to disabled
    workers of all ages and to their dependents the
    retirement test was liberalized, as well as were
    eligibility requirements.

November 8, 1960
  • President-elect Kennedy appointed a "Task Force
    on Health and Social Security for the American
    People", with Wilbur J. Cohen as Chairman.
  • The task force was directed to review, from among
    the most pressing and significant health and
    welfare proposals, those which should have
    priority in the initial phase of the new

January 10, 1961
  • The Task Force on Health and Social Security for
    the American People was reported to the
    President. The report made a number of
    recommendations regarding health care, including
    a program of hospital insurance for the aged
    through the Social Security system.

February 13, 1961
  • H.R. 4222, the Health Insurance Benefits Act of
    1961, proposing a program along the lines set
    forth by the President, was introduced by
    Representative King of California. S. 909, a
    companion Bill, was introduced in the Senate by
    Senator Anderson. The House Bill was referred to
    the Committee on Ways and Means.

January 11, 1962
  • In his State of the Union Message, President
    Kennedy renewed his 1961 request that the
    old-age, survivors, and disability provisions of
    the Social Security Act be amended to provide
    health insurance for the aged.

February 27, 1962
  • In his Health Message, President Kennedy renewed
    his 1961 request that the old-age, survivors and
    disability provisions of the Social Security Act
    be amended to provide health insurance protection
    for the aged.

July 21,1964
  • The Senate Special Aging, Health of the Elderly
    Subcommittee released its report, entitled, "Blue
    Cross and Private Health Insurance Coverage of
    Older Americans.
  • It stated that private health insurance was
    unable to provide the large majority of older
    Americans with "adequate hospital protection at
    reasonable premium cost."

January 7, 1965
  • President Johnson's first legislative message to
    the 89th Congress, Advancing the Nation's Health,
    detailed a program including hospital insurance
    for the aged under Social Security and health
    care for needy children (beginning of SCHIP).

March 23, 1965
  • The Committee on Ways and Means of the House of
    Representatives approved a Bill to replace the
    Administration's proposal with an unprecedented
    package of health benefits and Social Security
    improvements. (The Mills Bill)

March 24, 1965
  • H.R. 6675 was introduced by Representative Wilbur
    Mills as the "Social Security Amendments of 1965."

April 8, 1965
  • The House passed H. R. 6675, the "Mills Bill,"
    without amendment
  • Medicare was about to be born

July 30,1965
  • President Johnson signed H.R. 6675 to provide
    health insurance for the elderly.
  • It was signed in Independence, Missouri, in the
    presence of Harry S. Truman who opened the fight
    for such legislation in a message to Congress in

January 1966
  • States were authorized to set up new medical
    assistance and medical assistance to the aged
    programs, with the Federal government to pay from
    50 to 85 of the cost.

February 12, 1966
  • The Social Security Administration announced the
    selection of 32 Blue Shield organizations, 16
    commercial insurance companies and one private
    insurer to perform the major administrative
    functions of the voluntary part of the Medicare

March 31, 1966
  • This was the deadline for Social Security
    beneficiaries to enroll in the voluntary medical
    insurance program for coverage to start on July
    1, 1966.
  • All beneficiaries who reached their 65th birthday
    prior to January 1, 1966, were eligible.

March 31, 1966 (cont.)
  • Persons who reached their 65th birthday after
    that date had to enroll during the three-month
    period before they became 65.
  • The medical insurance payment of 3 a month was
    to be taken out of the person's Old-Age,
    Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI)
    check, but his public assistance grants could be
    raised to compensate for the deduction.

July 1, 1966
  • On this date all persons over 65 were
    automatically covered under all of the hospital
    insurance provisions of the new legislation,
    except for the nursing home provision.
  • Public assistance funds were needed to pay the
    deductibles for those who could not afford them.

July 1, 1966 (cont.)
  • Benefits under the voluntary medical insurance
    program began for OASDI beneficiaries who signed
    up for it earlier and for elderly persons who
    received public assistance payments in States
    that previously entered into an agreement for
    their coverage.

January 2, 1968
  • President Johnson signed into law the 1967
    Amendments to the Social Security Act. In
    addition to a 13 increase in benefits, the
    measure made changes in the minimum benefit, in
    the retirement test, in disability benefits,
    coverage, hospital and Medicare insurance and
    increased the earnings base from 6,600 to 7,800.

January 13, 1969
  • The Secretary of the Health, Education and
    Welfare (HEW), sent to the President the report
    of the Task Force on Prescription Drugs as called
    for by the 1967 amendments.

January 15, 1969
  • President Johnson's budget proposed a minimum 10
    increase in Social Security benefit payments for

March 4, 1969
  • Regulations were issued by HEW to the States to
    ensure efficient and economical use of Medicaid
  • Under the new regulations, States had to include
    in the administration of the Medicaid program
    procedures to review the utilization of health
    care services provided by the program.

May 1969
  • Secretary Finch released the final report of the
    Task Force on Prescription Drugs. Dr. Philip R.
    Lee headed the Task Force from its inception in
    May 19, 1967.
  • The Task Force's charge was to study the
    possibility of adding prescription drug coverage
    to the recently enacted Medicare program.

July 1969
  • The Bureau of Health Insurance set up a program
    in SRS integrity staff to counter abuses in the
    health insurance program.

  • HEW Secretary Finch established a Secretary's
    Task Force on Medicaid and Related Programs.
  • The President of the National Blue Cross
    Association, Walter J. McNurney, was made
    chairman Arthur Hess was its staff director.

October 30, 1972
  • President Nixon signed the Social Security
    Amendments of 1972 (PL 92-603).
  • The law liberalized several of the cash benefit
    provisions, made substantial changes in Medicare,
    revised the contribution schedule, amended some
    coverage provisions, and established a new
    Federal security income program for the needy
    aged, blind, and disabled (the SSI program).

  • The Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)
    was created to administer both the Medicare and
    Medicaid programs.
  • About 1,500 employees were transferred to HCFA
    from the Social Security Administration.

January 26, 1982
  • In his State of the Union Address President
    Reagan called for the transfer of 47 Billion in
    Federal programs to the jurisdiction of State and
    local governments.
  • Among other things, the proposal would give the
    States full responsibility for Aid to Families
    with Dependent Children and food stamps and the
    Federal government full responsibility for the
    Medicaid program.

August 5, 1997
  • President Clinton signed H.R. 2015, the Balanced
    Budget Act of 1997 (BBA), into law.
  • The BBA made the most far reaching changes in the
    Medicare program since enactment.

August 5, 1997 (cont.)
  • It extended the insolvency of the HI trust fund
    to 2010, reduced the rate of increase in payments
    to providers, created several new prospective
    payment systems, added coverage of certain
    preventive benefits, and added the
    MedicareChoice program which allows Medicare
    beneficiaries to choose additional types of
    health plans.

August 5, 1997 (cont.)
  • The BBA also created the new State Children's
    Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) which is
    designed to assist those working families with
    incomes too high for Medicaid but too low to be
    able to afford private health insurance.

November 29, 1999
  • President Clinton signed the Medicare, Medicaid,
    and SCHIP Balanced Budget Refinement Act of 1999
  • It made numerous changes to the Medicare program
    aimed at reducing the impact of the payment
    reductions to providers in the BBA of 1997,
    stabilized the SCHIP allotment formula and
    modified the Medicaid DSH program.

November 29, 1999 (cont.)
  • On December 17, 1999, President Clinton signed
    the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives
    Improvement Act of 1999 (TWWIIA) which expanded
    the availability of Medicare and Medicaid for
    certain disabled beneficiaries who return to work.

December 21, 2000
  • President Clinton signed the Benefits Improvement
    and Protection Act of 2000 (BIPA).
  • It made numerous changes to the Medicare,
    Medicaid and SCHIP programs.
  • Other related legislation improved Medicaid
    coverage of certain women's health services.

November 2003
  • US Congress in active debates to provide a drug
    prescription benefit to all Medicare recipients.
  • Cost appears prohibitive and various formulas are
    offered to reduce federal expense while taking
    into account individual Medicare recipients
    personal wealth.

Timeline Summary
  • BC Greek City States with health ins.
  • 1798 US Gov Marine Hospital ins.
  • 1854 Prussian health ins.
  • 1883 German health ins.
  • 1902 US Workers Comp ins. (unconstitutional)
  • 1908 Work Comp. ins. for Fed. Employees
  • 1911 British National health ins.
  • 1912 T Roosevelt proposes social/health ins.
  • 1913-29 Great Debate of social responsibility
  • 1933 Blue Cross established
  • 1935 First Fed health ins. Epstein bill (failed)

Timeline Summary
  • 1938 Report, A National Health Program A
  • 1939 National Health Act
  • Comprehensive employee/employer plan
  • AMA opposes
  • Fails
  • 1944-45 Pres Roosevelt calls for health ins. Plan
  • 1945 Pres Truman proposes plan thru SS
  • 1947 Truman requests a compulsory plan
  • 1949 Truman props plan thru Fed payroll tax
  • 1951 Truman Commission Health Needs of the
  • 1952 Proposal SS pay for hospital care

Timeline Summary
  • 1960 SS Amendments
  • Increase Fed grants to states for care to elderly
  • Pres Kennedy
  • Task Force on Health and SS for American People
  • 1961 Health Ins. Benefits Act 61
  • died in committee
  • 1962 Pres Kennedy request to expand SS Act
  • 1964 Senate Subcommittee on Aging/Elderly
  • Conclude unable to provide majority of elderly w/
    adequate hospital coverage at reasonable cost

Timeline Summary
  • 1965 Pres Johnson proposes SS hospital
    coverage plus needy child
  • Mills Bill SS Amendments 65 passed
  • July 30th Pres Johnson signs bill enacting
    Medicare/Medicaid with former Pres Truman as
    special guest
  • 1966 States set up the new programs
  • BS and commercial carriers administer
  • Persons 65 voluntarily enroll

Timeline Summary
  • 1968 Pres Johnson expands coverage/benefits
  • 1969 Task Force on Medicaid/related prgrms
  • 1972 Pres Nixon established SSI
  • 1977 HCFA created
  • 1982 Pres Reagan
  • Transferred and responsibility for Aid to
    Families w/ Dependant Child and Food Stamps to
  • Fed government still responsible for Medicaid
  • 1997 Pres Clinton Balanced Budget Act 97
  • Decrease GME payment schedule
  • Decrease provider payment schedule
  • Extend insolvency of health ins. Trust to 2010
  • Created SCHIP

Timeline Summary
  • 1999 Pres Clinton Balanced Budget Act 99
  • Adjusted payments to providers
  • Stabilized SCHIP
  • Modified DSH (disproportionate share hospitals)
  • Pres Clinton Ticket to Work Incentives
    Improvement Act of 99
  • Disabled get health ins. If return to work
  • 2000 Pres Clinton Benefits Improvement and
    Protection Act 00
  • 2003 Medicare Prescription Benefit
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