Quantum Mechanics Calculations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Quantum Mechanics Calculations


... include: GAMESS, GAUSSIAN, JAGUAR (PS-GVB), SPARTAN. Semi- Empirical ... Specific implementations include: SPARTAN, AMPAC, MOPAC, and ZINDO. Assumptions ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Quantum Mechanics Calculations

Quantum Mechanics Calculations
  • Based on the Schrödinger equation
  • H? E?

The Schrödinger equation
  • Schrödinger 's equation addresses the following
  • Where are the electrons and nuclei of a molecule
    in space? configuration, conformation, size,
    shape, etc.
  • Under a given set of conditions, what are their
    energies? heat of formation, conformational
    stability, chemical reactivity, spectral
    properties, etc.

Schrödinger equation
  • Schrödinger 's equation for molecular systems can
    only be solved approximately.
  • The approximation methods can be categorized as
    either ab initio or semi-empirical.
  • Semi-empirical methods use parameters that
    compensate for neglecting some of the time
    consuming mathematical terms in Schrödinger 's
    equation, whereas ab initio methods include all
    such terms.
  • The parameters used by semi-empirical methods can
    be derived from experimental measurements or by
    performing ab initio calculations on model systems

Ab Initio
  • Limited from tens to 100 atoms.
  • Can be applied to organics, organo-metallics, and
    molecular fragments (e.g., an enzyme catalytic
  • Calculations are generally gas phase but
    continuum solvent can be simulated.
  • Can be used to study ground states, transition
    states, and excited states.
  • Specific implementations include GAMESS,

Semi- Empirical
  • Limited to hundreds of atoms, including small
    proteins (MOPAC 2000).
  • Can be applied to organics, organo-metallics, and
    small oligomers (peptide, nucleotide,
  • Can be used to study ground states, transition
    states, and excited states.
  • Specific implementations include SPARTAN, AMPAC,
    MOPAC, and ZINDO

  • Nuclei and electrons are distinguished from each
    other -gt electronic motion and nuclear motion are
  • Electron-electron interactions are usually
    averaged (SCF theory), but electron-nuclear
    interactions are explicit.
  • Interactions are governed by nuclear and electron
    charges (potential energy) and electron motions
    (kinetic energy).
  • Interactions determine the spatial distribution
    of nuclei and electrons and their energies.

Standing Waves in a Clamped String
Standing Waves in a Clamped String
  • Waves can be generated by plucking (adding energy
    to) the string.
  • Waves in a clamped string must adopt discrete
    wavelengths because the ends of the string cannot
    be displaced.

Standing Waves in a Clamped String
  • Such waves can be mathematically described by
    solving the wave equation shown below for ?.
  • The one-dimensional form of the so-called wave
    equation is sufficient to describe the clamped
    string model

Standing Waves in a Clamped String
  • The solutions to the wave equation, ?, are called
  • ???is proportional to the energy density at any
    point along the wave (i.e. the amount of energy
    from the pluck that is stored in each part of the

The Schrödinger equation for a one electron atom
  • H? E?
  • Where, H (-h2/8?2m) ???? V
  • But V -Ze2/r
  • So,
  • (-h2/8?2m) ???-Ze2/r ? E?

Properties of ?
  • Each ??and its corresponding energy describe a
    single electron bound to a nucleus of charge Ze.
  • They are called one-electron orbitals (often
    called hydrogen-like atomic orbitals).
  • They are designated as 1s, 2s, 2p, etc.
  • ?2 gives the probability density of finding an
    electron at a given point in space.
  • Each ? can be contoured (i.e. graphed at a
    constant value) to give the familiar atomic

Molecular Orbital Theory
  • The LCAO Approximation
  • Let ?? represent a molecular wavefunction
  • And ??represent an atomic wavefunction
  • Then ??i ??cij ?j
  • Plug into Schrödinger equation to get some pretty
    complicated equations - See NIH Guide to
    Molecular Modeling for additional details

Semi-Empirical Methods
  • MNDO
  • AM1
  • PM3
  • Etc.

Ab Initio Methods (Basis Sets)
  • STO-3G
  • Gaussian Orbital Basis Sets
  • 3-21G()
  • 6-31G
  • 6-31G
  • etc.

Quantities Obtained from MO Calculations
  • Molecular orbital energies, Ei, and coefficients
  • Total electronic energy, Eelec, calculated from
    the sum of the Coulomb integrals (Hij) and the
    molecular orbital energies Ei for all molecular
    orbitals in a molecule.
  • Total nuclear repulsion energy Vnucleus-nucleus.
  • Total energy, Etot, calculated from Eelec
  • Heat of Formation, calculated from Etot -
    Eisolated atoms. The heat of formation is used
    for evaluating conformational energies.

Quantities Obtained from MO Calculations
  • Heat of Formation, calculated from Etot -
    Eisolated atoms. The heat of formation can used
    for evaluating conformational energies.
  • Partial atomic charges, q, calculated from the
    molecular orbital coefficients using methods such
    as Mulliken population analysis, or using
    electrostatic potential fitting methods (Wendy
    Cornell, UCSF now at Novartis Pharmaceuticals).
  • Electrostatic potential.
  • Dipole moment.
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